Calliope [Book 2]


When the morning sun began to lighten the sky, Mido hurried anxiously to the stables to ready his horse. He was alone with the horses as the sun began its ascent, warming the cool morning air. He let Lily nibble from his hand before he saddled her for their trip to the port. Ian, Maria, Jon, and Prince Lucas joined Mido in the stables an hour later as the sky began to wake the world around them. They readied their own horses quietly, hardly a word muttered between them. Mido led Lily outside as his troops readied themselves. Librona’s soldiers mingled with Asmar’s soldiers. They spoke to one another carefully, hoping to form a friendship once more. When it was time, Mido mounted Lily and took command of his army. Their largest ship was ready at the port, waiting for their arrival.

Mido looked to the castle, seeing Barric standing on the balcony with Colin at his side. Mido turned Lily around, his eyes lingering on Barric for a moment before he turned and nudged Lily forward. Ian, Maria, Jon, and Prince Lucas followed close behind, kicking their horses forward, their armies following suit.

They rode through the city, through its gates, and toward the shore at the edge of the kingdom. It wasn’t more than half a day away, but time seemed to drag slower and slower as they continued to travel in silence.

“So, Barric, huh?” Prince Lucas said in hopes of breaking the silence, but no one responded.

“Okay, then,” he muttered to himself. He turned to Mido, his brother, but Mido did not meet his gaze. Prince Lucas sighed and tried to ignore the tension between the travelers.

When they finally arrived at the port, Mido gave his orders. Asmar’s navy shouted to one another as they readied the ship. It’s captain gave his commands and before they knew it, the ship was pointed towards the sea, beginning its journey to Re’iam.

Mido stood alone at the edge of the boat, leaning on the rail and watching the water lap at the vessel. The air was cool and salty; something he had never truly experienced before. It felt calm and refreshing against his face. He let his mind wander, wondering what would wait for them at Re’iam ’s shores.

A gut wrenching sound brought him back to reality, and he turned to see Prince Lucas bent over the edge of the boat. He lifted his head, turned, and let his body slide down the side of the boat and onto the floor. Mido smiled at made his way to him, sitting at his side.

“Ugh,” Prince Lucas said, wiping his face. “I don’t feel good.”

“I see that.”

“This is going to be a long trip,” he muttered.

“You didn’t have to come.”

“What’s going on with you?” Lucas asked, turning to him.

“What do you mean?”

Lucas shrugged. “You seem angry.”

“I’m just mad at Ian,” he said, reassuring the young man.

“Why? Aren’t you friends?”

“Yes. He’s like a brother to me. And like brothers, we fight.”

“You guys got in a fight?”

“Somethin’ like that.”

“I’ve never had a brother to fight with,” Lucas remarked.

“Never stopped you from bickering with your sisters.”

“I do not bicker with them,” he argued.

Mido laughed. “Oh, yes you do. I’ve seen it.”

“Fallon just thinks she’s a little queen.”

“She probably says the same about you.”

“I am not a queen!”

Mido laughed again and let his head rest against the side of the boat.

“Kinda weird,” Lucas said, mimicking Mido and staring into the clear blue sky.


“That we’re brothers.”

“Mmm. Weird.” Mido turned to him. “How did you know that?”

“I may have been listening to you guys back home.”

“Oh. You shouldn’t spy on people like that. Gets you in trouble.”

“I know. Sorry.”

“’S’all right.”

“It’s also weird because you’re Asmar’s king.”

Mido shrugged. “Yeah.”

“This whole thing makes my head hurt.”

“Mine too.”

“Are you mad about that?” Lucas turned to his brother.

“About what?”

“About everything. Being my father’s bastard. Being Asmar’s king.”

“You know, you shouldn’t talk to a king that way.”

“Sorry. But it’s true.”

“It seems so.”

“So, it does make you mad.”

“Yeah, a bit.”

“Are you mad at my -” Lucas hesitated, “- our – father?”


“I’d be, too, if I knew he fucked some other woman, making me a damned bastard.”

“Don’t fucking talk like that.”

“You do.”

“I’m a king.”

“And I will be, too, one day.”

“When you’re a king you can talk however the fuck you want.”

Lucas sighed. “I don’t like having a brother,” he muttered.

“Get used to it.”

They sat in silence for a while, watching as the sailors scurried about the boat. They watched the sails blow in the wind, guiding them to their destination. Ian found them sitting on the floor and stood above them. Lucas stood to leave.

“Stay,” Mido said.

“’S’okay,” he said. “I think I have to go throw up again, anyway.”

Ian sat beside his friend, his knees to his chest.

“What do you want?” Mido snarled.

“Is that really necessary?” Ian asked, turning to him.

“Sorry,” Mido muttered.

Ian sighed.

“Did Maria send you?” Mido asked.


“Oh. So, Maria sent you.”

Ian said nothing and turned to stare at his feet. “Mom says we have to make up,” he muttered.

Mido smiled to himself, looking at his feet. “Okay.”

Ian nodded. “Okay.”

“Kiss on it?” Mido leaned in and puckered his lips.

Ian shoved him away and rolled his eyes. “Get away, freak.”

They shared a laugh and sat together in silence once more. They watched as white, fluffy clouds began to gather above them. They listened to the splash of the water as the boat sailed through, guided by its captain. Boards creaked and the wind blew stray strands of their hair around them.

“We’ll find her,” Ian assured his friend, breaking the silence.

Mido nodded. He was glad to be out of that kingdom, but the long trip across the sea took a toll on him, and they had only just begun.

Lucas returned to them, flask in hand, and sat beside them.

“Whatcha got there?” Ian asked, reaching an arm across Mido to take the flask. He put it to his lips and let the liquid fall down his throat.

Lucas shrugged. “One of the sailors gave it to me. Said it would help.”

Mido laughed. “It won’t.”


Ian passed the flask and Mido took a turn before handing it off to Lucas. Lucas mocked their actions as he took a sip of his own, wincing as it went down his throat.

“Uck,” he said.

They continued in this manner until the flask was empty and the sky began to darken. They made their way below deck as the sun disappeared and turned in for the night.

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