Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 13

I’m glad the others hadn’t told me about this little reunion because if they had I would’ve never walked in here and I never would’ve shown my anger. I kept looking at Alfred for confirmation, as if I thought I was the only one who could see my father standing there. I took a seat across from him with my clenched fists hidden under the table. There was a long pause. What a nice family reunion. All three Virgos in the same room. Since Granny was married in she doesn’t really count as a Virgo and honestly I didn’t miss her no more than I missed Dad. When was the last time the three of us had been together? My mind flashed back to the night I had first met Alfred. Look where that got me, I smiled at the thought. Alfred cleared his throat loudly, snapping me back to reality.

“How are you, Annabelle?” Dad asked.

“I’m fine,” I answered casually.

He took his gloves off slowly. Something shiny flashed on his finger but I couldn’t tell what it was. he smelled like home but also like he hadn’t had a shower in days.

“I’ve come to take you home.” he said.

“What home?” I snapped.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. “How did you even find Crimsyn State?”

“It wasn’t easy, this place isn’t even on the map!” he exclaimed.

Alfred let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Do you really expect a rebel hideout to be on the map?” Alfred teased. Dad lowered his head.

“No, I don’t.” he defended. “But did you honestly think Eloise wouldn’t have told me about it?”

The whole room fell silent again. Alfred and I both glared at him. I was more shocked than angry, I’ve never heard him say her name before.

“She did but you wouldn’t listen,” Alfred raged.

“I went through her belongings and I read her journal. She wrote all about this place and I found it.” Dad told. He said ‘this place’ as if one would say this dump. That made me even more mad.

“I’ve come to take you home. I have been driving for three days. No one knows I’m here so if you want me to stay out of anymore trouble you’ll come with me.”

“If Annabelle wants to stay you will not force her.” Alfred stated.

“And what am I supposed to tell the king? He’s given me so many threats already.” Then he turned to me. “Annabelle, Alec is waiting for you. You have to come back.”

“No,” I insisted.

“Why don’t you tell her the real reason you’re here to collect her?” Alfred asked Dad. What are they hiding from me.

Dad hesitated. After a long pause, he responded, “I got married to Hope Ursa major. We weren’t compatible, I had to get special permission from the king. He agreed. After the ceremony he asked for you in exchange. I tried to argue but he wouldn’t listen.”

He explained quickly, as if he wanted to get it over with. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. I still needed proof.

“You’re lying to me,” I said.

He knew what I was asking for. It’s the one thing I look at the first time I meet someone. Looking at their Signs, knowing their Constellations helps me determine their personality before even speaking with them. He rolled up his sleeve, revealing the Ursa major symbol on his left hand. I almost gasped instead I averted my eyes because just above that symbol was the Ophiuchus Sign he had gotten from mom, and I couldn’t see another one with that.

“I’m also here to apologize,” Dad said.

I was taken aback, “For what?” He certainly had a lot to be sorry about.

“That night, during the Kingdom Banquet...” he started. “The night that Virgo lit up...that wasn’t you. That was because I got too excited while dancing with Hope and then I sort of lost it. I blamed it on you. I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do.”

He did look like he was sorry. But I couldn’t believe him. I was humiliated in front of the entire kingdom that night, and all he did was scold me. He didn’t even pretend to take my side after blaming it on me. Honestly, that wasn’t even a big deal. It was a misunderstanding, I didn’t know why everyone took it personally.

“Why did you let him in?” I whispered to Alfred. “Did he just walk in here?”

“I’ll explain that later,” Alfred promised.

“I’m not leaving without you,” Dad said. “If you don’t come with me the king will bring you back by force.”

I was stubborn and furious, I didn’t say another word. I crossed my arms and waited for him to go. He sat there staring at me, hoping that I would listen but after he got my message he got to his feet and Alfred lead him out. It took a long time for Alfred to return but when he did five curious heads popped inside the room behind him, demanding an answer.

“Is this place even protected at all?” I snapped. “Anyone can just walk inside and you’re okay with that?”

“I will explain everything later. Right now you have to go get some rest.” Alfred said. “Raelynn take her to the girls room.”

I don’t know when or why the tears started running down my face, why I felt so upset or why I could barely move a muscle. I buried myself under the sheets and sobbed into my pillow. I neglected both Phoenix and Raelynn’s attempts to distract me from my predicament. Phoenix sat on the bed across from me silently, that was probably the worst form of pity. Raelynn finally coaxed a glass of water in me which I drank instantly. She claimed I had lost a lot of fluid by crying it out. I didn’t mention the trips to the bathroom to spill my guts out.

My head felt heavy and I was scared to eat anything out of the fear that I might throw it up. The room was empty besides the trips Phoenix and Raelynn made to check on me or bring me water. That gave me a good chance to cry as much as I wanted without anyone calming me down or making fun of me. I drifted into a restless sleep, waking up after a few minutes to check if I was okay. A reflex action since I found out Crimsyn State was unprotected and anyone could just walk in and out of here. I regretted not leaving with Dad because there was no difference then. I didn’t have anything left in me to vomit except the water I kept drinking out of the plastic bottle Raelynn got me. My abdomen ached and it made it even harder for me to sleep.

After a few hours of trying to close my eyes I was convinced I couldn’t sleep and got up, splashed my face to wake up properly and braided my hair. I was fatigued but I tried to let it not show, I didn’t want to be identified as a weakling anymore than they already thought I was. I went to the cafeteria and joined everyone at the table. Sandwiched between Raelynn and Nathan, Phoenix, Tristan and Anthony sitting across from us. I only drank a cup of tea which satisfied everyone, I fought hard to make it stay in my stomach. Tristan tried to get me to eat a slice of bread but I regretted that. He offered other things too but I fixed him with a stare and he didn’t force anymore.

“How did my dad get inside Crimsyn State?” I asked. Five heads turned to me, they stopped chewing, spoons clinked against plates and someone dropped a fork. Most probably Nathan, always making everything so dramatic. I opened my mouth to repeat the question but I was cut off.

“Annabelle, it’s complicated.” Tristan answered. “It’s hard to understand. I’ll explain when you feel better.”

“I’m fine!” I protested. “If you won’t tell me then I’ll ask Alfred.”

I could hear them calling my name but I didn’t listen to them. I was dizzy and shouldn’t be rushing around, I had to grab on to one of the pillars outside to keep myself from falling.

“Annabelle,” Phoenix stomped in front of me. “You have to eat something.”

“I don’t want to.” I said, irritated. “I’m fine.”

“Okay, then it’s time for your archery lesson.” she crossed her arms. “If you’re fine then let’s not waste time.”

I knew what she was trying to do. Expose my weakness and then get me to digest something. That’s not going to happen.

“I’m not in the mood, just leave me alone.” I demanded and hurried away.

I appreciated their concern but why did they care so much? I avoided the girls’ room where Raelynn and Mrs. Capricorn waited to lecture me about my health. The training area was where Phoenix, Nathan and Tristan were. I debated checking into the infirmary but Anthony would just hook me up to a drip or force feed me, only that later on I’d spill it all out. I felt trapped. Nowhere to go. The only place left was the Conference Hall building. I wanted confirmation from Alfred. The other rooms were occupied, I could hear people booming and arguing. The biggest from was the Conference Room where Alfred spent most of his time. It wasn’t a really big room but it was sufficient for meetings.

I knocked twice on the door before Alfred opened it, surprised to see me.

“I was just going to come looking for you.” he told.

He wasn’t alone. There was that old woman sitting at the table with papers and documents piled around her. She was scribbling in a notebook and glanced at me from time to time.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m fine,” I answered quickly. “I just wanted to ask you about...” My voice failed me but Alfred understood what I was going to say.

“Yes, actually I wanted to tell you that Phoenix gave me a progress report. I’m proud of you for learning quickly. Raelynn says you’re good enough to train on your own. According to Phoenix you’re better at archery.”

Learning quickly? Does he know that it took thirty minutes to get me out of bed? And how long it took for me to even hold a bow properly? It took weeks of practice. But I didn’t mention that to him, I never really had an adult tell me they’re proud of me.

“One problem is the Star Stone.” he continued. “You can control the stone but you can’t do anything other than that?”

I nodded. He meant to ask if I could kill someone with it, I didn’t know why he sugarcoated it though.

“My friend, Hellen will help you with that.” he said. For a moment, I was confused. Then I heard someone clear their throat loudly. I turned around. That old woman was standing with a smile on her face. Her grey hair was tied neatly in a bun. She wore the same clothes as me except in green and hers were more fitted. Her sleeves were buttoned at the wrists so I couldn’t see her Signs and Alfred didn’t tell me her last name so I had no clue what her Constellations were.

“She’s going to teach you how to use a Star Stone,” Alfred said.

“Why do I need her? I can just ask Raelynn or Tristan.” I whispered. I’d even be willing to learn from Phoenix.

“Hellen is the best option. She has been here almost as long as I have. You can look at her as the head of Crimsyn State.” he added.

I thought Alfred was the leader of Crimsyn State. I didn’t even know who Hellen was. My only assumption was that Hellen needed an assistant and Alfred was the only volunteer.

“But I don’t even have my Star Stone with me.” I recalled, sighing in relief.

“You can borrow mine,” he offered, expecting him to pull it from a chain around his neck like the rest of us, instead he retrieved it out of his pocket. It was crystal like and white but it glowed blue. Before I could protest, he placed the stone in my hand.

“When should we start our first class?” Hellen asked in a sweet voice. For some reason it sent a chill down my spine.

“Class?” I repeated, looking at Alfred. How long is this going to take?

“Yes, Hellen will teach you everything you need to know about Astrology.” he told.

“I learned all that in school,” I said nervously.

“There is more than you think.” Hellen said gently.

“Good luck!” Alfred said and hurried out of the room before I could complain even more.

“Annabelle,” Hellen grinned. “It’s an honour to meet you. I always wanted to meet an Ophiuchus. And I have the privilege of teaching the last living descendant of Ophiuchus.”

She sounded like she was excited but I was only nervous and terrified. I had only seen Hellen a few times and she didn’t speak that much. Now I know she’s bubbly and determined.

“Would you lock the door please?” she asked. And I did, not knowing the exertion this would bring.

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