Captured by Mr. Wild (The Men Series – Interconnected Standalone Romances Book 4)

Captured by Mr. Wild: Chapter 17

    You see there?” I extend an arm past Daisy’s face and point to a spot of shingle shore on the other side of the river.

“Where?” she whispers, her eyes scanning the area.

I lean closer so my cheek is dusting hers. One arm is around her waist, and my other is still pointing out the spot I want her to focus on. We’re crouched down next to a bush up on a ledge overlooking the river a short drop below.

We’ve got the perfect view.

My jaw grazes at her temple as she tilts her head to get a better look. And the scent of wildflowers and vanilla hits me. My dick stirs in my pants and I draw in a breath. Now is not the time to lose my head. I have no trouble staying focused out here in the forest. It’s where I’m most at ease. But then, I’ve never been here with Daisy before. All logical thought is rendered useless when she’s near.


I motion to movement on the bank and hear a small gasp come from Daisy as she goes rigid and then holds her breath. Her hand goes to my arm around her waist, and she squeezes it. I can feel the excitement oozing out of her through her touch.

I take in her face from the corner of my vision as her eyes widen and a beaming smile spreads over her face. She’s the picture of pure joy.

“Blake,” she whispers. “Oh, my God.”

I turn back and watch as the mother black bear leads her three cubs to the river to drink.

Me and Betsy have been coming to this spot for weeks after noticing paw prints on one of our morning runs. We’ve seen them a few times, but this is the first time I’ve seen all three cubs so clearly with the mother.

“You beauty,” I murmur as I slide my arm from Daisy’s waist and grab my camera from the outer pocket of my rucksack. I lift it up and get a few shots. Betsy’s sat still as a statue, her eyes trained on the cubs, bright and alert.

“We got them, girl.” I grin as I pat her on the back. Her ear lifts in my direction so I know she heard me, but her focus stays fixed on the bears.

The three of us sit in stunned silence as we watch. The bears stay for a few minutes, drinking, the mother always on the lookout, until they all slowly make their way back into the treeline and disappear.

“That was incredible!” Daisy’s eyes are filled with energy as she turns to me. Her entire face is lit up, brighter than the sun.

“Pretty special, huh?” I’m grinning too as I put my camera away and pull out a bottle of water, handing it to her.

She takes it and tilts her head back, her throat moving as she drinks.

“Thanks.” She hands it back to me, licking the wetness off her lips. My eyes linger on them as I take a swig and then screw the lid back on.

“You want to head back? I reckon we might just make it.” I gaze up at the sky and the deep pewter cloud that’s in the distance but moving our way.

“Sure. I can’t believe we just saw that!” Daisy’s practically bouncing from foot to foot as she takes my hand and I help her to her feet. “This is incredible, Blake. I told you this place is paradise.” She turns and looks out over the forest and river below.

“It’s about to be a wet paradise.” I chuckle as I glance back at the cloud that’s moving faster than I thought. Even the air is heavy with that dense pressure that comes before a good rainstorm from Mother Nature.

“It still looks far away.” Daisy wrinkles up her nose as she looks at the darkening sky.

“Trust me. I’m in tune with this stuff.”

Daisy smirks at me.

“See these?” I lift both biceps and flex them. “Thunder”—I tilt my head to the left—“and lightning.” I tilt my head to the right. “And when they come together”—I clap my hands—“you’d better be prepared for the storm.”

Betsy jumps up and wags her tail, watching Daisy as she doubles over, clutching her sides.

“Please.” She holds up a hand. “No more of your jokes, Blake. They’re just too…” She cracks up again, the sounds of her delight overflowing and pouring from her easily.

It’s fucking music to my ears.

“Hey.” I bite back my smile. “No one’s ever complained about my jokes before?”

That only makes Daisy laugh harder.

“Maybe not to your face,” she splutters as she straightens herself up and lets out a final sigh.

“You done?” I arch a brow at her.

She sucks in a breath and her answer comes out as a squeak. “Yep. I think so. I mean… nope.” Her eyes screw shut again as she has one final laugh and then blows out a big breath. “Okay. I’m good. I’m good.” She nods at me. “Come on, Mr. Wild, let’s get going.” She strides past me, Betsy at her side.

I shake my head with a chuckle as I swing my backpack up onto my back and follow them.

The walk back doesn’t take as long as the way up, but the chill that’s come over in the air and the quiet of the birds, who’ve returned to the treetops, tell me it still won’t be quick enough. The first roll of thunder sounds in the distance, its deep rumble echoing off the rock ledges and down the valley behind us.

“I hope you don’t mind getting wet,” I call to Daisy who’s ahead of me on the trail path.

It’s perfect really; I’ve had a front-row seat to the show her gorgeous round ass is giving me in those tiny shorts she put on this morning after we stopped by her house to get her a change of clothes.

She didn’t want to take me up on my suggestion of naked hiking.

“I think we’ll make it, Blake. Think positive.” She speeds up on the path ahead as her words strike a heated torch to life in my chest.

Think positive.

It sounds so much more like her than most of the things she’s said since she came back here. I knew she hadn’t changed. Not deep down.

“I hate to rain on your parade—literally.” I grin as my eyes roam over her ass again. “But I think you’re wrong. W. R O. N. G.”

She shakes her head as she walks on. “And I think you’re—” She doesn’t get to finish whatever she was about to say as the heavens open and sheets of rain hammer down over us. The small positive snippet is that it’s quite refreshing in the hot, summer air.

“Blake!” she squeals, breaking into a run to reach the more sheltered area of the nearby trees.

“Stop! We’re on a slope. This path is just going to turn to mud. You’ll slip!” I shout.

It’s no use, though. The rain is battering us, along with the sounds of the nearing thunder vibrating the surrounding air.

She can’t hear me.

“Dee!” I yell again. But she’s farther down the path now, her white t-shirt see-through and sticking to her body. Betsy’s got much further ahead, and I can make out her dark form in the treeline, waiting for us. “Wait up!”

The next thing I see is a flash of white followed by a startled scream as Daisy slips and slides down what is now a stream of muddy sludge flowing down the path. I do the exact thing I told her not to do and run to get to her. When I catch up, she’s lying on her back, face toward the sky with a huge grin on her face.

“You okay down there?” I rest my hands on my knees, laughing as water runs off my nose and eyelashes.

“I think I bruised my butt, Blake.” She laughs. “But I’m good.”

“Come on.” I hold my hand out to her and she wraps her wet, mud-coated fingers around mine.

I peel her off the ground and there’s a squelching pop when she’s freed from the mud pie she’d effectively landed in.

She stands in front of me, hair soaked, mud covering her, streaks over her face, her clothes ruined. But the light in her eyes makes her look more beautiful than ever as she gazes up at me, raindrops dripping down her face.

“Dee, let’s get you—’

She places a finger against my lips, her eyes fixed on mine. Then she slides her arms around my neck, rising onto her toes, and crashes her lips against mine. Her kiss is frantic and urgent, and I can taste mud on her lips. But I couldn’t give a shit. I kiss her back, sliding my tongue into her mouth and fisting my hands in her hair as the rain falls around us, thunder bellowing in our ears.

She presses her body against mine and despite our clothes being soaked through; the heat radiating off her seeps into my chest as I hold her against me.

“Blake,” she pants, looking up at me, her eyes shining.

Bright blue and full of desire and need.

“Fuck, do you know what you do to me when you look at me like that?”

I press my erection into her torso. I’m raring to go. Blood rushes to my ears—what’s left of it, anyway. I think it’s almost all gone to my cock, which is throbbing out a beat in my pants.

A flash lights the sky behind us, accompanied by another clap of thunder, stinging the surrounding air.

I take my hands out of her hair and clasp her hand tightly in mine.

“We’ve got to go, babe. We don’t want to be out when the lightning reaches here.”

She wraps her fingers around mine and grips on as I lead her down the path, being careful of my footing. One wrong step and we could both end up landing in a dirty pile on top of each other. Although, there are much worse places I can think of.

I glance back. “You okay?” I raise my voice over the thunder and torrential rain.

Daisy giggles and shakes her head. My eyes drop to the swell of her breasts and hardened nipples on full display in her soaked top.

“Come on, almost there.”

She follows me and we keep a steady pace behind Betsy until my house comes into view. We rush up the front steps just as another crack of lightning flashes. Betsy shakes herself and flings more mud all over the two of us.

“Thanks, girl.” I laugh, opening the door and pulling Daisy’s hand.

She doesn’t move.

“Blake, I cannot go inside like this! I will wreck your house!” She looks down at the mud covering her boots and the rest of her body.

“Don’t be silly. You’re getting cold.” Goosebumps are popping up all over her arms, and she lets go of my hand to wrap her arms around herself. I point through the open door. “Get in.”

She shakes her head. “No way. My clothes are covered in mud. Can you bring me out a towel or something?” She bends down and starts pulling her boots and socks off.

I know I’m not going to win this argument, so I yank my boots off and head inside, returning a minute later with three towels.

“Thanks.” Daisy smiles as she takes one and wipes her cheeks.

“You going to come inside now? Or do you want to stay out in that storm?” I look past her at the lightning forking in the sky above the lake as I bend down and give Betsy a vigorous rub with her own towel. Her back leg lifts off the ground and thumps by her side as I hit a sweet spot.

“You’re good, girl.” I pat her on the back, and she pads into the house.

Fortunately, storms don’t bother her. We’ve been caught in a few when we’ve been out camping, and she’s got used to the noise and flashing. I watch as she heads to her beanbag and drops onto it happily.

“You going to come in now?” I grab Daisy’s hand and pull her up against my chest. “You need to get warm.” My eyes drop to her lips, inches away from my own. The urge to bite down on them is overwhelming.

“I need to get clean.” She smiles as I wipe a streak of mud off her face with my free hand. “Can I use your shower?”

I dust my knuckles back over her cheek. “You can use anything of mine you want. You know that.”

Her eyes pinch slightly at the corners as she studies me, giving me a small smile.

“Come on.” I pull her inside by the hand as another crack of lightning flashes at the same time as a deep rumble of thunder.

“This is crazy! It’s right on top of us.” Daisy beams at me as I lead her into the bathroom and turn the shower on.

“How long’s it been since you saw a storm?” I grin back at the delight on her face as I peel my wet t-shirt off and drop it on the tiled floor.

“I don’t know.” Her voice is fast and full of excitement. “Ages… years!” She drags her t-shirt up over her head. “I love them. I find them cleansing, you know? And the way the air clears, and how everything smells afterward… the petrichor.” She’s grinning from ear to ear as she peels her shorts off and stands in front of me in just a white lace bra and panties.

“You getting in then?” I cock my head toward the walk-in shower I’ve turned on.

Daisy’s eyes widen and she looks down at herself, as though just realising she’s almost naked.


“It’s okay. I’m happy to just watch if you don’t want company. Although it’s big enough for two.” I smirk at her as I push my cargo pants and boxers down to my feet and kick them off so I’m completely naked. “And these…” I take a step toward her and slide my hands over her hips and under the fabric of her panties. “…these need to come off. They’re wet.”

She sucks in a breath as my fingers trail down her thighs, sliding her panties with them, until they drop to the floor. I’m waiting for her to stop me—hoping she won’t.

“It wasn’t the rain.”

I drop my mouth to her neck and press my lips against her skin as I unclip her bra and peel it away from her breasts.

“What wasn’t?” I murmur as I reach up to palm her breasts. Her nipples pebble as I rub my thumbs over them, and I bury my nose into her neck so I can inhale her scent.

“The reason my panties are wet.”

A small moan vibrates in her throat as I run my nose along her jaw and kiss the other side of her neck. Her breathing quickens as I walk her backward, into the shower and underneath the hot spray of the water.

“Really?” I smile against her throat as I place another kiss there. “Why are they soaking, then? Tell me.”

“Blake,” she gasps as I sink two fingers deep inside her. Her arms go to my shoulders and she clings to me. Steam rises around us as hot water heats our skin.

“Tell me,” I repeat as I fist my cock with one hand and slowly finger her with the other. She leans back against the tile wall and her eyes meet mine as I raise my head.

“Because of you,” she pants and her mouth drops open as I add a third finger and pin her to the wall.

“Me?” I watch the way her cheeks flush and her eyelids flutter as I curl my fingers and stroke the sensitive spot on her front wall.

“Uh-huh.” She digs her nails into my skin as I rub my thumb over her clit, keeping my fingers wedged deep inside her.

“What did I do?” I lift my chin and hold her gaze as she squirms against my hand.

“Blake, please,” she pants; her chest rising and falling as her body holds me tight.

“Tell me, babe. And I’ll give you what you need.” My voice is deep, fighting to stay in control when all I can think about is losing myself in her.

Her eyes roll back in her head as she rides my fingers, soft moans falling from her lips one after another.


“Tell me.” I lean my forehead against hers and watch her lips part as she pants.

Her eyes fall closed as she tilts her head back.

“It’s all for you.”

I swirl my fingers inside her and she sucks in a breath and tenses.

“Keep going,” I grit out, unable to tear my eyes away from her face and the pleasure on it.

Pleasure I’m giving her.

“It’s all for you, Blake. Thinking about what I want to do with you makes me so wet.” Her voice turns into a groan as I quicken my pace.

“Good girl,” I growl.

I press my thumb harder against her clit and lower my lips to hers, catching her bottom lip between my teeth as she comes undone in my arms.

“Blake!” Her breaths are coming fast as the first tight spasm erupts around my fingers. She cries out as I draw her pleasure from deep inside her and pull it to the surface, taking it as my own—claiming it. “Blake!” She shudders around me.

“I could watch you come all day, babe… all day,” I groan as she grinds herself down onto my hand.

“Blake.” Daisy’s voice is barely a whisper above the sounds of the shower and the storm outside. “I need… I want…” Our eyes lock and she runs her hands up into my hair. “I want you to fill every part of me so all I can see, all I can hear, all I can feel. Is you.”

She kisses my lips and places her hand on my wrist, sliding my fingers out of her.

“Don’t leave room for anything else, Blake. Only you.” She turns around to face the tiled wall and looks back at me over her shoulder.

The sight of her here like this is almost more than I can take.

I fist my cock harder.

“Put your hands on the wall.”

She places her palms flat against the tiles, arching back against me as my lips find the junction where her neck meets her shoulder.

“You’re fucking beautiful.”

My free hand palms her breast, and she cries out, her body quivering as I pinch her nipple.

“Blake, please.”

The urgency in her voice has me ready to combust. She’s here, ready for me. Asking for it. Begging for me to fill her.

I’ve died and gone to heaven.

“You want it like this? Me fucking you from behind?” I whisper in her ear as I nip it between my teeth.

She sighs, tipping her head back against my shoulder.


I hold the base of my cock and push it up between her folds, her body wrapping around it, sucking it in—welcoming it back to where it craves to be.

Where it belongs.

“Fuck,” I hiss as I slide all the way inside her. She lets out a loud gasp as I draw back and slam back in.

“Yes, like that. Hard, Blake. Please. Do it hard.”

I grasp her hip with one hand and take my other hand from her breast, snaking it up to her throat.

“You want me to fuck you hard? Is that what you’re asking for, babe?” I growl in her ear.

She whimpers and clenches around me.


“Are you sure that’s what you want?” I drive into her again, throwing her body forward.

“Yes! Do it, Blake.”

I press my chest against her back, so she’s flattened against the tile wall, her cheek resting against the back of her palm. I squeeze her neck gently.

“You know how hard I like to fuck you once I start. Are you sure that’s what you want?” I growl in her ear.

She sucks in a breath and nods. “I know.”

I bite her neck and she shudders, her pussy clamping down onto me. It’s the final straw that breaks me.

I grab her hips with both hands and take a step back, taking her with me, my body staying buried deep inside hers. Daisy slides her hands down the tiles and lifts her ass, arching her spine so I can sink further into her with each punishing hit I deliver.

“Fuck, babe. You look incredible.”

My eyes drop to where my cock pumps in and out of her body. She never lets me go; just sucks me back in and clamps down harder each time I push back in, taking everything I give her.


I look up at her tensed hands against the tiles as she pushes back onto me. Her tits are bouncing, and the room fills with the sound of slapping skin as I thrust into her.

“Fuck!” I tip my head back and bite my lip as every muscle in my body gears up for what I know is coming.

Daisy’s panting and, as I drop my gaze back down, I find the most incredible sight. She’s moved one hand to between her legs and is touching herself. Pleasuring herself.

“Tell me you’re rubbing that swollen clit, babe. Please fucking tell me,” I groan as I increase my pace.

“I’m… Blake… God. You feel so good inside me!” Her voice cracks as she cries out.

I feel good?

“It’s you that feels good.” My eyes drop to her arm, moving frantically as she brings herself closer to her release.

“Come on me,” I hiss, driving into her harder, making her toes dance against the floor of the shower. “Come around my cock and then let me fill you up.”

She tenses at my words, going silent for a few seconds, before a scream breaks from her lips and she shakes around me.

“Blake! Oh, my God!”

Her body spasms in deep, consuming waves, drowning me along with it.


I screw my eyes shut and dig my fingers into her hips as I jerk. Pulse after pulse forces its way from my body to meet hers. I growl like an animal from deep inside my chest. It’s primal and rough as I sink deeper. She cries out, matching every pulse of pleasure my body feels with her own.

I lose myself in her, surrendering everything until all I hear is my heart thundering in my ears, and my lungs sucking in deep breaths.


The tension leaves my body, leaving a blissful calm washing over me.


I open my eyes and flex my fingers. My senses pulling back together, enabling me to focus.

Water. Heat. Steam.

Soft. Skin. Her.


Beautiful blue eyes look back at me. Then they’re moving closer as the heat around my cock is replaced with the heat of skin pressing against my chest. Hands slide up into my hair and then the eyes are right in front of me.

I stare back into them, my heart still hammering in my chest.

Warm lips graze mine and two words are whispered.

Thank you.”

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