
Chapter ⌛Chapter Twenty-Three⌛

Celeste was in an environment she didn't want to be in. Usually she stayed away from the Capitol building for a specific reason. She didn't need to be asked why she didn't work there from the beginning.

But today she had a meeting with the defense commanders for Canada and Latin America.

She was absolutely nowhere near close to finishing her counter device for the implant. Though she wasn't trying very hard to complete a finished product. She was trying to get through the theoretical phase, which was important, but she hasn't tried to construct a physical item.

Seventy percent functional. That's all she could focus on. It was at seventy percent for a while, and she's tried changing a lot of factors. If she couldn't get it to work theoretically, how would it actually work.

She scrapped a lot more blue prints over the past day.

There was something she wasn't thinking about but she couldn't figure it out. She's tried looking at it from different perspectives but she couldn't get it right.

How was she going to turn off thousands of implants? She didn't want to just turn off the first ones that were made, she wanted to include all the new ones as well. She was sure there were variations of her blue prints out there, and that had to be covered.

Theoretically, she was only as seventy percent. Anything below one hundred percent was useless.

She wasn't going to spend the next two years on a secret project again. The first one was already challenging enough. As much as she loves a good puzzle, she wanted this to be over quickly.

There were other concerns she had to address as well. How was she going to get the commanders to agree with her? She could convince people her machines, engines, anything she made works, but she always had a blue print to back it up and theoretically it was always at a hundred percent. How was she going to persuade the commanders when she doesn't have a finished blue print?

She needed advice to convince them and she knew someone that could help, someone who was good at dragging others to do their work. Though, she had a feeling she’d be playing with fire, well her own temper, since it seems like she wouldn’t get along with sector four’s leader in training.

The entire sector was spread out outside, waiting for their assignment before they were supposed to leave, but they watched as Celeste walked near one of the jets. Celeste put a stop to everything since she asked for a few minutes of their leader’s time.

Prism was waiting.

To be graced with Celeste’s presence was such a sweet thing, at least for her. Their first moment together wasn’t so kind, since Celeste was trying to hold back her temper, but today she just wanted advice and Prism was the one she could get it from.

She was in uniform, like always. Today her hair was down, just long enough to drape her shoulders though she kept it out of her face. There were plenty of weapons on her, and that was her sector’s specialty. She liked to flaunt that around.

She waited for Celeste who was coming right for her.

“Celeste.” Prism smiled widely. “What can I do for you?” She was being more than just polite.

“I had a question.” Celeste had taken her arm and pulled her off to the side so no one could hear them talk.

Celeste had some residual anger from what Prism did last time, so one wrong statement and the fuse will blow.

Prism had a feeling Celeste would come running to her, but the reason she had in mind wasn’t what Celeste was here for. Prism was cocky. She was arrogant. She thinks the world revolves around her.

“How do you get people to go with your ideas?” Celeste asked.

“My ideas are good.” Prism put her hands on her hips.

“Your ideas are trash.” Celeste came right out with it. And she had proof. “Last time you messed up one of my engines just to get me to work for you, and it didn’t work.” She reminded Prism.

Prism began to smile though. Celeste came running here for a reason. “What do you have in mind?-” she was curious but Celeste couldn’t give away the details to anyone.

“I just need to know how you got Alya to trust you.”

Trust was a big thing and Celeste was going to need it if she was going to make her case. Prism believed she could help.

“It’s called convincing, darling. I talk a good game. Constantly.”

“So you lie?” Celeste didn’t want to lie but her plan was essentially that.

It was all a lie, but she had to make it seem real, right?

“I’m definitely not a liar.” Prism scoffed. “I might cut the truth a bit, but there’s no harm in that.”

Celeste needed a good strategy.

But she needed people to trust her as well, and that’s going to be hard to do with her pending charges. So she has to talk a good game, like she always does.

Prism has other things she wanted to know about. She changed the subject abruptly. “Heard your girlfriend dumped you.” She said, tilting her head to the side as she watched Celeste’s expression.

Celeste thought that was going to sting, the comment didn't bother her as much. She stared at Prism plainly.

Prism was definitely a talker.

She was a charmer.

She persuaded people.

That’s how she got where she was. She makes people believe she could make their dreams come true. Whether she delivers on that was up for debate, but she always took a chance even if the odds were against her.

“I think I’m a little much for you, Prism.” Celeste wasn’t that dense when someone tries to make a move.

Prism was definitely about to.

Celeste could see the way Prism looked at her. Prism wasn’t trying to hide herself. She’s heard the news. Everyone knew it.

What Prism wanted to know was if Celeste was still in her denial phase of the break up.

That’s not what it really was, a break up. Celeste couldn’t say she was dumped. Sure her relationship ended, but it was abrupt due to the situation which was not in her favor.

Prism said what she said though.

Celeste was sure Prism wasn’t ready for her. “Start any wars lately?” She asked.

“I’m certainly going to finish one if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I’ll be fixing that problem real soon.” She narrowed her eyes when Prism stepped closer to her. “You might want to find something else to do with your time.” Celeste said.

“Might as well work for the department then.”

“So you can bother me?”

“After this, I don’t think I’ll be a bother.” Prism was sure of herself. She smiled but her grey eyes showed different intentions.

What she had in mind was more than just friendly.

They were standing close. Too close. Others were watching, curious if something was going to happen right then and there.

It would be a sight to see, that’s for sure.

The tension that sparked was immediate. Their personalities clashed, and Celeste immediately knew what that would be like. She didn’t need the distraction, and that’s what Prism was.

But she did talk a good game, just like she said she did.

“Let me ask Dri first.” Celeste said quietly, getting closer to her. “He’s not one to share now that he has me all to himself.”

It was a rumor, but now Prism knew the truth. She wasn’t surprised. She just wanted Celeste even more. “Break up with your boyfriend.” she was tempted to persuade her.

But she couldn’t tell Celeste was to do.

“You’ll see me around, Prism.” She whispered, her hand moving under Prism’s chin to tilt her head up a little, her lips just hovering over hers.

Prism was a charmer, but Celeste did it better.

She almost made Prism want to kiss her. It was a sweet idea. She didn’t care if other people were around. She didn’t care if her sector was watching. It was such a sweet idea.

But Celeste stepped around her and moved her hands into her coat pockets.

She had somewhere to be and she had to actually be there on time. It wasn’t easy to speak with busy commanders but she got her chance.

Prism was at a loss for words. She turned to watch Celeste walk away. One day she was going to make her move, but she doesn’t know how many people have thought that, too.

Celeste now had to be focused.

She didn't want the commanders to think she was joking or playing around. This was her only chance to convince them that she was competent to handle the situation. All they had to do was trust her. She wasn't asking for anything else other than that. She needed them to trust her. After that, she should be able to deliver on her promise.

Would she be lucky to get them to agree?

She was going to find out.

She walked into a big room that was in one of the top floors of the building. The room was empty, except for three people that sat at the center of the room. It was quiet between them, but then they saw Celeste.

Two of them were a little cautious. One already knew that this was going to be interesting.

Celeste was a criminal.

Three commanders being caught speaking with her would cause some issues.

Hariette didn’t seem to mind. It was like she was waiting for this day because she had a feeling like she knew what Celeste was going to ask for. Hariette was almost proud and she didn’t hide it.

“Your smile is concerning.” An older man said as he looked at Hariette. He pushed his glasses up and shook his head.

Hariette continued to smile.

The woman in the middle looked at Hariette as well, just as concerned. “I would say the same.” She said as Celeste walked down the steps.

They were cautious. Hariette never smiles like that unless someone was causing trouble and she knew about it.

“Commander Haroldo, Commander Libra.” Celeste acknowledged them. Then she looked at Hariette. “Commander Hariette,” she acknowledged her as well, though she was cautious. “I didn’t ask to speak with you.”

Hariette continued to smile and sat back in her seat. “If you’re asking to see them then there’s something going on.” She loved a good a scheme.

“What can we do for you, Celeste?” Libra asked kindly.

“I would like to fix my mistake.” Celeste felt obligated. “It’s my fault that Europe has an advantage, and I’ve been doing my best to control them, but my solution is not permanent.” She explained. “I would like to offer my services.”

“To do what?” Haroldo asked, a little more than just concerned. He didn’t think it was a good idea.

But Celeste dreaded that question. She knew it was coming.

“I can’t disclose that.” She said. Her response was immediate and that didn’t go well for her.

“Then no.” Haroldo rejected her offer.

Libra wasn’t that quick. “Did you have something in mind?” She asked.

“I do." Celeste answered, but again she knew not to say anything. "I just...can’t exactly discuss it.” Celeste said, she wasn’t sure if it was going to work in the first place, and she wasn't going to show case an unfinished product. “But you have to trust me-”

“We took this meeting as a courtesy to Aurora but the last thing we need is someone with your charges-”

“Aurora has pending charges as well.” Celeste reminded them. “And I’m not asking to be Head of Defense.” She definitely wasn’t asking for that responsibility. “Clearly it seems that you only take risks only when you know it’ll work well for you-”

“Please elaborate on your plan then.” Haroldo would change his answer if she would say what she was planning.

She looked off to the side, moving her hands behind her back as she rolled on her heels. She wasn’t debating on whether or not she was going to tell. She just needed a polite way to say she can’t talk about it. “I...can’t do that.” Celeste said slowly. Haroldo was going to tell her no again. “If I were to tell you what I have in mind, you won’t let me do it.”

It was about risks.

And to Libra and Haroldo, that didn’t sound like a risk they wanted to take with her considering everything that happened.

“That doesn’t sound good at all.” Libra was cautious. “What can we expect to gain from your help, Celeste?”

“Well, if all goes well, Britain will surrender without questions asked.” That was the best outcome. “All you need to do is get the officials over here.” She said.

“To do what?”

“Discuss the terms of their surrender.” She made it seem like she just explained that.

But she didn’t give more information than that. She had a plan, and if they trusted her, it will work.

It has to work.

“I don’t know...” Libra wasn’t swayed either way. She wanted to believe Celeste, but she was a little worried. “If they don’t agree, we’ll have a problem.” She looked at Haroldo.

Hariette had been listening quietly the entire time. She thought Celeste would share her plan, but it was no surprise when she didn't.

She's seen that behavior before.

Though, she felt obligated to speak on Celeste's behalf. “I trust her.” She would vouch for Celeste any day of the week. “She hates this department. She wouldn’t be here unless she came up with something.”

“We need to know what that something is.” Haroldo was more concerned about the mystery. He didn’t like it.

“Honestly, I don’t care.” Hariette said.

“We should discuss it with Aurora-”

Hariette laughed bleakly when he mentioned Aurora's name. “You think he’s going to meet with anyone? He’s pushed back twenty meetings in the past week. Nothing is going to stop him from actually having people leave him alone.” She found the situation amusing.

This was the first time that Aurora wasn’t going to be helpful to anyone.

“We’re on our own.”

That was apparent.

Haroldo grumbled quietly to himself as Libra whispered something to him. Celeste waited patiently for them to make a decision.

“Okay.” Libra smiled.

Haroldo wasn’t that happy.

“We’ll take your help, Celeste.” She said for the both of them.

She let out a breath of relief. She was worried they actually might’ve told her no. This was the first good out come she's had, and she was more than grateful.

She said she could fix this, that’s what she’s going to do.

She also had another favor to ask.

“I, uh...would you be able to give me contributions for this? I’m kind of in a bind.” She definitely could use this. The system gave her another warning this morning.

“Are you asking for a job in the department?” Haroldo asked.

She wanted to work around that. “On an as needed basis-”

“That’s not how we do things.” He said.

“I’ll take you.” Hariette was finally getting her chance. She definitely wanted Celeste to work for her. “But you have to be all the way in, not half way.” She said.

Celeste had to admit that she wasn’t that happy about the decision, however, this would be her first time really being in her field. She told Hariette she would consider it and she did like she promised.

“Okay.” Celeste agreed.

She’d be an engineer for NASA. It didn’t hurt to know she’d be working for the defense department.

She already settled her dislike.

She got what she wanted. Three commanders were backing her up. Now all she needed was for them to arrange to speak with British officials to have them surrender.

Though she is forgetting that she’s no where near close to being done with her project.

The faster she can get that finished, the quicker this war is over with.

She walked outside of the building when she was allowed to leave and she was smiling. She wasn't upset despite the fact she's avoided working in the department for years. She was actually relieved, and it's the best she's felt for a little while. Dri was waiting for her outside. He wasn't allowed in. A few flashing drones circled around him because he was still on probation and they knew this. He hated the smaller ones, they were like pesky animals.

Celeste made her way over to him, practically jumping in his arms.

“I did it!” She said, excited. “They trust me.”

“Oh...no.” he was concerned.

She was so happy, but he didn’t know what she was planning yet. She kept it to herself and she was doing everyone a kindness by doing that.

What she was planning could definitely start another issue if it wasn’t executed correctly. She chose to ignore that for now.

“You should be happy.” She thought Dri would be proud of her. She continued to smile at him, her arms on his shoulders, and she was rather close to him. “I have a job now. No more worrying about taking care of me.”

“I wasn’t worried.” Dri didn’t think that was an issue.

He didn’t even know she was that close to being dependent again. Though he hasn’t seen her go to work in this past two weeks.

She took a few steps away from him, then she turned around dramatically. Her silver hair moved over her other shoulder as she looked at him.

“I’m an engineer for NASA.” She said, making it sound appealing, and to her it definitely was.

It’s not easy to work for NASA. It took her some time, but now she finally has the job. She definitely had enough time to warm up to the idea.

“I’m sexy now, right?” She asked Dri as he walked over to her.

In his eyes, she always was.

“You’re such a nerd.” He said.

“I guess they do have cute uniforms.” She sighed. She already knew she was going to alter hers. If she was going to work there, might as well look the part. “Oh!” She remembered. “And Prism was flirting with me.”

Dri almost looked tired. “She said she was going to.” He sighed.

“You don’t have to worry about me, I didn’t do anything.” Celeste wanted to reassure him.

But it didn’t work.

He knew how Celeste was and he wasn’t going to stop her.

“I like sector one’s leader. He gets off probation in a couple days.” She moved her arms around him again.

“The amount of work I’m going to have to do will destroy me.” He groaned.

“At least you get to come back to one of NASA’s engineers. I heard she’s hot.”

“Right. I heard that, too.” he had his arms around her. "Is she going to tell me what she's working on?"

"If I went around telling everyone, it won't be effective." she wanted him to stop asking her since it wasn't the first time. "I need the shock factor-"

"The what?" Dri knew immediately Celeste was going out of her way to do something ridiculous. "Celeste, you're great and I love you, but if you go to jail, I'm not waiting on you."

She stared at him, her eyes wide. He had said a joke but she didn't take it like that.

"You what?" she couldn't wrap her mind around the words she just said.

Dri realized what she was thinking about.

The last time someone said they loved her, they ended up disappearing. Celeste's heart was racing. She didn't think she was traumatized by the situation, but she almost found herself to beg Dri not to disappear on her.

Her entire world would be crushed if it happened again.

She couldn't take another heart break so soon.

What should've made her happy almost scared her.

"Celeste, I'm-"

She didn't want him to apologize for saying how he felt. She also didn't want to panic in front of him. "It's okay." she sounded upset, though she tried not to be. "I was just expecting something more out there." she wanted to laugh it off, but she couldn't.

He didn't let her move away.

"I'm not going to leave." He knew what got her upset. "I mean, I have to go places for work, but I always come back, right?"

She didn't worry about that.

"I love you." he said again, taking her hand and holding it gently. He didn't add a joke so she could try and laugh away the pain she was feeling.

They've known each other for a while now, and for a long time he got to see how incredible she was. He wasn't going to take her for granted.

She didn't know what she was feeling. Her heart was racing but she didn't know if it was good or bad.

"You don't have to say anything." Dri said to her when she struggled to find the right words. "I just wanted you to know."

Her cheeks were getting hot. She was blushing.

"I hope you still love me after I threaten another country."

"You're going to what?-"

"Anyway." Celeste moved away, but tugged on his hand so they could walk together. "Is it bad if I say I need a day?"

He was understanding, but he wanted to talk about what she planning to do more cause it sounded alarming. "I'm shocked you're not asking for more." he said.

"No, I just...I'm tired of being a mess. You can't possibly love that." Celeste looked down at the ground as they walked, and she moved her hair behind her ear.

"You're just an emotional person." Dri loved that about her.

There were times when she couldn't control it, but he still loved that about her. That's who she is. She's involved in how she feels. He could never want to change that about her.

She was lucky to have someone that understood her. She had a habit of scaring other people when her temper sparks or when she blows up in tears because something terrible happens. She's gotten better at controlling it, but she was just the kind of person to feel everything. She doesn't like holding it in.

"Okay, if I tell you what I'm working on, you have to promise to not say anything." She looked at him.

"Only if it's safe."

She sighed and took her hand from his. "Theoretically, I might start a world war." she said. "But really, I'm not doing anything."

He didn't understand what she meant.

It completely went over his head when she actually told him what her plan was.

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