Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 23 Make Me Your Mate

Ben dragged me away from campfire the moment it was over. I just hoped Nate noticed...

Ben's cabin would have been cozy; he had a small cabin all to himself, his thick green curtains were drawn, he had an over stuffed leather sofa, couple of cozy chairs. He even had a breakfast nook! (How'd he even get all that in here?) But the main focus was the king size bed sleigh bed. It was covered in dark velvet comforter and more pillows than I could count!

We didn't even make it to the bed!

Ben shoved me up against the wall and started kissing my neck.

"Hey, Ben..." I started breathlessly.

"Yeah, baby, what is it?" he mumbled into my skin.

Then he took his hands and lowered them to the hem of my tee shirt and started pulling it off.

I couldn't help it! I squirmed.

Which seemed to be more than enough encouragement for Ben. He slid his hands behind me and released the clasp of my bra.


"Hey baby, I made something for you," I tried to sound soft and seductive instead of completely freaked out.

"That's great, babe. Show it to me later..." he said with his hand making it's way to my breast. He grabbed me and squeezed.

I screamed.

With shaky hands I pulled out the cuff and twisted it onto his wrists.

Ben didn't even seem to realize what I did.

A second later he lifted me up and placed me on the giant bed and less than a breath later he was on me.

I tried to shove him off. I couldn't breath. I was having a full blown panic attack now!

"Oh, baby. You feel so good..." he murmured into my skin.

Prickles covered my body as he ran his hands all over me. I couldn't move. This was it. He would claim me... Maybe now was the time to reconsider why I even exist at all? Would it be better if I just disappeared?

I mean, now Ethan has Becky he would be okay.

But Nate...

No! I wouldn't go down this way.

I shoved. Hard!

He rolled over, pulling me with him. I was straddling him. I just needed to wait a little longer.

"If you wanted to be on top, babe, all you had to do was ask..."

Just then, every ounce of energy was drained from him.

"Hey, what's..." he started to slur.

Then he was out! Quick as I could I ripped Ben's shirt off and pulled they key from his neck and stuck it in my back pocket. Mission accomplished... or at least half of it.

Thank you Nate!

The door slammed open, and I was in Nate's arms a heartbeat later.

He carried me over to my clothes and turned around to give me some privacy... Even though at this point it didn't really matter. But I appreciated the gesture.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out into the forest.

Once we were far enough away from Ben's cabin, Nate turned to me. He ran his agitated fingers through his hair, causing it to stick up all over.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to watch you with Ben? When he put his hands on you..." he growled.

I could feel his tangled emotions. The mix of protective, possessive, and love. I made up my mind right then.

I cupped my hands around his face, forcing him to look at me.

"Make me your mate, then, Nate," I offered.

His whole body stilled.

"Is that what you really want?" he asked softly.

"Yes. That is what I want!" I answered him.

"A mate is an equivalent to husband and wife," he swallowed nervously. "It would mean you would be mine... In every way," his voice deepened with desire and love.

"I know, and I want you," I whispered. "Besides, if you don't have me, Ben will." A tear rolled down my cheek. "He wants me for my power... He already said..."

"There is no way in hell I'm letting him have what's mine!" he declared.

I smiled up at him. That's what I wanted to hear!

Softly he took my right hand and placed it over his heart, while he took his right hand and placed it over mine.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, uncertain. He was worried I would reject him. "Once we do this it can't ever be undone."

I just smiled at him. "I am offering you everything I have. You just have to take it. I'm already yours!"

Relief and happiness flowed through him.

"Okay, repeat after me... My heart to your heart."

"My heart to your heart," I repeated.

"My soul to your soul," he said in a shaky voice.

It was totally adorable how nervous he was, yet how much love flowed through him.

"My soul to your soul," I whispered.

"My magic to your magic," he continued, a little stronger.

"My magic to your magic," I repeated.

He took a deep breath and looked deep into my eyes. "What was two, now becomes one."

"What was two, now becomes one," I finished.

A surge of magic engulfed us as Nate placed his lips on mine. The kiss started slow and sensual, but soon burned with hunger and desire. Everywhere he touched me, burned with magic, desire, passion, and above all else, love.

I slid my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

He moaned into my mouth, and lifted me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist, trying to get closer to him.

Nate pulled away from this kiss and looked down at me. "My beautiful butterfly, I knew you would fly. I just never knew how addictive you would be..."

And he was right! Everywhere we touched, magic shot through us like a drug. "I want more," I whispered.

He chuckled. "My beloved, I want nothing more than to rip your clothes off you right now and take you where we stand. But it's not safe yet," he whispered into my neck. "I promise I will take you on a honeymoon anywhere you want! Once we get the hell outta this freakin' bubble."

I giggled. "I guess I can wait that long..."

Nate kissed me again. He poured all his desire, his need, tenderness and love into the kiss. I didn't want it to end. Very slowly we broke apart and as I slid down his body sparks of magic shot through us, causing us to catch our breath.

Nate took my hand in his. I looked down at our hands and that's when I noticed something.

I now had a golden tattoo twisting up my arm. It was a rambling vine of intricate flowers ending at the back of my hand with a single butterfly. Nate also had a tattoo. But his was green and covered in ivy leaves instead of flowers.

"What are these?" I asked in awe.

"The tattoo shows that you are mine. Once you claim a mate, the magic manifests itself in the form of a tattoo blessing the bond," he said tracing my tattoo with his fingertips, sending little electric shocks through my arm. It tingled with desire, making me want to kiss him all over again. "Yours are golden as a sign of royalty. Ethan will have a similar tattoo, once he takes his mate," he whispered. Then he flushed and looked at me. "I can't believe it. You are my mate. I've been alone for so long, I gave up the hope that I would ever find anyone! But then... I never thought I'd have someone as amazing as you to call mine. In fact I just accepted that I would be alone forever."

I leaned into him. "Forever is a long time to be alone. But now you don't have to be," I smiled at him.

Nate took my hands in his and kissed each one tenderly. Then lifted his eyes to mine. "It's time to go, love," he said reluctantly and tugged me into the dark night.

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