Centaur’s Wife

: Chapter 3

“Get up,” Miri commanded, nudging her with a pointed toe.

Lianna rolled to her side, partly to wake up, partly to escape Miri’s annoying foot. Her head was pounding with the aftereffects of last night’s celebration. Her pussy pounded in counterpoint to the headache, but that was a pleasant pounding, exactly like the pounding that Proval had given her. She managed to force open her eyes. Proval was snoring next to her, his back to her. He had spent the night with her. That was a first that she could remember.

“Why do I have to get up?”

“Dirna has to work on you.”

With great effort Lianna managed to force herself to her feet and followed Miri out of the tent. She wondered why Miri was doing this lowly task. She thought the redhead held a position of importance in the herd. They hadn’t made it halfway to Dirna’s tent—though Lianna figured the tent probably belonged to whichever centaur Dirna was mated to—when Miri abruptly pushed her into a different tent. Lianna didn’t have time to resist. She simply wound up on her back, sprawled on the earth. This was a tent different from the other’s she had been in. It was obviously for women only. There was precious little in it. None of the rugs or decorations the centaur’s favored. A hazy smoke rose from a brazier in the middle of the tent, the scent almost too sweet to be enjoyable.

Several hands grabbed her, Miri’s assistants, no doubt, and Lianna was dragged forcibly upright by her arms and hair, both of which annoyed her, but the hair was the worse because pulling on her tresses just made her headache worse. She didn’t have presence of mind to bother resisting. “Squat and pee,” Miri ordered, shoving a large brass bowl between her knees. Peering into the bowl Lianna saw it was filled with white petals from a flower.

“What?” the command was nonsensical. She did have to void her bladder, but not in the middle of the tent in a bowl. It was an activity best done near, or in, the creek.

“Pee in the bowl,” Miri hissed at her. The other women got her into position on knees and toes with the bowl under her body. When Lianna looked questioningly at her, Miri slapped her across the face. “Just do it.” Another backhand followed the first slap and Lianna started shaking with fear. That was enough for her to start the stream of piss from her body. Most of it went into the bowl while Miri watched intently.

Even before Lianna was done Miri cried out with a curse. “Fuck!” She kicked the bowl, splattering the pee on Lianna and one of the other women. “Get her out of here,” Miri barked and stomped out of the tent. “Take her to fucking Dirna’s.”

The woman who was drenched with Lianna’s piss pulled her from the tent and herded her to the creek to wash off. “What the fuck was that about?” Lianna asked the nameless servant.

“You didn’t see?”

“See what?”

“The flowers.”

“In the bowl? Yeah. White flowers?”

The woman shook her head. “You turned them blue.”

Lianna splashed creek water on her thighs and furrowed her brow at the woman. “I peed on them. They must have turned yellow.”

Once more the servant shook her head. “No. You turned them blue. It’s a test we’ve learned. Jezebel flower petals turn blue when a pregnant woman pees on them.”

Half stunned into silence, Lianna didn’t resist at all when the woman took her elbow and guided her to Dirna’s tent.

The old woman was waiting for her, or so it seemed. The small tent was empty but for her and the tools she had already laid out. “Back for more?” she asked unkindly.

Lianna was silent while her escort said, “She’s carrying.”

“Good news, eh?” Dirna said with an amused grin. When Lianna remained silent she added. “I suppose that depends on your point of view. Leave us.” The last remark was directed at the escort who immediately left the tent.

Dirna brought Lianna to the center of the tent and took a minute to inspect the rings through Lianna’s nipples and nose. “They’re healing well,” she muttered, mostly to herself. “Now…what to do about your condition…”

“You aren’t going to take the baby, are you?” Lianna asked, suddenly frightened. There was a hedgewitch who had lived near her village that often helped out girls who didn’t want to have babies.

“No. Of course not. We just need to mark you so everyone knows.” She sat Lianna down, her back against the center tent pole and more closely inspected her nipples. “Oh yes. This will be very simple.”

Lianna didn’t even watch the procedure. She just felt some tugging and manipulation of her breasts and when she looked down she saw a short chain and been attached to both nipple rings. “Why?” she asked. It was a remarkably silly bit of ornamentation, Lianna thought.

“So everyone knows you belong to Proval.”

“But my tattoo,” she said, reaching up to touch behind her ear.

Dirna’s lip curled dismissively. “This is a more obvious—and removable—symbol. Don’t be so simple minded. Now lay down on the rug and open up your legs.”

Although she was certain she knew what was going to happen next, Lianna didn’t even bother resisting. Her mind had stopped fully functioning upon learning the purpose of the jezebel flowers. Once she was properly positioned Dirna moved in between her knees and spread her thighs further apart. Lianna didn’t give it any thought when Dirna began pulling and tugging on her sex, stretching and drawing out her inner lips. She barely felt the awl go through her flesh not once, but twice, which was followed by the now familiar sensation of metal through flesh.

To her mild surprise when she looked down Lianna saw not just two rings through her nether lips, but the two rings were interlocked, making a small but not insignificant barrier to her pussy. She asked Dirna, “How is Proval supposed to fuck me now?”

Dirna laughed at her naïvety. “He’s not supposed to. No one is.” She lightly rubbed Lianna’s clit which was well above the new piercings. Involuntarily Lianna let out a little moan of pleasure. “If you need to cum, there’s your solution.” She withdrew her fingers and wiped them on Lianna’s inner thigh.

“Why?” Lianna asked.

“You’re pregnant and the risk of losing the baby because of a giant horse cock being shoved up your cunt is too great.” She smiled with self-satisfaction. “That’s why we came up with this little design to protect the centaur wives that have been bred.” She stood up and pulled Lianna to her feet. “You did well,” she complimented the young blonde. “Didn’t flinch at all. It’ll be pure pleasure to pierce you in the future. Go back to your tent. Miri will be waiting for you.”

Lianna did as she was instructed because she didn’t know what else to do with herself. She didn’t want to go back to being a slave for the duke. She couldn’t go back to live with her family because she didn’t know where she was and they wouldn’t want her back anyway. She wasn’t even sure if Proval truly wanted her.

In the tent there was much activity considering that the centaurs had barely recovered from their night of merriment. The women were strapping packs on the centaurs who had covered themselves in leather armor and brought out their weapons, spears along with bow and arrows. At the entrance to the tent Lianna paused, confused by the activity.

“Get out of the way,” Dorrkar grunted at her as he pushed aside the tent flap, followed by Proval who barely gave her a glance. She followed them for a few steps. What seemed like all the centaurs in the herd had gathered in the center of the camp where the bonfire had burned the previous night. All were armed and armored. Dorrkar reared up, screamed a battle cry followed with, “We ride!” The herd cheered and they galloped out of the camp. A few minutes later it was all but silent.

“What are they doing?” Lianna asked Ruta who had joined her to watch the centaurs leave.

“They’re going to make war on the humans,” Ruta answered. Lianna found the reply slightly odd considering that Ruta and herself were human, but then realized that no, they really weren’t. They were nothing more than centaurs’ wives.

“Those who return will shower their wives with plunder,” Miri said, obviously having gone through this before. “Those who don’t…their wives will be claimed by another.”

They waited over a week for the centaurs to return. During that time everything was remarkably normal, or at least normal as Lianna understood it. The women carried on as if the absences of the centaurs had been anticipated. They didn’t try to run away or do anything untoward. Lianna didn’t blame them. She missed Proval with her heart and her cunt for every minute he was gone.

She was kept busy, however. While Dirna was temporarily done with her piercing program, Miri started Lianna on a new path. The first morning the women were left alone Miri ordered Lianna to put her forearm on the low table in the middle of the tent. She pulled out her tools and started a tattoo pattern on Lianna’s pale flesh.

It hurt to be tattooed. The tools were little more than a few pots of ink, a needle mounted to a board, and a small hammer. Miri dipped the needle into the ink. Carefully placed it on Lianna’s skin and tapped it a few times with the hammer. She repeated this infinitely. The ink was driven deep into Lianna’s skin, blood welled up, and eventually she was left behind with a slowly growing pattern. It was a series of fines with small yellow, blue, and red flowers. They slowly made their advance up her arm.

“How much of this?” Lianna asked on the third day. Her arm faintly throbbed with pain. She had become accustomed to the pain. She was starting to come to grips with the pattern on her body that she had no say in and no control over.

“Until it covers your body,” Miri answered between taps of the hammer. She paused and gestured to her own skin covered with tattoos. “Or when Proval is pleased and tells me to stop.”


What more could she say?

It was on the fifth day after the centaurs left that the urge became too great for Lianna…and apparently many of the other women as well. Miri had finished Lianna’s tattoo up to her left elbow and Lianna was recovering from the pain when Miri returned to the tent. She had been tattooing one of the other wives and was exhausted. “No fucking relief,” she complained as she put down her tools.

“Relief from what?” a mildly interested Ruta asked. She had been inhaling the sweet fumes from the herbs she had scattered over the brazier and her mind wasn’t fully functional.

“You know from what,” Miri grumbled. “A lack of horse cock.” She cast her eyes over to Lianna. “Let me see your piercings.”

Lianna sat up. This was the first time the redhead had taken a direct interest in Dirna’s handiwork other than to make sure it was done. Knowing there was a risk if she refused, Lianna put her shoulders back and proffered her pierced nipples.

Miri shook her head dismissively. “I’ve seen those. They’re fine. I want to see your cunt.”

That had been Lianna’s suspicion from the start, but it seemed wrong to begin by opening up her legs for another woman to peer at her sex. She laid back down and parted her thighs. Miri crawled between her knees are looked closely at the blonde woman’s still-tender sex. She touched her rings and gently rotated them to make sure the flesh hadn’t adhered to the rings.

“Healing nicely,” she murmured as she inspected. “That’s good.”

“Thank you.” Lianna had learned her lesson not to be rude to the centaur’s wife who was obviously head above all the other women in the camp.

“Have I shown you mine?” Miri aske abruptly. Across the room Ruta lifted up her head, now interested in the goings on of the other women. Miri knelt up, arched her back and spread her knees wide so that Lianna could get a good look at her pussy. She was pierced similarly to Lianna, one ring through each inner lip, but Miri’s were not linked together. When Lianna questioned her on that Miri grinned. “I’ve already given birth once. I’m Dorrkar’s trusted wife. You need to be bound a bit longer before your bond to Proval is proven.”

“Where is your…child,” Lianna asked carefully.

“My son is at the children’s camp, safely away from here. This is a war camp, don’t you know.”

Lianna shook her head and made to get up, but Miri was too quick and went right back to looking at Lianna’s piercings. She pushed Lianna back down and slipped one finger under the rings, resting it along her opening with the tip touching her clit. Lianna shivered. She had never been touched like that before, not by Proval, not by a village boy, and certain not by another woman.

“You’ve made love with a woman before, haven’t you?” Miri asked as she wiggled her finger under the piercing and on Lianna’s clit. “For the amusement of a man or a centaur? Yes?”


Miri grinned up at her with a wicked expression. “Good.” She lowered her face and began kissing and licking Lianna’s pussy. She knew exactly what she was doing and Lianna found it hard to think because of that. It felt wonderful, not better than Proval’s cock, of course, but different and exquisite in its own way.

“You’ll cum soon,” Miri said taking a quick break, and then resuming the joyful torture.

Lianna came abruptly, almost without warning, and with enough ferocity to soak Miri’s face. The redhead laughed in amusement. “My turn,” she said and pulled Lianna up as she laid down, effectively reversing their positions which resulted with Lianna facing another woman’s sex for the first time in her life.

She was still riding high on her unexpected orgasm. It wasn’t hard to put her mouth on Miri’s sex and pleasure her the same way she had been pleasured. Her taste wasn’t unpleasant, musky and sour with a bit or unanticipated tartness. The clash of metal on flesh as Lianna wove her tongue up and down Miri’s pussy was odd to feel. Whatever she did Miri apparently loved it because she moaned and groaned until a climax was coaxed out of the redhead.

After the two women bonded in this strange way, their relationship became less strained. Ruta wanted to join the two, but Miri kept her away while at the same time allowing Lianna to sleep with her on the large mattress she normally shared with Dorrkar. For the next two days Lianna found the tattooing process to be less painful making her wonder if Miri was being unnecessarily rough with her before. In addition, there was the wonderful bonus of having a partner for regular sexual pleasure. This was what Lianna had been missing with Proval’s absence.

The wonderful interlude came to an abrupt end when, on the evening of the eighth day, the centaurs galloped back into tent carrying their spoils of war. It wasn’t much in the way of material wealth but when Lianna saw what Proval was carrying on his back, her heart sank.

The blonde was young, maybe younger than her, and equally, if not more, beautiful. She wasn’t the only female captive, but she was undoubtedly Proval’s possession.

“You!” he called to Lianna when he spotted her. At that moment Lianna’s heart started thumping in her chest, excited at the return of her lover, the father to be of her child. Her pussy quivered and moisten in anticipation of their physical reunion. “Get the mounting stool!”

“At once, my love,” she called to him.

“Do it quickly. You will be witness to how easily my latest wife takes to my cock!”

Those around him cheered at his bravado, but Lianna froze in place. Suddenly she understood everything. It was Miri who saved her; she didn’t know what might have happened if she hadn’t gotten the mounting stool.

“Move, you fool!” Miri urged her. “Do you want to live to see the light of tomorrow?”

Lianna disappeared into the tent as she wiped away her tears.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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