Chapter 376
Chapter 376: Just make sure there are no errors.
Let Barbara take care of the rest.
If you can't do it, we'll take care of all of them.
Then, let's change the name of Grupo Marshall, Harlee suggested indifference, as if he were deciding a plate of the lunch menu.
In the living room of the presidential suite, Barbara was sitting with elegance on the couch.
When Ritchie approached only , she looked up with a touch of suspicion.
It did not explain the absence of Harlee.
His eyes darkened momentarily as she spoke in a low tone.
Harlee is quite disgusted with the contingency plan you have organized.
Saying: I was only worried… .Rritchie, however, did not let her finish.
His expression was icy and her mocking smile.
Expliciting it is useless.
The facts are as we see them.
Barbara felt that a deep feeling of dread was installed in her chest.
He began to regret his actions.
In any association, trust was fundamental, and she had ...
the tears sprout from her eyes and squeezed her fists to the sides to maintain her composure.
As the pressure increased, Ritchie slowly turned her head, narrowing her eyes.
You can have Another opportunity.
Ritchie's expression still hinted at an underlying threat.
I need the George Group to leave Baythorn in three days, and we will not offer any support! The atmosphere became tense.
At that moment, Ritchie became a cold and threatening presence, which made a chill travel the room.
When Barbara listened to Ritchie's demand, he paused, insecure how to respond.
He doubted, wondering if three days were feasible.
But Ritchie left no doubt, and presented an ultimatum: decide in three minutes or leave the hotel immediately.
In three days, I assure you, Miss Sanderson will not see the George group in Baythorn.Su determination was evident in her gaze.
Yes, you can see the Marshall group in her place! Ceja.
Yes, Harlee no longer wants to see the George group.
The name is to change to Grupo Marshall ....