
Chapter 8

Phoenyx was curled up in a ball on the floor, lying on her side and trying to get to sleep. There was too much on her mind and her body was restless. Tomorrow, they would make their grand escape attempt. How could she not be nervous about that? Then, given that they actually made it out, she had the added pressure of a date with Sebastian. Somehow that made her more nervous than the escape prospect. She hadn’t expected to like him. Yes, he was gorgeous and adorable and charming as all get out but she didn’t easily fall for a guy’s charm. It was probably just the dream from the night before that wigged her out. She did marry him in it. The thought of that was bound to make her focus on him too much and read into everything.

Just turn your brain off, Phoenyx, and get to sleep! You need to be sharp and alert for tomorrow. Now stop thinking!

“Skylar, are you awake?” she heard Sebastian whisper.

“Yes, I can’t sleep,” Skylar whispered back.

“Me, either,” Sebastian said. “Can we talk for a moment?”

She heard rustling behind her in their direction, and she inferred that Skylar and Sabastian moved to sit up against the wall.

“Sure, what’s on your mind,” Skylar asked. “I don’t usually have to ask that question, but there’s too much going on in my mind tonight for me to see what’s going on in yours.”

“Do you remember…the girl I used to always dream about?” Sebastian asked.

Now this got Phoenyx’s attention.

“Yes,” Skylar said. There was a pause and then he asked, “You think…it’s her?”

“I don’t just think so, I’m absolutely certain it’s her,” Sebastian said. “When you see a face a few thousand times over nineteen years, you don’t easily forget it—especially when it’s a face as pretty as hers. Look at my memories and you tell me.”

Another pause. Phoenyx’s heart fluttered like a horde of butterflies.

“Hmm, I guess she does have the same face,” Skylar mused.

“When I first saw her, when they dragged us in and we were both doped out, I guess I must have thought I was hallucinating or dreaming. The whole situation seemed so much like a dream that it felt right she would be there. When I came back to my senses and saw it was really her, in real life…I felt like I got the wind knocked out of me. I just knew I had to talk to her. All I’ve managed to do is make an ass out of myself in front of her.”

“Well, you’re always making an ass out of yourself,” Skylar teased.

Sebastian chuckled and she heard a thud as if Sebastian gave Skylar a shove.

“What do you think it all means?” Sebastian asked. “I’ve dreamed of her my whole life, and now we meet, in a dungeon of all places, and she has powers just like we do.”

“I don’t know,” Skylar said. “I guess the only thing that matters is what you think it means. They are your dreams, after all.”

Another pause.

“I think it must be fate,” Sebastian said. “I knew I loved her before I ever knew she existed, and meeting her hasn’t changed that. Phoenyx is everything I dreamt she would be. She’s smart and flirty and confident, a hell of a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue. God, if she uses her gift on me one more time, I think I’m going to have a heart attack. She’s…perfect. She’s the one I’ve been waiting for.”

Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap! Her cheeks burned hot and her eyes opened wide. She hoped they couldn’t hear her heart thumping, it was so loud.

“What are you going to do about it?” Skylar asked.

“Well, I’m going to get us out of here first,” Sebastian said. “Then…I don’t know…I’ll do everything I can to win her over.”

“Well, I think you’re already half way there. She laughs at your stupid jokes.” Skylar snickered. “I never thought I’d see the day when you actually got serious about something, or someone. I’m actually kinda proud of you.”

“I am definitely serious about her,” Sebastian said.

“Well, we’d better get some sleep,” Skylar said. “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Sebastian said. “Thanks for the talk. If I had to keep all that to myself any longer, I’d go nuts.”

“Any time.”

Phoenyx heard more rustling and then all was silent, save for the hammering of her heart in her chest and the racing of her thoughts in her head.

Sebastian dreamed about her his whole life! He really did recognize her that first night when they talked. She couldn’t deny it anymore. Before she ever met him, she dreamt about him. They’d gotten married a hundred times in her sleep. How could this be real?

And he loved her? That was really going to take some time to process. Aside from her parents, no one ever said they loved her and meant it. Of course, men told her all the time that they loved her but it was only because they were under her influence. The supposed love they felt wasn’t real. Sebastian wasn’t under her spell, well, disregarding that little stint with making him kiss Skylar earlier. He said he loved her before he knew she existed. That had to be just about the sweetest thing she ever heard. He loved her, even after seeing what she could do. He didn’t think she was a freak. Well, that’s only because he had powers too. Was he right? Was this fate?

If she wasn’t anxious about their date before, she sure as hell was now. What if she screwed things up? Or said or did something stupid?

Ugh, really Phoenyx, get a grip! You’ve never let a guy get you this worked up before. Besides, he probably wouldn’t love you if he really knew you…

That harsh reality made her heart sink. She wasn’t as great and wonderful as he thought she was. She had a dark side. She would only end up hurting him if he got too close.

She exhaled loudly and tried to clear her mind. She didn’t have time to think about all this right now. She needed sleep so she could be ready for whatever happens tomorrow. She could tackle all that stuff when this is over. Right now, all that mattered was getting to sleep.

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