
Chapter ⌛Preface Two⌛

Sirus found out about the device.

He knew that Aurora was up to something, but he didn't know what it was. He thought Aurora was being a little too friendly with Hariette since they weren't always close before. Now they were spending so much time together. It's not like two department heads getting along and trying to run things smoothly. Things were going well without them even speaking to each other. This was different, this was suspicious.

Sirus didn't really find out till he saw it for himself. It happened one evening. Sirus had Aurora in his grasps, and it was just like any other night they had this past week. Sirus was a handsy person, but for Aurora to say that he didn't enjoy the stress relief would be a lie. He loved it. It's just that Sirus noticed Aurora in a daze.

And then all of a sudden, sex wasn't just sex anymore. Aurora just about had a spiritual enlightenment in one night. That never happens. As good as sex can be, Sirus had a feeling he did more than just show Aurora a piece of heaven.

He was suspicious.

As amazing as sex was, he had to know what Aurora was doing.

Whatever Aurora was on, Sirus wanted to be on it, too.

He found Hariette out in public today. He was on standby for a few days, and she had one day off every month. She wanted to not be bothered. Once Sirus showed up to her personally, she knew what happened.

She wasn't in uniform today. For once, Sirus got to see her in something that didn't show she was a department head. As much as he wanted to make a comment about her being in a dress, he didn't get the chance because her expression changed and she wasn't happy.

"Come on." She groaned miserably. She figured that Aurora got caught by doing something stupid. "How did you find out?" She asked Sirus.

"First of all, the damn thing makes your eyes turn blue." Sirus said and sat down in the other chair. "And whatever it is, he used it during sex and it was awesome." He had a sly smile on his face.

Hariette was surprised. "Look at him being innovative. Even I didn't think to do that." She was going to start using it like that though.

Sirus had the same idea.

"What is it?" Sirus asked.

"It's an implant that you're not going to want, Sirus." She already warned him. "You don't like surgical procedures or medicine."

It was true. Sirus never liked having to get stitches or being in such a sterile environment. It's always a fight to make him get healing treatments or see a medical professional. Maybe it would be a good idea if he didn't get involved.

"So you put something in Aurora?" Sirus wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Then again, he tells everyone that everything is a bad idea.

He should mind his own business. And he believed this to his core.

He thought about it for a second though, but then he made up his mind. "I'll do it." He said anyway.

Hariette crossed her arms over her chest. Did Sirus think she wasn't going to tell Aurora about it? He was the one who engineered the project, it's not like he's not going to find out. Hariette almost felt obligated to warn Aurora.

"We only made two-"

"Time to make another one. I want one." Sirus wasn't going to change his mind. If Aurora had one, he wanted one. He doesn't get toys to play with and Sirus thought it was his time.

A woman in a bright yellow dress came and sat next to Hariette. She had a large sunhat on and wore sun glasses on this bright day. It was the summer. And it was windy. Her dress blew around her thighs as she took her seat next to Hariette. Her long brunette hair was in a braid over her shoulder. Her face was soft, her glasses hid her eyes, and she smiled at Sirus who was on the other side of the table.

"Hi, Sirus." She waved flirtatiously, but she was only teasing him.

He almost smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Ecilia."

The one thing she wanted to get through to him was the formality. "I'm five years older than you." She said, but Sirus still refused to address her with respect.

Sirus didn't say anything as he continued to look at her. He wanted to know what game they were going to play today.

Ecilia continued to smile at him.

Hariette looked between the two of them. She didn't know what was going on.

"I didn't know you two already met." Hariette wasn't surprised. Miss Ecilia has been making more trips from Spain just to see her.

It was definitely a kind gesture.

Miss Ecilia will never forget Sirus. She thought it was cruel that Aurora was keeping him all to himself. She did believe sharing was caring.

She's had Sirus come to Spain on a few occasions, making sure Aurora knew that only sector one was welcomed there. Sirus would never stay but he had to admit that Ecilia made him feel more than just welcome.

"We have met before." Ecilia told Hariette. The tone to her voice made Hariette raise an eye brow. What was Ecilia hiding? She may have been flirting, she liked Sirus.

And she already knows about the aggressive behavior, the rude demeanor, his lack of morals. He did things his way, and as much as people would challenge him or yell at him, they can't say he doesn't do his job. He was great at it, his methods just wasn't so kind. Ecilia definitely knows a lot about Sirus, about his family, about his life.

Hariette just about knew what Ecilia was thinking, well she thought she did. She wasn't sure if what she was thinking was the truth.

"Taking trips to Spain?" Hariette looked at Sirus, curious. It was obvious that Sirus could reciprocate the behavior if he wanted to. The question was if he actually did or not.

"When I'm bored." Sirus wasn't going to lie. Then again, he makes sure that there's work involved so he doesn't get stranded with Miss Ecilia.

She smiled at him. He almost smiled at her.

Hariette looked at Ecilia slowly, unsure if she was catching the two of them flirting or not. They weren't talking a lot but there was a bit of tension.

"His Spanish is so aggressive and obnoxious." Ecilia said but she smiled wider. "I like it."

Hariette definitely knew where she was going with that. "You don't want to be on Aurora's bad side, Ecilia." She warned her.

Ecilia didn't seem to care. She was still looking at Sirus, her eyes hidden behind her sunglasses. "I actually wouldn't mind that either." She admitted to Hariette once she thought about it.

Sirus and Ecilia did have a few things in common then.

Unfortunately for him, Sirus had somewhere to be so he couldn't continue the conversation with them. He wanted to know why Ecilia was traveling to see Hariette. Lately, Hariette has been very active with others.

What else was she involved in?

Right now, Sirus just wanted what Hariette and Aurora had.

Hariette was about to reach for her drink but something was off. Her right arm felt numb for a second. And she would've ignored it, except for the fact that she wasn't doing anything with her arm.

It only lasted a second.

To her it was nothing to worry about.

Aurora didn't think it was a good idea for Sirus to be involved in the project.

"You're not going to like it, Sirus. Don't waste my time." Aurora turned everything off in his Command room.

"You get one but I don't?"

"I made it." Aurora turned back to look at him, emphasizing his statement. "You break things." he said, and they both knew it was true.

Sirus just rolled his eyes.

He was in for another lecture.

The second Aurora saw that Sirus averted his eyes, he wasn't interested in having this conversation. "We spent a long time on it. I don't want you thinking it's a game." He was concerned that Sirus wouldn't take it seriously.

"What's it for anyway?" No one told him, they just assumed he wouldn't like it.

"It supposed to 'record' memories so we can manually replay them." Aurora said. "I just found out how to have it shown externally, but I can't update the one I have..." Aurora began talking to himself as he walked out of the room.

Sirus followed, letting Aurora chatter on to himself for a moment. But he wanted to get to the point. "Give that one to me." He said. He wanted the upgraded one.

Aurora stopped walking abruptly. He has a willing test subject but he wasn't sure if he wanted it to be Sirus.

"Come here." Aurora pulled him into a different room so they could speak privately. He had a hunch about why Sirus wanted to be a part of the experiment.

And it wasn't a good reason.

Sirus couldn't hide the smug grin on his face. He wasn't really trying to hide the reason he was interested in Aurora's new toy.

"What happened the other day is not the basis for this." Aurora said quickly, and he was turning red up to his ears. "This project is supposed to help all the departments and civilians."

"Okay." Sirus didn't really think that was an issue.

"I'm not joking."

"You were definitely messing around with it before. I mean, I get that it's for the experiment, but come on." Sirus stepped closer to him.

Aurora was still blushing as he tried to shrug away. He knew what Sirus was doing and he didn't want to fall for the trap.

It's inconvenient.

Sirus touched his shoulder gently. "I said I was willing to help." He wanted to come off as sincere.

Aurora quickly knew he was faking it.

"I'm not the one you want to talk to since I'm not the one who would do the surgery." Aurora put his hand on Sirus' chest to shove him away, but Sirus took his hand instead.

There was something else they had to settle.

"Before you go-"

Aurora knew what he was going to ask. "Sirus-"

"Do it again." He said quietly.

Aurora was still bright red as he looked away to the ground. He wasn't sure if that was a good idea. They were in a quiet room together, and that immediately was the set up for something more.

Aurora remembered what he did.

He was curious.

He didn't know he would actually enjoy it.

He was resistant to the idea. "It's not a toy." Aurora wanted to move away, but he didn't. Sirus was so close now, and he was waiting for Aurora to give in.

"That was hot."

Aurora took a breath and closed his eyes. "If I do it again, it's the last time." he made himself clear.

"That's not the attitude you want to have when having your world rocked-"

"This is exactly why I don't want to do it." Aurora was about to move away, his ears hot and his cheeks bright red. Sirus had pulled him into a different direction instead.

He sat down in a chair and he brought Aurora on his lap. It wasn't easy to get him to stay down but he did, after moments of fighting.

Aurora's heart was racing.

He was almost scared.

What he felt the other night was bliss. He thought he knew what that was before, but that night happened and he just couldn't control it. He's not much for sex and he really tried to keep Sirus in line, but there are times where it doesn't work, just like right now. He couldn't say no.

He's been stressed.

Keeping his project a secret from everyone else was draining. Now there was one more person that knew the truth. Sirus wanted to be involved and Aurora thought it was for the wrong reasons.

For now he didn't say anything.

He let Sirus touch him. He can't say he didn't enjoy it. He touched Sirus, too. They were alone together, and Aurora needed this all day. He was finally getting it.

He really wasn't much for sex.

But as Sirus touched him, Aurora could see how everything was the other night.

He felt it.

It was like he was in two places at once. He could feel Sirus now, and he could feel him in his memories. It was overwhelming. His hand was pressing on Sirus' chest now, and he felt that, but he also felt when he had his hands in Sirus' hair the other night.

He could feel Sirus kissing him then even if he wasn't doing it now. All of that heightened everything. Aurora was at that place where his stress and anxiety couldn't reach him.

It was almost like he transcended.

Sirus could only watch as Aurora rode him. Aurora's clothes were undone but he seemed to forget. Sirus could see the way Aurora breathed, the sweat on his skin, the shaking.

He could see the small blue rings in Aurora's maroon eyes. His eyes were far gone, but the rest of him was right in the present. Sirus couldn't be any more turned on knowing that Aurora was feeling an overwhelming sensation of bliss. He could see it in Aurora's face as he moved his hips.

Aurora felt it all over again.

He leaned his head back, his lips parting more as he moaned. He could hear his voice then and now. He could hear Sirus in his ears too. He felt Sirus' hands at his waist, holding him and moving his hips with his. Aurora's fingers were trembling. He knew to hold himself up, and he knew how to move, how to feel Sirus inside him.

Before he knew it, he was in perfect sync with his past self.

Today it wasn't so surprising so he was calmer.

He came when he couldn't hold out much longer. The first wave was from the present, Aurora reaching his climax, and he knew. The second brought chills up his spine. He had this tingling sensation all over his body. He felt his orgasm from the other night and it drowned him.

He gasped for air hard. His lungs burned as his chest rose and fell heavily. Sirus had his hands pressed to Aurora's back, and he pulled him closer as Aurora continued to shake.

For a moment, Aurora didn't know what was real.

Sirus was kissing his neck, breathing on him, getting him riled up again. His arms moved over Sirus' shoulders, his hands in Sirus' thick hair. Aurora was still watching his memories from the other night.

Sirus had asked him if he was okay that night, after he thought Aurora had transcended. It was out of the ordinary for both of them. And for Sirus to show concern was shocking. It wasn't the first time he had done it, but it's rare.

"I'm fine." Aurora said quietly then and now.

He forgot what was real for a moment.

He got so comfortable that he didn't notice.

Sirus was still kissing his skin gently. His hands moved to Aurora's face, feeling how hot his cheeks were. Aurora's eyes didn't show those same blue rings that were there a second ago.

All of that was definitely an experience.

Sirus had to persuade Harlow to implant the device in him. But he knew it was much easier to persuade Aurora to talk to Harlow instead, he was a much more pleasant person than Sirus was anyway. What would be the harm?

"Sirus, I said no." Aurora was tired of Sirus' rubbing up against him, and trying to be friendly hoping he would go to Harlow for him.

"I don't know the woman-"

"That's not my problem. You never had an issue taking what you want. You want the device, go get it." Aurora turned away so he could leave.

He was still coming down from his wild experience and would prefer if Sirus gave him some time to cool off. It just didn't seem like that was going to happen.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Sirus tagged along closely. Aurora sighed but didn't give Sirus the time of day. "Harlow will do what you tell her-"

"You're supposed to do what I tell you." Aurora was frustrated. "I said I'm not the one you're supposed to persuade, for some reason I don't think you're listening to me. And you have other things to do anyway, why are you still here? Isn't there..."

Sirus was watching Aurora talk to him, but none of the words registered in his ears. He complained to himself because Aurora definitely knew how to talk someone's ear off, especially when he was upset. This was no different. Sirus hated when Aurora did that. But he's gotten better at tuning Aurora out.

It wasn't easy, but he got there.

Now he just needed to shut Aurora up for just a second.

Or longer.

It was a surprise to Aurora when Sirus suddenly kissed him. Aurora knew he wasn't listening, and this just proved his case. But Aurora didn't pull away, not yet.

Why did he like being kissed?

Was he still feeling lonely? He wasn't irritated anymore, that was for sure.

No one was around to see them.

Aurora was gentle when he placed his hand on Sirus' shoulder. He wasn't going to shove him away. Sirus wasn't being rough with him, but he could be. He wasn't that tired considering what happened not too long ago. Aurora had quieted down nicely, and now he could finally make his case.

He didn't have to say anything.

When he pulled away, he kissed Aurora's cheek and then his temple. Aurora had just about leaned in to feel Sirus kiss him. His heart fluttered when he felt his lips press against his forehead.

He doesn't always feel like this, but he was glad he could feel it today.

Sirus had been successful in persuading him.

"Alright." Aurora gave in. He wasn't bothered by how easy that was. He wasn't anxious. He was at ease to give Sirus what he wants. "Let's go." He said.

Out of the two of them, Aurora was friendlier. He was kinder. He was more generous, and he was easier to talk to. Harlow didn't know who Sirus was and she wasn't sure why Aurora was doing all the talking for him, but she was going to find out soon enough.

So Sirus got the new upgraded implant that Aurora had been working on.

He was able to show others what he saw.

The device functioned at a higher percentage outside of the human body, so Aurora definitely had high hopes for it, though he wished that the test subject wasn't Sirus.

"Maybe we should code the blue print." Aurora said to Hariette quietly. "We can't have this in the wrong hands."

The kinds of things that could happen if someone with evil ideas got it would be terrible. Aurora couldn't even imagine.

"The last thing we need is another war with this." Aurora wouldn't be too happy if this got out.

"Or if someone from the Rebellion got a hold of it." Just as much good the implant was, Hariette knew it could cause damage as well.

They looked at each other for a second. Aurora knew it would be a good idea to hide everything even more.

Hariette agreed that they should bury the blueprint in codes somehow. For now that was the new task, making sure no one else got a hold of it.

Harlow walked into Aurora's Command room quietly.

"The system says the device is functioning fine." She let them know. "Sirus should be up in an hour."

The three of them had come up with a revolutionary idea. They should be proud of themselves. Now all they had to do was watch and make sure nothing goes wrong.

"I already modified his tablet so we'll see if it does what I programmed it to do." Aurora said.

Three test subjects.

Sirus had the newer version. Aurora was expecting a lot more from this one. He just had to figure out a way to keep Sirus in line and that wasn't going to be easy.

Aurora tried to explain how the device worked to Sirus for a second time because he has a feeling Sirus wasn't listening before the surgery. Aurora wasn't surprised Sirus wasn't listening now.

"Please, Sirus, focus." Aurora wanted him to understand.

Sirus was irritated by the mark on his neck. It was small, but he was scratching and making it worse.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing." Sirus was picking at the small stitch, but Aurora stopped him from touching it.

"You can't just play with it, okay-"

"Whatever." Sirus used his other hand to touch his neck. Aurora almost wanted to hold him down. "Can you let go of me?" It wasn't a question really, Sirus was warning him.

"Stop picking at the stitch." Aurora said. "Harlow worked hard so it won't leave a scar." He would hope that Sirus wouldn't continue to scratch and open up the small incision site.

Sirus hated it.

Aurora got up and went searching in the drawers. He pulled out a small spray bottle and went back to Sirus. He pressed his fingers along side the stitched incision and sprayed the area.

Sirus seemed to calm down more once the area felt cooler. The itching stopped.

"Better?" Aurora asked, but he could tell Sirus liked it. He was more at ease.

"Bring that stuff home."

They were going to need more once it wore off.

Aurora was walking out of the Capitol building in the late evening. It's been a long week and all he wanted to do was go to sleep.

For a moment his thoughts had shifted.

He got a flash of something he hadn't seen in years.

He was standing in a grassy area. He saw the trees and flowers and felt the sun's ray. For some reason it was like it was the first time he was in the environment. He could feel the confusion all over again.

It was odd.

When he looked down, he saw blood in the grass.

After that, he was staring at the silver floors. This was where he was standing. He was supposed to be leaving, but he had stopped walking.

He thought he was day dreaming.

But it felt so real. Just like that day he fell from the sky.

He didn't like that he saw that. He hadn't experienced that before. He couldn't remember turning the implant on. He couldn't even remember thinking about the past that way. He remembered he had a panic attack before, but this was different. This was worse.

His hand moved to his chest when his heart began racing. What he saw was triggering. His anxiety returned and he didn't know how to control it.

Maybe he should see his psychiatrist.

He thought he might have the issue again and needed to know how to control himself.

That night the implant turned on again and Aurora couldn't stop the vision. He was staring blankly at the wall, and he whispered for someone to make it stop but he was in the room alone.

No one could help him.

A hand pressed on his shoulder but he didn't realize it.

His eyes had gone lifeless for a moment as he saw his worst nightmare. He used to have dreams of the day he fell on Earth, seeing more dead people than he did that day. In his nightmare he was standing over someone but they don't wake up.

Aurora couldn't move.

He felt trapped.

A minute later he was out of it. The blue rings from his implant were gone and he was looking at Sirus who was standing in front of him.

Sirus couldn't get through to Aurora for a whole minute. That hasn't happened before. Aurora was usually aware of his surroundings, but lately things have been getting weird for him.

For some reason, he didn't know that what he just saw was just made up. It felt so real to him, real enough that his heart was racing and he was beginning to sweat.

It was odd.

The implant wasn't supposed to mess with old memories. What Aurora experienced happened years ago, how is it that he was reliving that again?

The implant was glitching.

Sirus watched Aurora and waited.

"What...?" Aurora looked around, wanting to make sure he was where he was supposed to be. "What happened?" He looked at Sirus again, confused.

"You tell me." Sirus couldn't figure out what Aurora was doing.

Aurora didn't know what was going on either, but he didn't feel right.

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