Celebrity girl is my wife

Chapter 174

"You don't want to go to Africa?"

Nan Xing shook his head immediately and said, "Nope, not even a little."

Nan Chen turned to Zheng Lunlun next and asked, "Don't want to face the paparazzi?"

"No way!" replied Zheng Lunlun immediately.

"Fine, then I'll give you both one last chance," said Nan Chen coldly, "Regardless of what happens next, the two of you are not allowed to be in contact with that woman!"

Nan Xing and Zheng Lunlun turned to one another. They were confused about what Nan Chen was trying to say.

"In other words, the two of you are not allowed to help her, no matter what happens," explained Nan Chen.

The two men looked at each other again.

"You don't agree with my terms? Okay, I'll have someone buy the plane tickets for you."

"No, wait," said Nan Xing quickly to admit defeat, "I agree, I agree!"

"I will have someone bring you to the hospital right now. The specialist known for treating stutters is there and your treatment will begin tomorrow. While being treated, you are not to leave the hospital!" "Okay uncle, but..." Zheng Lunlun wanted to say more on Ning Ran's behalf, but his stuttering was acting up again. Nan Chen's deadly glare made it even more impossible for Zheng Lunlun to talk. Zheng Lunlun knew that Nan Chen could be stubborn. He also knew that the more they tried to help Ning Ran, the worse off she would be, so they had to listen to Nan Chen for the moment. They had to let Nan Chen cool off before they spoke again, so Zheng Lunlun kept his mouth shut.

Nan Chen didn't speak after he saw that Zheng Lunlun had decided to keep quiet. Nan Chen was relieved then because he had finally dealt with his family.

That woman was too scheming, and if those two weren't under constant supervision, they would be tricked.

There was no other way. He had to start dealing with his family first.

At that moment, Nan Xing's phone rang. It was Ning Ran.

Nan Xing checked his phone then turned to Nan Chen.

"She called?"


"Tell her that the kids are asleep and would be sent to school tomorrow so she didn't need to worry."


Nan Xing picked up the phone and repeated what Nan Chen had told him to say.

Still, Nan Xing didn't want Ning Ran to be overly worried so he added, "Don't worry, the kids are sleeping really well. You should rest up too." Nan Chen's eyes were angry and were warning Nan Xing so Nan Xing quickly hung up.

On the other side, Ning Ran couldn't sleep well at all.

Although she knew that the kids were safe with the Nan family, she was still worried because the kids had mostly been with her.

When dawn came, Ning Ran got sleepy and went to sleep, but she was soon woken up by Cheng Xiangyun's screams.

Cheng Xiangyun's scream came from the living room, but it managed to wake Ning Ran up even though the bedroom door was closed. That was just how loud Cheng Xiangyun had been.

It was a voice that was louder than a lion's roar and could alert both Heaven and Hell.

Ning Ran was scared out of her bed and rushed to the living room without putting her slippers on first. In the living room, Ning Ran saw Cheng Xiangyun holding her own mobile phone and was jumping around like a terrifying and crazy person.

What could have happened to get her into a state like this? Did she get dumped? Wait, that didn't seem possible because Cheng Xiangyun hadn't been in contact with any men and didn't even have a crush. How could she have been dumped?

Ning Ran rushed over anyway to hug Cheng Xiangyun tightly. "What is it? What's wrong?" asked Ning Ran, "Don't worry. There's nothing scary about being dumped. We'll just replace him with an uglier... ah no, I mean, a more handsome boyfriend."

"That is amazing," Cheng Xiangyun's crazy dance kept going as she said, "That is amazing!"

"Don't think about how amazing he is. If he doesn't love you, he doesn't love you," said Ning Ran who was trying to calm Cheng Xiangyun down, "Don't think about him anymore. It's okay. You still have me." "What do you mean by 'love'? Are you nuts?" said Cheng Xiangyun, "Since when has he ever loved me?"

"Huh? He never loved you? Oh, so it's a one-sided love?" said Ning Ran before she sighed and continued, "My gosh, woman. Aren't you a little old to have crushes and be a secret admirer? You should've just gone and flirted with the guy. Gosh, no wonder you're in such a bad shape."

"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Cheng Xiangyun, "Let me go. I never said I was in love with another person."

Ning Ran wanted to give Cheng Xiangyun a big hug to comfort Cheng Xiangyun's wounded soul, but Ning Ran's kind gesture was repaid with annoyance.

"If you didn't have your heart broken, why are you acting like you're suicidal?"

"I'm not suicidal. I'm happy!"

"You're happy after being dumped? Your crazy dance didn't look happy at all! Your reaction to happiness is a little too weird woman. You're scaring everybody."

"Look, look, isn't this just so freaking amazing?" said Cheng Xiangyun as she pointed at the screen on her phone, "Your Weibo account gained more than 500 thousand followers in one night! Moreover, those aren't robot accounts! Those are real accounts used by real people. Isn't that amazing?"

Ning Ran finally understood what was happening with Cheng Xiangyun. It's just a Weibo account. Do you really need to act so crazy?

It's getting more and more difficult to understand what that spinster was thinking about.

"Let me see," said Ning Ran as she reached for the phone.

"No, it's best you don't," said Cheng Xiangyun who dodged to keep Ning Ran away from the phone.

"Why not?"

"I think it's best to wait a couple of days before you take a look at it."

Ning Ran understood what was happening then. Most of the new followers must be haters who were only there to mock and tease her, and that was why Cheng Xiangyun didn't want to let Ning Ran see it yet. "It's mostly haters, isn't it? Did they spew insults? Don't worry. I can take it."

"There are a couple of rather uncouth comments and messages, but don't take it personally. You know how those youngsters are," said Cheng Xiangyun.

"I'm fine. Let me see."

"Nope, you're fuming. I'll let you take a look if you promise you won't go crazy."

"I won't go crazy. What's there to be crazy about? Haters are still people, and regardless of the situation, being able to gain 500 thousand followers within a single night is a pretty big deal for a nameless actress like me."

"Alright then, take a look."

Ning Ran took a look at the phone and was immediately taken aback. There really were 500 thousand more followers.

Then she read the first comment and her heart skipped a beat.

The comment said, "Your mom is dead! Shameless old broad. How dare you go after a man so much younger than you?"

That comment received the most likes.

Scrolling down, she saw a comment that said, "I wish your whole family would die! You're not even worthy of carrying Zheng Lunlun's shoes, you clout-chasing b****!”

Ning Ran thought that her heart was strong enough to withstand the accusations, but her face darkened upon seeing the second comment.

Ning Ran was okay with being targeted, but she could not stand to have her family targeted.

"What the f*ck?" That was one of the rare moments when Ning Ran cussed aloud.

Cheng Xiangyun took back her phone and said, "I warned you, but you insisted on taking a look. Now you're all mad."

"Delete my account. I won't post anything anymore," said Ning Ran whose lips were quivering, "Let's see how those a**holes spew their insults when they have nowhere to post them!"

"Calm down. An actress needs her own social media account. Besides, cussing is just a fan's way of communicating..."

"Communicating? Does this look like they're trying to talk to me? They cursed my mother and my family!" shouted Ning Ran, "What is wrong with them? I didn't steal their food or their money. Did they have to curse to that extent?"

"See? I told you not to look. Now you can't calm down."

"Those are Zheng Lunlun's fans. You had dinner with Zheng Lunlun yesterday, and someone live-streamed the whole thing which turned you into a hot topic."

"Zheng Lunlun's fans didn't know what was going on and thought you were using him to accelerate your career so they came to your Weibo account to insult you. Why care about what a bunch of immature, underage girls thinks?"

"If they're underage, they should spend their time studying. Why the hell are they following a celebrity's news when they don't even have a brain?" said the furious Ning Ran, "And if they have to chase after a celebrity, why do they have to curse someone else? Also, why are they cursing my family when I am their target? What the hell is wrong with them?"

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