Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 7 Breakfast Encounters

The next morning I woke feeling grouchy... Which, let's be honest, is not uncommon for me. But it wasn't my normal angsty teen mood swings. This was something different. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Walking into the mess hall, arm in arm with Becky, it hit me.

A low buzz emanated from the campers. It wasn't the excited buzz from yesterday. It was slightly darker. Something was definitely off!

We stopped by Ethan's table, on our way to grab some breakfast.

"Hey Twix," I grumbled.

"Hey sour puss! What's got your grump face on, today?" he asked lightly, but I could feel it in him too.

"Don't know. I can't tell, but something's just off this morning!" I grouched.

"Ya know, I think your right Melissa! It feels... heavy?" mumbled Becky.

"Huh, that's pretty deep, Becky," teased Ethan. "If you ever feel too heavy, I'd be all too happy to carry you," he winked.

One of the other boys came up and held out his hand to me.

"Hi, Melissa. I'm Sam. Ethan's been talkin' about you," he winked. "Nothin' bad, but even if you hadn't been here last night I woulda known you were brother and sister. I've never seen such amazin' eyes!"

"Hey Sam. It's nice to meet you! How are you feeling this morning?" I tried my best at flirting while still asking what I needed to get a read on this... dark feeling.

"Funny you should ask," he chuckled. "For some reason, I feel like I woke up on the wrong side o' the bed this mornin'," he admitted.

"Hey, Sam! You can't hog Ethan's sister all to yourself!" grumbled another boy coming to stand on my other side. "I'm Mikey, by the way. Ethan says you are quite the artist! I hope I'm not too forward, but I'd love to get to see some while you are here," he smiled at me.

I laughed. "Actually, that would be totally cool. I really love working with paint. Has my darling brother told you about some of my... uh, more undesirable projects?" I ask as I glare at the brother in question.

Ethan wilted under my angry gaze and burned red in guilt.

Another boy came up smirking. "You mean your little public displays? I would be happy to help you out some night, if you ever have the need to add a bit of color to some of the old cabins. I'm Justin, by the way. I've always liked the bad girls."

I looked him over. He wore a grey tee shirt, ripped jeans, and work boots. He had short black hair and stunning blue eyes. Man, he was hot!

"I always appreciate art lovers," I teased.

Just then I caught Nate coming into the mess hall. He stopped right there, in front of everybody and saw all the boys around me, and his face fell. I could feel jealousy pouring off him, along with guilt. But he turned from me and walked up to the front of the mess hall.

"So, has anyone else been feeling a bit off this morning, or is it just me?" I asked, trying to not feel guilty about being surrounded by a bunch of hot boys.

I looked over at my brother, who was shooting me a look of disappointment. Again, he knew exactly what I was thinking.

A round of affirmations came from each of the guys.

"Hey Becky, you want to come up with me and get something for breakfast?" Ethan asked, "I'm starting to get so hungry, I may eat you!" pulling her away from me.

Becky blushed.

I guess he wasn't gonna let me use her as an easy out. Darn him!

Becky took his arm and giggle up at him. I guess that meant yes!

I took a peak up at the front and saw Nate staring back at me with longing in his eyes. My breath caught. I didn't want to hurt him, and I definitely didn't want him to think I wasn't interested in him. That's it!

I turned back to the guys. "Hey, guys. I'll catch ya' later. I need to go eat too!" I smiled.

The boys all looked disappointed, but said they would see me around.

With that I caught up to Ethan and Becky at the buffet table. Just before I reached for a tray, Nate caught my elbow.

I smiled at him and tried to act all cool, but my pulse was goin' a million beats per minute. "Good morning!" Man that came out way more breathy than I'd intended!

Nate looked at me funny. "Is it?" he asked.

"Actually, everything feels off this morning. That's what I was asking they guys," I said wanting him to know that I wasn't interested in any of the other boys. (Not that Nate is a boy. He looked at least 19.) "I was checking on Ethan to see if he felt off too, when the rest of his group decided it was a good time to introduce themselves to his sister."

Relief flooded through his body, along with a beautiful lazy smile. "So, you feel off too?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm not a morning person by nature," I started.

"I completely agree with that statement!" grumbled my brother, from over my shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "Shut it Twix!" I grumble.

That only causes Nate to chuckle. Which wasn't a bad thing, unless you count my face burning up when I'm trying to go for unaffected.

"But this morning I feel like someone kicked my puppy, or something," I continued. "There is a funny buzz in the air... It's not quite the same energy as it was yesterday."

"You can tell that?" he asked, shocked.

"Well, normally I can tell how Ethan is feeling. He sends off a vibe. I've never been able to feel anyone else, until I showed up here..." I admitted.

"Do you know how I'm feeling?" he asked quietly.

I did. And it made my entire body flush! I ducked my head.

Nate chuckled quietly. "I guess that's a yes."

Just then Ben showed up beside us.

"Good morning, Little Bee," Ben purred. "I hope you eat up fast. You are in my first group. I'll see you in the horse stables at 10." He winked at me and walked away.

A growl emanated from deep in Nate's chest. I didn't need to ask what he was feeling. I knew.

I tentatively placed my hand on his bicep and sent a reassuring smile up to him.

He brought his strong, calloused hand up to cup my face and looked into my soul. I've never felt so naked. Vulnerability was not something I was comfortable with. Normally I'd have a smart retort to hide my feelings. That wasn't happening now.

Ethan cleared his throat. Loudly. Again!

Nate and I jumped apart like we'd been caught stealing the last cookie from the jar.

Nate cleared his throat, too. "I'll see you later, Melissa. I get you this afternoon. I mean, your group! Uh, your group has archery after lunch, today..." His cheeks turned pink.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I smiled at him.

"I'll see you then too, Nate," came Becky's attempt to avoid an awkward moment.

"Thanks, Becky," he smiled at her, then turned and marched back up to the councilor's table.

"Lissa, what did we talk about yesterday?" Ethan growled at me.

"Uh, that you and I were gonna get an apartment and I'm not gonna use my art for evil anymore?" I asked innocently.

"He's too old for you!" Ethan growled again.

"I think they are cute together!" giggled Becky.

"But she's my sister!" complained Ethan.

"So, you are her brother and she doesn't seem to mind you being with me..." she smiled up at him.

A sexy smile spread across his face, "Yeah, well, I know for a fact that she has her own agenda... which may be working. But still!" he continued to complain and argue his point.

I smirked at him. "I'll let you guys chat. I gotta eat!"

I grabbed a small fruit bowl and headed back to my table. It was gonna be a long morning!

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