Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 24

After reintroducing ourselves. Amara and I communicated only through expressions due to our shock we were at a loss for words. Lyra, or now, Lyla was snoring as were the other girls. Neither of us could get some rest so we retreated outside, underneath our Constellations.

“I don’t know how to feel about this.” Amara broke the silence.

“Same here,” I agreed.

Stargazing made my Sign burn up and it sizzled on my skin but I didn’t care. “I think she hit her head and forgot everything.”

Amara tried to say something but she hesitated. “What should we do?”

I sighed and thought. “I don’t know,”

“I can’t believe you punched Lyra,” Amara said after a long pause.

“Don’t you mean Lyla?” I corrected, hoping to change the subject.

“You know what I mean,” Amara prompted.

“I said I was sorry. I don’t know what got into me.” I said.

“So...what now?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” I knitted my eyebrows.

“We have eight descendants of the Twelve Major,” she counted. “That’s what we needed. What’s next?”

“Actually, you might want to make that nine.” the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I was still shocked that no one else corrected me when I wasn’t counting Taurus.

“How so?” she asked and I told her that Phoenix was a Taurus but she kept it a secret and I found out recently. I didn’t give away Phoenix’s real name or anything confidential.

“I can’t believe we forgot Taurus,” Amara said. “And that Phoenix kept it a secret.”

“Yeah, well, she wanted me to figure it out on my own.” It was only a small lie. “But that was impossible since she covers up her Signs with flashy bracelets.”

“I wonder why.”

“Oh...umm...that’s because she likes to be mysterious and secretive.” It wasn’t a lie. I have no doubt Phoenix likes to remain in the shadows but also stand out from time to time.

“But that’s a Scorpio trait, remaining secretive,” Amara reminded.

I thought about an answer. “Maybe Phoenix adapted that one because she admires Scorpios?” I suggested. With my luck, Amara didn’t push much with the answers. Imagine what Phoenix would do to me if I let out her secret.

“Before I left for Hydrus my mom gave me a dozen Star Stones for safety. She even hired someone to teach me how to use them.” Amara told. “Not that I needed practice. She was just being cautious.”

“That reminds me....” I said. I cleared my throat. “Do you have the stones, then?”

“No,” she answered. “Left them in my dorm room. Sorry, I didn’t know I’d need them while studying.”

“I think we can get new ones,” I remembered what Alfred and Hellen had said about a place where it rained Star Stones.

“I’ll talk to Alfred tomorrow,” I promised. Amara yawned and powered down Aries, she went to bed. I decided to do the same only I couldn’t stop Stargazing. My mind wouldn’t let go of the Stars no matter how hard I tried. Ophiuchus shined brighter, not on my intention. I slowly released all the Stars but they lit up on their own and gave me a headache. They had a green aura around them and it made my Sign burn up.

I made a mental note to stop Stargazing for a few days. If I follow that regimen it’ll give Ophiuchus to cool down.

I slept with dreams. The Star Spirit communicated tonight. I told her my plan.

“That’s highly dangerous,” she said. “You cannot leave even if it’s for a good reason.”

“Yes, but I’m the only one who can.” I pointed out. “Alfred or Hellen or anyone else cannot give me what I need, it’s just me.”

“I hate when you’re right,” she scowled.

“I know,” I allowed myself a smug smile.

“Anyways, stay safe.” She put a hand on my shoulder. “Practice Astral Travel if it’s possible, remember that you can ask me for anything.”

Just what I needed, motherly or even sisterly comfort. “Thank you,” I smiled.

“I’ll try to find something out about the Hydras but so far I’ve got no clue. It’s just a bunch of war strategies and Alec said they can attack whenever they want but they’re hoping you’ll come to your senses and return to Hydrus for the marriage.” she finished.

“Yeah, right.” I snorted. “It’s okay. We’re ready.”

I said that last bit a little too confidently, considering I had been in a coma for two weeks.

“Take care, Belle.” She waved and dissolved into blue dust. It tickled my nose, I sneezed.

I walked around the empty land. It was frozen completely and the Constellation were all blue for some reason. I hated the revealing dress I was wearing. It felt like it was made out of tissue paper. When the Star Spirit saw me in sweatpants she sprinkled blue dust on me and I was suddenly in a long dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves and a slit. My hair was magically curled and pulled back with gold pins. She didn’t bother giving me shoes or telling me the secret to lovely hair.

I nearly slipped when I saw my reflection on the ice. Star Spirit had given me a makeover. My cheekbones were highlighted. Cheeks and lips as red as my hair, eyelashes were long and eyebrows arched. There was golden and bronze dust mixed on my eyelids with dramatic eyeliner. I actually looked pretty but I didn’t like the dress at all, it made me feel provocative and disgusting. It’s a Virgo thing.

I hugged my chest and sank to the floor. The ice broke and I woke up.

“Goodmorning, Belle,” Lyra (or Lyla. Whichever she’s playing today) sung as I sat up. Her tone of voice told me that she was Lyra today.

“I’m going to take a shower, did you want to go first?” she told.

“No, you go ahead.” I said, which was a mistake since Lyra took forever in the bathroom. The other girls were irritated too but I was just glad that she’s back to normal, finally. She stepped out in jeans, a bright blue sweater, with makeup and her freshly dyed purple curls were pinned back. Lyra picked a pair of knee-high boots and sprayed Stargazer Lily perfume all over herself. I could tell she was unintentionally making everyone including myself jealous of her presentable appearance. I wished it was me in that outfit.

“Your hair looks nice,” Amara commented, I think she was the only one who didn’t envy Lyra.

“Thank you,” Lyra smiled, not noticing the girls staring daggers at her.

“Purple streaks do look good in your hair,” I added and managed a smile. She looked breathtaking, as always.

“I thought I might try a new technique besides my usual dip dye. That was getting kind of old. I’ve had those since the ninth grade!” she exclaimed.

Phoenix and Lyra were the only ones who looked nice. Phoenix dressed in black pants, a hoodie and combat boots. She straightened her hair and tied it back. No makeup since she was going to sweat it off anyway. But still she managed to look drop-dead gorgeous. And I’m not kidding the dead part because she could even kill you with her looks. She strapped a dagger to her belt and left for breakfast.

Raelynn claimed the bathroom before me. Each morning I waited to see what colour her eyes were, today one eye was green and the other yellow. She put on black leggings, a faded pink hoodie and boots. She braided her hair, starting from the top of her head and down her back. I noticed some of the other girls trying to look their best for absolutely no reason. today was nothing special but I guess they were trying to copy Lyra or even Phoenix.

Amara rolled her eyes at the sight of girls smoothing their hair and softening their pale skin with lotion. One girl had lipgloss and she smeared it so much that when she talked some of it splashed in the other person’s face. Amara made sounds in her throat out of disgust. She was dressed in the same thing as Raelynn and I decided to do the same.

It was Phoenix’s idea to bring the lost and found basket to the girls’ quarters and share all the clothes in it. Lyra didn’t let anyone touch her belongings except for me and Amara but neither of us wanted to borrow her clothes. They would get dirty while training so there was no point in dressing up.

“Why are they all dressing up today?” Amara asked as we walked to the cafeteria. “I mean, for Lyra, I get it. She’s only going to shoot some arrows and done. But, what’s gotten into the others?”

“They’re just trying to look their best,” I defended. “I get it because they don’t even have the basic necessities here. They don’t get a chance to dress up. It’s not like they have special occasions here in Crimsyn State.”

“That’s actually really sad and depressing,” Amara lowered her head, no doubt out of embarrassment. “We have two homes and entire provinces dedicated to our families and everything we want while they lived their lives without even knowing what scented lotion is. Or deodorant.”

“Let’s hope they don’t live the rest of their lives like this,” I said. Amara nodded. The only way to do that is to get rid of the Hydras and take over Stellaregno.

At breakfast, Tristan and Lewis asked about Lyra but she was already gone by the time we were done so it was okay to discuss her.....condition.

“I’m telling you all, it’s amnesia,” I said in between bites.

“I don’t think it’s amnesia, exactly,” Amara protested. “But it might be something related to memory loss, yes.”

“I believe the correct term is amnesia!”

“Belle, stop.” Tristan looked around. People were staring.

Lewis had a mouth full of eggs and bread, he said something but I only understood the word Gemini in his sentence.

“Lewis, you’re acting like a toddler,” Amara decided. Lewis swallowed his food.

I pushed away my plate, drank the water and got to my feet. “I’m going to the gym,” I announced.

“Wait for me!” Amara followed me out.

We worked out until our muscles begged us to stop. Archery practice was just me coaching Amara. She got better and better with every try but not as good as Lewis. I mean, he was the best of the best. His arrows attracted everyone. He shot down every target that was hidden in the obstacle course Phoenix built.

“Sagittarius,” Amara muttered with a playful smile.

I expected Lewis to be good at archery considering his Constellation’s representer was the archer. He was astonishing. Despite the cold weather he took off his sweater. Underneath he was wearing a sleeveless shirt, showing off his muscles.

“When did he get those?” Lyra swooned.

Hours in the gym, I answered in my head.

“No idea,” I tried not to blush.

There was an entire crowd surrounding the archery range. Lewis was the main event.

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about,” Tristan pouted and crossed his arms.

“Oh, come one, Tristan!” Nathan said. “Don’t be jealous, take notes instead.”

“He’s right,” Amara agreed.

Tristan’s mouth fell open, I laughed. “Relax,” I told him.

“Oh, not you too.” he said to me. Amara and I burst out laughing and Lyra joined in.

I’m pretty sure I was turning red because now Lewis was shooting arrows like a lunatic. That was the first time he acted like a true Sagittarius. Everyone saw the archer in him. His energy made me want to hold a bow and arrow and perfect my skills.

I realized Raelynn was trying to hide her blush. Her eyes were getting bigger as she stared at Lewis. Her eyes liesurely changed into pink and red. I shook my head as I realized Lewis’ trick. Impressive but sneaky.

“Enough already,” Anthony complained.

“What is your guys’ problem?” Phoenix snapped. She was impressed by Lewis’ skills and energy. I noticed Sagittarius shining above, providing a spotlight for Lewis and no doubt blessing him.

“He’s making us look bad,” Anthony answered.

“How do we compete against that?” Tristan worried.

“You can’t,” Lyra grinned.

“Take notes,” Nathan repeated.

“Nathan!” Anthony and Tristan said simultaneously.

Lewis stopped after what seemed like forever. I thought my cheeks were going to explode. All the girls sighed and stared as Lewis put on his sweater.

“Well, at least Lewis got what he always wanted,” Lyra said.

“A mob of girls?′ I guessed.

“No,” Lyra smiled. “Or maybe yes...but I meant he got noticed for doing something that he’s good at.”

Everyone surrounded Lewis at the training area, asking him for tips and pointers. The least interested person was Raelynn, she sat in a corner and Stargazed with her eyes sparkling. She was astonished by him a few minutes ago. I assumed she was too shy to talk to him since whenever he glanced at her she blushed and turned away.

“What does she see in him?” Tristan asked. I was startled.

“You scared me,” I said.

I was practicing throwing knives when he just appeared behind me in stealth mode. “Don’t do that,” I demanded.

He was staring between Lewis and Raelynn. “How could I not?” he exclaimed.

“Not about Lewis,” I said. “I meant don’t frighten me again.”

Tristan was paying zero attention to me. I snapped my fingers in his face. “Tristan, get your head out of the Stars!”

“Right, sorry.” he snapped back.

“Why do you even care about Raelynn and Lewis?” I asked after a pause.

He smiled playfully and crossed his arms. “Now look who’s jealous.” he muttered under his breath.

“Hey!” I nudged him. My face felt hot. “I am not jealous of anyone. Unlike some people here.”

Tristan snorted.

“I have to go talk to Alfred and Hellen about something,” I told. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

“That’s good. Get to know your grandad.” he teased but something told me he was serious.

“Haha, very funny.” I sauntered off and tried not to feel weird at Tristan’s comment. I’d never really thought about calling Alfred Gramps. It just seemed inappropriate since I’d only known him for what...a month? Maybe longer, no one’s counting.

I heard Hellen and Alfred arguing, their voices were muffled but I made out the words.

“That is not fair!” Hellen said. “You have to take her with you otherwise you won’t get the proper form of the Star Stone.”

“It is too risky. I will not put my only granddaughter, not to mention, only grandchild in danger.” Alfred insisted.

“I know how you feel. But unless you want her to have a stone from both Constellations you have to let her come with us.”

“Us?” Alfred repeated. “What do you mean us?”

There was a moment of silence. I thought they were going to open the door, I stepped back.

“Oh, no no.” Alfred said. “No, you are not coming with me.”

“Why not?” Hellen argued. “Why can’t a woman do the same things as a man. What is wrong with you people?”

“That’s not what I mean, Hellen.”

“Please?” Hellen begged. She spoke in a lower voice, “It’ll be a good chance...to bond with Annabelle.”

She hesitated before saying bond.

“While I’m trying to keep her alive? No, thank you.” Alfred answered.

“You don’t understand.” Hellen said. “She’s been there before. You told me yourself.”

“Yes but before she wasn’t the face of a rebellion!” Alfred reminded.

“But she was an infant,” Hellen said. Alfred said that before.

I heard him sigh. “I don’t know, Hellen.”

“It’s a long way there but we’ll make it. It’ll be worth it.” Hellen promised. “Besides, it’ll be a great chance to...”

“But I will only agree to this if Annabelle agrees,” Alfred cut her off. Hope sparked in me. I didn’t have to worry about persuading them.

“Fine!” Hellen agreed reluctantly. I was curious about what Hellen was going to say but it’s not like I could ask her without telling her I was eavesdropping.

I waited a few minutes and then knocked on the door. Hellen opened it.

“Hello, Annabelle.” she greeted.

“Hi, may I come in? I need to talk to you.” She held the door open and I stepped inside.

“Annabelle, I was just going to come talk to you.” Alfred smiled. His smile reminded me of dad but I tried not to think of him much. Too many painful memories.

“What a coincidence, I wanted to talk to you both.” I said with a nervous laugh. Something churned inside me. I felt anxious all of a sudden.

“Alright, you go first.” Alfred prompted.

I sighed. “I want to go to get my Star Stones.”

Hellen broke into a smug smile and cleared her throat loudly. Alfred looked surprised.

“We leave tomorrow morning!” Hellen announced.

“Hold on!” Alfred said. “Annabelle, do you realize how dangerous it is?”

I nodded. “But who else would get me my Star Stone?”

“I am a Virgo,” Alfred reminded. “I can get you a stone from Virgo. You wouldn’t have to leave Crimsyn State. I can go on my own and bring you back whatever you want.”

Hellen opened her mouth to protest but I spoke first. “Look,” I started. “I know you’re just caring for me and protecting me by not letting me leave but if you didn’t want to put me in danger then you really shouldn’t have brought me to a rebel base and put me in a crowd of strangers with swords and guns.”

Hellen patted me on the head. “I can do this. I’ll be fine and I’ll have you both with me. I can even test out my training, it’ll be a good chance.”

“Spoken like a true leader.” Hellen said with pride.

“Don’t encourage her,” Alfred smiled.

“So....tomorrow morning, then?” I asked.

“I feel like I’ve been tricked,” Alfred said.

“Don’t mess with a woman.” Hellen warned. I gave her a high five.

“Annabelle, pack a small bag, we’ll leave in the morning.” Alfred agreed. “One thing you should know is that it’s really far away and I might have exaggerated about the journey being dangerous because I thought I could scare you into not leaving. Where we’re going, no one can stop us since it’s a sacred place to the Stars and everyone has a right to go there.”

“Not very many people do go there anymore, they’ve just forgotten really.” Hellen added.

“How do they get their Star Stones?” I asked.

“Same place but it hasn’t been visited in years,” Alfred told.

“Go rest,” Hellen said. “You’ll need it.”

“Oh, wait.” I said, remembering something Amara had said. “I need to ask a favour.”

“Oh, what now?” Alfred said dramatically.

“You don’t even know what I was going to ask,” I said defensively.

“With teenagers it could be anything,” Alfred said playfully. “One time, Phoenix asked me for a gun that explodes. Can you believe that?”

Me and Hellen broke out laughing.

“And they don’t have a problem with me tagging along?” Amara asked in shock.

“It was hard to convince them but, yeah.” I said.

“Alright, I guess.” she agreed.

“Pack a bag and we leave in the morning.” I told.

“We better tell them,” Amara whispered as Tristan, Lewis and Lyra approached.

“Where have you been?” Lyra asked.

Amara and I exchanged looks. I told them about our short trip with Amara chipping in, explaining how perfectly safe and adventurous it was going to be.

“You are not leaving without me!” Tristan said.

“It’s only a few days,”

“How come Amara gets to go?” he pouted.

“Because, I don’t have a Star Stone and no one can get me one except an Aries.” she explained.

“Belle, please don’t.” Tristan said. “It’s too dangerous. Right guys?”

He turned to Lewis and Lyra who were deep in conversation, not paying attention to us. Lewis kept glancing at Raelynn, sitting in the corner with Phoenix and Nathan while Lyra gave him tips.

Tristan cleared his throat loudly. “I’ll tell them later,” he sighed.

After a long pause, he spoke, “I don’t want to see a scratch on either one of you. Especially not Belle.”

“Yes, father.” I answered with mock respect.

Amara laughed for some reason. “Someone’s being overprotective.”

We finished up dinner. Amara and I both agreed it was better to get cleaned before bed. I borrowed two backpacks from Lyra, stuffed a few clothes and two plastic water bottle that I took from the cafeteria.

“You should pack weapons too,” Phoenix reminded.

“I almost forgot about that,” I asked Phoenix for keys to the weapons’ room. She wouldn’t give them to me but she took me there.

I got two daggers and packed them in out bags.

Amara and I slept peacefully. We woke up when the sky was still light blue with only hints of orange and pink. We had a light breakfast. Amara insisted we drink as much water as possible. Lyra gave us both leggings and pretty hoodies with sneakers for the trip. Amara and I changed into them immediately.

“Goodbye, potato sack.” I joked. We all giggled.

“It’s the first time I’m going to manipulate an asterism with my Constellation.” Lyra told. “Any advice.”

“Just focus and try not to burn the barrier.” I said.

“Gee, thanks.” she said.

“Relax, you’ll do fine.” Amara comforted.

The other were roused as well since we needed someone to open the barrier.

“That’s our ride,” I told Amara as we walked towards the vehicle that brought me to Crimsyn State. I threw our bags in the backseats.

“Alfred is driving and Hellen is coming with us.” I reminded.

“We sit in the back?” she guessed. I nodded.

“You girls ready?” Hellen asked. She was nervous and excited, no doubt.

“Yes,” we both chorused.

“Is everyone ready to open the barrier?” Hellen yelled to the seven sleep deprived people standing under their Constellations.

“I’ll take those tired eyes as a yes!” hellen said and got in the van.

“Annabelle, Amara, it’s time to go.” Alfred said.

“Just give us a minute,” I rushed to Tristan gave him a quick hug, grabbed Amara and jumped in the van.

The seats were facing each other, Alfred sat at the driver’s seat and Hellen next to him. Amara sat across from me. She wrapped her arms around herself nervously. She was as scared as I was. My insides twisted and turned but I acted brave for Amara.

I squinted out the blackened windows and saw seven Constellations light up the sky. It was enough light to blind me.

“Here we go,” Alfred announced as he started the van. He started driving. I felt the barrier close. We were out in the open.

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