Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 3

I stared at the girl with disbelief, trying to recover from embarrassment she confidently walked over to Alfred and whispered something to him.

She was dressed in black, head to toe. And when I say head to toe, I mean literally! Her hair was as straight as a line and jet black with caramel highlights, her ears flashed with several diamonds and her nails were painted silver.

I looked at Nathan then at Raelynn, both of them were calm and casually, then why were they so scared of her? She seemed like a kind but head strong girl. There was nothing devilish about her, well, except maybe for her fashion choices.

“I will take care of it.” Alfred promised. He stood and glanced at me, “Don’t you want to meet our newest recruit?”

The girl flipped her head and stared me down. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner and her lips were tinted pink. She raised an eyebrow at me and then turned to Alfred, “I will deal with her later. Right now we have a more important situation to deal with.” her voice was loud but she spoke properly, as if she wanted to be taken seriously.

Alfred wasn’t in the mood to argue so he exited with the girl right behind him, she tried to smile at me but I think she was trying to be intimidating at the same time.

Nathan grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. “What was that?” I asked as soon as we were out of earshot.

“There was a problem with some of the guys, their disagreement led to fight which got physical.” Raelynn told.

“She didn’t seem so scary to me,” I said.

“Really?” they both chorused.

“Well, except for the dark clothes, she seemed innocent and nice.” I said. Which was true, her face was almost angelic, her eyes were a greenish blue, but they didn’t change colour like Raelynn’s.

“Behind her back everyone calls her a goth.” Nathan shuddered.

“Well, she does dress like one but her face was so innocent and maybe even heartwarming.” I admitted.

Nathan just sighed and walked me and Raelynn to the girls’ quarters.

Raelynn beat me to the bathroom, she took a long time and when she came out, I didn’t know if she was getting ready for bed or for a late night party.

Her hair had come out of it’s braid and now fell in waves around her face, her eyes had changed to dark blue and she managed to make beige and brown pajamas look presentable. If Lyra were here she’d freak out at the fashion choices.

I didn’t realize how terrible I looked until I almost startled myself when I glanced at my reflection. My beautiful, straight, red hair was a birds nest. It was dry, rough and worst of all it was wavy. I mean, the waves didn’t look bad but I love my straight hair and I would like to get them back.

I frowned in the mirror. My most important attribute was my hair, and I took extra special care of it. The last few days I hadn’t even had a proper bath, I just washed my hands and face.

Don’t worry hair, I’ll get you back. I cried in my head.

I didn’t look at myself any longer, I couldn’t. I marched to bed while the other girls lined up to take turns in the bathroom. I realized that they were all sweaty and dirty from their day of hard training and they were all taking nice warm showers. I wondered if they had any shampoo but I was too lazy to ask.

It wasn’t long before I fell asleep and an old friend visited me in my dreams.

I didn’t recognize the place but it felt familiar. I was on a rooftop and I had a beautiful view of the city. I sucked in a breath, the scent made me nostalgic. The strong wind blew my hair away from my face, giving it some life. I was dressed in the same clothes I’d gone to sleep in. Grey pajamas, a brown T-shirt and sweater. The boots were my only favorite thing about my outfit.

“Annabelle,” a sweet voice called. I turned around slowly. Why is everyone always behind me?

I caught my breath. “You.” I said more rudely than I meant. “What are you doing here?”

The lady raised her eyebrows, “Well, I’m glad to see you too.” she greeted.

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong.” I apologized.

“It’s okay,” she smiled. “How are you?”

“Why is everyone asking me that?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you know how I feel? How would you feel if you lost everything?”

She sighed, “Are you adjusting to the new life?”

“No,” I snorted. “Where are we anyway?”

“You don’t recognize this place?” she was surprised.

“No.” I said.

“Annabelle, I thought you would’ve at least recognized you birth place.” she grinned.

I gasped at the truth. I was in Virgus, standing on the roof of my family’s manner. I looked up and the brightest Constellation was Virgo, shining as if it was happy to see me. Or maybe that’s how it was in it’s home province.

“Woah. I haven’t been here in so long.” I whispered.

“I thought it was about time I brought you here.” she said.

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked all of a sudden.

“It’s better than Crimyn State,” she started “and you look like you need to cheer up.”

“I do.” I confessed.

There was a long pause until I decided to break the silence. “I still don’t know your name.”

She smiled at my question, “I am a spirit of the Stars,” she told. “More specifically, I am a spirit of Virgo. And I have been sent as a guide.”

“A guide?” I repeated. “For who, me?”

She nodded. “Why?” I asked.

“Obviously, because you needed help.” she said, getting annoyed.

“Still don’t know what to call you.” I stated.

She thought for a moment and then went back to playing with her hair and Stargazing. I copied her, my eyes drifted to her hands as I tried to check the Signs on her wrists. But she didn’t have any. No mark of Virgo.

“Most people don’t ask me for a name, they just call me Star Spirit or Spirit of Virgo. Ghost of Virgo sometimes.”

“Okay, Ghost of Virgo,” I said mockingly. “I need to ask a favor.”

“I am afraid our time is short and I can only give you time with the Stars.” she told. Her image flickered.

“Tonight is between you and Virgo.” she said and started to fade. “I hope you enjoy and I’m glad to help!”

“When have you ever helped?” I questioned. She vanished with a smile on her face, leaving me stranded on a roof, alone, in the middle of the night. At least I had the Stars to keep me company.

I tried to Stargaze and it gave me energy. I wasn’t tired by the end of it rather I was active. I watched the city fall asleep, as all the street lights went off and Virgo illuminated the city with it’s glow.

I took a deep breath, inhaling as much of the moment as I could. My eyes were shut, I tried to picture the city in my head, I was trying to literally create a memory. Closing my eyes had been a mistake because when I opened them I was in bed and it was morning.

Even though I felt like I had gotten only five minutes of sleep, I was energetic and active, weirdest of all I was motivated.

“You’re the last one awake.” Raelynn pointed out.

“Oh.” I realized I was.

“No nightmares this time, huh?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Good,” Raelynn said, she was already dressed. “but you slept longer than everyone. And you have your first training session today.”

“Right.” I said, I pulled out of the sheets and quickly fixed myself up in the bathroom. The only problem was my hair, I cannot go out like this. I ran my fingers through it to give it some life but I never made it to the end, too many knots.

Raelynn didn’t wait for me and I walked alone to the cafeteria. I couldn’t find an empty seat but Raelynn was sitting at a table by herself, but she looked like she was avoiding everyone. As my tray felt heavier in my hands I noticed that girl from the conference room yesterday, she was sitting in the far corner and she looked as if the air around her was bothering her.

I slowly walked over to her, hoping she wouldn’t notice. But apparently everyone else did. The whole room fell silent as I seated myself across her, I think someone dropped a fork. Someone whispered, “Oh no.”

I turned my head to see who it was and I could tell that it was Nathan, his mouth was full of bread and the only way I could tell was because his mouth was wide open.

I cleared my throat, “Hi.” I said to the girl.

“Hey,” she knitted her eyebrows.

“I’m Annabelle,” I told.

“I know.” She gave me a small smile. She sipped her milk and took a bite out of her muffin, which was as hard as rock by the way.

“What’s your name?”

She thought for a moment and narrowed her eyes at me. I turned around to see if she was looking at me or someone else. It was me.

“You can call me Phoenix.” she answered at last.

I tried not to look as weird as I did when she told me her name. “Isn’t that a Constellation?” I thought out loud.

“It is.” she confirmed.

I inhaled the contents in my breakfast tray and when it came to the chunky milk, I held my breath and drank as fast as I could so I wouldn’t have to chew anything.

“You have a training session with me, apparently.” Phoenix said. I nodded in confirmation.

“Are you done?” she asked.


“Then, come on.” she got up. People pushed each other to give her space to walk. I raced after her, she walked with confidence, as if she was trying to intimidate even the atmosphere.

Phoenix led my to the weapons room, she had a key to unlock the door, it opened with a creak.

“First things first,” she started. “You need a knife.”

I gulped, “A knife?”


Am I gonna learn how to chop onions and then throw them at the enemy to make them cry? Is that the strategy? I kept my thoughts to myself.

“Shouldn’t we start with something else?” I suggested.

“Do you want to do this or not?” she asked me impatiently.

“Yes, I do.” I answered. Before I could continue she cut me off.

“Than you should know that whether you know how to use a weapon or not, you should always be armed.” she informed.

“Okay, got it.”

“Maybe you’re right.” she said as she dug throw drawers and lockers. “I should start by teaching you how to use a Star Stone.”

She pulled hers out of her pocket. It was a rigid crystal ball and it floated on her palm.

“I already know how to manipulate those.” I told.

“Do you know how to kill someone with it?” she asked with a devilish smile.


“Show me yours.” she asked, putting her hand out.

I hesitated, “I usually keep mine on a chain around my neck but they too it from me in the palace.”

“Of course they did.” she said.

“Don’t you guys have some here?”

Phoenix huffed, “Star Stones aren’t found lying around.”

“I know, there’s this meteor shower and the Stars send some of their pieces to us through the meteors and then they make their way to us.” I debated.

“Good, you know your Astrology.” Phoenix complimented.

“Thank you.”

“The stone can only be conducted by someone who belongs to the same Constellation,” she lectured. “which means we have to find you a stone from Virgo.”

“How will I know which stone belongs to Virgo? They all look the same.” I sounded dumb and I knew there was a logical explanation to my question.

Phoenix rolled her eyes. “You’ll find out.”

I clenched my fists. I was getting really tired of that line.

“First of all, we need to get you in shape.” she started. We walked out of the weapons room. “We need to work on building your..well, everything really.”

I knitted my eyebrows. “No offence but you’re way too thin. And trust me, if you think you look like you have the perfect body shape, you’re kidding yourself.”

“The point is, you need to eat healthier, or as healthy as the food here gets. Second of all, considering the shape you’re in you have to workout every day. Go on a run, that’ll help your tiny legs. Third of all, I know I seem harsh but if you cooperate with me I am an easy going person. And this is an army base, and I’m the toughest trainer you can think of.”

“Are you clear?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Great.” she gave me a thumbs up.

I have to admit I was a little jealous of Phoenix, she was confident and headstrong, two qualities I lacked.

“I know I said you should always be armed but you don’t know how to use any weapon. I’m not giving you a gun or a dagger or even a simple Star Stone, but I’m gonna teach you how to throw knives.”

She led me to the back of the weapons room, a place I hadn’t seen. The targets were lined up against the wall and there was a table decorated with throwing knives.

Phoenix took off her jacket, revealing the sleeveless top she was wearing underneath. Despite the cold she didn’t shiver once. She tied her hair, pulling it away from her face.

“Do you have a death wish?” she asked me, she was trying to hide her smile. Her cheeks and nose were tinted pink. She was wearing dark eye makeup and I wondered why she was dressed like that when she was probably gonna sweat while training.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Do you want me to throw a knife at you?” sh asked as she picked up a dagger.

It was then when I realized that I was standing in front of a target. Judging by her tone she wasn’t kidding about throwing a knife at me because when I quickly moved to the side I dodged the knife she threw at the target. Good shot, but she scared the life out of me.

“If you want to train with me then get your head out of the Stars!” she said through gritted teeth.

All the things Nathan had warned me about flooded my head, now I know why everyone fears this girl so much. She’s dangerous.

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