Captive [MXM]

Chapter First Time

Five years ago

The club was loud and dark and light and crowded all at the same time. I wish I could say that I liked it. That I liked to be out for once like a real teenager. It didn't feel as great as I had though, though. Maybe it was because I knew no one at home would really notice my absence.

Or the fact that someone was trying to kiss me or grind on me every second. My two best friends and a few of our other mutual companions had gotten into a club downtown that was pretty much known for admitting minors with fake IDs that were obviously fake.

I was regretting this decision.

It was a big place and I had already been separated from everyone else. It was honestly just a terrifying experience now. I had no idea where I was. By the time I stumbled my way up to the over-looking balcony I was twice as disoriented.

Up here had a different atmosphere. It was... dangerous. Deceiving. I couldn't put my finger on it exactly though. Someone placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Who are you?" He was a large man with an earpiece in. Oh my god, was I going to get kicked out?

"I-" I looked around nervously, "I'm Paige?"

He looked me up and down before returning a flat look to my face

He looked like he was about to say something when someone else interrupted.

I was momentarily dumb struck by his mere presence.

The man was tall- much taller than me- and obviously worked out. His hair was varying shades of blonde and brown and that night it was combed and slicked back to show his nearly black eyes. I could see a shadow of stubble along his sharp jaw.

The power and confidence this man exhumed- merely by standing beside me- was intimidating. And to be honest it made me a little bit hot and bothered.

"Excuse me, we have business," he said and glared at the bouncer. I liked his voice. It was... nice, deep, sonorous.

"Ah- sorry, sir. I didn't realize," he nodded astutely and walked off, leaving me alone with the man I would come to know as my captor.

"I'm, um- I'm lost," I said softly and peered up at him as I strung my fingers together nervously.

"I can tell. Did Sage send you?" He asked and folded his arms over his chest. I didn't like his tone now. He didn't sound angry or anything but it made me feel embarrassed.

"I don't know who that is," I answered and wrapped my arms around myself as I stared down over the balcony.

The man gave me a slow once over, "how old are you?"

I blanched, "er- twenty-one?"

His eyes flicked to my lips as he leaned down.

"Don't lie to me, sweetheart," he said lowly in my ear. A shiver went down my spine as I pulled my arms to my chest.

"I'm seventeen, sir," I squeaked as he pulled away and placed a hand on his hip.

"Jailbait," he remarked flatly and cocked a brow.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm almost eighteen."

"Still jailbait."

I frowned, "it's not like anybody wants to do anything to- with me."

He didn't look convinced.

"Look over there. Don't turn your head. Just look," he instructed me. I did. There was a booth against the wall with a group of men. I was alarmed to find a few of them staring at me. In a rather inappropriate way I might add.

My cheeks turned red. "They aren't staring at me, are they? That's- there's someone behind me right?"

"Mm... no. That's all you, sweetheart," he cracked a smile and tucked his hands into his pockets. I saw the fangs poking from under his lips.

"I- what? What do I even look like I have to offer?" I inquired and looked down at myself.

"You're tiny. And dainty. And you have whore lips," he answered bluntly. I flushed and covered my mouth.

"That's not true," I gasped.

He leaned down again and lowered his voice.

"Then why does everyone here want to shove their dick down your throat?" The man murmured as his warm breath fanned over my neck, "the only reason you've been left alone is because I'm here, sweetheart."

I pouted and looked to the side.

"Stop calling me that. My name is Paige."

"Warren, sweetheart."

A shudder rolled down my spine.

I don't know how his mouth wound up on mine or how I got into his car or how I ended up with his rough palms pushing me down on his bed.

I gasped and whined against his lips as he jerked my pants down my legs and I fell back onto the mattress. Warren broke the kiss to remove my jeans fully and threw them across the room. I placed my hands on his chest and whimpered softly as I pressed our lips together again.

He held the nape of my neck and slid his hand up my shirt. A gasp bubbled from my lips as he pulled it over my head too. My cheeks darkened as he leaned back and stared at me for a moment. I was insanely nervous but I knew I wanted was to please him more than anything.

Warren drew off his suit jacket as I slid back against the head board and chewed on my lower lip.

I opened my arms to him as he yanked me down by my ankle and pressed his hips between my thighs. I whined and hooked my arms around his neck as he kissed down my throat.

"Warren," I whimpered and wrapped my legs around his waist. His rough palms pushed my hips down against the bed when I began to squirm.

"Shh, baby, or I'm gonna lose my patience," he growled and thrust his hips against mine. Warren's fingers slid over my abdomen and even lower as he palmed my dick through my boxers.

I moaned and tilted my head back against the pillows as he tugged at the hem of my underwear. I turned even more red as he tossed them away and looked down at me. In my embarrassment I pulled my knees up and covered my face with my hands.

Warren appeared unamused, "who gave you permission to hide from me?"

I gasped when he jerked my knees apart and pressed his hips between them. My entire body was on display for him and my seventeen year old self couldn't handle it.

He reached for lube and slicked his fingers with the wet substance before pressing two fingers against my hole. When he tried to put them in my body tensed up.

Warren whistled lowly, "loosen up, baby, you're too tight."

I tried my best and he slid a finger in. It felt strange and uncomfortable at first but when he started sliding in and out I couldn't stop from moaning. His name kept falling from my lips until a second finger joined the first and I was an absolute mess.

He laughed in my ear as he spread my hole for him. I whined when he removed his fingers.


"Shh, sweetheart. I'm gonna put something much better in there, okay?" I blushed but nodded as he removed his underwear and tossed them away. I listened to the crinkle of the condom and bit my lip in anticipation. This is really happening, I thought, I'm really about to have sex.

And then he was pressing the head inside me. He rubbed my stomach gently to keep my muscles loose as he buried his cock inside me.

"What a good boy," he breathed, "so tight."

"Please," I gasped, "Warren- it's too... too big."

That made him laugh again. I liked his laugh.

"Mm, you know you're a slut for my cock, baby," he groaned as I stared up at him with wide eyes. I hadn't expected how turned on that had made me.

And then I was fully impaled on his shaft. I stared down at our connected bodies and flushed at how lewd I looked. Warren held still with his hands planted on either side of my head. I drew my fingers over his chest and down his arms tentatively. He was stretching me a lot. It hurt- but not nearly as much as I thought it was. He was allowing me to get used to it.

Slowly, I pulled my ankles up and hooked them around the small of his back. Then I stretched my arms above my head and arched my back as an invitation for him to start moving.

I would soon regret this, however. Warren had very little self control when it came to me.

I jerked and tensed as he started to thrust slowly.

"Relax, Paige," he whispered and wrapped his hands around my wrists as he held them down on either side of my head. When I found that I couldn't move them I only became more hot and bothered. It felt good when he held me down.

His cock was long and thick and satisfying inside me as I whimpered and tossed my head to the side. His pace slowly grew harder and faster and more brutal.

"Warren-" my voice cracked in absolute pleasure as he fucked my prostate with every ruthless thrust. His fangs scraped down my bared neck as I squirmed and panted helplessly. Warren was still holding me against the mattress and I was left completely vulnerable beneath his firm body.

God, I fucking loved that body. I loved how heavy he was on top of me. The way the hard curves of his chest and abdomen pressed against me. How the scruff on his jaw rubbed against my cheeks and neck. And, of course, his dick was quite fine as well.

I couldn't keep the noise down anymore. My moans were obscenely loud. I had no idea that I could possibly make so much sound, it had to be him. I didn't think someone else could fuck me so hard and yet worship my body so gently at the same time.

"You're so cute, Paige," he laughed as I arched my back against his warm body and hooked my arms under his armpits and around his shoulders. "You take my cock so well, baby."

I moaned at the dirty words and mumbled his name again.

"Bite me, please," I murmured and kissed his cheek. His tongue splayed over my throat as his fangs sank in deeply.

I sucked in a slow breath and dug my fingers into his hair. He was fucking me hard. God, so hard. His cock was stretching me so wide and pressing so deep. The pain and the pleasure mixed and blurred until I didn't even feel like I was in my body anymore. My brain was fuzzy and floaty and my body vibrated with warmth.

And I was coming. Coming so hard that I could see stars. My body was trembling and shaking and my orgasm seemed to go on for hours. Warren was still fucking me. Still nailing me to the bed with his cock and suckling on my neck. But his hands were firm on my hips and his body was comforting on top of me. I cried out his name in a broken voice and relaxed into the bed, my body boneless beneath him.

He fucked deep into my pliant body as my eyelids fluttered half closed. Then Warren groaned against my throat and embraced me gently, cradling my tired body against him. He burst into the condom and licked over the bite mark as he kissed down my neck.

That fuzzy, warm feeling was still reverberating within my chest. I felt safe and comfortable with him. My body was weak and tired but all I wanted was for him to hold me. And he did.

"Sweetheart?" He whispered and stroked my cheek as I stared up at him. I was sure I looked absolutely fucked-out but I could care less.

"Sir," I mumbled and breathed slowly and softly.

He just watched me with a curious look in his eyes and stroked my lower lip thoughtfully.

"Hush, baby," he said lowly, "just go to sleep."

I did.

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