Callum (Blue Halo Book 7)

Callum: Chapter 33

Callum’s fingers tightened around the glass as he listened to Fiona in the bedroom. They were both still coming to terms with everything that had happened last night.

Paramedics had checked Fiona out thoroughly. She had another damn concussion, but other than that, she was fine. He’d wanted to go to the hospital, but she’d argued that she wanted to go home, for the night to just be over.

Seeing her surrounded by those men, the muzzle of a gun pressed to her head…

His chest tightened, and he had to physically force the air into his lungs. He’d never experienced that kind of fear in his life. The panic and rage and every other hell that could be experienced, all at one time.

He set the full glass of water onto the counter and grabbed the pain meds as memories of the night before continued to torment him. He’d been too far away when he’d taken that first shot—so deep in the woods, he shouldn’t have hit his target. But he’d taken it because he’d had to. Because not shooting would have meant certain death for her.

He lifted the pills and moved to the stairs.

When he reached the bedroom, he found Fiona sitting in bed, sheets around her waist and phone to her ear. She looked so sad, and he fucking hated that. She was talking to her mother, telling her about Freddie and Stacey.

He set the pain meds and water onto the bedside table and sat on the edge of the mattress.

“I need to go,” Fiona said quietly. “I love you too, Mom. Bye.”

He wrapped his fingers around her thigh over the top of the sheet. “How’d it go?” He’d tried like hell not to listen to the entire conversation, but it had been hard.

She nibbled her bottom lip. “They’re in shock. They’re going to check in on Amanda today.”

“And did you decide what to do about Stacey?”

He tried to keep the anger out of his voice, but it was damn hard.

Fiona blew out a breath. “I know you want me to press charges against her for those texts.”

Fuck, yes, he did. The woman had put Fiona through a shitload of emotional and psychological trauma. She should pay for that.

“But I just can’t.” She touched his chest. “Please understand. The family knows what she did, and I know my parents will rally against her.”

It still didn’t feel enough to him, but he could see the conflict in Fiona’s eyes. The hurt.

Everyone in Fiona’s life had gone about everything the wrong way. Olivia. Freddie. Amanda and Stacey. Hell, even her parents should have told her about the circumstances of her coming into their life.

He was going to make damn sure she was treated the way she deserved from now on.

She sighed and met his gaze. “I was honestly hoping to wake up and find everything from last night was a dream.”

He cupped her cheek, needing to touch her. “I know. There’s no more danger, though.”

No one gunning for her or the sister who looked like her.

She swallowed, her eyes flicking between his. “When he pressed that gun to my head, I thought I was going to die.”

Pain slashed through his chest, like a blade cutting his heart out. “I’ve never moved so fast in my life as I did in that moment.”

“Do you know what went through my mind?”


“That I wanted more time with you. I missed you already, and I wasn’t even gone yet.” She wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “I missed the time we were supposed to get. The things we were supposed to do.”

His hand remained on her cheek, his thumb grazing her skin. “I felt the same things when I thought I was going to be too late. Like our future was about to be taken from us.”

“But you weren’t too late. It was your bullet that hit that first man, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. I’m a good shot, but I was too damn far away, and I had no business making that one.”

“But you did,” she whispered. “You saved me.” Water shimmered in her eyes. “Thank you.”

He shook his head. “Don’t thank me. I left the library with a woman who wasn’t you. What happened is on my shoulders.”

“No.” The single word was said so firmly, he almost believed it. “She looked like me. She put months into studying being me. In your eyes, and in Freddie’s, and in Rick’s…she was me.”

He shook his head. “I should have known. I wasn’t looking at her properly. I was distracted by the crowd, by watching for an enemy. I almost cost you your life.”

“None of this is your fault, Callum. You believed what she wanted you to believe. And she was good. Smart. She had to be to pull off everything she’s done.” Fiona shook her head. “The woman was my identical twin, and I was friends with her for months, and I never realized who she was until she wanted me to.”

He could hear the pain in her voice. Because instead of giving Fiona a biological sister, the woman had tried to take everything from her.

“I’m so damn sorry,” he said quietly.

“I wasn’t lying last night. I would have done everything I could to help her.”

“I know. Unfortunately, I don’t think there was any helping her.”

She leaned forward, her forehead touching his. “I love you so much. If I didn’t have you—”

“You do. I love you too, Fiona. And I can’t wait for us to have that future that was almost stolen from us.”

Tears swam in her eyes once more, but they didn’t fall.

“Move in with me.” The words were out before he could stop them. He wanted this woman with him. In his home. By his side as much as damn possible.

“You want me to live with you?”

“There’s nothing I want more.”

A tear finally spilled over her cheek. He leaned down and kissed it. He was just straightening when she nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

Yes…the woman was his. She’d live with him. He growled and kissed her on the mouth, her soft lips swiping against his. He needed to let her take the pain meds, but he couldn’t make himself stop. Couldn’t back away.

Something told Callum he’d be holding her close for a long, long while.

Fiona tied the helium balloon to the lantern. The balloons were gold and heart shaped. As jobs went, this one wasn’t terrible.

Two weeks had passed since the kidnapping, and tonight was Cassie and Aidan’s engagement party. The entire Blue Halo team was here helping with setup. She’d been assigned to tie three balloons to each black lantern, then divide the lanterns over the tables.

Her gaze wandered around the room. It was busy with movement, everyone with a job of their own—even Willow and Blake’s daughter had the task of coloring some of the signs.

The women had been amazing since the attack—stopping by Callum’s house with meals and treats, calling and texting to take her mind off everything. Not a day had passed in the weeks following the attack that she hadn’t had a visitor. And the men had been as protective as ever, always checking in on her when they came around.

She was so lucky to have everyone.

She moved on to the next lantern.

Fiona hadn’t spoken to Stacey, and honestly, she didn’t know if she ever would. Trust had been fractured, and they’d never again have the relationship they used to. Stacey had always been the one family member she was closest to.

Callum had pushed for her to press charges a couple more times, but Amanda had already ratted Stacey out to the family, telling everyone what she’d done. It was an attempt to get sympathy for herself but had also made everyone turn against Stacey. That was enough punishment.

“You’re doing an awesome job,” Cassie said from behind. “Thank you so much for helping.”

Fiona straightened. “Of course! I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. All ready for tonight?”

“Yes.” Her eyes softened as they moved across the room. Fiona didn’t need to follow the woman’s gaze to know she’d found Aidan. “Honestly, I just can’t wait to marry him. Every day brings us that much closer.”

Oh, that was so sweet. “Well, I think tonight will be perfect. A beautiful pre-wedding celebration.”

Cassie’s gaze moved back to her, then she reached over and squeezed Fiona’s arm. “Thank you. And remember, if you need to sit down and rest, or go home to lie down—”

“I’m okay. I want to be here, helping.”

“Thank you.”

“Cassie, how do you want these?” Courtney yelled from the flower display.

Cassie had just moved away when warm, muscular arms wrapped around Fiona’s waist. She leaned back into Callum, humming when he kissed her cheek.

“You sure you don’t need a break?” he asked.

“Well, I was sure, but if my break involves your arms around me, I’ll take one.”

Another kiss, this one closer to her mouth. “If my arms are enough to make you take a break, I’ll keep them around you all damn day.”

“Don’t tease me.” She turned in his hold. “But also, I’ve been resting for two weeks. I’m okay. It was only a concussion.”

“A second concussion in a short period of time.” The anger in his words was as fierce today as it had been two weeks ago.

The smile slipped, and she gentled her words. “I’m okay.”


“So…” She ran a hand down a crease in his shirt. “You sick of me yet? Living together. Home most days together. Your friends now my friends.”

“Nope. Don’t even think that’s possible.”

She laughed. “Oh, I think it is. Just wait until I get back to work, you start returning tattered books again, and I have to ride your ass about it.”

She was taking a month off. And even better, Rick had left. Yep, that was right. He’d made the decision to leave Cradle Mountain. She wasn’t sure of all the details of what went on between him and Olivia, but she knew that the woman had used him. Filled his head with negative gossip about Fiona, probably while sleeping with him. And when Rick had learned the truth, it had just been too much—and too embarrassing—for him to deal with.

“I told you, I’m going to look after my library books from now on. I have to, living with a librarian.”

She scoffed. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” She’d seen one too many folded pages and stained covers.

Callum lowered his head, his breath brushing her lips as he spoke. “I’ll prove it to you. Every. Damn. Day.”

Then he kissed her, a long, deep kiss that made her feel loved. Safe. And protected.

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