Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 21 The Lies I Tell For Love

Ben met me at the entrance to the mess hall. It's now or never... Ok, here it goes. I take a deep breath and pull out as much fake confidence as I could muster, and I sidled right up to him, looked him in the eye and gave him my best smile. It's a really good thing he is so ful of himself or this would NEVER work! I mean, any normal person would pick up on the "ick factor" I've been throwing him since I showed up to this bead beat hole in hell.

"Hey, handsome, where've you been all day?" I murmured in my most sultry voice.

Was I doing this right? Would he buy it? Am I over selling it? I literally have no idea what I'm doing over here!

"I've been waiting for you," he whispered.

Then he claimed my mouth. In stead of resisting it, like I normally would, I thought of Nate and kissed him back. If I was going to make him believe I wanted him, I needed to kiss him like I didn't think of him as something I scraped off the bottom of my shoe.

That worked!

Now I just gotta fake it til I make it, because the second I remember who I am actually kissing, I may just up chuck all over his super-de-duper clean camp uniform!

He groans into my mouth and I shut my eyes tighter, not wanting to actually look at him, or anything around me.

I try to keep my heart from giving away how nervous I am, but it's a lost cause. Maybe he will just think I am all excited or some junk.

"Let's go to my cabin! We can make it quick! I promise, we won't even have to miss dinner," he begged.

Okay, that was quicker than I had planned. Man he is either really gullible, desperate, or so full of himself that he had no doubt I would fall for his charms. However, this needs to slow down because we have a plan; And in order for this to work, he had to wait...

I went up on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "Why don't we wait until after campfire... That way we can have more time... getting to know each other."

I swear I just threw up in my mouth. I guess as long as I pour enough sugar on my lies he will believe anything that leaves my lips!

Huh, I have learned my lesson! Never trust anyone blindly... Well, maybe Nate and Ethan and probably Becks, but that's it!

He shoved me into a wall, pressing his body against mine.

"Baby, I don't know if I can wait that long..." he mumbled into my mouth.

I could feel his body responding to mine and was starting to worry about my timeline!

Seriously, I need to slam on the breaks right now without getting him suspicious. What to do, what to do?

An idea popped up in my head and instantly went with it! Yay for impulsive me!

I walked my fingers up his body slowly, them wrapped my arms around his neck. I gave him a saucy wink and a big smile full of lies, and licked my lips slowly.

"It will be worth the wait, if you know what I mean... I mean it will be my first time and all, I just wanted it to be special!" I fake pouted and gave the promise I had no intention of keeping.

"Okay! I see your point. I want it to be special too. I can wait for a little while, I guess. But only for you! And only because it's your first time I don't think I have the patience or stamina to with any longer! Right after campfire! I have my own cabin... we could... maybe you could stay with me tonight instead of going back to yours... Since once you are mine you will be in my cabin with me anyway. We can always move the ceremony, and no one cares if I take you before I claim you as my queen! It all makes sense! Maybe we can have the ceremony firt thing in the morning since your body will already be mine! We'll just move it up a little..." he panted.

Wow! That was sure a load of crap he just spewed out of his pie hole!

I smiled up at him. "Sure!"

Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him like I was a done deal.

We sat at our little table, and the poor kid who brought us dinner bowed to us as he placed our pasta and salads in front of us.

Is this how he was planning on treating these poor kids? Really? As far as I knew, I was the only royalty! Who gave him the right to treat other people like dirt?!?

"Eat up, baby. Your gonna need it," he winked at me.

There was an undeniable hunger in his eye, and unfortunately it wasn't for the pasta!

I looked at him with what I hoped was something akin to adoration instead of disgust.

I couldn't eat too much, but that didn't stop Ben from eating, or him giving me a look like I was suddenly on the all you can eat buffet menu!

This son of a gun doesn't know what's waiting for him!

I wanted to go talk to my friends, but the possessive vibes coming from Ben, I knew if I even tried someone was gonna get hurt.

So we sat and chatted about what he thought the future would be like with us as powerful rulers. Talk about sadistic! He didn't care for anyone but himself! All he cared about was what would please him and what he could sacrifice to achieve his goals.

I smiled and told him what a wonderful world it would be when everything was finally just as we wanted it! And swallowed the bile rising up my throat.

As dinner was getting over, I was getting up, happy to have an excuse to go see my cabin mates without Ben getting suspicious.

But again, he blocked me.

"What's the hurry, baby. We can head over to my cabin now before campfire, and I can give you a preview of tonight..." he said suggestively.

"I was gonna hang out with the girls and go get all ready for the big night..." I tried to sound excited.

"You don't need to do anything, I'm just going to pull everything off you anyway," he insisted.

I giggled at him and threw my arms around his neck. "I still need clothes on so you can take them off of me!" I insisted. "I'll see you in a bit."

Ben groaned. "I want you now," he whined.

"I know... you just have to wait until campfire is over," I promised.

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