Captured by Mr. Wild (The Men Series – Interconnected Standalone Romances Book 4)

Captured by Mr. Wild: Chapter 22

    brilliant! Jay’s been asking after you, and you’ll get to meet his wife, Holly. She’s British too. You probably know each other.”

I laugh as we climb out of the truck and walk to Blake’s parents’ front door, Betsy by our side.

“I know you think England’s tiny compared to the States, but we don’t all know each other.”

“Really?” Blake’s mouth drops open as he widens his eyes. “You mean, you don’t all sit around eating cucumber sandwiches and drinking tea with your pinkies out together?”

I shove him in the side. “Idiot.”

He smirks. “That’s not what you were calling me”—he glances at his watch and back up—“twenty minutes ago.”

I narrow my eyes at him as his sparkle back at me. He leans closer and his breath on my ear sends a tingle dancing through my body.

“I seem to remember it was more like… God! Your cock is incredible!” His lips graze my neck as he wraps his arms around me. “Not as incredible as your ass, though,” he groans, squeezing it with both hands.

I laugh and push him away. “God doesn’t have a cock. She’s a woman.”

He throws his head back and laughs, slinging an arm around my shoulders as the front door opens.

“I thought I heard you!” Blake’s dad, Bill, smiles as he stands back to let us in. He squeezes my arm, giving me a warm kiss on the cheek as he ushers me inside and out of Blake’s arms.

“Hey, Dad? Where’s my hello?” Blake chuckles as he follows us down the hallway to the large, bright kitchen at the back of the house.

“He sees your hairy face all the time!” Piercing blue eyes that match the deep voice—so like Blake’s—meet mine.

I smile at his brother, Jay, as he lifts a hand in greeting and says hello to me. I haven’t seen him in over ten years. But there’s no mistaking his blue eyes and dirty blond hair, especially when he graces magazine covers every month. Even the ones in England. If I’d been paying more attention, I would have known he was married now. Maybe I would even have seen pictures of Blake at his wedding.

“At least it’s not ugly!” Blake grabs his brother into a hug, and I smile as I watch the two of them slap their palms on each other’s back. “Why do you think Hollywood likes you with your shirt off so much? It detracts from your face.”

“I can see your jokes haven’t improved since the last time I saw you,” Jay says as he lets go of Blake and wraps his arm around a beautiful woman, balancing a baby on her hip, long gold hair spilling over her shoulders.

“Or your manners!” She rolls her eyes before looking at me.

“I’m Holly.” She smiles at me and her entire face lights up.

I instantly feel like we could be friends. She has that warmth about her. She’s barely got any make-up on, yet she’s glowing. I notice her large baby bump as she shuffles the little blonde-haired baby in her arms and remember Blake saying they were expecting another. Maybe it’s pregnancy. Isn’t that supposed to make you glow?

“And you must be Summer?” I step forward and wave at the beautiful little one who’s gazing at me with bright blue eyes from Holly’s arms.

She points at Betsy by Blake’s feet, and then gives me a shy smile and hides her face in Holly’s chest.

Holly laughs. “She’s only pretending to be shy. Wait until later, she’ll be all over you.”

She moves closer and Summer peeks at me, then hides her face again, giggling as I tickle under her little chubby arm.

“I’m glad we have introduced ourselves to one another, seeing as these two are too busy being big kids to remember,” Holly says, looking up at Jay with a smirk.

“Who are you calling a kid?” Jay gazes down at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners as she looks up at him. For a second, it’s like no one else in the room exists.

Blake catches me looking at them and he gives me a smile that makes my heart swell before he looks back at Jay.

“Yep, you’re the kid part of that sentence. I’m the big part.” He smirks before Jay reaches over and ruffles his hair. Blake jabs him in the stomach in response.

“Ooh, getting a bit soft there, bro. Those extra years you got on me finally catching up with you?”

I catch Holly’s eye and the two of us shake our heads with a smile. Jay’s stomach is nothing short of ab perfection, according to Hollywood’s sexiest male poll I saw in a magazine at the spa last week.

I look at the two of them teasing each other, and warmth blossoms in my chest. Where Jay is all dirty-blond tousled hair and American jock handsome, Blake is dark and rugged with his short beard and tattoos. But watching them like this, smiling and joking with each other, the similarities are there. The strong jaw lines, the height, the muscles… Sheila and Bill sure made a couple of handsome sons.

“You two, honestly!” Blake’s mom tuts good-naturedly as she comes over and pulls me into her arms.

“Oh, gosh. It’s been far too long. It’s so good to see you.”

She smells of lavender and rose, just like I remember from when we were kids.

“It’s good to see you too, Sheila.” I beam at her, meaning every word. She always made me feel so welcome when I came here. Fueling us all up with homemade cookies and other snacks before we headed out to the lake or the beach.

“Yeah, it is good to see you back here.” Jay smiles.

“It’s good to be back.”

I look around at them all and suddenly feel self-conscious, my gaze dropping to my hands. A warm, muscular arm snakes around my back as Blake slides his hand into the back pocket of my denim shorts. I feel my body relax as I smile at him gratefully, and he winks at me.

“Right. I’m putting the kettle and coffee machine on. Bill, you’re on cookie plating duty.” Sheila dishes out instructions and soon all seven of us are sitting on the back porch eating homemade salted caramel cookies with hot drinks. All except Holly, who’s drinking water.

“I can’t stomach my usual peppermint tea,” she explains, leaning back into the double seat she’s sharing with Jay.

“No, this little one has seen to that,” Jay says as he strokes his hand over her bump and presses a kiss to her temple.

I realize I’m staring at the two of them again, and quickly look down at Betsy and rub her ear with one hand. They’re so in love. It’s plain as day for anyone who so much as glances at them. My chest constricts as I remember Blake’s words in his truck after dinner at Kayla and Travis’ place.

She wanted things I didn’t. Living together, marriage, you know.

I know he was talking about Cindy. But he didn’t say he didn’t want those things with her specifically. Just that he didn’t want them. And it makes sense. His training classes are packed full of people, and he’s about to film the second series of his show. Plus, I know how much he relishes his alone time out in nature. Just him and Betsy out in the forest. He has his beautiful modern lake house, and everyone around town knows and likes him. Why would he want a live-in girlfriend or wife? He has the perfect bachelor lifestyle.

Me and him… what we have, it’s temporary. We both know that. I always said I wasn’t here to stay, and he knew that. Maybe that’s why getting involved didn’t worry him. He knows I will not want to move in and push him for commitment. I’m not going to ask him for anything.

I sneak a side look at Blake, but he’s busy smiling down at a sleeping baby Summer in his arms as he takes another cookie off the plate on the table in front of us. He eases back into the seat next to me slowly, careful to not disturb her. She looks so cozy curled up against his chest in her little yellow duck-covered sundress. She’s over a year old, but in his huge, strong arms, she looks tiny. And so sweet.

I catch his eye and grin at him as he looks up.

“My youngest fan club member, what can I say? I’m the favorite uncle.”

“You’re the only uncle.” Jay snorts.

“But I’m still the favorite.” Blake chuckles as he bends his head and places a soft kiss against Summer’s head.

“Jay said you make your own aromatherapy blends?” Holly says, drawing my attention away from the ovary-melting sight in front of me.


He must have been talking to his brother about me. The thought makes my stomach flip over. But then that’s stupid. He could have mentioned it in passing. I know they talk often on the phone. It means nothing. And what’s more, it should mean nothing. I’m not staying here, and he doesn’t want…

Blake’s hand squeezes my leg above the knee after he pushes the last of the cookie into his mouth. He’s rocking Summer gently in the other arm at the same time. He rests it there so casually, leaning back into the seat cushions and emitting a moan of appreciation as he swallows. I watch his Adam’s apple bob in his throat and push my thighs together as an all-too-familiar heat spreads between them.

I tear my eyes away, willing myself to stop thinking about the noises he’s making and how they’ve got me thinking about when he had his head buried between my legs and his face covered in my orgasm earlier today. His hand slides up my leg a little higher, and he flicks his eyes to mine and winks at me.

My eyes go wide, and then I narrow them as he chuckles to himself.

The bastard knows exactly what he’s doing.

I snap my eyes away from his and look at Holly’s kind face.

“Oh, yes, I do. I like to experiment. It’s something my aunt and I did together. I’m experimenting with making my own herbal tonics as well. Nature’s medicine cabinet, that’s what some people call it. They believe you can find something to help with any ailment out in nature.”

“That’s incredible. I think they’re right.” The fabric of Holly’s sundress ripples as she speaks, and she breaks into a grin. “This one agrees too, judging by the roll they just did. I swear they only wake up when I’m trying to eat or sleep. It was the same with Summer at this stage.”

“Pregnancy insomnia.” Sheila sighs from the chair opposite. “I had it in the last trimester with these two.” Her eyes look at Jay and Blake. “Pain in the backside they were, the two of them.” She laughs.

I glance at Blake and then Jay and smile. It’s crazy to think these two muscular giants were ever tiny babies.

“I used to give her foot rubs every night. Nothing helped,” Bill pipes up.

My eyebrows raise at the thought of Bill doing that every night for Sheila. But then I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s such a romantic. Judging by the way Jay’s fingers are stroking the back of Holly’s neck, I imagine it’s a trait that’s been inherited.

“You could make Holly something that might help her sleep, couldn’t you, babe?” Blake’s hand squeezes my thigh.

My eyes snap to his and he furrows his brow as I stare at him. Why would he say that? He knows I’m experimenting with my sleep potion because of my nightmares. Why would he even bring that up?

“Don’t be shy. You’re great at it. Except the cream whipping part. That’s all me.” He breaks into a grin and my shoulders relax as I realize he’s talking about the body creams and not my knock-out drug I’m trying to perfect.

“You need to be careful what you use during pregnancy, but I know which essential oils are considered safe and which aren’t. I could try a few things. I mean, if you like?” I say to Holly.

She shakes her head. “I don’t want to put you out. Honestly, I’m fine. It’s not that bad.”

“Holls, I was up for two hours with you last night,” Jay murmurs into her ear.

“Snap,” Blake whispers in my ear as I elbow him in the side.

In front of his family is not the appropriate time I want to be reminded of our midnight sex session. No matter how insanely hot it was, and how much I loved the burn in his eyes as he watched me welcome his release down my throat. He chuckles and squeezes my thigh again as I silently will him to shut the hell up.

“Okay, well, if you have time and it’s not too much bother, then that would be great. Thank you.” Holly smiles at me sweetly and I return my own back.

She’s the perfect match for Jay. He’s not had it easy. I remember how haunted he was before I moved away. He experienced something no one should ever have to, and his family was so worried about how he would come through it. Blake, especially. But looking at the two of them together now, I can see how someone sweet and kind like Holly is exactly what he needed. Someone to love him unconditionally and help him heal.

The rest of the afternoon passes quickly, and it’s soon time for Holly, Jay, and Summer to drive back to LA. They give me hugs before they leave; Holly’s obstructed by her bump. Summer presses her little rosebud lips to my cheeks in the most angelic little kiss I’ve ever been gifted. I swear that child will have the world eating out of her palm soon with how cute she is. I’m pretty sure she already has Blake, judging by the grin on his face at the extra squeezes and giggles she showered him with before being strapped into her car seat.

We wave them off and then climb into the truck and wave Sheila and Bill off as Blake reverses down their driveway and out to the main road.

A guy climbing into a nearby parked car with a long-lensed camera around his neck catches my attention.

“Why do you think he’s taking photos here?” I peer out the window at him as we drive past.

Blake rolls his eyes. “He’ll have been looking for Jay and Holly. Wherever he goes, there’s at least one pap following him. Even if it’s to somewhere mundane, like the gas station. He used to get away with it more. But since Summer arrived, and now the baby news is out, it’s been constant. I think they’re all hoping she’ll go into labor on the sidewalk and they’ll get a snap of Jay catching the baby as it flies out.”

My hand covers my mouth as I laugh. “I’m not sure they fly out. But if they did, that would be a great shot.”

Blake laughs, reaching his hand over to link his fingers through mine on the center seat. Betsy has decided to sit in the back instead and stick her head out the window, tongue out, ears flapping happily in the breeze.

I grin as I watch her in the wing mirror. Life is so simple for a dog.

Well, simple for the lucky ones.

Blake drops me off at my aunt’s house. He didn’t seem happy about spending the night apart, but I insisted. I know he wants to take Betsy on an evening hike, but I just don’t feel up to it tonight. All I can think about is trying my sleeping tonic. I really want to get it right before it’s time to go back to England. The idea of going back makes my stomach churn enough, without adding the sleeplessness back into the mix again. I’ve been doing so well getting sleep recently. But it’s all down to Blake being there. He’s not going to be there, and I need to know that I can survive on my own. I need to look after myself.

I’m heating the tonic on the stove when the house phone rings. It must be Mum or Dad. They’re the only ones that ever ring the landline to have a chat, which they’ve been doing every few days to see how I’m getting on. They haven’t mentioned getting the house on the market again yet. But I know it’s only a matter of time, now that they know it’s ready. I’ll be honest; I didn’t tell them about Bill and Blake painting it straight away. I wanted to have more time.

Just a little more.

“Hi, Mum,” I answer, leaning back against the kitchen counter and turning the stove down so my drink doesn’t boil over.

“Hi, sweetheart,” she greets in a clear English accent.“How are you?”

I chew my lip as I stare out the window at the garden. How am I? I’m not sure how to even answer that.

I’m great when I’m with Blake because I forget about the past?

I’m swallowing down bile in my throat at the thought of coming home?

Or I have no idea who the person in the mirror is that I see each morning?

Instead, I say, “Fine,” and ask Mum how she and Dad are doing.

“We’re okay….” She pauses and I hold my breath, waiting for her to drop whatever bomb it is that I know is coming. This is how it works. If she doesn’t go straight into a chat about what they’ve both been doing that day and which neighbors she’s seen around, then I know something is coming.

And it’s usually bad.

“We had a phone call from Detective Barnes today.”

I suck in a breath and can hear blood rushing in my ears as my heart pounds against my ribs.

“Detective Barnes?” I repeat, my mind picturing the solemn-faced policeman heading up the investigation and prosecution of Mick’s case. He’s actually very kind and understanding. I know he wants justice and to put people like Mick away. But I guess having a job that sees what he does, doesn’t give him many reasons to smile.

Mum’s voice sounds far away as she continues. “Yes. He’s said there’s been a problem with evidence for the trial. Something about the defense getting something thrown out over a technicality.”

My fingers sting where I’m gripping onto the kitchen counter like my life depends on it. “He’s going to get off, isn’t he?”

“Now, no… he didn’t say that. He said—”

“Mum! He’s going to get off! I know it!” My voice rises in panic. “He’s going to get away with it. With everything.”

My eyes blur as hot tears pool in them. He can’t get away with it. He can’t. Where’s the justice for all those dogs? All those people whose beloved pets were stolen to use as bait dogs. All those people hoping their pets are just lost and will come home again one day.

“No,” I cry. “He can’t, Mum. He can’t!”

“There’s not much else we can do, sweetheart. Detective Barnes said it weakens the case considerably. They’ve even relaxed his bail conditions until the hearing.” Her voice is full of concern as she delivers the news that makes me feel like I’m being dangled over a vat of burning acid.

“There must be something. I can’t let him get away with it.”

My eyes dart around the room, and I see my passport on the kitchen table. I only left it out because Maria needed a copy for work. Thankfully, I had the foresight to apply for a short-term work visa in case I needed something while I was over here. I just haven’t gotten around to putting it away again yet.

“I’m coming, Mum.” The words leave my lips before I can even process what I’m saying.


“I’m coming home. Maybe I can give evidence in person? It might be taken more strongly if I’m there and they aren’t just reading out my statement.”

There’s a rustling at the other end of the line and I hear mumbled voices—Mum’s and then Dad’s.

“We thought you wanted to stay a little longer? You said it was doing you good there?” My dad comes on the line. “We… we’ve been looking at options to keep the house.”

I screw my eyes shut, my heart constricting at the hidden strain in his voice. He forgets I can tell when he’s not being truthful a mile off. It used to be the way he pulled his left ear, but over the years, I’ve learned from just the tone of his voice. He needs this house to sell. His and Mum’s retirement depends on it. He’ll be working himself into an early grave otherwise.

“Dad, it’s okay. I’m doing so much better. I was actually about to ring you and suggest I book my ticket home,” I lie through my teeth.

“Oh, well… I… if that’s what you want?”

I’d rather walk over hell’s hot coals with bare feet.

“It is, Dad. It’s what I want. I’ll get a ticket booked. It may take a day or two, and I’ll have to talk to Maria at work. But I will sort it. Can you call Detective Barnes and tell him I changed my mind? That I want to give evidence in person now?”

“Okay, sweetheart. We will speak to him. Let us know when you get a ticket booked and we’ll pick you up when you land.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

I give my love to him and Mum and hang up, just as a fizz sounds from the stove. Even being careful and turning down the heat couldn’t stop the pan from boiling over.

Nothing is guaranteed.

Not even justice.

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