Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 43

We wake up to the sounds of girlish squeals, and it takes me a moment to remember that it’s Christmas Day and I’m with Loki in his house. I hear a deep, pained grunt come from behind me, and my lips pull up into a smile, as I snuggle back into a warm, hard chest, our nakedness setting my skin on fire everywhere we touch.

“Merry Christmas, Loki,” I whisper as I begin to turn in his arms.

“Merry Christmas, Lilly,” he replies, his face splitting into a wide grin. He looks sexy as fuck, with his hair all mussed and his face relaxed from sleep.

Leaning in, I gently place my lips against his, screw morning breath! He deepens the kiss, his tongue seeking mine, and I readily grant him entrance. His hardness comes between us, and a chuckle escapes me.

“Loki,” I admonish, pulling away. “The girls are up, and we should go downstairs,” I say, gasping as he hooks my leg over his hip and pushes inside me in one move.

“Shhh,” he mumbles sleepily.

His piercing hits all the right spots as he starts to make love to me, kissing and holding me close. He has me in ecstasy within moments, gasping and humming out his name, as my core ripples and twitches around his shaft. He thrusts a final time with a rumble, burying himself inside me.

“Loki! Lilly!” Heather calls from the other side of the door, the handle rattles as she tries to open it and I tense for a second.

Thank fuck it’s locked.

“Be there in a minute!” Loki shouts back, not moving away from me in the least.

“We should get dressed,” I tell him, a pout crossing his beautiful lips that are even more plush after all our kisses.

“Fine,” he huffs out, like a child, pulling out of me and curling up to get out of bed.

I sit up, and it’s only when I feel a trickle escape my lower lips, cold dread washes over me.

“Loki,” I say, and my tone must be full of panic because he whips around, his face creased in concern.

His eyes travel to the apex of my thighs, then widen a fraction later, obviously realising our mistake too.

“Shit, Lilly…fuck, I was half asleep and not thinking,” he murmurs, scrubbing his face with his hands and coming back onto the bed to sit next to me. “It’ll be okay, Pretty Girl. We’ll get the morning after pill, and I’m clean, I swear. I’ll take care of it, baby,” he tells me, holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles, then pulling me to him.

“Loki,” I say softly, pulling away, and he looks at me with a question on his brow. “I love you so fucking much, and one day I would love to carry your child. Just maybe not right now.” His whole face lights up, brighter even than the lights we hung on the tree downstairs.

“I fucking love you so much, Lilly,” he grins, his hand passing over my flat stomach, before he stands up and stretches, giving me an uninterrupted view of his perfect peachy arse.

Back in February, I thought that I’d never be happy again. My whole world had caved in with my mother’s death, and I was so full of grief I couldn’t see straight.

Yet, here I am, spending my first Christmas without Mum, but far from alone, and with someone who loves me and cares about me. I’m happier now than I think I’ve ever been, and, although I feel a stab of guilt at being happy without her, it’s less than what it once was. These guys have changed my life completely, and I think that I might be changing theirs, too.

“Coming?” Loki drawls, reverting back to his joking self, breaking into my thoughts, and I look up to see a shit eating grin on his angelic face. “Again?” he winks, and I laugh joyously, getting up and heading into the shower with him.

It’s a magical day, full of joy and laughter. I never expected my first Christmas without Mum to be so wonderful, but I can’t help the guilt that tries to creep in when I realise how much fun I’m having. Apparently, according to Kai, it’s survivor’s guilt, and it’s perfectly normal. It still hurts like a bitch when I remember that she’s not here, and the fact that I’ve forgotten my grief for even a second, makes me feel worse. Not to mention the slight worry about what happened this morning.

“I never met your mom,” Loki says gently from beside me on the sofa, whilst the girls play with their new things upstairs, “but I’m sure she would have wanted you to be happy and not spend Christmas alone and sad.” He pulls me in closer, tucking me under his arm and placing a gentle kiss on my head.

“I know,” I sniffle out, a single tear rolling down my cheek. “I just hate that I forget about her at some moments, you know?” my voice trembles out.

“Yeah, I know,” he replies. “I used to feel the same about Luc. We were really close, more so than me and Ash were, and after he died, I thought that I’d never be happy. That I shouldn’t be happy,” he tells me, his voice gruff, and this time I wrap my arm more firmly around him.

“But then a certain sexy as fuck brunette was standing naked in my bathroom, singing and shaking her ass, and I thought that I just might have found what was missing.” I look up into his eyes that are alight with emerald fire, getting drawn into their depths.

I can see his pain, like a wound that hasn’t yet fully healed. It reminds me of my own hurt, always there, yet not as sharp as it was a few months ago. There’s also love in his gaze, and it astounds me to know that it’s love for me.

Maybe fate isn’t as much of a bitch as I first thought? Soz Fate. My bad.

Loki’s phone rings, interrupting the intense moment, and we both breathe out a chuckle. He grabs it, and I can see it’s a FaceTime group call from the guys. I squeal and grab the phone, swiping to answer.

“Merry Christmas!” I practically shout, bouncing up and down on the seat. Loki laughs at my antics, pulling me back into him, and I see the others grin, then they wish us a Merry Christmas too.

My gaze drinks them in, as if we’ve been apart for months, and not just over two weeks. I search out Jax, who, to be honest, looks like shit.

“Bro, you look like shit!” Loki observes, voicing my thoughts aloud. I elbow him in the gut, eliciting an oomph sound. Twat.

We hear Jax’s deep, rumbling laugh come over the speaker as he rubs his hands over his face, “Yeah, I feel like shit.”

“Can we come and see you tomorrow?” I blurt, unable to hold back any longer, and Jax chuckles again.

“Doc says it’s okay, so I guess so, Baby Girl,” he teases, and I shriek, dropping the phone to the amusement of Loki, and by the sounds of it, the others too.

“We need to get tickets,” I begin, picking up the phone. I hear Ash’s derisive laugh, and I look at his picture on the screen. “What? You just gonna call up your private jet, Vanderbilt?” I sass him, my joke falling flat when he gives me a self-satisfied smirk. “Fuck off!” I turn to Loki, seeking confirmation.

He at least has the sense to look a little sheepish, his cheeks flushing slightly, “Yeah, he has a private jet.”

“You rich, entitled knobjockey!” I yell at Ash, who just smirks wider at me.

“Be there at ten sharp, Princess,” he orders me, then leaves the group chat, without so much as a by your leave. Dickhead.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lilly,” Kai says, grinning at me. I can’t help but notice the strain around his eyes, but I just about manage to keep the frown off my face. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, Kai,” I smile back, happiness, anticipation, and a thread of worry making my chest feel tight.

“See you tomorrow, Baby Girl,” Jax rumbles out, he does sound tired, and I feel the frown tip my brows. “Don’t look at me like that. I can still place you over my knee,” he growls, and I feel my core tingle at the thought.

Oh, hello, your Vagisty!

Loki chuckles behind me, “Thanks for the idea, asshole,” he teases Jax, who growls and ends the call.

“Do you always have to be such a wanker?” I ask, putting down his phone then yelping as he drags me over his knee and gives my arse a hard smack. “Loki!”

“You’re right,” he replies, confusion filling me. Right? Standing up, he sets me on my feet briefly before throwing me over his shoulder. “You really need less clothes for this,” he says as he starts to stride towards the stairs.

“Loki!” I exclaim again, laughing and pounding his back, earning another sharp crack on my behind.

You would fall for alpha-holes, Lilly.

We wake up wrapped up in each other on Boxing Day morning, my arse smarting a little from Loki’s smacks the day before. Stretching, I reach for my phone and see that It’s already eight in the morning.

“Loki! We need to get up!” I cry out, receiving a growl in reply as he snuggles deeper into the blankets.

Getting out of bed, a wicked idea crosses my mind, and I know the smile on my face is evil. Grabbing the glass of water on the nightstand, I go into his en-suite to refill it with cold tap water after running the tap for several moments. Coming back into the bedroom, I stand next to his side of the bed and gaze down at him. He truly is beautiful.

taking a corner of the duvet in one hand, I flip it back, letting the cold air rush over his naked body. He growls and cracks an eyelid, looking up at me. His eye widens a second before I throw the water over him and then run into the bathroom.

“Lilly!” I hear him roar, and I turn to see him striding towards me, dripping wet, a scowl on his face. I giggle nervously, and my heart starts pounding in anticipation of what form of revenge he will take. I place the glass on the countertop, my fingers trembling.

“Naughty girl,” he scolds, a smile playing on his lips. I stand still, shaking with repressed laughter as he steps past me and turns the shower on behind me.

I squeal as I’m suddenly picked up and tossed into a freezing cold fucking shower. He steps in behind me, with an evil smirk on his face.

“L–L–Loki,” I chatter, shivering in the cold water. He takes pity on me, reaching to turn the temperature up until delicious warm water cascades over us and I sigh as it warms my frozen body.

“That was a rude way to wake me up, Pretty Girl,” he tells me off, standing so close my breasts brush his chest.

“Sorry,” I smile, looking up into his eyes, and seeing amusement and lust in the emerald orbs.

“No, you’re not,” he replies with a grin, and I chuckle.

“Nope,” I admit. “Not even a little bit.”

He leans down, his hand cupping the side of my face.

“No regrets?” he asks me, face serious and eyes intent on my own.

“Not a single fucking one,” I beam back, closing the distance between our lips. Our kiss is full of new discoveries, and a passion so strong, it changes the stars.

After we’ve showered, okay fine, after we’ve showered, fucked, then showered again, we head downstairs, bags packed and ready to go. Heather and Julie were picked up by their friend’s nanny this morning whilst I was getting ready. Apparently, none of the rich look after their own kids so she was on hand to take them.

Leaving our bags by the door, Loki has a car coming to collect us in twenty minutes, so we head towards his parents’ office to grab his passport. I did point out that surely he’s old enough to be in charge of his own personal documents, but he just rolled his eyes at me and shrugged as he unlocks the door.

It’s a room I’ve not seen before, and on Loki’s list of ‘rooms he still needs to screw me in’. He opens the wooden door, to reveal a study painted a forest green and panelled in dark wood. Could this be any more cliché? I wonder as I gaze around at the shelves full of leather bound books, which clearly have never been read, I may add.

Loki heads to the huge dark wooden desk that sits to one side of the room. It’s got a dark green leather top and screams entitled arsehole. I follow to see him open what looks like drawers, but is really a false front to cover a safe. He taps in a combination code, and the door pops open. Inside are two shelves, and there’s an internal light which highlights the bundles of cash in various currencies, all sealed in plastic. There also seems to be tubes of gold coins, and a couple of moleskin notebooks, as well as some sort of digital device. A revolver sits at the front top shelf. On the bottom shelf, there looks to be passports, and other documents, as well as a weird miniature bronze statue.

“What’s that?” I ask, pointing to the lump of metal.

“Huh? Oh, I think it’s a Matisse or some shit,” Loki casually replies, grabbing out his passport, whilst I stand there mouth agape.


He gets up, closing the safe with a wicked look on his face.

“Loki…” I warn, knowing that he’s up to something by the gleam in his green eyes.

“We really should cross this room off our list before we leave, don’t you think?” he purrs, backing me up against the desk.

“Loki,” I moan as he dips his head and starts kissing up my neck, his hands going to the hem of my dinosaur print pinafore dress.

I gasp at the sizzling contact as his fingers tease the lacy edge of my fishnet stockings. I know it’s winter and impractical as hell, but we’re headed to an island near Bali for Christ’s sake, and I wanted to look nice for the others. Maybe even join the mile high club.

He keeps up his teasing caress on my neck, nipping and sucking until I’m putty in his hands and my legs are wobbling beneath me. His hands move to the back of my thighs, lifting me and setting me down on the top of the desk, mouth never faltering. His hand starts to travel higher up my thigh, toying with the edge of my silk knickers.

I feel burning hot need pooling low in my core, he always has this effect on me. If Loki was a superhero, his power would be to incinerate panties and make women, and probably men too, spontaneously orgasm, just by looking at them.

My eyes open on a gasp as he dips his fingers underneath the silk.

Then it’s as if a bucket of ice cold water has been thrown over me.

“Loki,” I say, squinting, and trying to make sense of the picture on the wall as my heart starts to pound.

“Hm?” he mumbles, still kissing my neck, although I can’t feel the touch anymore.

“Why is there a picture of my mum on your wall?”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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