Caught Between Two Kings

Chapter 8


It has been three days since I last saw the kings, rumors of Katrina's banishment from the palace had spread after some commoners had seen her being thrown out of the palace in her transparent nightgown, some good Samaritans had decided to take pity on her and help her with clothes to cover herself, everyone had laughed and ridiculed her, ever since no one had seen or heard from her for the past three days.

I have been interacting and getting close to the commoners as a result I was now well known in the kingdom.

I went and applied to be lady Rosaline's assistant, anything to get my mind off the kings, they have been trying to see me for the past three days but I just can't go through that again because I have to face the truth the kings were the most handsome and eligible bachelors in the kingdom and they had women flocking from left and right wanting to be there's and I refuse to open my heart only for it to be shattered.

I was in my home working on a dress when I heard someone knocking on my door so I got up and opened it to find Lilly standing there, she immediately came in and hugged me and we started talking excitedly about random things, me and she had gotten really close ever since i came to live in thermesdera. We chatted for a while before she asked a question that made me tense,

"So how was your picnic with the kings"

I decided to just get it over with and told her everything, when I was done she looked angry and looked like she wanted to punch Katrina but was restraining herself, I knew what was coming next when she opened her mouth

"That woman is beyond shameless but when exactly are you planning on forgiving the kings"

"I don't think I can forgive them right now, I know it's not there fault but I felt really hurt seeing there ex-bed mate in their room, it reminded me of how they were before I came along and how easily they could tose me aside once they got bored of me".

Lilly was silent for a while before she answered,

"Well I think the kings care about you, before you came they never took the time to go on picnics or taking it slow with their lovers, if someone caught their attention they would simply bed them and move on but since you came they haven't slept with any other woman no matter how many times women have flung themselves at them, and they have pursued you relentlessly in an attempt to woo and know you better, I don't think those are the actions of someone who will discard you later".

I didn't know what to say so I kept quite, although she was right I still wasn't ready to forgive them or start anything with them.

Luckily for me she changed the subject and started talking about the ball that would be held in three moons time to celebrate king alfred and his daughter who were both coming to see the kings, rumors were already going round that the purpose of the meeting was properly to discuss a possible marriage proposal between the kings and the daughter to king Alfred in other to form an alliance between the two kingdoms, some people even claimed that the princess have been bragging to her people of marrying the kings, when Lilly said that I was so angry that I couldn't even speak.

Lilly later left after assuring me that all would be well between me and the kings but I was still not convinced.

I was making a last minute adjustment to my dress when I heard someone knock on my door, thinking Lilly forgot something I went and opened the door, only to see the kings standing right in front of me, I attempted to close the door but they quickly pushed it open and entered my little home.

This was not the first time they had attempted to see me but each time that I suspected it was them I never opened the door until they got tired and left, now they were in my home and had me cornered with no way of escaping and they knew it.

Ezra spoke first "we need to talk sweetheart" I saw the determined look on there faces and knew there was nothing I would say or do now that would get them to leave, I truly was trapped.

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