Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 15

Thankfully, the guys don’t have any more jobs from their families’ company, Black Knight Corporation. The nickname, The Black Knights, that the other students have given them makes a lot more sense now.

I asked Kai what it was called so that I could look them up, which I did one evening. Black Knight Corporation pretty much have fingers in every pie, from pharmaceuticals to security, import and export to tech and lots in between. It’s worth billions, and I now understand why the guys are so revered here. They’re basically worth the GDP of a small country, hell maybe even a big country!

I can’t help but look at them slightly differently. They are going to be world leaders one day.

A few days later, Loki and I are sitting on one of the sofas, snuggling in front of a roaring fire. He’s wearing an open Hawaiian shirt, which allows me to run my hands up and down his torso. He’s literally purring, like a big jungle cat. It’s been a week of intense classes, they don’t hang about here, wanting us all to ‘be our best possible selves’ or some shit like that. Each subject is full on from the get go.

Kai is on one of the other sofas, tapping away at something on his tablet, a look of concentration on his face.

“Fuck!” he suddenly shouts, making me jump in Loki’s arms, and breaking the spell the fire and his warm body had cast on me.

“What’s wrong, Kai?” I ask, concerned. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him swear before.

“Just some stock that should have gone down, hasn’t,” he replies, brows furrowed, looking up at Loki. They exchange a hard look, and I don’t miss the flash of worry that’s mixed in with the annoyance that crosses Kai’s features.

“Stock?” I question.

“Kai here has a portfolio of stocks and shares in various concerns, Pretty Girl,” Loki tells me, all traces of the hard look from a moment ago gone, his hand trailing down my arm and making me shiver.

“A portfolio?” The term is a little alien to me, although I’m guessing that it has something to do with business.

“I buy parts of companies so that we own a share in them, and get a share of the profits that they make,” Kai explains.


“Kai does the same on behalf of myself, Jax, and Ash too,” Loki clarifies.

“Oh. But, why would you want the stock to go down?” My own brows are lowered as I’m struggling to see what I’m missing here.

Both boys look away, shifting in their seats. “Well, if shares go down, we can buy more before they go up.” Kai finally says, rubbing the back of his neck.

“And that makes quite a bit of money?” I ask.

“It can,” he replies. “But it can also be a little risky, at times.”

Loki places a kiss on the top of my head, distracting me from my questioning.

“There’s a party tonight, Pretty Girl, on account of it being Ash’s eighteenth birthday,” he drawls in that deep, sinful voice of his. I shudder, and my nipples harden. I am so fucked with this one. “Will you be my date?” he asks, giving me one of his signature panty decimating grins.

“I didn’t realise that it was his birthday!” I exclaim, sitting up, feeling terrible. “I don’t have a gift for him,” I add, worrying my lip and wondering if I can rustle something up last minute. “What time does it start?”

“Don’t worry, baby, he’s a fucker who has everything anyway,” he says as if he’s not the same. “And it doesn’t start till later, so plenty of time for dinner. And dessert.” Loki grins wickedly at me, and I swear I almost moan aloud.

Lord have mercy on my poor ovaries! No wonder god threw him out of heaven, he must have made all of the lady angels spontaneously come with a single look!

“Cool,” I say lamely, still feeling a little bad about the lack of a gift. Loki chuckles as he gets up, moving his body like a big cat and making those distracting beautiful muscles bunch and stretch.

Loki cooks tonight, making a delicious pasta dish that’s creamy and has me groaning in appreciation, much to his delight, and Kai’s and Jax’s amusement. After we’ve eaten, I head to Loki’s room to get ready for the party. Yep, my clothes are still in there, thanks to fucking Ash, the prat.

Loki is still downstairs because according to the fallen angel himself, “There’s no improving perfection, Pretty Girl.”

I decide to wear my nineteen-sixties tight denim playsuit. It’s capri pant style, with three quarter length sleeves, and a sharp as all fuck collar. Oh, and a zip all the way down the front, that I leave open just enough to see my red lace bra peeping out. Red sequin heels and a splash of cherry on my lips, and I’m good to go.

“Jesus, Baby Girl.” I hear Jax rumble as I turn round after closing Loki’s door. “I’m gonna be hard as fucking steel all night with you dressed like that,” he groans, rubbing his chin, devouring me with his gaze. I feel my cheeks flush, and heat flares between my thighs, which is becoming an all too familiar situation round these guys.

“You look pretty good yourself,” I say back huskily, eyeing him up and down.

He’s wearing all black, as is standard for him, but he’s swapped his usual workout tank for a form-fitting black muscle shirt that shows off his mouth watering body. He’s also wearing tight black jeans, and kick ass black boots, with his hair in a messy man bun.

Basically, he’s fucking sex on legs. I meet his gaze once again, then sway over to him, placing my hands on his broad, hard chest and leaning in. Pressing my lips to his neck, a shiver sweeps over him as I leave a perfect red lipstick print.

“There.” I smile, satisfied. “That’s better,” I say, linking my arm through his.

“Staking your claim, Baby Girl?” he asks me with a smirk as we start to head down the stairs.

“Maybe…is that okay?” I suddenly feel unsure and a little silly.

“It’s absolutely fucking perfect,” he replies, giving me one of his rare genuine grins, his blue eyes sparkling like a tropical sea in the sunlight.

“What’s perfect?” Loki asks, coming towards us with his gorgeous smile in place as he takes me in. “Apart from Pretty Girl here, of course,” he finishes, his eyes devouring me top to bottom.

“Baby Girl staking her claim,” Jax responds, leaning his head to the side so that Loki can see my mark. Loki’s brows raise then he turns to me, bending his own head to the side.

“Me too, gorgeous,” he commands. “I am your official date after all,” he teases like the arsehole that he is. I roll my eyes at him, although I’m stupidly pleased that he too wants me to mark him.

Letting go of Jax’s arm, I sashay over to him, wiggling my arse a little for Jax’s benefit. Like with Jax, I place my hands on Loki’s bare chest. He’s so hot under my palms, it’s like his blood is molten lava. I lean in and place a kiss on his neck too.

“There. Happy?” I ask as I step back, needing a little room to gather my thoughts. Being close to these boys is like coming into earth’s orbit, and being pulled down by an invisible force.

“Very,” he drawls back. “Shall we?” he asks as he holds his arm out for me to take. I swear I hear Jax growl behind me, Loki’s grin getting wider. It’s then that I notice Kai is absent.

“Where’s Kai?” I query, looking round.

“Parties aren’t really his thing,” Loki tells me, leading us out of the door. “Unless it’s the first one of the year, which we all have to attend, or he’s forced. Otherwise, he usually just stays home,” he continues as we head down the hall.

“Oh,” I say, my brow furrowed. “Why would he be forced?” I ask, a little confused.

“Oh, you know, family shit. Being rich as kings is not all fun and games, Pretty Girl,” Loki replies as we head down the main staircase. He has a resigned irony in his tone that makes me glance his way, and I don’t miss the look of unhappiness that sits on his face.

I want to ask more, but we reach the doors and I hear the low rumbling purr of a car engine. Looking up, I see a cherry red car sitting on the drive, its engine running. A young guy in a smart navy blue uniform comes towards us, looking me up and down with a gleam of appreciation in his gaze.

Creep. As he holds the keys out to Loki, Jax’s hand darts out and grabs his, squeezing, and I swear I hear a pop. The guy’s eyes widen in pain and he squeaks, his gaze darting from me to Jax, who’s now at my side.

“Look at her again, and your hand will be the least of your fucking worries,” Jax rumbles darkly, sending shivers of desire swirling through me, along with a touch of fear.

“S–s–sorry,” The guy stammers out, voice high and definitely in pain.

“Jax,” I say under my breath, reaching out and grasping his arm. He doesn’t immediately let go, eyes still locked on the boy who’s probably shitting himself.

Not that he doesn’t deserve being a little scared, he did ogle me after all and why the fuck should women have to put up with that every time we dress up?

“Jax,” I say again, more firmly this time. He takes another moment, then releases the dickhead’s hand, snatching the keys out of it.

“Now, fuck off,” he growls out, sending the valet scurrying away into the darkness.

“Was that really necessary?” I ask, turning to him, hands on my hips.

“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” Jax grumbles back, looking a little sheepish now that he’s getting told off. Violence still wafts off him like an expensive perfume, and I can’t say that it doesn’t get me a little hot. Fuck, what have these guys done to me?

“I’m with the big guy on this one, Pretty Girl,” Loki pipes in. “He saw you were with us and still decided to test it, so he deserved what Jax gave him. More if you ask me.” Jax snarls at him.

I look at Loki with a ‘can you stop fucking baiting Jax’ look, which I know he understands, yet chooses to ignore when he walks over to the car instead.

I roll my eyes, grab Jax’s arm, and pull him with me.

“I’ll drive,” Jax mumbles, Loki pumps his fist in the air with a whoop. “As long as Baby Girl sits up front,” Jax finishes with a slight tilt to his lips.

“Ugh! Fine, asshole,” Loki relents, opening the door, and pulling the tan leather seat back to get in.

“Alright with you, Baby Girl?” Jax turns to me, an unsure look in those beautiful, piercing blue eyes of his. You’d think the colour would be cold, but it’s not. Instead, it’s scorching hot, like the deepest part of a flame. Always banked and ready to flare into an inferno.

I come to when I hear him clear his throat, realising that I got lost in the depths of his gorgeous eyes.

“Uh…what did you say?”

He chuckles at me, stepping closer until my back hits the car as he presses me up against the rear passenger window. He’s so close that I can see the pulse beating in his thick neck, the front of our bodies pressed so tightly together, I can feel his hardening cock pushing up against me.

“I asked if riding up front with me was okay with you?” he asks gruffly, his voice sending a cascade of shivers down my spine, making my core tingle.

“Yes,” I whisper, trying and failing not to get lost in those blue eyes again. I’m surrounded by his warm lemon scent until it’s all I can taste. I feel lightheaded, and my breathing is so shallow, it’s a wonder I don’t pass out.

He reaches out a finger, trailing it down the side of my face, using it to tilt my chin up, his eyes focused on my red lips. Leaning in, he surprises me by bypassing my lips and placing his own warm ones on my neck. At the same time, his knee comes between my legs, his huge thigh pressing up into my suddenly aching pussy, with a delicious pressure that has me grinding down.

“Jax,” I moan on a breath, groaning in pleasure as he begins to suck and nibble at the column of my throat, electric currents skittering across my body at his touch. I rock on his hard thigh, working myself into a feverish pitch.

The fact that he’s caging me in, surrounding me completely, and shielding me from the brisk nighttime breeze, as well as any onlookers, just drives me higher.

I’m so lost to the glorious sensations that he’s creating, I soon grind myself into a gasping orgasm, my nails digging into his shoulders as I come, biting down on my lips to hold my cries in.

He holds me up for a few moments until my breathing evens out a little and I can stand steadily on my own two feet. Lifting his head, he looks at me with a satisfied possessive smirk on his handsome face.

“That’s better.” He grins as he gestures for me to get into the car. It takes until I’m sitting down and buckled in for what he did to click, so I pull down the mirror to see a giant hickey on my neck.

“You wanker!” I shout at him, aghast. He just rumbles with laughter in that way of his as Loki outright brays in the back.

“That was hot as fuck!” Loki exclaims as we begin to drive off, gravel flying behind us and pinging off the bottom of the car.

We arrive at a set of modern iron gates a short while later, pausing for the security guard to let us through.

“Blimey!” I exclaim, as we make our way up a tree-lined drive, stopping outside a huge modern mansion.

It’s all glass, wood, and straight lines, and although not ugly, it’s not got quite the same impact as Highgate has. It is beautifully elegant in its simplicity, not to mention fucking enormous.

“Who lives here?” I ask the guys as we walk up the front steps after Jax has thrown the car keys to another valet, who wisely keeps his eyes down.

“I do,” comes the familiar, dark clipped tone of Ash as he steps into the open doorway.

His hard grey gaze sweeps me up and down, and I don’t miss the second of desire that flares in those eyes when they pause on my neck, before he tamps it down. He’s looking positively sinful in fitted black slacks, with a fine pinstripe, and a dove grey shirt, the top two buttons open. It’s the most casual clothing I think I’ve ever seen him wear, and I have to swallow hard to keep my mouth from gaping a little.

“Happy Birthday, Ash,” I breathe, holding his stare and getting a nod in return.

Loki leans in, wrapping one hand around my waist whilst the thumb of his other wipes the corner of my mouth. “Your lipstick was a little smudged,” he drawls, a look of mischief in his eyes. “Come, let’s grab you a drink, and then you can grind on my dick on the dancefloor,” he follows up as he leads me inside. I hear two growls behind me, which can’t be right.

Why would Ash growl at that?

I roll my eyes at Loki as I walk beside him, loving the feel of his arm around my waist, staking his claim for everyone to see. Why is this caveman bullshit such a fucking turn on?

We walk through a short entranceway, into a huge open plan space. It’s got walls of glass that are currently pitch black and reflecting the low purple mood lighting, plus all of the bodies of all the teenagers filling the space. My ears are full of the pounding beat of Champagne & Sunshine by Tarro X PLVTINUM, that the DJ is playing over the hidden sound system. There are so many people here; it must be the whole school. There’s the sweet scent of weed in the air, and I can see several tables with lines of white powder on them, as well as hundreds of black and grey balloons, and a matching banner that says ‘Happy 18th Birthday, Ash.’

Loki sees me staring, an amused smile taking over his beautiful features. “Ash always throws the best parties. They’re not to be missed, so everyone, of course, turns up hoping for the scraps he may throw at them.” He says the last part with a sneer curling his top lip, his voice full of disdain. A serious look crosses his features all of a sudden.

“What is it, Loki?” I ask.

“The party in the woods…” he begins, and I cringe at the memory of getting so wasted.

“I–I won’t…I won’t be stupid again, Loki,” I assure him. “Ash was right that night, I can’t run forever,” I add in a whisper, and when I look up into Loki’s eyes, they are full of sympathy and understanding.

We reach the bar, complete with a handsome bartender, because heaven forbid anyone would have to get their own drink or one from someone unattractive.

“What’s your poison, Pretty Girl?” Loki asks me, his sexy grin firmly back in place.

“Something soft, please,” I say.

Loki looks at me for a moment, and I’m sure there’s a hint of pride in his eyes. Then he turns to the bartender. “One virgin passion fruit daiquiri, and a bourbon on the rocks,” he orders.

“Please,” I add, causing him to smirk.

“Please,” he repeats, outright smiling at me now.

“Fuck off,” I say, smacking his arm playfully. “Manners don’t cost anything.”

“True, Pretty Girl,” he concedes as the bartender places our drinks on the bar. “Thank you,” he makes a point of saying, one brow raised whilst staring right at me. Knob.

Ash and Jax make their way over to us and order drinks too. A beer for Jax and scotch for Ash, who’s frowning.

Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello comes over the speakers, and I grab Loki’s arm.

“I love this song! Dance with me.” I smile up at him, putting down my drink, although I guess I really should be dancing with Ash given that it’s his party. You’re a coward, Lilly Darling.

Giving Loki just enough time to set his own drink down, I pull him into the space that has been created for a dance floor, I turn my back and start to grind my ass into him, hands above my head. His palms slide up my arms, placing them behind his neck, then move down my sides to settle at my hips, pulling me even closer so that I can feel his hardness poking into my arse. Without the heels, it’d be in my lower back, all the guys are taller than me by several inches.

“You trying to make me come in my pants, Pretty Girl?” he asks huskily, his warm breath caressing my ear.

I can smell the bourbon on it, that sweet, sticky scent. Fuck me, I love that smell on him. I twist in his arms, needing to taste it on his tongue, and bringing his lips to mine, I kiss him fiercely. We’re still moving, grinding against each other, lips locked and tongues tangled, when I feel a heady warmth at my back and large hands grip my waist from behind. I look and see that Jax has joined us, grinding into me, his hands caressing up and down my torso.

Fucking hell.

One of my arms goes back over his neck, the other still around Loki as I live my best fucking life, dancing between these two beautiful, hot men. I look over to the bar to see Ash, standing stiffly, his eyes like molten metal as he watches us. He’s clenching his glass so tightly, I’m surprised it doesn’t crack, and his firm, sharp jaw is full of tension. His other hand goes down to adjust himself, and my eyes widen as I realise he’s fucking hard. A moan escapes me as thoughts of a similar, yet different, scenario flit across my mind, one with less strangers, and fewer clothes. Loki leans in further, lips brushing my ear again.

“Would you like him to watch while we fuck you, Pretty Girl?” he teases, causing that inferno to come roaring back over me. “Grasping his cock like a schoolboy while Jax and I are inside you, making you scream?”

Jesus Christ on a cross. I’m not sure how much more I can take of this before I burst into flames. Or melt into a puddle on the floor. I hear a throaty chuckle at my back, vibrating through my body.

“I’m game,” Jax rumbles next to my other ear, his hand sliding up to encase my throat. I take a sharp inhale of breath, my already damp knickers getting wetter at the contact, I just hope they don’t soak through the denim. How the fuck is a girl meant to function under this pressure?!

If anything, Ash’s scowl gets deeper at the move, and he sets his glass down, as if he, too, thinks it might break with the force of his grip. The song fades into Savages by Kerli, and as it plays, the words are clearly the straw that breaks Ash.

He storms over, grabbing one of my wrists, pulling me into him sharply. A surprised gasp escapes me, and I’m not sure if I’m in pain or even more turned on. Jax snarls, but Loki just chuckles, clearly finding this situation amusing.

I’m surrounded by a spicy ginger scent, and it dawns on me that it’s Ash’s shampoo I’ve been using this whole time. I wonder why he hasn’t said anything?

“If you’re quite finished fucking her in the middle of my living room,” Ash hisses, practically spitting. “You need to go and mingle. Remember we need to remind these fuckers who’s in charge. And I need a word, Princess. Alone.” With that, he’s dragging me away, causing me to stumble in my heels as I try to keep up.

“Hey, fucktard!” I exclaim as he yanks me towards the floating wood stairs.

At the base, they are being guarded by two beefy guys in black who completely ignore the fact that I’m clearly being dragged up here against my will. Nice to see money can buy anything!

We reach the very top, bypassing a floor, which opens out onto another open plan space that seems to span the whole footprint of the house. This one has a bed and desk in it, plus two doors to one side. Opposite the stairs is a wall made entirely from glass, and I can see the moon bright in the sky, illuminating the forest surrounding us. None of the lights are on, so the room is filled with the blue light of the moon and nothing else. I can still hear the party going on downstairs, although it’s faint.

“What the fuck was that for, you prick?” I ask as he lets me go, rubbing my wrist where he gripped it.

He’s facing away from me, breathing hard, although I don’t think it’s from the climb. He’s as ripped as the others, bar Jax who is just ridiculous. I know that he works out and trains several times a week. Suddenly, he whirls around, the moon at his back casting his face in shadows.

“On your knees, Princess,” he orders, hands clenching at his sides.

“W–what?” I ask, my forehead creased, confused as all hell. This was not what I was expecting from him at all.

“I said. On. Your. Knees,” he grits out. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

My core throbs at his demand, but my mind balks for a second. He was such a dick to me when I first came to Highgate, and is being an absolute cunt right now with his alpha commands. But there’s something about him…I can’t deny that he brings out the bratty submissive in me.

“Or what?” I question. He takes a menacing step towards me, and curious to see where this is going, I slowly sink to my knees, excitement flooding my system and making my centre pulse again.

“Good girl,” he praises, stalking over to me whilst undoing his belt. The clink it makes as he opens the buckle winds me up tighter with sweet anticipation for what will happen next.

“I will not let you, or anyone else for that matter, come between me and my brothers,” he begins in that disdainful voice of his.

I go to say something, but he puts his finger to my lips, shushing me. “I didn’t say you could speak,” he growls. “So, the question is, Princess, can you handle all of us?”

He asks this rhetorically, like he’s asking himself and not me at all. I remain silent, the control he exerts over me is absolute. The anticipation is getting me so excited, I think I may explode.

He takes his finger away from my lips, undoing the button, and then the zipper on his slacks, pushing them to the floor along with his black boxer briefs. Far be it for him to ever go without underwear like Jax and Loki.

I hum at his already hard cock, which he grabs in his hand and squeezes hard, like he’s punishing himself for being so weak, and giving in to this attraction between us. His dick is surrounded by black ink that swirls and eddies in a beautiful pattern, covering every inch of skin.

“I guess we’ll find out,” he muses, then snapping his hard steel gaze to mine, he presses his member to my lips. I feel the precum on the tip but don’t lick it off yet, keeping my mouth shut until he orders me to open it. If he wants to play the dominant role, he’ll have to work for it.

“You will take my cock deep in that filthy, pretty mouth of yours until I come down your throat. You may use your hands. You are not to seek relief for yourself. Do you understand?” he commands, and I nod my consent and understanding, whimpering with the heady rush of need that fills me all of a sudden. I want to please him, I want to feel him inside my mouth.

Opening up, I take his length in all the way until he hits the back of my tonsils, choking me on his hard length and making me gag slightly, my own hands clenching at my sides. My core floods with warmth, and I’m wet and aching all over again.

“Such a good girl,” he praises as he twists my hair tightly in his fist, using his grip to pull me back up, finally letting me take a breath.

I let him take control, keeping my hands beside me, letting him fuck my mouth slowly, yet never making me wait too long to breathe. I get the sudden urge to make him lose that tight control he always has. I want to see him raw and uncontrolled. I want to do that to him.

My hand comes up and starts massaging his balls, rolling, gripping, and releasing them, and a deep groan escapes his lips, his hips starting to jerk out of rhythm, bucking wildly.

“Fuck, Lilly,” he moans, his grip on my hair tightening.

I keep massaging, hollowing out my cheeks to create even more friction. He’s so close to losing it, and my knickers are now even wetter, the ache between my legs so intense, it just makes me pump and suck him harder.

Spit drips down my chin as I work him into a frenzy. I start to feel that telltale sign of his imminent climax when his dick grows rock solid, so I move my hands from his balls to the space just behind them and massage hard. He thrusts his hips, and I gag again as he shouts my name, shooting hot cum down my throat. I lap up every drop of his hot release, causing him to shudder and twitch, panting like he’s just run a marathon.

I finally release him with an audible pop, sitting back on my heels, my hair running through his now relaxed grip. Looking up into his shadowed face, I can just make out that his eyes are closed, but the rest of his face looks completely at ease as he stands there breathing hard.

His eyelids lazily open, and I wish I could make out the expression in them, but it’s just too dark. He reaches out and caresses my face tenderly with his fingertips. Not saying anything, he bends down to pull up his boxers and trousers, doing them up, then his belt. He once again looks down at me.

“Remember. You’re not to relieve that ache between those pretty thighs until I or one of the boys says otherwise.”

And with that, he walks over to the stairs, leaving me kneeling and aching on his bedroom floor.

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