Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 12 Mess Hall Gossip

I trudged up to the mess hall with my cabin mates and the group of boys, cabin 1 I think, we were out on the lake with.

Jen is up front, flirting with one of the older boys... Far away from me. I managed to slip toward the back when she wasn't looking. I couldn't stand being around her right now. Not when I wanted to start a cat fight right in front of everyone.

Someone came up behind me and pulled me around the building. I would have screamed if I hadn't felt Nate's special energy.

Once we were out of sight from the rest of the camp, Nate turned to look at me. He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into his arms and held me. I squeezed him back. That was exactly what I needed.

Finally I pulled back, "What's up?"

I felt the frustration rolling off him in a tsunami of entangled emotions.

"I need to see you tonight. Can you meet me by the lake during free time?" he practically begged.

"Sure. What's going on?" I asked again.

"I can't tell you now. Jack's been on my back since last night. But there are things you need to know, and I can't tell you here, where someone might show up," he explained.

"Okay. But there is something I need to know first," I insisted.


"Were you and Steph a couple before I came here?" I choked out.

"Huh? Who told you that?" confusion whirled around him.

"Jen. She mentioned how you two were such a cute couple... and how we all saw you talking to her this morning..." I bit back a sob.

Rage and hurt rippled through him.

"Melissa, listen to me. I have never been a couple with Stephanie, or any other girl for that matter," he sighed on a frustrated breath.

"I believe you. I think she was just trying to get you out of the way for Ben," I whispered. "Now she's planning on telling the whole staff that I'm all his... But I'm not! I just don't know how to get away from him with out him hurting me."

Nate leaned over and kissed me softly. "We'll figure it out. I promise! Meet me at the lake as soon as you can get away."

"I will," I promise.

Nate slipped out and headed toward the main office.

I sighed as I watched him go, and turned to enter the mess hall.

I grabbed a sub sandwich, bag of chips, and a soda, and went to find my cabin.

The air seemed heavy in here, matching the attitudes of the campers. Even as I sat down, Becky looked depressed.

"Hey Beck," I said, trying to put as much cheer into my tone as possible.

"Oh, hey, Melissa. Where did you go? I thought you were right there," Becky asked confused.

"I realized I dropped something by the canoes and had to go back and get it," I lied.

"Oh, okay. I could have gone back with you if you wanted me to..." she smiled up at me. She was a sweet girl. I hoped Ethan would keep her!

"It wasn't that big of deal. So, have you talked to Ethan today?" I teased.

"Yeah, he was here a minute ago. He actually asked where you were... He said he wanted to hang out with me after dinner!" she beamed.

"That's great! I hope you two go do something romantic, like get lost in the woods or something..." I winked.

"Hey guys, did you hear?" Hannah leaned over the table to us.

"Hear what?" I had a bad feeling about this.

"A couple kids went hiking and haven't been seen since last night!" Hannah insisted. She seemed like the one to go to for gossip.

"I hadn't heard that!" and that was definitely bad news!

"Yeah, the staff have been looking for them all morning. They followed their tracks to the lake and they just disappeared..." she said.

"What, they jump in the lake or something?" asked Mercy.

"No! They don't actually go into the lake, they stopped a couple yards away. They just vanished!" Hannah was getting all worked up now.

"Maybe they jumped into the trees and this is all some stupid prank," suggested Steph.

"I don't know what it is... but campers disappearing isn't good for anyone! What will happen when their parents show up to pick them up?" She said, totally freaked out now.

"We'll find them! No one can just disappear," I insisted. Even though I didn't believe a word I said. I just wanted to calm down Hannah. She was an excitable girl, and if she didn't calm down soon she may just explode!

Hannah took a long deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yeah, your right! Thanks Mel!"

"Hey, sis," said Ethan sliding in next to me while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I missed you a few minutes ago..." he said suggestively.

"Uh, yeah. I left something by the lake I needed to go back and get..." I said as innocently as possible.

The look in his eyes and the disbelief flowing through him totally told me he wasn't falling for it! Crap. He was probably watching me in his little TV in his head.

"So, rumor has it you are Ben's girl..." he just threw me under a bus.

The girls at the table gasped at this little piece of juicy gossip.

"Let me guess. You've been talking to Jen," I said sarcastically.

"Not on purpose! She sauntered right up to my table and told me all about Ben's big plans for you this weekend and how we should make it a foursome," he looked over at Becky.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. That's never gonna happen! Bossy cheerleader types are not my thing," he winked at her.

Relief flooded Becky, but all she could manage was a weak smile.

I sent my brother my best death glare.

"Hey, don't look at me. I was just wondering how Nate's takin' the heartbreak. That guys is totally in love with you!"

At this a low hum of gossip started around my table as all the girls broke off and started talking about me and the two hottest boys in camp right in front of me! Well, I guess it's better for them to do it to my face than behind my back.

I sighed. "You did this on purpose! You, of all people, know exactly how I feel, and you know what's going on better than Jen and Ben!" I growled at him.

He smiled at me. "Yes I do! But you haven't been causing the trouble you normally do at home, so I figured I'd help you out! Your welcome!"

Then he leaned in and whispered so only I could hear him. "It's better to have the rumors and keep Ben and Jen from knowing the truth. Nate knows the truth. I can read his mind just as easily as yours. I was talking to him this morning and we both decided it's better for everyone to think Ben's got you in his clutches until we figure out what to do," he finished.

I looked at him stunned. First off, I didn't realize he could read anyone else's mind but mine. Second, I didn't realize my brother cared this much about how I felt about Nate. And lastly, I was supposed to let the rumors go on about me and Ben, and no one consulted me??

"You are off your rocker, Twix! You know I don't like to be the center of gossip!" I growled. But I didn't confirm or deny what he'd just said.

I just sat there in my grief while Ethan turned around and started talking to Becky.

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