Can't Resist the Billionaire

Chapter 10 Someone Opened the Door

"Get out!" My face flushed with anger. I could not let him succeed today, no matter what. Otherwise, he would never stop.

"You still don't learn well!" Vincent patted me on the face and threatened, "What's the difference between the first and a hundredth time? Is it so annoying for you to have sex with me?"

In my heart, I am a staunch conservative. Despite the fact that I had unintentionally done something that others disliked, I would not proceed as Vincent suggested. Playing with fire was almost always a disaster!

"I beg you, Vincent. I don't want anything. I just want back to my original life, what on earth do you want me to do before you will let me go?" This was the second time I begged him because I really couldn't live without Christopher.

I could ignore everything and turn against with Vincent if I didn't have such a strong love for Christopher. But if that were the case, I would not be so hard on him, so what do I have to worry about? So Vincent knew perfectly well that even though he had threatened me with Christopher, I had nothing to fear once the secret was let out.

Vincent lowered his head and looked at me. Perhaps he recognized the fear and pleading in my eyes and felt pity for me. He sighed softly and sat up abruptly from my body. "You like this man that much?"

I was so scared that I quickly sat up and tried to keep a certain distance from him. I was afraid that he would pounce on me again if he was unhappy.

I nodded and said flatly, "Christopher is my first love. We have always had a good life. If I had not met you ..."

That might be a bit awkward to say, so Vincent narrowed his eyes and immediately turned to stare at me. I was so startled that I swallowed the words in the last half of the sentence and did not dare say another word.

"If you hadn't met me? Jasmine, am I really so intolerable in your eyes?"

I could not tell whether it was my illusion or not. I suddenly noticed that Vincent's eyes seemed to flicker with a hint of sadness.

I paused for a moment, then hesitantly asked him, "Vincent, you are pestering and forcing me to sleep with you. Is this just for fun or to get revenge on Christopher? If it's for revenge, I do not think you are ever trying to be a man. If it's purely for fun, when are you going to stop and get tired of playing with me?"

"Tired of playing?" Vincent looked at me and said mockingly, "You have only let me sleep with you twice. How can I be tired of playing with you?"

With his tone, he probably will not let me go for a while. I am really tired of this kind of life, so I went all out and said to him, "If that's the case, I have nothing to say!"

At this point, I suddenly took a deep breath and said loudly to him, "Although I'm very afraid that Christopher will find out, but if such life doesn't end, then I might fight for myself!"

"Fighting? What do you want? Tell Christopher you slept with his best friend? Jasmine, you are too naive. A lot of things are not as simple as you think. Christopher is not as good as you think he is and the love you thought you had is not as simple!"

Vincent probably did not want to talk to me too much before, but after we talked, it seemed he did not want to hide anything from me. I heard that he had something to say, so I opened my eyes wide and was about to ask him. At that moment, a slight twisting sound came from the door of the living room.

The sound was not loud, but it was enough to startle me into holding my breath and watching Vincent in a daze. Vincent also seemed to hear the sound of the door lock being turned, but he was unusually quiet. Not only was he very calm, but he even showed a smug smile.

I had no time to think. The door was opened slightly when I was in a trance. My head flew blasted, and I reflexively jumped up from the bed. I pushed away Vincent, who was standing in front of me, and then ran bareffot out of the living room in a panic.

Apart from Christopher, there was no one who possessed the keys. Thus the only person who could open the door would be himself!

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