Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 9

“You owe me dessert, fucker!” I admonish, laughing once we reach our dorm, and only then noticing that his trousers are tented, straining with his impressive length pushing against them.

Jesus, I’d forgotten how well endowed he looks.

My pussy clenches and my mouth starts to water as I pray that I’m finally going to see the size of him sans clothes. Hopefully, tonight I’ll get to feel it too.

He slams me up against the door, my heart racing in the best way when he pins my arms above me, swallowing my gasp as he kisses me senseless. His kiss is full of its usual fire, but also a heart wrenching longing, and somehow, it feels…hopeful. Like I might be exactly what he’s been waiting for, for so long. Everything fades from round us as he leans into me more, tongue stroking mine, playing with me, and nipping my bottom lip.

“Fuck, Lilly,” he groans sexily, his pelvis grinding into me and letting me feel just how hard his cock is. “You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispers, nibbling my neck in that sweet spot between my neck and shoulder, making me moan and squirm, desperate for more.

Suddenly, the door swings inwards, and it’s only Loki’s fast reactions and strong grip that keep me from toppling backwards. I turn my head to see Jax standing there, his mouth parted and his rippling muscles rigid as he gazes at us.

“I’m going to the gym,” he rumbles out in his dark as night’s sky voice.

My spine tingles at the sound, then I experience a flash of guilt given that I’m in his friend’s arms with his rigid dick pressed up against me.

“We’re going to bed,” Loki taunts, a devilish grin on his face which is comical as my lipstick is smeared all over his mouth.

I turn to look at Jax and see a moment of pure rage in his piercing gaze, my head jerking back at the intensity of it before it disappears. The two boys stare at one another in a sort of standoff, Loki with a roguish twinkle in his eyes, before Jax moves aside to let us pass with a huff.

Loki reaches round and picks me up, hands under my arse, leaving me little choice but to wrap my legs round him as best I can. Not easy in a fucking full nineteen-fifties dress and net petticoat.

I can see Jax narrow his eyes as Loki takes me up the stairs, and I hear the front door slam hard, jumping in Loki’s arms from the sound when we reach the top.

“Loki!” I tell him off, only partly joking, and smack his bicep as he sets me down on my heels.

“Don’t worry, Pretty Girl, he just needs a little nudge is all,” he grins, my brows dip in confusion at his words as he goes to sit on the bed, leaning back on his arms and looking every inch the fallen angel that he is.

He presses something on his watch, and James Bay’s acoustic version of Wild Love begins to play, effectively making me forget my train of thought. This guy is so smooth he’d give Casanova a run for his money.

“Now. What pretty lace are you wearing for me tonight?” he asks, his gaze an emerald fire as he takes me in from my sparkly shoes to my flowing hair.

“How do you know I’m wearing anything?” I tease, lowering my tone and popping a hip out, making his auburn eyebrows raise and the heat build in his eyes.

“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” he responds cockily, giving me a little nod. Arrogant arsehole.

I pause for a moment, wondering if I should make him suffer for that, then decide fuck it with a shrug as I walk over to him, turning round and looking over my shoulder through my lashes.

“Zip, please,” I ask, shivering when I feel his fingers brush my exposed shoulder blades as he reaches for it. He undoes it slowly, building the tension between us higher.

I step away once he’s finished, taking my arms out of the cap sleeves and letting it fall down to my waist. I then do a totally sexy shimmy, pushing my dress and petticoat down over my hips and letting it pool on the ground in a sea of flames and frothy red net.

I’m left wearing my red sheer panelled corset with plunging cups and thin straps to keep the girls in place. A matching thong and high lace topped stockings, with a red seam down the back, complete the set. I step out of the pile of fabric at my feet and sway towards Loki on the bed, keeping my red sequin heels on.

His eyes are a raging inferno, and he’s no longer lounging back, but sitting bolt upright, his hands clenched in the sheets.

“Fucking hell, Lilly,” he gasps out, and a shiver breaks out all over my body, pebbling my nipples to hard points under the fabric, with the way he chokes out my name. “Just…fucking incredible,” he murmurs as I reach him.

His hands instantly go to my waist, fingers splaying as he starts to explore every inch of me. He groans when his fingers spread over my bare arse, palming each cheek with enough force to leave bruises on my skin, and have me gasping in pleasurable pain. The idea that he’s marked me sends another pleasurable shudder down my spine.

He pulls me closer, and in one smooth move, he flips us so that he’s lying on top of me on the bed, hips between my thighs, and I can feel his hard length pressing against my clit. I squirm, trying to increase the pressure and ease the ache that has started to build there.

He makes a tsking noise before smiling, looking deep into my eyes.

“You are a goddess, Lilly Darling, and I intend to worship at your altar all fucking night.”

He starts to move his way down my body, giving me little nips through the lace fabric as he goes. When he reaches the apex of my thighs, he lifts one leg and drapes it over his shoulder, and then does the same with the other. Slowly, he pulls my thong aside, and a low growl tumbles from him as he sees how wet my core is.

“Such a fucking goddess,” he mumbles as he lowers his head to my aching pussy, and I feel his hot breath fanning along my folds.

In one long stroke, he licks me from my slit to my clit, my hips bucking up and eyes closing with the excruciating pleasure that courses through me at the contact.

“Loki…” I moan, my hands reaching down and tangling in his red hair, pulling him closer, desperate for more. He chuckles, and I swear I feel the vibrations in my very centre.

Then, he begins to lick, suck, and basically destroy me with his tongue. Like his kiss, it’s as if he’s a starving man and I’m the first meal he’s had in years. He lavishes my clit with his clever tongue, nipping it with his teeth until the sensitive bundle of nerves is firing off electric pulses all over my body. Just when I think that I can take no more, he moves to my opening and starts tongue fucking me, thrusting in and out and driving me wild.

I manage to crack my eyelids open and look down to see his auburn locks tangled in my fingers, his head rocking with the movement of eating me out. It’s so fucking sexy, I can feel myself tipping into nirvana. My fingers tighten their grip, making him growl, which sends me hurtling off the edge into the blissful abyss.

When I come back to the land of the living, I look up to see him kneeling, naked, dick hard and dripping precum. I catch a glint at the tip, and yep, it’s fucking pierced. He’s got an honest to god Prince Albert. Fucking yum!

His beautiful, plump mouth is glistening with my juices, and as I watch, his tongue comes out, licking his lips, savouring the taste of me.

“Best fucking dessert ever,” he says smugly, whilst I relearn how to breathe. He leans over to grab the foil packet of a condom from the drawer next to us, and opening it, slides the rubber onto his length.

He crawls back up my body, hovering above me, his cock nudging my entrance, teasing. He stays that way, staring into my eyes with a look that sets my pulse racing. His arms are on either side of my face, his flaming hair falling down round his forehead. I reach up to push it back, loving how soft it is, like the finest silk.

I hear Mine by Joseph Vincent start to play, and as he pushes into me, he starts to sing along in a sexy, raspy voice that sets me alight.

Oh. My. Fucking. God!

You’d think it would be awkward and cheesy as fuck, someone singing to you whilst they fuck you. But it’s not. Not at all. In fact, it feels like he’s…making love to me, gazing into my eyes and singing about not wasting time and making me his. You’re just imagining things, Lilly.

His pace is slow, leisurely pumping his hips in time to the music whilst he sings along. He’s still looking intensely into my eyes, and I’m just fucking melting, my hands grasping his hair, his biceps, his body as he sends the best kind of chills cascading all over me.

His voice is so beautiful, deep and gravelly, caressing my body, and sending goosebumps pebbling across my skin. He’s winding me up so tight, like a coil ready to explode as he pumps in and out of me, undulating his hips in the most delicious way, and hitting my g-spot with his piercing every damn time.

I start to feel the burn of another orgasm as it sweeps over me, and I cry out, raking my nails down his back and arms. He doesn’t pause or even slow down, causing shockwaves to ripple through me and keeping my orgasm tingling.

“Loki, fuck!” I gasp out as he grabs a leg and hooks it over his shoulder, going deeper and pounding harder until I’m seeing fucking stars, a third orgasm hitting me like a fucking tsunami.

His thrusts become jagged and disjointed as he comes with a roar, releasing my leg then collapsing on top of me, breathing hard, and I can feel his heart pounding like a freight train.

“Jesus, Lilly,” he breathes out after a few minutes, still sheathed inside me. He lifts his head and nuzzles my neck, then moves up to my lips and I can still taste myself on him.

“That was…” he starts, still panting and holding me tightly, looking into my eyes like he’s trying to fuse our souls together. “That was fucking incredible!”

His smile is so blinding it leaves me speechless, lost in his brilliance. He’s so beautiful, I just can’t believe that not only does he exist, but I’m in his bed. That he actually likes me. At least, I think he does with all the attention he’s been giving me, and his demands to know all about me.

“So…you can sing, huh?” I smile back, teasing him. “Any other hidden talents?” I ask, eyes going wide as I feel him getting harder whilst still buried inside me. No fucking way! How is that even possible?!

“I can think of a few more.” He smirks cockily as he starts to gently thrust inside me, making even my fucking teeth tingle.

I barely register the song ending and Idea 686 by Jayla Darden beginning. I wonder if this is his sex playlist?

“Loki!” I gasp as he suddenly pulls out and flips me over so I’m on my hands and knees, the errant thought about the playlist disappearing.

I hear the rustle of another condom packet before he literally rips my thong off, and then slams back inside of me. The sting of the thong snapping, combined with his hard dick pounding inside me again has a fourth climax tearing through me and I scream his name as my pussy clamps down hard on him. He follows soon after, growling my name between clenched teeth.

I collapse with him on top of me, then he rolls us so he’s spooning me from behind, his softening cock slipping out of me. I mourn the loss of the connection, feeling him get out of bed presumably to get rid of the condom. Then the bed dips as he gets back in, pulling me back so close that there’s not a single inch between us.

As the darkness overtakes me, I can’t help feeling that I don’t ever want to sleep any other way.

I’m pulled from a delicious slumber in what must be the early hours of the morning. I can just see faint watery light filtering round the edges of Loki’s curtains, highlighting our discarded clothing littering the floor.

Warmth flushes over me as I remember the night before, and how many times Loki used his talents, my pussy throbbing at the memory.

I have the feeling that something woke me up, and as I come out of my dream state, I start to hear faint music. Climbing out of bed, I grab Loki’s discarded shirt and pull it on, suddenly surrounded by his vanilla scent. I could snuggle into his smell all day, wrapping it round myself like a blanket. The same could be said of the man himself.

I open the door and can hear that the music is Ghosts by Nathan Wagner, his gruff melodic voice haunting the darkness. Looking round, I see that the door opposite Loki’s is standing ajar, the door to what is meant to be my room, and the music seems to be coming from there.

Intrigued, I step out of Loki’s room and head towards it, peering in. The curtains are open, the faint light of predawn casting everything in a dull yellow glow, leaving huge menacing shadows across the floor.

I walk farther in, looking round me. The room is pristine, nothing is messy or out of place. Yet, it doesn’t look empty. A glint catches my eye from where the desk is, and I see a silver picture frame sat atop it. I pick it up, bringing it into the light to see that it’s a photograph of all four guys, arms round each other laughing, and a smile comes to my face.

It’s then that I notice a fifth figure on the end. I bring the picture closer, biting my lip and squinting when I see that it’s Ash, which is confusing because Ash is also at the other end of the group. Their clothes are slightly different, one’s in a sky blue t-shirt, the other in a light grey.

What the hell? Two of Ash?

Startled, I spin round clutching the frame to my chest when I hear a noise behind me.

“What are you doing in here, Princess?” Ash’s cold voice washes over me, and I tremble. His face is in complete darkness, his back is to the window, so I can’t make out any expression, and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, my scalp prickling with unease.

Taking a deep breath, I pull my big girl ovaries up, figuratively speaking, and stand a little taller. I will not be bullied or intimidated by some upstart rich boy. Regardless of how hot he might be. Or scary.

“I heard music and thought I’d come and take a look in what should be my room,” I sass back, pursing my lips. It’s so difficult to gauge his reaction without seeing his face, but he appears to stiffen.

“And what are you holding?” he asks in a deadly calm.

“Oh, this?” I say, one brow raised as if it’s nothing really and I’m not that interested. I hold it up for him to see. “It’s a picture that you appear to be in twice. Care to explain?”

My eyes dart to his fists, which are now clenching at his sides, his arm muscles straining and the veins popping, like he’s holding back from snatching the frame right out of my hands. I hear him take a deep inhale through his nose.

“Isn’t it fucking obvious, Princess?” he drawls cruelly. “One is me, and the other is, well, I suppose was, Luc, my identical twin brother.”

“W–what?” I ask stupidly, completely dumbfounded, my grip relaxing on the frame. “Where is he?” I say, looking round with raised brows as if he’s been hiding in this room all along.

Ash reaches out and carefully takes the picture from my limp hand, like it’s very precious to him.

“Dead.” My stomach plummets at the word. His voice is devoid of any feeling and emotion. It’s as cold and sharp as broken ice. “Now, get the fuck out,” he barks, stepping up to me, right into my personal space. He keeps advancing until I’m forced to back up towards the door.

“Ash…I’m…” I start, my hands raised as if to ward off his anger, but he interrupts me.

“I said. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Don’t make me say it a third time, Princess.”

“Back the fuck up, Ash.” I hear Loki’s voice, rough with sleep but hard as stone, sound behind me.

With a soft curse, I turn my head to see him limned in the light from the hallway, dressed only in boxers and his hair sticking straight up.

“She shouldn’t be in here, Loki. Keep her on a fucking leash if she can’t be trusted not to wander where’s she’s not allowed. Fuck, try tying her down.”

My head snaps back to Ash, my eyes narrowed and lips pressed in a thin line. I can see his haughty expression and cold eyes now that the hallway light shines on his face.

“Listen here, you rich prick…” I start, taking a step forward so that we are almost toe to toe. I poke my finger in his hard chest, only serving to hurt my finger. Fuckface!

Before I can finish what I was going to say—and let’s be honest here, I’m not entirely sure what that was as who doesn’t like a bit of rope play?—I feel Loki grab me by the waist and haul me back against him.

“Just leave the asshole alone, Pretty Girl. He doesn’t know how to play nice.”

I grumble and give a half-arsed attempt to get away from him before he pulls me in tighter, my back to his chest, his heat radiating through my body. His hand dips to the hem of the t-shirt that I’m wearing, and his fingers slide up to find my bare pussy already a little slick. I’m denying it has anything to do with the thundercunt standing in front of me and his suggestion of being tied up.

“Tying up is your kink, brother,” Loki says to Ash, his fingers sliding along my opening, making my breath catch. “But maybe one day I’ll let you join us, and you can tie her to the bed yourself.” I can hear the teasing in his tone. He’s such a shit stirrer. Still makes my heart beat faster though.

“Would you like that, baby?” he whispers against my ear, and I have no control over the moan that escapes my lips, or the liquid that escapes my lower ones. “I think you do.”

I can see a fire flare in Ash’s eyes, and his breathing begins to quicken as he watches Loki basically fingering me in front of him, rubbing circles round my clit in a maddening way that sends pulses shooting out from his touch. It’s almost impossible to keep my hips from moving, seeking more friction.

Before I can get too close to release, Loki stops abruptly, pulling his fingers away. I see his hand come up, towards what must be his mouth, then he utters, “Delicious as always, Princess.”

A flash of anger flies across Ash’s eyes and his nostrils flare wide.

“Come on, Pretty Girl. I’ll give you one more orgasm to help get you back to sleep. We’ve got Women’s Studies first period, so we need to be up bright and early.”

A shock of laughter peels out of me, breaking through my lust haze. “You are in Women’s Studies?” I ask with a giggle.

“I’ll have you know, Lilly Darling, that I am a staunch feminist. I love all women equally,” he says jokingly with an eyebrow waggle.

“I’m not sure you understand what feminism means, Loki,” I respond back dryly, rolling my eyes at him.

“Sure I do. Ladies first, right? Now, come on, and let me show you,” he urges, herding me out of the room.

I look over my shoulder to see Ash, still standing there looking after us, with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

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