Captive [MXM]

Chapter Shaping Up

It was strange to be in his car again. It smelled like him. I stared down at my lap. His hands were on the steering wheel. We weren't moving. He had offered to take me home.

"Did you think of me?" He asked and looked over at me.

I blinked and looked up, "what?"

"While you were gone," he finished and looked away again.

I chewed on my lower lip, "I came back, didn't I?"

"You came back because you were guilty," he rolled his jaw and I sank into my seat.

"I was worried you'd hurt yourself," I murmured and glanced at him, "and I was afraid you'd be upset with me."

"So you were guilty."

"I couldn't forget about us," I rubbed the back of my neck, "it's been so long and I- I couldn't imagine life without you around even if you're an asshole most of the time. You've just always been there."

"Sentimentality," he shrugged and stared out the window. I placed my hand on his arm.

"Sometimes I hate hate your guts, Warren," I admitted and the corner of his lips twitched, "but don't forget that I loved you once too- and I know that you still love me."

He sucked in a slow breath and glanced at me, "you don't love me anymore."

"That might be due to the fact that you were a controlling motherfucker and refuse to try to change," I whispered, "but I haven't forgotten how it used to be, Warren. And you're trying to fix things. I believe it could work with enough effort from both of us."

He swallowed and clenched his jaw, "I want you again."

"Remember, I'm not yours anymore," I folded my arms over my chest, "you said it was okay to stay with Jakob."

"But you aren't his either."

"I'm a person. Not something to own. I belong to myself," I reminded him.

Warren was silent before he turned on me and the raw expression on his face kept me silent. "I want to change for you, Paige. I never want to see that look in your eyes like I did that night. I won't let you hate me anymore."

I blinked in surprise and sucked in a sharp breath.

"I don't hate you, Warren," I shook my head.

"But I'm never doing anything else to hurt you ever again," he whispered and turned the ignition. "I'm going to make it up to you someday soon, Paige."

That day came much sooner than expected when I got out of my second class for lunch. I intended on walking to the campus McDonald's when a man in a delivery uniform approached me.

"Erm- Paige Merriweather?" He asked, "these are for you. The guy that sent them insisted on sending them in person."

I blinked in surprise and stared at the bouquet of flowers in his hands. I assumed that it was Jakob... I didn't know that he knew I liked lillies, though.

"Oh, um thank you," I answered and took them.

"No, problem. There's a card inside," he shrugged and walked off back to his truck. I smiled to myself and pulled it out. I was sure it said something cheesy. However, when I opened it it wasn't at all what I had expected.

The flowers are only the beginning. I'll win you back no matter what, Paige. I love you, Warren.

I stared down at it in shock and even re-read it a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. The first thing I did after that was call him without a single thought. After he hadn't picked up the last time I called him I was scared he wouldn't now either but like always it was less than two rings.

"I'm assuming you got my present?" He asked.

"What the heck, Warren?" I frowned and stared down at the lillies.

"You don't like them?" He asked and I heard a note of concern in his voice.

"Well, no, I do love lillies but you can't just send me flowers!" I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration, "I have a boyfriend, Warren. I don't want him to find out that I'm getting flowers from my ex."

"I'm sure that thought didn't cross your mind when you were offering to break up with him for me today," he said quietly and immediately my face dropped in shame.


"Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he interrupted me, "I'm sorry, don't hang up. I known it looks like I'm not trying but it's harder than I thought."

I sighed, "thank you for apologizing, I won't hang up but you really shouldn't send me things like this. What if Jakob had been with me?"

"Oh, I don't intend to keep it a secret. I want him to know that it was me who took you back," he remarked casually, "I will win you over, Paige."

"Warren, what happened to waiting until you'd improved enough?" I sighed and continued to walk along.

"I know, I know but I love to see you, Paige. I like doing things for you. I like making you happy," he whispered, "will you just let me have this?"

"I can and I appreciate your effort but I'm still not going cheat on Jakob," I shook my head, "this isn't some kind of love triangle where you can vie for my affection."

"You don't have to cheat on Jakob. By the time I'm through you'll be in my bed instead of his," he replied smugly and I hoped he didn't mean sex because he knew I wasn't fucking anyone, "and I mean that in a completely nonsexual way because I know you're not ready for sex. I just want to cuddle you again."

"Good save," I arched my brow. I liked this trying to change Warren. He wasn't very good at it yet but I really did like that he was trying.

"It wasn't a save, I just wasn't finished talking," he commented and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Uh-huh, well keep trying and maybe we could be friends," I rolled my eyes playfully, "oh, and thank you for the flowers. It was thoughtful of you."

"Rest assured, there will be more."

I got off work later than usual that night so I arrived home around seven. At my door was a small package. This time I knew it had to have come from Warren. I sighed and picked it up as I tucked my keys back into my pocket. In the box I found a thin silver band with a small blue gem at the center. As blue as your eyes... wear it for me tomorrow, won't you? - WC, read the card beneath it.

I rolled it between my fingers before slipping it onto my ring finger and curled my hand into a fist a few times. It was certainly pretty but I wondered how expensive it had been. I blushed in embarrassment. I had to return it to him- it had to be way too much.

With a sigh I pulled out my keys again and opened my door before setting my stuff down at the front. I pulled out my phone as I headed to my bedroom with the intention of calling Warren about the ring.

"How much did it cost?" I sighed when he picked up.

"Not that much, why?" He answered and I noted that he sounded a little bit tired.

"Warren, how much?" I said again.

"Just a couple thousand," he said in a dismissive tone and my stomach dropped.

"Warren! You can't just waste money on me like that. You have to take it back," I stressed and kicked off my shoes as I flicked on my light.

"I'm not wasting anything- you're worth every penny and you aren't allowed to give it back. Like I said, wear it for me tomorrow," he replied and I rolled my eyes.

"If I wear it tomorrow will you take it back afterwards?" I asked in an attempt to bargain with him.

"No," Warren stated curtly.

"Well I can't just wear it around- I'm going to see Jakob tomorrow," I muttered and bit the inside of my cheek as I rummaged through my dresser for some bed clothes.

"Oh, he already knows," he answered and I jerked in surprise.


"I had lunch with him today. Business," he told me.

"What did you tell him?" I gasped.

"I essentially told him that I was going to take you back and he couldn't do anything about it with a few other choice words," he seemed not at all concerned.

"Did you threaten him?" The thought made me angry. He had no right to-

"No, but I did get my point across," my anger dissipated quickly. At least he hadn't started anything.

"I need to call him. Good night, Warren," I groaned and ran my hand down my face, "and I mean good night. You need to go to sleep tonight."

"Who's the Daddy now?" He joked and I blushed bright red.

"Good night," I said and hung up on him. The nerve. Next I went to call Jakob.

"Hello, love, is something the matter?" He asked in a soothing voice and I immediately wanted to cuddle with him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had a meeting with Warren?" I went straight to the point and tried to sound as stern as I could.

"I didn't think it was worth mentioning," Jakob responded and I frowned deeply.

"He's still not in the right mind! What if he hurt you?" I asked and let worry slip into my voice.

"Don't worry, little one. He isn't anything I can't handle," he answered but I was still concerned. Warren couldn't control his temper well even with the therapy.

"And you aren't worried at all about the whole 'win me over' thing?" I swallowed.

"Not at all, I know I'm the only one you have feelings for," Jakob admitted.

"Jakob, I'm serious. Warren is dangerous," I whispered and clenched my jaw.

"So am I. He doesn't worry me."

"Stop, please! I don't want you to get hurt. Don't play his games, Jakob," I swallowed and clenched my fist.

"Don't use that tone with me, Paige," he said sternly and I blinked in surprise before rolling my jaw in determination.

I let my voice catch a bratty undertone, "I'll use whatever tone I want with you," I frowned, "you aren't the boss of me."

"I'm not, huh?" He asked in a low voice and my body tingled with excitement and anticipation. I... so maybe I really wanted him to punish me. "Then who's the boss, Paige?"

"I am," I pouted and sat down on the edge of my bed, "I can do whatever I want."

"I don't think so, babydoll," Jakob answered before hanging up suddenly. I blinked in surprise before staring down at my phone. What had that meant? Was he planning on punishing me tomorrow? I hoped so. I need it after everything that had been going on lately.

With a smile I slipped into my bed clothes and settled into bed to finish up my homework. After a while I became so immersed that I mostly forgot about the whole conversation. It had all been pushed to the back of my mind.

When a knock came at my door I jumped in surprise. My first thought was Warren since he was usually the only person that visited me but he also didn't need to knock since he had a key. Although, he had been working on respecting my privacy so maybe that's what he was doing.

I went to the door and slowly opened it. Jakob stood there with a less than pleased expression on his face. He was still in business attire and I had to admit that he looked very good.

"Sir!" I squeaked in surprise. He was definitely Sir right now. I knew I was in trouble.

"You've been very bratty, Paige," he said and clenched his jaw as he stepped inside and shut my door. I was practically trembling with excitement. "I think a punishment is in order."

I blinked up at him and swallowed, "I- I-" I cut myself off and chewed at my lower lip, "please spank me, Sir."

He looked at me in confusion for a second before it clicked.

Jakob tilted his head to the side, "if you just wanted to be spanked then why didn't you just tell me, little one? You didn't have to get me all worked up."

"It's embarrassing," I whined and slipped my arms around him.

He sighed and kissed the top of my head as he went to take a seat on my couch before slinging his suit jacket over the back.

"Come here, babydoll."

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