Captive Sunset

Chapter Eerie Exit

Laura pulled off the interstate and drove a short distance north to the casino complex. As she maneuvered through to the gas pumps she saw no people. She noticed the sky was a darker. She drove several hundred miles away from the Sun. It wasn’t a drastic change except she noticed the rays falling on her inside the car were not as hot. She turned down the air conditioning. Standing at the pumps outside the car it was noticeably cooler than when she was in Portland. She fed her credit card into the slot but the system didn’t seem to be functional, wouldn’t accept the card.

Julie got out of the car, “I’m going to see if I can find a restroom,” she said as she stretched and walked toward the store showcasing her snug fitting jeans hoping a man would appear to help them in their distress.

Laura watched her for a moment as she went inside while she basked in the cooler Suns rays that threw a long shadow from the overhead sign. “Good, it seems to be open,” she said to Billy sitting by the open window next to her. It felt good to be out of the car seat.

Julie looked around inside and saw a restroom sign toward the rear and followed it bobbing her head to the overhead piped in music which was kind of loud. She figured someone must be working there while not questioning why she would believe that. When she exited the restroom a voice said “Hello.”

She looked toward the checkout counter and saw a thin scruffy looking guy there with his black hair a mess, parts sticking up in an unnatural way like he just rolled out of bed. “Hi,” she replied.

“Just the gas today?” he questioned with a devilish grin and cocky voice.

“I think she’s paying at the pump,” she said nonchalantly ignoring him while longing for a cold drink. She approached the counter while reaching into her purse for money with three drinks in her hand.

“Oh, you don’t want those,” the employee said to her.

“What, why not?”

“They are no good for partying,” he said really seriously. His eyebrows pushed down creating an angry look from him.

Julie began to suspect something was wrong when a hand came from behind her and covered her mouth tightly while an arm clamped her torso tightly from behind. All the while the guy behind the counter laughed at her perceived arrogance toward him. He motioned his head to his accomplice holding her from behind to remove her out the rear entrance while looking at the horror in her eyes. He slow walked her out the door and over to a black Pacifica while she squirmed to get loose. He stopped and said in a deep voice, “Go ahead and fight, I like it when you do that,” chuckling.

She felt him becoming aroused from contact behind her so she let up immediately not wanting that. Then he reached in his pocket for the FOB, his hand letting go of her mouth. “Don’t scream, understand?” he said like he was completing a set of barbell lifts. She just nodded frightfully thinking what could he possibly do to her.

He opened the motorized side door with a click of the FOB and then opened the driver side door manually carefully holding grip of her waist. She didn’t know what he was doing but felt helpless while she allowed him to reach through the front and grab her pony tail. She wanted to scream but was too frightened. He pulled her head inward dropping the FOB to his now free hand after letting go of her waist. He pressed the side door close button while holding her steady in place at he botom. She was unaware of what he was doing so she remained submissive. As the door reached it’s endpoint moving forward, it pulled inward sealing it, which pulled her ponytail inward right up to her scalp. It was hurting her badly and the look on her face showed it but she remained quiet.

He sat in the drivers seat and pulled a pint of whiskey out from under the seat and took a gulp. “That’s known as Red’s maneuver. I perfected it with a little practice,” he said mocking her.

Then he got out, “I’ve go to go inside but I’m warning you, if you make any commotion I will take you for a ride around the complex as you are. Open your mouth now wide.” He pulled a dirty rag out of his pocket and stuffed it fully into her mouth. She didn’t fight, fear had rattled her. “That’s it be a nice girl and I will be nice to you,” he said in a juvenile tone.

The guy behind the counter watched as Laura tried all her cards with no luck. “Damn, I going to have to go inside Billy to pay. I was hoping Julie would come out first.” A slight breeze blew her hair in her face as she reached into her purse for some cash, then handed it to Billy and said, “Wait here and guard the car, OK.”

“I will,” he replied. He liked being put in positions of responsibility and the weight of her purse on his lap gave him confidence.

The larger man, Red, came in from out back, “She ain’t going anywhere Crack,” he said laughing while calling him by his nickname.

“The other one is coming in. Why don’t you give her a surprise in the woman’s rest room. I will send her your way.” Red chuckled and went inside.

Laura entered through the door which made a jingle sound as she pushed through it. The music was loud and disorientating as she looked around for Julie.

“Can I help you said the man at the counter,” looking suspiciously not like an employee in her view.

On her guard she asked, “Have you seen my friend who came inside?”

His demeanor seemed to change to less friendly, “She asked for the restroom when she came in. Must still be in there.”

She surveyed the store aisles as she moved toward he bathrooms, her prowess alerting her to danger and her current vulnerability. She suddenly wished she had her purse with her. She opened the door and said, “Julie, are you in here?” There was no response. Two bathroom stalls had doors closed. She approached the one on the left walking softly, “Julie, are you OK?”

She opened the door and it was unoccupied. To the right, “Julie?” She knew something was wrong but pulled the door open where she found a large red haired man standing with a crazed look on his face. Her fight or flight system kicked in and she backed away, but not as fast as his pursuit. Her heart was pounding hard while he grabbed her. She fought him off, turned and went for the door handle. Just as she pulled the door toward her, it was slammed shut by his right hand from behind her as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her back to him. Her arms were flailing all about trying to squirm out of his control. She was able to punch at his crouch and caught him off guard. He buckled and release his hold on her. The music was off now giving her better sense of her surrounding. She grabbed the door handle and pulled with all her might not realizing it wouldn’t take that much.

There standing in the doorway was Crack. He smiled at her holding a knife in his hand. Laura’s mind was flashing different thoughts to her about what was happening, what she should do and mainly what she should not do. “Why are you doing this. We haven’t done anything to you,” she screamed. Red was still on one knee behind her nauseated.

“That’s right you haven’t done anything.This is survival of the fittest and we want you to do something.” he shouted, then smiled at Red who was finally up on two feet again. “You let her get over on you Jughead,” he said to him. That is what he called him when he was angry at him and Red didn’t like it.

“We are all alone here, everyone left. We just want to you two to be our dates and if your good, we will let you go afterwards. That sounds fair doesn’t it?” His stone-face looked directly at Laura as she exuded fear and anticipatory anxiety. She knew this was not going to end well.

Red got her in a rear choke hold with one arm and clamped the other around her torso. She tried to resist. He held her up so her feet barely reached the top of his huge feet as he slowly shuffled out the door. Her head was being pulled back so she didn’t see Julie at first.

Billy was getting suspicious. They should have returned by now. He reached in his Grandmother’s purse and pulled out her handgun. It was a heavy blackened steal semi-automatic. She showed him how to use it and even let him fire it out in the mountains on several occasions under her control. She told him if a cougar or other wild animal ever attacked, wait until they get very close so you don’t miss. Fire one round to see if it will scare them off first.

He didn’t think he would need it so he left it in the back seat. Then he snuck up to the storefront and looked inside. There was nobody there. Inside he sidled about looking for his Grandmother and trying to remain hidden until he came to the back door. He put his ear up to it and could hear talking through it. He slowly wrapped his hand around he door handle.

Crack said, “Your friend was unfriendly. See where it got here.” Red tilted her downward so she could see a weeping Julia pinned to the side door seam by her pony tail. She tried to scream but was muffled by his hand. "Take that rag out of her mouth. Are you rying to suffocae her," he told Red.

Her eyes grew in size by the horror she witnessed. She thought she needed to calm down and control herself. Maneuver a chance to upset their ideas. She would have to let them have their way and not fight it so that they would drop their guard, hopefully long enough for her to find some kind of escape opportunity.

Billy cracked the door open just far enough to see what was going on. He saw Julia and his Grandmother being held. He didn’t panic. This is why she entrusted him to guard the home and the car. She never outright said it but he had an idea what she meant. This situation was now in his hands. They didn’t know he was here so he had a distinct advantage. He ran to the car.

Laura was put inside the other side door to the van while Red got in the driver seat and started the car. “Now slide over,” said Crack to Laura as he followed her into the van. Red stepped on the accelerator revving the engine laughing wildly. He pulled out his whiskey bottle and took a gulp then passed it back to Crack who smiled.

“All you have to do is show me some kindness and I will make sure your friend doesn’t get pulled round the parking lot by her hair,” Crack said while placing his hand on her jeans and stroking her thigh softly. A gulp from the bottle and an offer to her. She shook her head no. “It’ll go better for you if try to get along."

She took the bottle and sipped it in disgust. “See that wasn’t so hard now was it,” he said with a grin.

Billy pulled back the slider and let it go with a snap, it loaded a round into the chamber. He ran around the building to the rear so they might not see him approach the van from behind. He was mad about what he saw and that would make the difference.

Red was playing with the radio. “C’mon, hurry up will ya, I want my turn.”

Crack giggled as he slid his hand up her thigh to the apex of her inseam. Laura was trying to hold on, looking around inside for anything she could strike him with. But if she found something she couldn’t use it or they would drive off and drag Julie by her hair.

Then he placed that hand on her belly and rubbed it. Laura had small breasts so often didn’t wear a bra. She wished she had one on now as his hand came up her torso.

“She likes a little foreplay, don’t you?” he grinned and cupped his hand around one of her breasts over her tee shirt. “Now how about a kiss,” he said leaning in to her. Her head retracted backward. He laughed.

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