
Chapter ⌛Chapter Twenty⌛

Celeste had her hearing rescheduled.

It was six in the morning, still dark outside, but people were beginning to emerge more, starting their day.

She dressed nicer today and kept her hair down. Last week, she looked so terrible and like she actually did what she did.

Well she did.

But she hoped being presentable might help everyone be a little nicer to her. She did plead guilty and she can’t change that. She hoped she’d be able to explain her behavior, what she thought was going to happen, why she did what she did. She realized that she was, in fact, out of her mind, but she could still feel her heart ache.

She was lonely.

It was going to be a long morning, but she was prepared. She walked into the Capitol building quietly. She remembered that this was where she was last time. It was silent. But the lobby was completely empty.

No secretaries.

No workers.

No drones.

No one was here, except for one person who was leaning against the desk with his arms crossed.

Celeste felt her heart sink into her stomach as she looked at Sirus. It was one thing to be yelled at, but she felt like she was going to get the punishment of a lifetime.

And she’s an adult.

What he could say to her might sting even harder because she’s not a kid. She’s not supposed to be reckless. She’s not supposed to be on the government’s radar. She was supposed to go about her life like any normal person would.

Now she got herself a life sentence in prison. Six life sentences.

He was waiting for her.

She wasn’t really prepared to be yelled at, she wasn't prepared for him to be mad her. She hasn't been able to talk to him since that evening, and she knew what was coming. Her heart was racing in her chest because she knew. If anyone was going to have a temper, it was going to be Sirus. He knew she was coming, and this issue, their issue, definitely had to be settled because what happened before was not okay.

She walked over to him in the silence. Mentally, she tried to grasp herself. She told herself that this was going to happen no matter what. She just hoped he didn't hate her. He was watching with a coldness to his dark eyes. It stung.

She had to explain herself.

“Um...” She didn’t know how to start. One wrong word and the yelling begins. “So I might’ve been a little excessive with how I handled the situation.” She said slowly.

Wrong words.

Sirus had to bite back his outburst. He tried hard to. Celeste saw him shift and she just about panicked to fix her slip up.

“I know what I did.” Celeste continued, not trying to lie to save herself. “And I’m not saying that it wasn’t wrong or it was righteous, but I would do it again if I had to.”

Again, wrong words.

“I mean...” Celeste could feel goosebumps rising on her skin. She tried hard to not make him mad but the first words out of her mouth did that.

The fact that he was silent, that was terrifying because he’s never like that. He must be really upset if he’s not saying anything.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized.

She was. But Sirus didn’t believe her. He used to hear that all the time from Aurora when he did something stupid and he never meant it.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Sirus finally started, and Celeste did her best not to get upset. “You actually thought it was okay to go to Europe after the shit you started?” He was couldn’t even comprehend how bad the situation got. What blew his mind was that he actually found Celeste there, as if that whole week wasn't some sick joke everyone was going on about.

There were so many things that went on and Sirus didn't know what to yell at her about first, so he had to pick one. He couldn't even begin to understand what was going on in Celeste's mind.

Then, of course, there was the fact that she would rather put herself in danger for someone else, and that literally was what tipped it off. There was nothing Sirus hated more than that. “Who the hell said it was your responsibility to go and find that girl-”

“I love-”

“Don’t give me that bullshit!” He didn’t want to hear it. “That’s not a reason for you to risk your entire life just for someone who literally did not have good intentions in the first place.” He yelled at her.

He was right and she couldn't say anything about it.

She knew better than to argue and she wasn’t going to.

“Do you know what the fuck would’ve happened to you?”

She could've gotten killed!

Sirus almost went on his rant, and he could've if he wanted to.

Celeste almost said she was sorry again but she bit her tongue because that would make things so much worse.

But she was so sorry.

She didn’t mean for things to happen like this.

Sirus didn’t know how to explain that Celeste was the only child he has. He couldn’t even describe the exact moment he found out she left the country to find someone who actively chose to be a traitor. He was furious. If Celeste had been killed, all hell would’ve broken loose.

She’s the only child.

No one wants to lose them.

Celeste didn’t want him to hate her. And as much as she knew that’s not what was happening, she had this feeling like one more slip up and Sirus won’t even have the strength to yell at her.

“I knew what the risks were.” Celeste said to him. “And, I probably would’ve thought everything through better if I wasn’t....you know....but I still tried to fix what I started.” Celeste thought that counted.

He didn’t.

Now he couldn’t find words.

She stunned him.

“I’m sorry.” She said again. “I have six life sentences pending.”

If that’s not a reason to be regretful than nothing else will be. Celeste had no idea that it would turn out this awful, and if she could’ve avoided some of the things she did, she would.

But she would still would’ve done what she did.

She had to give him a minute. Clearly he didn't have a good grasp on the situation anymore. He felt like he was losing his mind and if he didn't take that minute he might just hit a wall. He hasn't been this mad in a long while. It definitely did not feel good.

He had to take a deep breath, and even that wasn't enough. He covered his face with his hands, and groaned, "oh my God," because he was trying so hard to not yell at her.

It hurt worse to hold it in.

Celeste definitely felt bad about what she did. She's apologized more than once, and if there was anyway to fix everything she would in a heart beat. She stood patiently as she looked around. “Am I still...having my hearing?” She asked him slowly, not wanting to set him off.

That was the least of his worries. He crossed his arms again. “I don’t know. I don’t work here anymore.” he said.

She didn’t know what to say to that. Another apology was about to come out of her mouth when she had a small panic but she bit her tongue.

Sirus doesn’t work here anymore. Last she saw him, he was...

“I had to spend my last day kicking your ass-”

"That’s up for debate.” Celeste said. It was definitely a close fight but she wouldn’t say she got her ass kicked. That would’ve been different.

Sirus didn’t think the event that happened was up for debate. Apparently she remembered it differently than he did.

He was about to say something, yell something if she was being honest, because she saw the way he looked at her after what she said, but he stopped.

There was a small ding of the elevator. The doors opened and Aurora was the only person to step out. He was in a different uniform today, Celeste didn’t recognize it.

Then she remembered he has a different job now.

He walked over to them, and he was in a good mood. He was smiling. Early in the morning. That was odd, even for him. He was almost radiating.

“Was my hearing postponed?” She asked him, concerned that there was no one around.

“It was.” he confirmed for her, “I didn’t feel like doing anything today.” He said.

Well she thought that was good to know. “When is it?” she asked as a valid question

It was.

Aurora didn’t seem that concerned. He looked around for a second, thinking to himself. “I don’t know yet.”

Celeste stared at him. Wasn’t he the one to schedule it?

When he said her charges were pending, he meant it. Why go through a hearing if he was just going to tell everyone that he wasn’t going to act on any of her charges?

He had his own issues to deal with as well.

But he still didn't seem that concerned. He had other things he wanted to talk about.

“I took a look at your blue prints.” he said. Celeste was prepared for the yelling of a lifetime. It was one thing for Sirus to yell at her, but Aurora was different. He barely ever yelled at her. So if Sirus was as mad as he was, Aurora must have that same feeling.

But that didn’t happen. Aurora was still smiling. “Your work is incredible." he said. The words didn't register in her ears. She stared at him blankly as he went on. "I don’t know where you got the idea to change the adaptability component to a margin instead but that’s literally the change that needed to happen.”

Celeste was shocked.

He said her blue print was incredible.

“Oh, and having the baseline shift with someone’s mental status as a safety measure is genius.”

The way he said this to her, it was like he was amazed, like what she did was impressive, and it actually was.

Celeste felt hot. She was going to pass out. She always felt like it would be easier to not share her work with Aurora, she didn't know what he would say so she never did. So this made her swoon. She got quite a few compliments in the past minute and it was too much. She felt faint.

Sirus stared at him, very unpleased because there was a war going on. “You’re kidding-”

“You should’ve showed me sooner.” Aurora said to him. “Functioning at ninety-eight percent is a big deal compared to the original.” He said.

Sirus continued to stare at him like he was crazy.

“I like this stuff, Sirus.” Aurora explained himself but Sirus rolled his eyes. Aurora didn’t care about him. “How’d you know to make the changes?” He asked Celeste.

“Well...Harlow and Hariette showed me everything.” She said slowly, not sure if she should mention their names in this conversation. “After that, it was easy.”

There was a light in Aurora’s eyes that Celeste hasn’t seen before. It was encouraging. She almost felt like she could tell him everything.

He was interested.

That’s what got her excited.

“I can’t believe you got access to everything Dri saw.” Celeste said, almost as excited about the subject like he was. She knew how he didn't but she didn't know how it worked. “He usually doesn’t let other people touch his arm.”

“I told him it was lagging a bit so he let me upgrade it.” Aurora said.

“That’s a good lie.” Celeste said, but Aurora almost corrected her. He looked apologetic. “Right?” She didn’t believe him.

Her smile began to fade because Aurora didn’t say it was a joke. Celeste was devastated.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“No, it’s...” She was thinking about making a new arm. She knew it was going to happen since that day. “It’s fine.” She began playing with her fingers.

She wanted to apologize to him for what she did. He wouldn’t have to deal with everything if she had behaved.

She was about to apologize, and Aurora could see that she was sorry for everything.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Aurora said.

Sirus scoffed. “She started a war-”

“And I still love her.” He pulled her into a hug.

This was not what she was expecting. She was still in shock. This was not the reaction she was expecting at all. She knew Sirus would be mad but she expected Aurora to be disappointed in her.

She was about to burst into tears.

“That’s not the problem here.” Sirus was upset because Aurora was taking this lightly.

“I know she didn’t do it on purpose.”

She didn’t.

Sirus didn’t seem that happy. As much as he’s calmed down from when the incident happened, he was still mad. He didn’t think Celeste would put herself in danger like that. Aurora shouldn’t be condoning the behavior, Sirus would hope that Aurora wouldn’t let her off easy, but Aurora did just that.

“You’re literally showing her that she can get away with anything, and that’s not how shit is.” Sirus said.

Aurora sighed as he looked at Celeste. “He’s right.” Aurora said to her, his hands moving to her face.

She knew.

“I’m so sorry.” She said desperately. “I wanted to fix everything but then...” Things didn’t happen the way she hoped. “I just didn’t want her to get hurt.”

She cared too much. Even after what Zinnia did, Celeste cared too much for her. That’s how she was. She put her heart into everything.

Aurora wasn’t disappointed in her, he didn’t have that look in his eyes.

But he was concerned. Celeste can act impulsively sometimes. She’s blinded by her emotions.

“I can’t say I’m actually okay with you trying to get Zinnia, but I’m glad you’re alive.” Aurora said.

“Where...” Celeste didn’t know how to ask her question. Or if she should. “Where is she?” She asked anyway.

She did all this to make sure she would be okay. Even after everything Zinnia has done, Celeste wanted to make sure she was okay.

Aurora almost didn’t want to tell her.

“Let’s go somewhere.” He said and let go of her. “Come on, Sirus, you can come, too.”

“I was hoping not to.” Sirus didn’t budge even when Aurora nudged his shoulder, and he nudged hard. When he did it again, Sirus shrugged away from him. “Fine.” He grumbled, upset.

Aurora had something to show her, and it was best if Sirus was with them just in case things get out of hand.

Celeste was sitting next of Zinnia.

She was in prison which was no surprise to anyone at all. Lucky for her she wasn’t...well, treated like a rebellion. But she wasn’t going to have a chance to leave. She had a life sentence because of what she did.

Zinnia knew this and still did what she did.

Celeste was still in denial. She was lucky to have the chance to see her again.

They were sitting outside together. Zinnia had her hands cuffed together, but she was allowed to leave at Aurora’s request for some time.

Aurora wasn’t too far away. He watched but he couldn’t listen.

He figured Celeste would get upset, but she wasn’t yelling or crying or screaming. She was quiet. That was concerning. He was expecting an outburst but that didn’t happen. Celeste was controlling herself as much as she could.

All Celeste wanted was to see Zinnia, and she got that. Maybe she should leave. She just needed the proof. But her legs wouldn’t move. She couldn’t get up.

She had a large weight on her shoulders.

Zinnia wasn’t a violent person. She wasn’t vengeful, she wasn’t hateful.

If anything, she was misguided.

Celeste sat next to her quietly. She didn’t know what to say to her so she kept quiet for some time. There was a lot of things going through her mind. A lot happened in a short period of time, and she was still trying to wrap her head around it.

She kept her hands in her lap, and she looked down at them as she played with her finger. Her heart was aching. That kind of ache like she was betrayed. Like she was lied to. Played with. It hurt, a lot. She was miserable.

“I don’t know why you came to get me.” Zinnia said quietly, still stunned that Celeste traveled to another country just to save her.

That hurt. Celeste felt that pain.

Did Zinnia not want her?

“You said you loved me.” Celeste said, still upset. The pain could be heard in her voice.

“I do.” Zinnia didn’t have to think about that one.

She didn’t lie. She didn’t trick Celeste. She didn’t play around with her. Celeste would say otherwise. She’d say Zinnia did all three things to her.

“I don’t understand why...” Celeste finally looked at her.

“I saw an opportunity and I took it.” Zinnia shrugged. “You wouldn’t get it-”

“So this entire time you were just messing with me?”

“No, Celeste, I wasn’t.” Zinnia said. “I already told you what I thought about the system. You shouldn’t be surprised that I’d want to see it fall.”

Right. Celeste nodded to herself and looked away. She remembered Zinnia’s inner rebel. It’s not like she acted on it before, it was just little rants and conversations that would make people think she was crazy, but in a cute way. Well, Celeste thought it was cute.

She just didn’t take it seriously.

She tunes out anything political rather easily. Maybe that’s why she didn’t think Zinnia would do something this extreme.

Even then, it wasn’t like her.

“I didn’t play around with you.” Zinnia made herself clear. “I didn’t do this to spite you. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Celeste couldn’t say that worked, cause she was hurt, and she wasn’t over it.

She looked down at her hands. This time she wasn’t sad, she wasn’t going to cry. She was more disappointed in herself for feeling the way she did, for crying so hard and so many times before. It stung to know that Zinnia would use her, even if that’s not what she says she did.

“Was it worth it?” Celeste asked.

“What do you mean?” Zinnia looked at her.

“Did you get what you wanted?” Celeste looked back at her.

She couldn’t see an apologetic look in Zinnia’s eyes. Celeste was hoping to see a hint of remorse but that didn’t happen. Zinnia didn’t regret what she did.

The tension broke and a war started. She didn’t want to answer Celeste’s question, but she would answer yes if she did. She looked away instead and stared at the sky.

That was easier.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Celeste couldn’t hate her. “I was afraid they’d hurt you and I...”

She didn’t know what to say.

Zinnia looked at her again. She was lucky before. Celeste would do anything to protect her and that’s what she did. “Thank you.” She said kindly.

She wished she didn’t take Celeste for granted.

Celeste got up from the seat to leave. She didn’t have anything else to say, she didn’t have closure, everything still hurts. But at least now she had a reason for why Zinnia went off like that. Was it worth all the crying and pain?

Celeste has always been like that, consumed by her emotions. She can’t help it.

That’s what makes her who she is.

She can’t change that.

She walked over to Aurora and Sirus who were waiting patiently. They weren’t close enough to hear what they talked about, it wasn’t any of their business and they respected that.

Aurora had leaned closer to Sirus and said something to him, but he wasn’t as quiet. Celeste heard him...

“That’s Nigel’s daughter.” He had said to him.

Celeste didn’t know what that meant.

She pretended like she didn’t hear.

“You probably have a lot of questions.” Aurora said to Celeste.

She had so many questions. She’s bitten her tongue for years to keep back her curiosity, and it seemed like today was one of those days.

They were sitting together outside. Celeste had gotten over her guilt and heart break enough to be interested in learning more.

Aurora knew that Celeste had a lot more information than needed. She’s seen the past. She saw what happened with the implant.

Aurora was willing to talk about it if she was interested. “I know Hariette outed me.” He said.

Celeste has poked and prodded Hariette more than once, and she’d say things about Aurora all the time. But everything she said about the experiment was different. She exposed all the secrets she had, well any that Celeste wanted to know about.

“No more than Harlow did.” She saw his frustration. Harlow did give a lot of insight about him.

She wanted to know what he thought, what he was dealing with.

He wanted what happened to stay a secret, and she could understand that. A lot happened to him during that time, Aurora wasn’t the same after that.

“How did you get better?” Celeste asked, curious since she didn’t have all the details. “Harlow said you were gone for almost two years.” She said.

Aurora laughed to himself, wanting to hide his smile, but he didn’t move his hand over his mouth. He clearly remembered what it was like and how much effort it took for him to get himself together.

It took a while for him to feel like himself again.

“I was never much for the whole “work off the stress” option. But apparently I’m non compliant with other...treatments.” he scrunched his nose. He’s tried medications but could never follow with them. He’d stop once he felt better which isn’t how it’s supposed to be. He used to go to therapy but once his psychiatrist retired, he stopped.

It would be a hassle to explain everything else to someone new.

They’d think he’s crazy.

Aurora thought back to what happened. It wasn’t hard to remember, though. After all, Celeste was born before his medical leave was over. “Sirus made my life a living hell.” He meant that, but he said it with a smile.

Aurora had to admit that Sirus knows how to handle him.

“I don’t understand how you two do it.” He shook his head.

“A little strength training is always fun.” Celeste never minded. She thought it was helpful.

“I’m not a runner.”

“That’s okay.” She smiled kindly at him.

She knew that kind of life wasn’t for everyone.

“If I hadn’t left, I don’t know what would’ve happened.” Aurora was grateful. After all these years, he was so grateful that he was still alive and not spiraling in self pity and hate.

It wasn’t easy, but he made it out.

“Do you, um...like your new job?” She wasn’t sure if it was a testy subject or not, but Aurora smiled.

“If I don’t want to be in a meeting, I can literally just not show up.” He was amazed. “I can tell people to leave me alone and they actually do.” It’s been a week, and he was happy about the decision, though he only did it for one reason.

He was pressured into it by the situation.

He thought he made the right choice.

“The Head of Justice is trying so hard to prosecute us both.”

Like father like daughter.

“I think I can take him.” Aurora said.

Celeste felt a little better. It was enough to remove a weight off her shoulders. Aurora nudged her though when she remained quiet.

“Don’t mind what I said about Sirus before.” Aurora continued. “He’s still angry, but he really wouldn’t want to see you in prison.”

“Yeah, right.” She almost didn’t believe that. “I did some stupid shit.” She muttered to herself.

And she knows how Sirus hates when people do stupid things.

“He gets his heart broken easily even to this day.” Aurora said, shaking his head. “Believe it or not, I used to get myself into some trouble, too.” He made it seem like it was a secret.

Celeste listened like it was.

It was between them.

“Sirus doesn’t like when I make him tag along with what I’m doing, especially when it’s no good.”

“You broke his heart?”

“More than once.” Aurora wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk about it.

Aurora put himself in stressful situations all the time even when he said he wouldn't. He had his good days and bad days, worse days when he was younger. Sometimes it was hard to get out of bed, hard to eat, hard to take care of himself. He had days where everything made him panic. It hurt.

He couldn’t imagine what Sirus was feeling when he saw him like that.

Aurora looked at her, “You did, too. When he found out you were off in Britain, he just...” He didn’t say much more than that.

Celeste didn’t want to cause any problems, but she did more than that when she thought she could save Zinnia. She didn’t mean to scare her parents, the last thing she wanted was them to fight for her, too.

It’s because of them she’s here.

“I’m sorry.” She said again, and every time she said it, she meant it.

Aurora knew she had a reason for it.

He was hoping it wouldn’t be because she was in love and didn’t want anyone to hurt the woman she was in love with, but he can’t control her.

She’s consumed by her emotions.

He wasn’t mad. He was still concerned, but he wasn’t mad at her. Any parent would hope for their child to be okay and definitely not throw themselves into a situation where they’re considered a traitor to their country.

Celeste just barely got off.

“It’s okay.” Aurora wasn’t stressed. At least he wasn’t stressed anymore. “I used to do crazy things, too. But I’m not condoning it.” He had to make himself clear on that one.

“Are you still scheming?”

“Goodness, no.” Aurora laughed. “But someone has to keep other nations from starting a war.” He said, then he looked surprised. “That’s not my job anymore.” He was so happy to say.

He’s never been so relieved.

“I can’t believe you can’t retire.” Celeste said. “I am so sorry that you had to do this.” It was her fault that Aurora stepped into the position so abruptly.

As far as anyone was concerned, he wasn’t interested before. But then all of a sudden he wanted to? They needed someone to fill the role.

“None of the other nations' officials know that I’m in this position, and we’re trying to keep that concealed but...” Aurora began to smile again. He couldn’t wait to see the panicked look on everyone’s face.

Celeste didn’t know what to say. She knew Aurora had enjoyment for messing with people that messed with him, but this was different. It seems like he was having fun.

She hasn’t seen him this happy before.

And he wasn’t as tense.

“I thought you’d have interesting questions for me.” he was hoping for more.

Celeste was quick to answer to that. “How’d you come up with the idea to corner the European continent?” She asked.

That wasn't what he was hoping for. “I’m too old to remember that far.” He said to her. She just shrugged. She didn’t think he was that old, and she figured some of his memories were still there.

He smiled though.

“On the Mother Ship, there was an intruder system that was barely ever used except a few times. It traps an intruder in these high energy beams, and it could literally cut off a limb.” He clearly remembered that. “I more so used my idea as a threat. All that energy could’ve killed millions.” He said.

She did see how much the ships were programmed to hold, it was a lot. Aurora would threaten people with something as killing millions, but he would never do it.

What scared others was that he was capable.

He had a loyal army, loyal groups of engineers that could make tons of weapons, officials that listened to him. Out of any of the department head's he was the most terrifying. Now the former Head of Defense was the Adviser now. That wouldn't sit well with other nations given their history with Aurora and the army.

Celeste had a small idea but it only lingered for a second before she pushed the thought back in her mind. Now and again, she tried to come up with a way to permanently turn off the implant but she wasn't successful. She kept the idea to herself instead.

Sirus came back. He had left when Aurora asked -not as nicely- for something to eat. He was feeling generous enough to bring something for Aurora but he was always willing for Celeste.

He was still upset, but not pissed off like earlier.

His temper had settled. He was too old to be too hot headed.

Then again, Celeste really did get to him sometimes, doing things that she knows she shouldn’t. At this point, she needed to behave for her parents’ health. She didn’t want to give them a heart attack.

It was a quiet afternoon.

Celeste didn’t feel a weight on her shoulders like she did before. It was so heavy that it would bring her to tears. If only her parents knew how much she struggled, how much she stressed herself out, how much she panicked. They would’ve told her to come home.

She was always a good kid.

Overzealous and anxious. But she was good.

They couldn’t stay mad at her. They were more relieved that she was safe, especially after what had happened.

“I’m sorry.” She told Sirus again, hoping he wasn’t so mad like before. But he hated hearing that, if she was anything like Aurora -she was everything like him- he’d know that her apologies were just words.

She wasn’t like that.

She meant what she said.

“I know you get heart broken easily-”

He didn't like hearing that. “Who the fuck told you that?” he asked abruptly, he didn’t want lies being spread.

Aurora looked away quickly, his spoon in his mouth. He turned further away when Sirus looked at him. He tried to keep occupied but it wouldn’t work for long. Sirus didn’t want to be tested.

Aurora gave up. “Don’t be so angry-”

“I shouldn’t be stressed out.” Sirus said. “I don’t understand why that’s so difficult. Don’t stress me out, that’s all I ask.” He complained.

“I won’t stress you out.” Celeste said like the good daughter she was.

Now Sirus was waiting for Aurora to answer that but he knew not to expect much. Aurora always said he would behave, but the second he gets an idea he makes everyone panic.

Nothing changed.

He smiled to himself. Sirus might be irritated but he wasn’t so mad anymore. With Celeste here, his mood changed. He was more relieved. And that made Aurora happy.

Celeste had looked away for a second, hearing the sound of rain but not feeling it. She looked up to see the rain hitting the clear dome that covered the city. There were dark clouds in the sky, but a break in between for the sun’s light to show.

She hadn’t noticed when Aurora leaned closer to Sirus, kissing his cheek gently, hoping to ease the tension. She knew they would sneak in their moments, and she caught them a few times, but she chose to let them have it in peace.

For now, things were fine, at least between the three of them.

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