Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 14 The Truth

Nate was pacing back and forth in front of the lake when I arrived. It didn't take a genius to know he was agitated. He was more nervous than I'd ever seen him. I hadn't seen him at dinner, and I hadn't been able to eat at all. My belly had been all tied up in knots, trying to figure out what he had to say.

As soon as I was able to get away from the girls, I excused myself and bolted.

"Nate?" I called out tentatively.

Nate halted, and threw his arms around me. I could feel his relief mixed with dread... which totally didn't make any sense to me.

"Hey, my beautiful butterfly. I was so worried you wouldn't come," he whispered into my hair.

"And why would I stand up my hero?" I tried to sooth his nerves by running my fingers gently along his jaw and running them through his hair.

"I have to tell you something, and I'm so worried you will think I'm crazy, or Jen and Ben will finally have gotten you not to believe me," he swallowed hard, causing his Adam's apple to bob up and down.

I pulled his head down to mine and looked him in the eyes. "Whatever you have to say, I will believe. You have never lied to me. I can feel you, remember?" I smiled.

He covered my mouth with his and took his time reassuring himself with his searching kiss. When he seemed to be satisfied, he pulled back, but didn't release me.

"So, you know all these stories about Mirror Lake and magic and all that?" he started.

I only nodded my head, encouraging him to keep going.

"You remember the story the first night you were here? About the magical creatures sending out a warrior to recover the magic?" for some reason, this part made him even more nervous than before.

"Yeah, I remember. He got locked in a bubble under the lake?" I asked.

"Well, yes, and no. I'm not locked in a bubble like Jack said. But all of us are technically in the lake..." Nate grumbled.

I gasped.

"It was you?" I whispered.

"I didn't know how to tell you... Also Jack's stories are half lies. He is the so called evil king under the lake. He and his demon minions Jen and Ben..." he sighed in exasperation.

"How long have you been here? And how are you still alive? And how are we in the lake? I have so many questions!" I demanded.

Nate chuckled softly. "I was so scared you wouldn't be able to believe me, but I guess I should have known better. First off, I don't even know how long we've been under the lake. After a hundred years or so, things just seem to blend together and you forget anything before the lake. Second, fairies are immortal, something you have to look forward to, too..."

"Wait! I'm immortal too?" I don't know why that thought out of everything that came out of his mouth that last 5 minutes hit me so hard. I mean really...

Nate just smiled down at me with all the patience in the world. "Of course you are! You are the long lost princess of the fairies, and it was my job to find you and protect you. But I couldn't. Jack was gathering up followers. He was going to take you and your brother since you were both legitimate heirs to a throne and he was just a self proclaimed king. If he had you, no one could dispute his claim. But I couldn't find you. And I am so sorry I've failed you. You wouldn't be here if I could have kept you away. "

Nate swallowed and again and took a deep breath before continuing. "For one thing, I actually can't leave the lake. We aren't in a "bubble," we are in an alternate universe created by all the magic Jack had been gathered to create his kingdom where he rules supreme; and second, I really have been locked away. There really is a key, and it's around Ben's neck. Jack believes Ben is loyal to him, but he isn't..." I couldn't tell who he was more angry at, Jack or Ben.

"I know... That's why he wants me to be his mate. He thinks he can overthrow Jack with my power..." Just saying it out loud made me sick!

Nate kissed me hard and fast. "I am never going to let that happen! You hear me?"

The look on his face was dangerous, but his emotions were absolutely loyal to only me. A tear leaked down my cheek, and I nodded my head. Nate really was my hero, and I liked it that way.

"So, what really happened?" I was barely able to get my voice to work. I don't know when I've ever had such emotional ups and downs in a single day.

"Like I said, Jack wanted to be the ruler, so he made an alternate universe, and to keep it powered up, he has been kidnapping magical children and stealing their powers. Once they have no more spirit or magic and they are just an empty shell, they basically disappear. But you and your brother were stolen from your real parents and put into the care of some of Jack's minions. They were to take care of you, until you were old enough and strong enough to come to the camp. With your powers, Jack can power this little pocket of magic for hundreds of years. I think he even promised you to Ben, just to keep him here and your power under his control," Nate growled and held me tight.

I lean into his strong body. "We need to come up with a plan to get that key, and save the rest of the kids," I whisper into his shoulder.

"I know, love. And we will. I need you to tell Ethan what we talked about. I have a feeling I won't be able to get to him any time soon. But in the mean time, as much as it kills me, I need you to pretend to be with Ben," he whispers in my ear.

"What? Why?" I gasp.

"It's safer for you. I'm almost sure he is looking for you right now, and when he finds us, you need to convince him you are going through with his plan," he groaned into my neck.

"And what is his plan?" I ask, so afraid of his answer.

"He has convinced everyone that he can force you to be his mate by Saturday night," he stated, trying to control the anger boiling over inside him.

"I can't..." I couldn't even...

"I know love. But know this. No matter what happens between you two, I will always love you, and I will always come for you," he whispered on a shuddering breath.

And then he kissed me. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow, and he was dying in my arms . Passion mixed with pain and longing. His loneliness hit me. He'd been alone for so long, and now he was scared he would lose me to Ben. He was scared now that he had finally found me I wouldn't want him.

I kissed him back with equal fervor. All my loneliness mixed with his. All the pain I'd been through my whole life, with only my brother to love me. And finally finding the one person in the universe who wanted and needed me, just as I was, only to be forced into some farce of a fake relationship, when all I wanted to do was take him and Ethan and runaway from this place... and some how save the rest of the innocent campers too.

His touch was gentle and tender as his heart pounded in his chest. I could feel the depth of his love for me. Like I was the only one who mattered to him. I could feel his desire for me, and it made my breath catch. I could feel all of him as he deepened the kiss. I would have let him take me right there if he just...

"What are you doing with MY girl?" demanded an angry voice.

Dread fill my heart. I clung to my hero as long as I could before he was torn from my grasp.

Ben threw a punch right into Nate's core.

I shrieked as Nate doubled over.

Nate growled and drew back, landing a square hit to the jaw.

Then all Hell broke loose! They were tussling on the ground, punching and kicking. I wasn't sure who was winning at this point. Probably nobody!

"Hey, break it up!" came a familiar voice. Though it had never seemed so dangerous until this very moment.

I ran to my brother and threw my arms around my neck and sobbed.

"It's gonna be okay, Liss. I promise. Jack and the other councilors are coming to break it up," he whispered in my ear.

Ethan put a protective arm around me and we walked slowly away from the brawl still going full force. Tears leaked down my face as I looked over my shoulder at the man I loved and the man I despised.

I leaned into Ethan and whispered, "I need to meet you tonight after campfire."

"I'll be there," he promised.

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