Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 18 Nate's Comfort

Before I even made to the mess hall, Nate grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a large tree.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I could feel how upset he was. I could feel the mix of rage and sadness filling him.

"I'm okay. Ron said that Ben's been saying..."

"I don't care about all the crap Ben's been saying about me! I just need to know you are safe. Nothing else matters to me if you are okay. The only problem is I can't go into the mess hall. I can't stand to watch him put his hands on you. I was about ready to rip his arms off his body this morning.... I'm sorry, I just can't..." Nate stuttered.

I could feel anger boiling in his gut. Rage and disgust filled his being to the point I wasn't sure he would be able to listen to reason, and that was the last thing I needed! An uncontrollable Nate on a rampage tearing through the camp was not a good thing for anyone!

So I did what any reasonable teenage girl would do when her man was about to burn down the world for her!

I pulled his head down to me and I kissed him.

I could feel the shock rocket through his body. split second before it changed to absolute need!

He returned the kiss with and urgency he hadn't shown before. It almost felt like he was afraid to let me go... But I didn't want him to let me go anyway!

The swirl of his emotions battered my like a ship tossed at sea. He needed something to ground him before he drifted off into a storm with no chance of survival! And I definitely couldn't have that! I needed him! He was my anchor as much as I was his.

Finally I could feel him regain control of his feelings. Peace was restored to the torrent of overwhelming emotions finally slowed his heart beat.

He reluctantly broke this kiss and looked into my eyes. "Just know that I love you, and we will figure this out."

I held him in my embrace reassuring him with my body how much he meant to me. I wanted to touch him as long as possible because I didn't want him to leave me either. He wasn't the only one who was emotional right now! But I knew I couldn't be selfish, so after a long few minutes I finally let him go.

He looked in my eyes and touched my check softly.

"My butterfly," he whispered.

Then he left.

I could feel his heartbreak as I watched his retreating form vanish into the woods.

I had tears running down my face as I entered the mess hall. I was just heading to sit with my group, when Ben sauntered up and cut me off.

"Hey baby, why the tears?" he asked in that cocky voice of his.

As if he didn't know... Actually, I really hope he didn't know. I didn't feel any suspicion coming from him, just lust. YUCK!

"I fell, and now I'm hurt," I spoke the truth. I fell into Nate's arms, and now I am hurting for him... But he didn't need to know that, and there is no way on this fuzzy grey earth that I would tell him that! It was no one's business but my own.

"Don't worry, little Bee. I'll kiss it and make it all better!"

And then he did kiss me. But if he noticed I hadn't kissed him back, he didn't give any indication. He did drag me up to our private little table for two.

I tried my best not to gag at the feeling of his filthy hands on any part of my body, let alone his lips! Eew! Now I'm gonna have to gargle with battery acid to get the taste of him off my lips!

Maybe if I just sit here and pretend this is all a horrible nightmare and that I will wake up any moment, then this will all go away! Perfect! This is just a very lucid nightmare and none of this is really happening!

"Our server better get here soon, or I'll find something else to fill my apatite," he groaned.

I forced a frozen smile on my face and looked over at Ben. "Subtlety isn't really your thing, is it Ben?"

"Why be subtle when we both know I want you, and I'll have you too. I'm thinking of asking Jack to move the ceremony to the campfire tonight," he smirked.

Before I could even react, a boy about 12 showed up with our lunches.

"We can wait until Saturday," I whispered.

"Sure, we can be bound Saturday, but I want to make you mine tonight..." he said.

Acid burned in my stomach. I had to swallow hard, so I wouldn't throw up all over our lunch. Didn't matter anyway, I'd totally lost my apatite!

Think of Nate! This is all for him, and when this is all over we will be together forever... Literally!

"Uh, Ben. I'm not that kinda girl. You are gonna wait if you want me!" I demanded.

A broad smile crosses his face. "I love a girl with fire in her spirit. I may not even break you! Okay, if it matters to you so much, I'll wait. Its just a bit longer... It'll test my endurance," he winked at me.

I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't let him touch me! I had to get the hell outta here!

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