Calliope - Book 3 - A collection of Short Stories

Chapter A mate for Eli Part 7


Eli’s eyes shot open at the sound of Millie’s high-pitched squeal. He looked at Alice, who was giving him a sly smile. He turned his head as Millie climbed onto the bed between them. She wiggled under the covers, giggling as she looked up at Eli.

“You’re here, Daddy!” She laughed loudly.

“Yes,” he groaned groggily. “Now quiet down, little bit. Go back to sleep. The sun is not even awake yet.”

“Okay,” she whispered as she looked over at Alice. “I love you, Mommy.”

“And I love you, baby,” Alice replied as she quickly kissed her daughter.

“I love you, Daddy,” Millie said as she rolled over to face him.

“I love you, too,” he grumbled as he wrapped an arm over her, resting his hand on Alice.

“Daddy,” Millie groaned as she poked his chest with her little finger.

“What is it?” He questioned as he opened his eyes to look at her.

“If you say ‘I love you,’ you have to give a kiss,” she answered.

“Is that so?” Eli inquired as he looked at Alice with a smirk. She was biting her lip as if she could read his mind. He quickly gave Millie a peck, all while his eyes stayed on his mate.

He rested his head against the pillow, watching Millie snuggle into her mother. Though he was tired, he could not go back to sleep. He just wanted to watch them. As he lay there, he thought about what it would be like to see Alice pregnant. He chuckled to himself, wondering how much bigger of a bed they would need.

An hour later, Alice began to stir as the sun started to peek in through the window. She looked first at Millie, who was sound asleep against her. Then she glanced over to Eli. He was looking at her with a smile. He reached over, moving the hair back away from her face.

“Did you go back to sleep?” She questioned in a whisper.

“No,” he replied before stretching. “But that’s fine.”

“You must be tired,” she sighed. “I can tell her to wait in the mornings.”

“I’m fine,” he assured her. “It just means that you and I need to perhaps come to bed… earlier.”

Alice rolled her eyes as she sat up in the bed. She stood to her feet and walked into the bathroom. Eli licked his lips as he watched her hips sway as she walked. If it weren’t for the little girl who was asleep beside him, he would have Alice moaning his name again. He looked down as Millie began to stir.

“Time to get up,” he whispered to her.

“I don’t wanna,” she groaned with a shake of her head.

“Come now, little bit. Aren’t you hungry?”

“No,” she lied as her stomach growled loudly.

“Oh?” He questioned with a smile. He moved his hand to her side, tickling her. She squealed as she slid out of the bed.


“Oh good, you’re up,” he chuckled as he leaned on his elbow. “Go get dressed.”


“No arguing with your father,” Alice scolded the girl from the bathroom door.

Millie pouted as she left to go to her bedroom. Alice looked over, noticing Eli’s smile. She walked across the room, closing the door. She then walked over to her dresser, glancing over her shoulder to Eli as her nightgown fell to the floor. He quickly stood from the bed, eyeing her as she looked away from him. She rummaged through her drawers, acting as if she was disinterested in him.

Eli growled as she bent over, digging into the bottom of her dresser. He went to her, running his hand over her backside.

“I love you,” he whispered, positioning himself behind her.

“Hmm?” She mused as she stood up straight.

“I thought the rule was you were supposed to kiss when you tell someone that you love them?” He questioned as his hands wrapped around her hips. He gently turned her around to face him.

“You were the one who said it, so you’re the one who has to do the kissing,” she shrugged as she batted her eyes at him.

Eli took her chin in his hand, holding her still as he moved closer. He ran his thumb over her plump lips.

“What if I don’t want just to kiss?” He smirked as he raised an eyebrow. “Or, what if I want to kiss you elsewhere?”

“Mommy? Daddy? I’m dressed!” Millie yelled as she knocked on their door.

“Ah, that would be your daughter,” Alice teased as she pushed him away. “Best get dressed.”

Eli growled as he stood there, watching as Alice walked away to put clothes on. He leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling. At first, he felt irritated. He wanted a moment alone with his mate, to run his hands over her. But then he smiled. This was how his life was now. He agreed to step up and be a dad. He would have to get used to these things, get used to sharing, and having his intimate time interrupted.

After a while, Eli, Alice, and Millie walked down the stairs and into the dining hall. Eli went to the head table, sitting in his chair, but Alice hesitated. Sitting by him would mean everyone would know. She suddenly felt self-conscious as she stood there. Then, she looked down. Millie was tugging her hand, pulling her toward Eli. Alice followed, allowing her daughter to lead the way.

Eli scooped up Millie, setting her down on his lap. Alice looked at the floor as she sat down. She did not want to look up; she did not want to see the eyes of those that were watching her. Eli noticed her hands trembling, so he reached over and placed a hand on her leg.

“No one is looking at you,” he whispered into her ear. “They would not dare judge you. You are their Great Luna.”

Alice slowly lifted her gaze, noticing that everyone focused more on their food. She let out the breath that she held and nodded. Eli reached over, scooping food onto three plates. Though Alice was beginning to relax, she kept her eyes on him and Millie.

That was until Zeke walked in with his family. He sat across from Eli, grabbing a piece of bacon from his plate.

“What do you want?” Eli growled to him.

“Good morning to you, too, Squirrel,” he smirked. Zeke looked over to Alice, nodding his head to her. “Great Luna.”

“Thank you for bringing Eli pants last night,” Alice said with a smile. “It was very much appreciated.”

“Of course, I’d do anything for my Great Alpha,” Zeke said as he stared at Eli. But Eli rolled his eyes, grumbling as he mocked Zeke.

“Hello, my Great Alpha, Great Luna,” Zeke’s son, Jon, said as he sat beside his father. Jon was the eldest boy, born with the companion scar, just like his father. But at seven years old, he had many years before becoming an official companion.

“Hi, Jon,” Millie smiled as she waved at him.

“Hey, Millie,” he replied with a wave back.

Eli’s grip around Millie tightened as he looked down at his next companion. Alice put her hand on Eli’s arm, giving him a hard stare. Eli reluctantly loosened his grip as he took a bite of a piece of bread.

“Jon’s little sister is in her nanny group,” Alice explained softly. “I sometimes see him playing outside with them in the evenings.”

Eli nodded his head. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt protective over Millie. He knew Jon. He sat with Zeke the day he was born. Of all of the children in the palace, he knew he could trust Jon above all others. He was born sworn to him.

"Sorry," Eli murmured as he looked up at Zeke.

"I get it! If a boy even dares to look at my little girls, I'd chase him off," Zeke replied with a smile on his face.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jon questioned as he looked up at his father. He was confused when Eli glared at him, but he was too nervous to question it. But listening to Zeke and Eli talk only confused him further.

"No," Eli answered softly. "It was I that was wrong, not you."

"Is it because you are now mated?" Jon inquired innocently. "Dad said this morning that you and the Great Luna are now a mated pair."

"Son!" Zeke snapped as he and Eli choked on their food. Alice was the only one who was laughing as the men's faces grew red.

"The Great Luna and Great Alpha!" Several people called out as Calliope and Caleb walked into the dining hall. They walked over to their seats beside Eli. Caleb froze, noticing Alice and Millie at the table. But Calliope was smiling as she sat in her seat. She looked at the couple, with her bright blue eyes glistening in the light.

"Close your mouth, Caleb. It is unbecoming," Calliope scolded as she grabbed some food.

"Right," he nodded as he sat beside Eli. But he could not help but look over at his son and Alice.

"Oh my Goddess, you were right!" Caleb exclaimed as he looked at Calliope.

"Right about what?" Eli questioned with a frown.

"Your mother shot up in the middle of the night and said, 'It is done,' and went back to sleep," Caleb said.

"Giizis and I could feel a shift in auras," Calliope explained with a shrug. "It startled me awake. But after a few seconds to gather my thoughts, I knew what happened."

"Oh no," Alice whispered as she covered her red face.

"If we can ask, why last night? I don't think any of us expected it to happen," Zeke inquired.

"Millie asked me if I could be her Daddy when I put her to bed. But I wanted to talk with Alice about it first. The next thing I knew, we were together." Eli replied calmly as he took Alice's hand in his.

"Bring her to the arena tonight," Calliope instructed as she glanced over at the couple.

"So soon?" Eli questioned as he turned to look at Calliope. But her eyes stared at him, seemingly piercing his soul.

"The two of you are mated. She needs to officially become a member of this pack," she replied.

"Shouldn't this be her choice?"

"I'll do it," Alice stated. "I'm ready."

Eli studied Alice's face. She seemed nervous, and yet she smiled at him. He had been working so hard to make sure she had a choice in everything. That she had power in every decision. But here she was, giving in to his mother. With a scowl, he nodded.

That evening, Alice held Eli's hand as they walked through the festival grounds. Millie was on the other side of Eli, holding his other hand. As they walked into the sandy arena, Millie gasped. The stands were filled with members of the Royal Moon pack. It was crowded, with people standing on the outside of the arena. They were cheering, excited to greet their new Great Luna. Once in the center, Eli released Alice, allowing her to approach Calliope.

"Everyone!" Calliope yelled as she looked around. "We are here to welcome our newest member. Alice! The next Great Luna! After tonight, Caleb and I shall both step back. We shall no longer take the lead in the decisions and the ruling. No. After tonight, we shall become Grand Luna and Grand Alpha!"

The crowds began to clap and cheer. But Alice's eyes were glued to Calliope. It was as if no one else was there. She could hear Calliope, but she did not listen. She was drawn to her aura. Tonight, it was different. Tonight, Calliope felt stronger. Her eyes were brighter, as if she was the one who had just mated and not Alice.

Alice snapped from her thoughts when she felt a knife be placed in her hands.

"Cut your palm," Calliope instructed gently. "To become a member of this pack, you must bleed on pack lands. Cut your palm, and let the blood run down to the sand."

Alice nodded her head as she took the handle of the knife. She pressed the blade onto her palm. She bit her lip as she sliced a thin line across her skin. She turned her hand, allowing for the blood to drip to the ground. The blood sizzled as it fell onto the sand. Alice did not notice as the crowds began to cheer again. She only watched as the blood fell.

Calliope reached over, placing a hand on the back of Alice's head. She pulled Alice close until their foreheads could touch. When Alice closed her eyes, she began to feel like she was falling. She fell until she landed in soft snow. When she opened her eyes, she saw a large, white wolf sitting beside a tall woman. She looked up at them, unable to find the strength to move.

"Hello, Alice," the woman's voice echoed. "It is good to see you."

"Who are you?"

"I am the one you call the Moon Goddess," the woman smiled. "And this is Giizis."

"She is much larger here," Alice gasped as she stood to her feet.

"Yes, she is," the Goddess chuckled. "That is because this is where she was created, in my realm. Things are different here than in your world."

Alice looked at the woman. She saw the familiar bright blue eyes. It caused her to furrow her brows as she thought to herself. Then she suddenly looked down at her hands.

"Why me?" She questioned.

"Why not?" The Goddess retorted.

Alice froze at the question. Why not? She could not find an answer to the question. To her, she was just a poor girl; someone who grew up as an outsider. Had this been over 100 years ago, she would have been a rogue, a nobody.

"I chose you because Eli needed someone who could ground him," the Goddess explained as she stepped closer to Alice. "He has not known his parent's struggles. The pain and sorrow that Calliope had to endure to give him his life. If left unchecked, his ego tends to go wild."

"That it does," Alice laughed as she nodded.

"And has he not been better since you have been there to keep him in line?"

"For the most part," Alice shrugged. "But why did I have to suffer for years with him; with that man? Why did I have to hurt? Why?"

She began to cry, her tears sliding like frozen pebbles down her cheeks.

"Oh, little one," the Goddess whispered as she sighed. "I had no intention of that. I give my people free will. I truly did not see it happening until he was there. And I know you all see me as this ever-present being, this person who can change someone's course at will, but that is not true. I can create wolves, paths, and connections. But once born into this world, once I have given them a mate, that is it. I have no more interference in their lives."


"Calliope is the exception to the rule," she interrupted, knowing the question that Alice was going to ask.

"What is she? Why do I feel drawn to her? Why am I compelled to fall to my knees in her presence?"

"She has a unique aura, does she not?" The Goddess mused as she glanced over to Giizis. "I know you've been told that she has the first wolf ever created. What she has yet to tell you is that Giizis was my wolf. And in order for me to pass her on, Calliope had to be a descendant of my own flesh and blood. She shall be the last wolf of her caliber, of her strength and power ever to exist. She shall be ever watching, even when she no longer lives. She is the ultimate sacrifice, to ensure that life could be as it is now."

"But, enough about her, our time together is limited, and once you leave here, I shall never get another chance to speak with you while you live. So, I shall leave you with something hopeful. I know you worry for Millie. Her coming into the world was beyond my hands. So, I ensured she would never have to leave you or the Royal Moon pack."


"When she is 18, you shall see. It will become obvious very quickly. You just keep a hold of that mate of yours."

Alice closed her eyes as she felt herself falling again. She gasped when she felt Calliope moved back, disconnecting them from each other's souls. Alice looked at her with sadness in her eyes. She embraced Calliope, holding her close.

"I'm sorry," Alice whispered into her ear.

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