Captive [MXM]

Chapter Alexey Dragomir

The next morning I got up as early as possible and made breakfast. I had to apologize. I had to make it better. He couldn't leave me. By seven o'clock everything was ready and he still hadn't gotten up so I went to get him.

I didn't bother knocking and just walked right in. The room was still dark with the black out curtains and he was fast asleep in his bed. I tentatively walked over to the side of the bed and tapped his shoulder.

"Warren," I murmured as he slowly began to wake up, "I made you breakfast."

He blinked a few times and then looked up at me, "get out."

My face crumpled, "please don't kick me out. I just want to make you feel better."

"I don't care. Leave me alone," he scowled and sat up. I leaned forward and turned his face to me.

"Please, I'm sorry," I whispered and crawled up onto the bed, "I'm sorry I hurt you, don't kick me out."

He scowled at me and batted my hand away, "I don't need your apology."

My lower lip wobbled, "please, Daddy, I need you. I want you."

He still seemed unperturbed. I crawled closer and cupped his face, "I'll do anything you want."

Warren looked me up and down, "anything, huh?"

I nodded and hooked my fingers around the back of his neck. He slipped his fingers through my curls and yanked me down on his lap.

"What if I fucked you right here?" He asked crudely and I only nodded helplessly and immediately began to pull at the buttons on my shirt. He caught my wrists to stop me, "would you still say yes if Jakob was here? Would you still spread your legs and beg for your Daddy if he was here right now?"

I nodded again, "yes, I'd let you do anything you wanted to me. I just want you to stay. I can't let you leave me."

Warren pursed his lips and frowned a little bit. I whimpered as he pressed his lips against mine and wrapped his hand around my throat. I quickly kissed back as best as I could and clung to him for dear life. He squeezed my neck so tight that I could hardly breathe but I couldn't care less as long as I was pleasing him.

I kept making pitiful noises but it didn't matter. All that was important was being good for him. Soon his hands traveled down to my parted thighs and he dug his fingers in until I was mewling in pain and still trying to do well. Eventually he yanked my head back by my hair and I cried out softly as I reached back out for him.

"You're such a whore," he snapped, "get out."

I whimpered as my eyes brimmed and I trembled on his lap. "Please, Daddy. Let me be a good boy. I can be good for you."

"Get. Out."

I did.

Twenty minutes later he was dressed up and downstairs. I was sitting at the island in the kitchen with my head down and buried in my arms. There was really nothing for me to do but wait for him anyways. The silence had given me some time to think, though. I hadn't realized how badly I didn't want to lose him until now. I was legitimately willing to do anything to make him stay even if that meant losing the freedom he'd given me to begin with.

God, I was so fucked up.

"I made you breakfast," I whispered when he walked in and pointed at the plate before resting my head back down.

"Not hungry," he replied curtly and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"I can make something else," I offered and rubbed my hands together nervously.

"I'm not hungry," he snapped and got the creamer out of the fridge.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" I asked hopefully and bunched my shoulders up.

"You can stop talking," Warren answered and returned to making his coffee. I shrank into myself and fell silent for a moment.

"I'll break up with him," I whispered and tugged at my curls, "I'll never speak to Jakob again if you want."

"I don't care what you do," he waved his hand and took a sip of his coffee.

"Please, Warren," I whimpered and tucked my hair back, "I'd do anything. I'll go back to before. I'll live here with you and do anything you say. I won't talk to anyone else. I'll be perfect for you."

"Why?" He rolled his eyes, "I don't want you."

"I'd still do anything for you. Tell me how to make you stay," I swallowed and flinched when he turned to me without warning.

"I'm not going to stay. If you want to break up with Evanston then it's not my problem. You are not my problem," he snarled and I frowned and stared down at my lap.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I mumbled and put my head back down. "I'll come and get you when Nikolai arrives."

He didn't say another word to me. No one came for a long while but I was glad when there was finally a knock at the door. Now I had something to distract me.

"Hi, he's in his office," I greeted Nikolai and let them in, "I'll go get him."

He gave me a long look and nodded before they headed to the living room. I sucked in a deep breath as I went to his office and knocked a couple times.

"Come in," he answered and I shut the door behind me, "what do you want?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "um, they're here."

He sighed and shut his laptop before heading towards the door. I moved out of the way and followed after him silently. I didn't want to say anything else and annoy him.

I sat in a chair by myself this time.

"He's in America right now visiting some associates," Warren began, "I don't know exactly where but he's interested in working with demons- spies to be specific."

Lux and Nikolai glanced at each other, "how do you know?"

"I spoke with him last night," Warren shrugged.

"Did you tell him anything about us?" Nikolai asked in alarm.

"No, but I'm almost certain he already knows," he sighed and folded his ankle over his knee.

"What? How?" Nikolai asked quickly.

"He mentioned something about his vishenka," Warren gave Nikolai that look. The arrogant I'm-better-than-you look.

He pursed his lips and dropped his gaze to the floor.

"I see," he whispered and brought his fingertips up to his lips, "did he mention anyone else?"

"Someone named James," he waved his hand dismissively like this person was probably unimportant. However, Nikolai's face turned white at the sound of that name.

"Jamie?" Lux asked and gave him a concerned look.

Nikolai nodded slowly and shortly, "yes. It couldn't be anyone else."

"Who is Jamie?" Warren asked and arched a brow. I also wanted to know.

Nikolai looked troubled. He placed a hand over his mouth.

"I didn't think anyone knew," he whispered, "I'm his sire."

"Oh? So the king has a fledgling. How interesting," Warren mused, "although, that does make sense. Alexey didn't speak fondly of him."

"How could he know? We've kept it secret for so long," he pulled at strands of his hair.

"As we've seen, Alexey seems to be skilled with espionage whether he does it himself or not," Lux put in and placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Jamie is in America right now. So is Alexey," Nikolai worried and looked at his companion.

"He's with Bane and Zisael. Nothing will happen," he tried to reassure him, "besides, we'll be back by next week."

"Can you show me a picture?" Warren cut in and seemed not at all sympathetic.

Nikolai hesitated for a long moment and then nodded as he pulled out his phone, "here," he whispered and handed it over.

Warren looked at it for a moment and narrowed his eyes, "are you serious?"

Nikolai pursed his lips, "I didn't want to bring it up. There probably isn't any correlation."

"What?" I asked and leaned forward. Warren showed me the phone.

"Oh," I gasped, "he looks just like me."

"Did you ever meet your birth family?" Warren asked and handed Nikolai's phone back.

"There wasn't any information on them," I shrugged. It was probably just a doppelganger situation. There was no way we were related.

"Jamie went through foster care," Nikolai put in and tucked his phone away, "and he grew up around this area for the most part."

I pursed my lips, "how strange."

How strange.

"Paige," someone called and I looked up in surprise.

"Jakob," I smiled even though he was basically the last person I wanted to see. Warren had retreated to his office without a single word to me after Nikolai and Lux left. However, Nikolai had given me Jamie's number in case I ever wanted to reach out.

Jakob pulled me into his arms and leaned down to kiss me, "how are you, baby? Are you okay? Did he do anything?"

I shook my head and buried my face in his chest, "I'm okay. He didn't do anything. I slept in my own room last night."

"Mm, I missed waking up to you this morning," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Me too," I whispered on default. I didn't feel as good in his arms as I usually did. The ride home was filled with music instead of conversation. We went back to his house for the day and he went to his office to do work while I 'took a nap'. Really I just curled into a ball and tried not to cry over Warren. I even attempted to text him but he didn't respond.

I couldn't feel better. I didn't have anything to distract myself and I just kept feeling worse and worse. Eventually I was ready to try anything and I headed to Jakob's office. I wore only one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers.

"Daddy," I whimpered as I opened the door and he looked up with worry immediately.

"Paige? What's the matter?" He asked and stood up as I walked around his desk and into his arms.

"Please spank me, Daddy," I trembled, "I need it so bad."

He sat down and dragged me into his lap, "no, let's talk about this, babydoll," he whispered, "what's made you so upset?"

My lower lip trembled, "I think he hates m-me."

"Who? Warren?" Jakob asked as I nodded my head and buried my face in his neck, "why does he matter to you?"

I bit down on my lower lip, "because he's all I've ever had."

Jakob ran his palm down my back and kissed the top of my head, "you have me now, little one."


"No," he said calmly and ran his fingers through my hair, "I don't want you to think about him, Paige. Just me, okay?"

I whimpered and nodded as I fisted his shirt in my hands. He rubbed my back for a few more minutes before I'd calmed down enough to speak again.

"Daddy," I whispered and kissed his neck, "p-please spank me. I really need it."

"Will that help?" He asked and pulled me back a little bit. I nodded and looked up at him with wide eyes.

He sighed, "bend over my desk, babydoll."

I immediately did as I was told and then proceeded to secure my arms at the small of my back. Jakob pulled my boxers down to my knees and pushed my shirt up my hips. His knuckled grazed my bare ass.

"So pretty," he hummed and opened a drawer on his desk. I wiggled my hips in anticipation and gasped in surprise when something hard and flat and wooden came down on my ass. After a few more spanks I recognized it as a ruler. Apparently he had stepped up his game.

Only about ten smacks in I was already moaning and whimpering and squirming helplessly against the biting pain and pleasure he brought me. His palm rested on my tailbone as he bruised my ass and thighs. It felt so good. It felt so liberating. I whimpered his name and called him Daddy and begged for more and more until I was shaking.

My knees were weak with pleasure as intense heat grew in my stomach. I couldn't even form coherent words. Jakob was mostly quiet. He let me take it. He let me simply feel my pleasure. That made it easier for me to think of Warren.

I bit down on my lower lip as heavy waves of lust and heat ran up and down my body at the thought of Warren punishing me. I could feel his rough palm at the base of my spine and his deep, rolling voice. It made me weep with pleasure to imagine Warren calling me dirty things and making me hold back my orgasm.

I didn't even care that I was thinking of him instead of Jakob. I didn't feel guilty for it. I knew Warren was the only one that could give me the kind of pleasure I needed and wanted and I wasn't going to deny it anymore. I could pretend that he was Warren and even though it wouldn't be as satisfying it was the only way I could convince myself to keep going.

"Daddy," I called in a broken voice at last. Warren probably would have stopped ages ago because he didn't like to bruise me too much, "please."

Jakob continued as if it was just another rambling of mine.

I tried again, "Daddy," I moved my hands, "stop- J-Julian."

He halted immediately and set the ruler down. I slumped against his desk as he put the stick away and placed his hands on my hips. I panted and whined as he pressed his lips to the red skin and spread my thighs apart. I moaned and squirmed as he kneaded my bruised flesh in his palms. I whimpered in pain as he kissed down and down and down.

"Jakob," I whimpered softly, "stop it."

He paused and pressed a kiss to my tailbone before pulling my underwear up my legs. I was trembling against the desk and didn't trust myself to move.

"I don't think I can move by myself," I whispered in a tired voice, "I need your help, Daddy."

He exhaled and dragged his fingers down my spine, "I got you, baby... I got you."

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