Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 31

Curiosity burned inside me, my head snapped up. My eyes found Gramps first, sitting at the head of the table. His hair was a mess and he was wearing an oversized sweater. He looked at me worriedly. Two palace guards in green uniforms with badges on their shirts, standing against the wall, they had swords and guns strapped at their belts.

Sitting at Gramps’ other side was Jaxon and Alec Hyra. I jumped back. They were both wearing suits with a wicked look in their green eyes.

Hellen pushed me forward but I was frozen in place. Rasal bared his fangs. Alec glared at him. King Jaxon stepped away, maybe in disgust.

“Annabelle,” Alec sighed out of relief. “You’re coming back to Hydrus.”

Hellen stared at Alec. She looked uncomfortable. Something told me she hadn’t told Alec the truth yet.

“Go away,” I whispered loudly.

Don’t worry, milady. Rasal comforted. I’m right here.

“Belle, they broke the barrier with Hydra. We didn’t let them in.” Gramps said.

“You have no right to take me. I don’t want to go back,” I told.

“Annabelle,” King Jaxon spoke. His voice deep and so strict that I flinched. “Antonio told me he came to get you but you were too stubborn. I waited, attacked you hoping that would scare you back. Now, I’m out of time and patience.”

“We’re not asking, we’re telling.” Alec added.

King Jaxon will use force to bring you back, Dad had said something like that when he came here.

“Why do you want me when you know I don’t like you?” I snapped, I approached Alec and set Rasal on the floor, he glided closer to him.

“It’s an advantageous marriage,” he said. He grabbed my hand and stared at my Ophiuchus Sign greedily. “You have a very powerful Constellation.”

“I broke the engagement when I ran away,” I reminded, digging my hand into his flesh, he let it go.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he whispered. He met my eyes. I got lost in them, big, green and alluring. His breath tickled my neck.

“I despise you,” I spat.

“The feeling is mutual, Virgo.”

“If you don’t come with us, we will burn this dump with the Starlight of Hydrus and the ones you love will perish.” Jaxon threatened. “You decide quickly.”

A million things ran through my head. My head and chest felt heavy. I stared at Gramps and Hellen, she was crying now. An image flickered next to them. The Star Spirit came into sight, Alfred looked in her direction. Only we could see the spirit of Virgo. She looked like she was sorry for me. Then she disappeared.

“What happens if I come with you?”

“Belle, no!” Hellen protested.

“Quiet!” Jaxon yelled at her. Anger, jealousy and pain in his eyes.

“Jaxon...” Gramps started but the king held up a hand.

“If you come with us,” Alec started. “Then we won’t attack . . . unless theystrike first.”

He nodded in Gramps and Hellen’s direction.

Reluctantly, it took all my energy just to nod my head. “Alright, but I want you both to swear.”

Abruptly, they didn’t hesitate. Through the window I saw Hydra light up. The sky was now light blue with a purple blush. It was morning.

Milady, don’t go with these murderers. Rasal begged.

I’m sorry but I have to, otherwise they’ll take away everyone I love.

I’m coming with you, Rasal said. You can’t leave without me.

“Let me get my things,” I said. It’s not like I had anything but I wanted to change my clothes and grab that letter from mom I had almost forgotten about.

“Ten minutes,” Alec allowed. I rushed out of the room. The girls weren’t there anymore. The were waiting outside with the boys. I avoided them. I put on a long sleeved black shirt with jeans, new socks, a grey hoodie and redid my hair into a braid. My Star Stone and the letter were in my pocket. Rasal was stuck to my back and rested his head on my shoulder. His stones were glowing.

“Belle, please don’t leave.” Amara cried. I embraced her. Lyra joined.

“I’ll be back,” I promised. Lyra started crying.

“Stay safe,” Lyra kissed my cheek.

Raelynn embraced me once more and ran to the girls’ quarters.

“Keep her safe.” She patted Rasal’s head. He snapped up and bowed to her. “Don’t be afraid of them. You’re stronger. Much...”

Her voice cracked. I noticed that the barrier wasn’t there anymore.

“There’s no point in protesting,” Anthony said. “Take care of yourself.”

Lewis hugged me, then let go quickly. “Belle, don’t leave. We’ll fight him together.”

I shook my head. “If I stay he’ll demolish Crimsyn State,” I told, holding back the tears. “I’ll come back. They can’t keep me forever.”

“Good luck,” he said. “...both of you.”

Rasal bowed his head once more. Nathan was a wreck.

“Annabelle, you’re like my older sister.” he told. “I hate to see you go. But, I promise I’ll do everything I can to help get you back.”

“Thank you, and don’t worry I’m on your side.” I looked around Crimsyn State, getting a glimpse of everything once last time, for I was assuming a really long time. It’s not going to be easy escaping, again. But I’ll do whatever it takes. I swear it. Ophiuchus twinkled.

“Belle, don’t let them get under your skin.” Tristan embraced me. I held on to him the longest, not wanting to let go. “I’ll get you back.”

“I’m with you all,” I promised. Tristan’s lip quivered. He gently kissed my forehead, that brought my tears. He stepped aside.

I noticed Alec and Jaxon staring daggers at us. Alec looked more hurt than envious. King Jaxon sat in one of the big black cars, Alec waited outside the other. The two guards got in the trucks.

Gramps and Hellen looked despondent. “Don’t forget about us, Bee.”

“I won’t,” I promised.

Hellen embraced me, her tears staining my shoulder. “Don’t tell him,” she whispered. “Alec, don’t tell him the truth. Don’t let them consume you and turn you into something you’re not.” I only nodded, and let the tears stream down my face.

I approached the car where Alec was standing. He opened the door for me, I took one last look of Crimsyn State. I had been here estimately two and a half months. So much had happened since Gramps had first brought me here.

I scooted on the leather seats of the car, it was like two sofas were facing each other in the car. Rasal was curled up in my lap, he bared his fangs at Alec.

Stop, I demanded. This is my fight, I’m the one who should be fighting it. And I will.

Of course, milady.

Alec sat across from me, he looked smug. I cried defiantly. Rasal tried to comfort me. We drove for miles, the hours passed quickly. Maybe it seemed that way since I sobbed until I passed out.

I wasn’t crying because I had been taken away from all those I loved. I was crying because someone was controlling me. Worst of all two, men were controlling me, Threatening me, telling me what to do. Forcing me to become a part of who they are. I felt disgusted and sick about the situation.

When I roused, I was laying down with a blanket over me and Rasal sitting on my chest.

Didn’t you sleep?

No, I wanted to guard you. I don’t trust these people.

Me neither.

Since I wasn’t sleep deprived, Rasal was doing well.

Alec was snoring but he was sitting up with his arms crossed. I shuddered as I thought about who put the blanket on me. Only Alec was here. Rasal obviously couldn’t have done it.

There were bottles of water in the car but before I could open one the car screeched to a halt and the small window above Alec’s seat opened. I sat half of the face of our driver.

“Your Highness, we’ve arrived at Hydra’s Palace.” His voice woke up Alec. The window closed.

“After you,” he said. I hesitated, He opened the door for me but I mumbled for him to go first. He did so. I stepped out while cradling Rasal in my arms. It seemed comforting. King Jaxon had already arrived, standing next to him, Sophie Serpens, Princess Lydia and Prince Keegan with Granny, my father and Hope Ursa Major were standing at the doors of the palace. They were all dressed in shades of green and gold with black.

Alec offered me his hand but even if I wanted to my hands were full, so I couldn’t take it. What did he even expect me to do? He climbed up confidently. I looked Rasal directly in the eye.

Here we go, I said to him.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

I looked at the sky, bright pink and orange but with hints of grey. I sucked in a deep breath and ascended the black marble steps of the palace.

I was given a room on the second floor, right next to Granny. Dad and Hope were staying until the wedding then they’d leave for Virgus.

Everything was decorated with gold and green. There was a small living room area when we first entered the room, a bed chamber and bathroom. I was told that this is my temporary suite since they’re not done renovating my personal suite. I didn’t mind either way.

I had four maids to help me look presentable. Granny supervised them while they waxed me, washed me and redid my hair. They gave me skincare products to use but Granny made them do it on me since she knew I’d never bother.

Granny’s hair was pulled back in a bun with an emerald pin, giving it a tiara effect. She wore a long silky cream colored dress with a shawl so dark it was almost black. I was forced into putting on something similar. Except mine was a light green which started at my neck and came to my wrists. I had to wear black heels and they did my hair in a way that it was pulled away from my face but still flowed down my back. They pins matched Rasal’s Star Stones, they were dazzling in my hair.

Granny touched my earrings, I had chosen to keep them on, she made a growling sound in her throat.

“Take that ridiculous thing out of your face,” she demanded. I decided it was time for the nose piercing to go.

“Lady Annabelle, they’re all waiting for you,” a maid came to tell me. I nodded and got off the couch.

Stay on the floor, I told Rasal. He obeyed.

“Do you have to take that with you?” Granny spat.

I shot her a look and Rasal hissed, baring his fangs. Granny yelped. Rasal was behind me and Granny walked with her chin up in front.

We traveled down staircases and into the dining hall. The table was huge and round with a chandelier dangling above it. I only ate what Granny put on my plate. Mostly soups and salads. I didn’t meet anyone’s eyes. Princess Lydia was sitting next to me in her purple gown and diamonds. Rasal curled around my leg. Next to my grandmother sat Hope with my father.

After dinner, Granny explained my daily routine and schedule, explaining all the events for the next month. They measured me, telling me how much weight to gain, giving me a diet plan. I had dresses moved into my room, planned for each day and occasion. Rasal sat in my lap as the whole day went by.

I was to start classes with private tutors after the wedding which was in two weeks. Granny had already given me books to read and to improve my languages such as Greek and Latin. But I didn’t even touch them.

My wedding dress and accessories had already been chosen by the queen. Alec gave me my ring back and Granny made me wear it all the time. I barely sleep on the silk sheets and warm blankets.

I was confused about my title. I was already a Lady, soon to be princess. Everyone would address me as Your Highness or Princess Annabelle. Even the thought made my stomach churn.

Then there’s Princess Lydia Hydra and Queen Sophie Serpens, I was supposed to live up to them. My grandmother was very strict about the titles, they said that it was an important step towards gaining power and respect. Though it was a bit confusing I got the hang of it.

I groaned as I tried to memorize the hierarchy. “Oh, you ungrateful being!” Granny cursed in Latin. My eyes widened as the words fell from her mouth. “You will do as you are told. Is that understood, Your Highness?”

She leaned in and I could smell the wine radiating off her. I nodded. She was always cautious and making a fuss over everything. She was a freak about perfectionism.

My suite was ready. It was bigger than the one I had been staying in. All my stuff was moved here. There was a living room area, the same bed chamber, a bathroom bigger than my actual bedroom at home. A walk-in closet to maze-like to explore. A dresser with expensive perfumes and makeup. Jewelry was all made out of emeralds and zircons, sometimes gold or diamonds as well.

I wasn’t allowed to leave the palace grounds. Whenever I roamed inside I was to be in the company of guards or my maids. The ceremony was to be held in the Lawn. It was transformed, Princess Lydia asked me which flowers I wanted in the decoration. She was trying to cheer me up, I could tell.

“Stargazer Lilies,” I answered, picking up the orange flower with stardust.

I received gifts from people whose names I couldn’t even pronounce. “You’ll be taught to do that correctly,” Granny said sternly. I rolled my eyes.

Alec invited me for tea one evening, Granny didn’t let me protest. She told me to put on my evening gown and a fresh coat of pale pink lipstick. She demanded Rasal stay behind but after he tried to poison the guards for holding him back, Granny gave up.

We drank from saucers on the terrace of Alec’s room. I wasn’t allowed to be alone with him but he got special permission and Granny insisted that I dress up and try to flirt with the heir of Stellaregno, which I was unsuccessful at since I didn’t even talk to him. His desk was always stacked with books and papers. He had a sword hung on the wall for display and above the fireplace was picture frames.

I tried not to meet his eyes since I always got lost in them. His hair had been trimmed, he always wore a suit and a strong cologne that made my heart flip. He was taller than me but because I was always wearing heels I was almost the same height. Despite everything I had to admit that he was charming and attractive but I never said it out loud. Rasal sensed my emotions and made a gagging sound in my head and we both laughed at hit.

Alec talked confidently and never slouched like I did. Granny was still working on my posture and gestures. She was now always hovering over me, telling me what to do, what to wear, how to talk and when to talk. She watched my meals and what I was drinking with wide eyes. At parties she’d only offer me alcoholic drinks if she saw other girls my age doing the same.

I don’t like these people, Rasal hissed at each event.

Me neither, I agreed.

People stared at him and whispered criticism to each other as he trailed behind me when I walked. Alec didn’t seem to mind. The king and queen most certainly did. Prince Keegan and Princess Lydia were trying to make me feel better I guess. They offered to give me a tour of the palace but I respectfully refused.

“The wedding invitations have been sent out,” Granny announced with a triumphant grin as she entered my room. I sobbed the entire day. Rasal curled around me and tried to make me feel better but it was pointless.

I used to have eight Constellations with me. The Libras were nice to me but they kept contradicting what I said but also agreeing with me, they were in fact remaining mutual. Now I only have the Hydras, Scorpios and Leos staring daggers at me.


My breathing fastened, mouth going dry as Granny demanded for one last time that I calm down. A maid offered me a drink with a straw so I wouldn’t ruin my lipstick. I sucked it all down.

A maid held my dress’s train, it was a green thing with off-the-shoulder sleeves which flowed into a net, creating a cape-like effect on the dress. I wore no jewelry except a gold heavy headband with an emerald at my forehead and obviously the ring Alec had given me. My shoes were glittery heels, Granny insisted that I keep my hands free of accessories since a new Sign would be burned into my wrist.

The royal family with Dad and Hope sat a the front seats in the Lawn. All the other guests were looking strict, sitting with their chins up. Granny took her seat. Rasal was slithering behind me. His Star Stones had been polished for the occasion.

Good luck, milady. He said with sympathy and sorrow.

Thank you...and I’m sorry. I choked back the tears.

It’s not your fault, milady.

Me and Alec were supposed to enter from opposite sides of the Lawn at the same time. He looked anxious, he tried to smile at me but it was hard to tell since my eyes were glassy and he was on the other side of the grounds. There was a white backdrop, where we were supposed to stand and exchange Signs, decorated with Stargazer Lilies. I had been told to give Alec Ophiuchus instead of Virgo. Taking advantage of me. He only had Hydra so that’s what I’d get.

“Lady Virgo,” a maid whispered. “It’s time.”

I sucked in a deep breath and slowly started walking. An image flickered in front of me, it was the Star Spirit, she was crying and judging by her expression she was pitying me but there was also disappointment. She quickly vanished. Alec went first, he asked for my hand I gave it and closed my eyes as Hydra’s symbol burned into my flesh.

I was a bright Star in the darkness. But I had an epiphany, one that raised my spirits. I thought of myself as a single Star in darkness . . . and Stars can’t shine without darkness.

End of book two.

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