Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 21

Arguing with her was pointless. She wouldn’t admit it was her fault. She’d interrupted my workout to check on me not to apologize for the near death experience.

Luckily, I was alone in the gym when she appeared in a ball of blue dust on the treadmill next to mine.

“I hope you’re here to apologize,” I said in between breaths.

“I was here to accept my thank you,” she mused. “You’re welcome.”

I pushed a button and jumped off. “You almost got me and Amara killed.” I recalled.

She sighed. “After I took over you, your mind went numb.” she explained. “And it took me forever to find that girl in such a huge school. She was asleep. I tried to wake her but after that didn’t work. I carried her through the vortex. My only mistake was leaving your body while we were in the vortex. That caused your injuries because you both got hit by Celestial Energy and since I was gone you obviously couldn’t keep the vortex open on your own. Alas, we got Amara back. That’s what counts.”

I wanted to punch her in the face.

“You are not allowed to do that again,” I demanded.

“Deal,” she promised. “I didn’t like it, anyway.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“One thing I can really help with,” she said after a while. “I can spy on the Hydras for you.”

“Let us know their plans?”

“Yes, it might be helpful.”

“Alright,” I reluctantly agreed. “Should I tell Alfred about this?”

“Not until I get some useful information.” she smiled and burst into neon blue dust, sprinkling me as well.

I decided it was time for lunch since I was famished. I walked past the training area, Phoenix was wrestling a punching bag, she gave me one of her smiles that made me glad I wasn’t her enemy.

I sat with Amara who’s eyes were fixated on a phone while she played video games and paid zero attention to the tasteless soup in front of her. She was eating sour candy coated with powdered sugar. Tristan has been spoiling her ever since she got here. He hadn’t helped her in the training area. He preferred to do that on his own. I’m the one who taught Amara how to hold a bow. She gagged at all the food here so her diet had been candy, chocolate and water. All that Tristan shared with her. I didn’t have a sweet tooth that day so I didn’t ask for a bite out of the candy.

“How can you drink that?” Amara knitted her nose and stuck out her tongue in disgust.

I sipped down the lemon flavoured soup from the bowl. “It’s not that bad.” I confessed. “It’s actually the best thing we;ve had here, I think.”

Amara gathered the liquid in her spoon and drank. She made a weird sound. “If that’s the best, I’d hate to see that worst.”

Can’t blame you, though. But I kept it to myself.

Lewis took a seat across from us. His breathing was fast, like he’d just ran all the way here.

“Annabelle,” he sighed and rested his head on the table. Amara patted him with mock sympathy. “Hellen...is...looking...for...you.”

“Where is she?” I asked, getting to my feet.

He got up his arm and pointed to the door of the cafeteria. Hellen was dressed in a green tracksuit with her hair up in a bun. She had her arms crossed. “I better go,” I said to Amara but it’s not like I was as important as a video game. She didn’t even notice me.

“We have to talk,” Hellen said.


“Come.” She put her arm around my shoulder and walked me over to the Conference Hall building. We sat in the same room as always. Same round wooden table with papers and maps scattered around it with the smell of paint in the air and two lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. Alfred was stacking up the papers and mumbling stuff to himself when we entered.

“Annabelle,” he tried to smile but I could see his anxiety. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, now and so is Amara.”

“I was just sorting out the problems with those Gemini children,” he said.

Lyra had four younger siblings. Two sets of twins. Two girls and two boys. Lyra was one of the only Geminis to be born without a twin. Which is considered bad luck in the Gemini family. Neither she nor any of us believed it. She was perfect as she was.

Ganymede and Callisto along with Zelda and Zosia were given one big room behind the cafeteria where Mrs. Pisces also lived. They didn’t come out much. They stayed with their two maids to take care of them.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Everything is fine.” Hellen answered. “They’re just not used to our....environment.”

I hoped I didn’t look too awkward. “It’s okay. They’ll adjust.”

“We wanted to talk to you about something,” Hellen sat down and I took a seat next to her.

There was a moment of silence. Alfred scratched his almost bald head. There were only a few strands of white hair covering his scalp.

“You’ve learned how to properly use a Star Stone but the only way we can test it is during battle,” Hellen said.

“Okay.” I knitted my eyebrows. I pulled out the stone from my pocket and placed it between me and Alfred.

“I do need that back but it’s time you got your own too.”

“And not just from Virgo but from both of your Constellations.” Hellen added.

“Where do I get them?”

They both exchanged looks. “There is a place where the Constellations send down stones from their brightest Stars,” she quoted. “Only there you must find your Star Stones.”

“But that place is really far away from Stellaregno, let alone Crimsyn State.” Alfred told. “You’d really like it there. It rains Star Stones. It’s like shooting Stars are falling right in front of you.”

“But, I’m not allowed to leave Crimsyn State,” I reminded.

“Yes, but no one else can get those stones except you,” Hellen said. “Only you can take them from your Constellations.”

“I don’t understand,” I confessed.

“She can’t leave,” Alfred said quickly.

“It’s too dangerous, yes,” Hellen agreed.

Alfred sighed. I could see the gears turning in his head as he formulated a plan. “We’ll figure it out and let you know as soon as possible.”

“You still haven’t told me what this place is,” my words hung in the air.

“She doesn’t remember,” Alfred mumbled under his breath but we both heard him. He looked at me. “Oh, well...of course you don’t remember! You were an infant.”

“Huh?” I asked lamely.

Alfred cleared his throat and Hellen shook her head in disappointment.

“You’ll see for yourself, hopefully.” she grinned. She stared at me but I broke away since it felt too awkward. She reminded me of Granny, maybe that’s why I got so cautious around her. I got out of there as fast as I could.

Okay, so, I knew there was a place where we could get our Star Stones from but that place was a rare topic. Not many people talked about it. It was like a sacred place.

Lyra was throwing a tantrum about the clothes we were all wearing. She insisted that I borrow something from her. But I wouldn’t do that. I had found a sweat shirt and pants which were better than anything else we got here so it was a good excuse to wear them everyday.

“I will not be seen in public with a red headed potato sack!” she protested.

“This is comfortable,” I promised.

“So is a bathrobe,” Lyra challenged. “But you don’t see everyone wearing that in public, now, do you?”

She rummaged through her suitcase. Dresses, skirts, scarves and bags flew out. Some of the shirts she showed me were a little inappropriate for the weather.

“Well, how was I supposed to know that even indoors we’d be freezing to death?” she shrieked.

Maybe, the clothes looked way too revealing to me since I wasn’t used to being so open about my body. The dresses were sleeveless with slits and they gave the body shape. The shirts were off-the-shoulder and made of light material. Lyra made all those outfits look good. I can bet a thousand Stars that she’d even make sweatpants a new fashion trend.

Being a Virgo, I didn’t like see-through dresses and attractive clothing. It makes me uncomfortable but that’s my choice. Not against anyone else wearing it. I like to stay modest and decent. I do go formal for events like the Kingdom Banquet but that is a time when I make an exception. Even then I try to be as covered as possible.

I was so lost in thought I didn’t notice Lyra’s change of character. “Who made this mess?” she asked, staring down at her bags. Her bed looked like a wardrobe had thrown up on it.

“You did,” I reminded.

“I did not!” she protested.

“You did, five minutes ago.”

She thought for a moment. “I have never seen these hideous clothes in my entire life.”

I rolled my eyes. She grabbed a curl from her hair. “Who ruined my straight hair?”

“You always curl it,” I recalled.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” With that she rushed to the bathroom, grabbing her green camouflage outfit.

I cleared up her clothes and hid the suitcase underneath her bed along with the rest of her luggage. Lyra stepped out with a fresh face and hair gathered in a bun.

“What had gotten into you?” I wondered.

“I feel like this is appropriate for the training area.” she spoke in a strict tone. “I never really cared much for clothes.”

I nearly burst out in giggles but I managed to control myself. “Lyra . . .” I started.

She cut me off. “Who are you calling Lyra?” She said her name with disgust. I thought she was joking but her face was stern. I realized she was staring at me like I was clueless.

“Lyra.” She snorted. “Such a girlish and meaningless name.”

A chill ran down my spine. “I guess your parents should have considered something different.”

She gagged at the shiny makeup palettes and threw them aside, grabbing some plain clothes.

“Are you feeling okay?” I worried.

“I’m fine,” she confirmed. “And you are?”

“Alright, drop the act.” I crossed my arms.

“What in the name of Gemini are you talking about?” she demanded.

“Talk to me when you’ve come to your senses.” I said and went to find some of my sane friends.

They were sitting in a circle Stargazing in front of the training area. Raelynn was focusing on Aquarius but neither her eyes or Constellation changed colour. They were just blue and pink today.

Nathan was talking with Anthony who had the day off from the infirmary today. Tristan and Amara were competing in a multiplayer game. Lewis was reading a book of facts about the Constellations and studying Raelynn like she was an interesting specimen.

“Hello, people who haven’t lost their sanity,” I greeted as I sat down next to Lewis.

“What makes you say that?” Nathan perked up.

I stayed quiet and thought about Lyra. She was starting to annoy me. Usually, Lewis was the absentminded one. Like right now, he was staring off while his book lay open in front of him.

“What are you doing?” I whispered to Lewis. I followed his gaze to Raelynn who seemed to be in a trance while Stargazing.

“I’m trying to figure out why her eyes look like that.” he answered but I doubt Raelynn would’ve heard us, she had her head in the Stars.

“Do you think it had something to do with Aquarius?” I suggested.

He flipped to a page all about Aquarius traits, personality and appearance. “Two waves of water represent Aquarius.”

“I don’t know why her eyes are like that.” Lewis sighed.

“It’s a new mixture of colours every day,” I told. “The other day she somehow made her Constellation change colour with her eyes.”

“She does have big eyes.” he swooned while he rested his chin on his hand.

“Hey.” I snapped my fingers in his face. “Focus!”

“Right, sorry.” He cleared his throat. “I’ve been researching.”

“Looks like creepy stalking to me,” I muttered.

“And it turns out that I have absolutely no idea how or why she can do that.” Lewis finished with mock pride.

“It is a beautiful quality,” I confessed.

Raelynn had freshly dyed cherry red hair, this time done in streaks in her bleach blonde hair. The sparkles in he eyes made her face more prominent. Her hair fell to her back and was as straight as a line. She was bony and skinny under the leggings and oversized sweaters that fell off one of her shoulders.

“I’ll keep working on it,” he said as he reopened his book. He’d glance at Raelynn and saliva would pool in his mouth. But that’s why I was here, to snap him back to reality and tell him that it was never going to happen. He knew that unless they were compatible with together it was forbidden.

“Hey, if you and Tristan are allowed to fantasize then . . .”

He got cut off. “Let me know if you find anything.” I quickly got to my feet. I hoped I wasn’t as red as my hair.

I skipped dinner with Amara. She chose to sleep at the other side of the room since there was no room here for another bed thanks to Lyra’s suitcases. I was exhausted and sleep came easily tonight. Amara was playing games under the covers and eating a stash of chocolate bars. I didn’t feel peckish.

I hoped the Star Spirit would give me some inside information about the Hydras. I slept dreamlessly until I heard the Star Spirit whispering my name urgently and demanding that I wake up. I ignored her.

But then, someone actually yelled my name and shook me awake. I opened my eyes to find everyone running around screaming and crying as the bombs made the buildings vibrate.

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