Callia's Redemption

Chapter Chapter Nineteen

The next morning all is quiet. I make sure to stay silent as I pack, leaving Ambra to sleep in the corner of my bed quietly. Ambra has been extremely difficult all night. She would screech the second she thought I was getting out of bed; even though I was just rolling over.

Silently, I roll my hair up in a bun as I let my bangs fall; then pull on a lilac and pink shirt with very thin sleeves. It’s going to be hot today; I can feel it. I pull on the Water Gods traditional shorts, and lace up some sandals, the laces twining up my calf falling just short of my knee. Quietly, I grab my cloak and back away from my bed, trying my best to keep quiet.

“Ca-“ A voice starts behind me as I reach the door.

I spin around and put my hand on their mouth. I look over my shoulder as I hold my breath. Ambra doesn’t move so I step out into the hallway with the person following me, my hand still on their mouth. I smile as I look at the person, finally allowing myself to breathe. “Sorry Garth, Ambra’s asleep and she’s been a complete nightmare.” I whisper as I have him follow along.

“Where are you going?” He whispers as I start walking.

“I’m going to make sure the coast is clear.” I say as I head towards the gate, being quiet since everyone is still sleeping.

“You can’t go out there by yourself.” He hisses as he trots to keep up with me. “I can feel your energy. You’re still too weak to fight.”

I wave him off. “I can fight if I need to. Besides, I’m not going out there. The gates are still sealed.”

“Then what are you going to do?” He asks as I get to the gates.

I touch the gate and close my eyes, picturing a telescope. An array of colorful orbs fills my mind, and a singular black one. I open my eyes once I see a resting brimstone one. “Gstalt is out there with Morticious. At least two hundred men as well. I could sneak past myself, but not with all of you. They’re waiting for us to come out.”

“There you are.” Allie hisses from behind us. She looks me over, “Going somewhere?”

I wave her off. “I was hoping to, but we’re surrounded.”

She groans. “Now what?”

I shrug. “We’re underground. The only way to leave is to go up so we better figure something out.”

“Well I spoke with the Elders. As long as Lord of All Destruction is out there, they’re not allowing us to open the gates.”

Now I groan. “Well what else can we do?”

“I’m not sure, but as long as there are people here who are not Water God’s we cannot relocate the city.”

“Why is that?” Garth asks as I start walking. I need to find a way out of here.

Allie follows as she explains. “The city was built with Water God Magic. Water God’s can transform themselves into water and move through the ground. We use our own water body’s to build the city.”

“So this city was entirely hand carved?” He asks as he looks around.

“Yes. The second we move though, the Elemental Water Stone will be moved as well, allowing this city to basically cave in.”

“Which is why you can’t leave while we’re here.” Garth says as he understands. “So we basically need to move.”

A giant blast coming from behind us sends us falling to the ground. The ceiling above is shaking as rubble starts to fall. The walls start flashing red as people start screaming. “Now would be ideal.” I shout as I start running down the hall. I hear Ambra as she flies out of my room when I run past it. She perches on my shoulder while I race to the Elders.

“What is going on?” Penny demands in a night shirt and robe as she steps out into the hallway.

“Gstalt,” I say as I keep moving.

“Same old stuff then?” She sighs while falling into step with me.

“What do you suggest we do then?” Mary asks, coming up from behind.

“Go round everyone up. Meet us with the Elders.” I stumble as the ground shakes again. Garth catches me then quickly lets me go while we keep running.

We run into the hall as the Elders are surrounding the Elemental Stone. They’re talking quickly as they look around. The room is flashing red as they have every citizen running in here for emergency planning.

“Callia, there you are!” Marok yells from the center of the crowd, sitting in the only chair in the room. He must still be tired from the Spirit’s possession.

The others fan out as I reach Marok. “How is the Stone holding up?” I breathe as I look at it. It’s sitting in the watered orb, pulsing. If it’s pulsing that means it’s growing weaker. It will not hold up much longer.

“Not well,” He sighs. “We’re fortunate the Spirits are not mad at us, as we have a few more stones to use. This one won’t last till morning. I’m not sure if it’s best to replace it with another once it breaks. If that happens, we’ll be buried in here.”

I put my hand on his shoulder as his choice of words give me an idea. “Let it die Marok.” I look over my shoulder at Penny. She’s still in her green nightgown that is low cut and stops mid-thigh. I raise my eyebrow and grin. She only wears that when she has company in her bedroom.

Penny blushes as she looks away. “If it dies, we’ll be buried Callia. We cannot leave with the Water Gods.”

“Not if we have the all mighty Penny.” I say as I smile wider, while I bow slightly in great exaggeration.

She cocks her head. “What do you mean?”

“The all-powerful Earth God can create a hole in the ground capable of housing all of us. Mary can keep enough air circulating, so we do not die of asphyxiation.” I turn towards her fully. “You can create a tunnel to get us to safety as well.”

She thinks about it. “I can do that.” Penny jumps and touches the ground with her fingertips, opening a wide hole in the ground. She leaps in the hole that is several feet deep. She flicks her finger, and a hole opens up wide, starting her tunnel.

I look at Mary, ignoring the boys gaping jaws. “Where are the horses?”

Mary shrugs. “We let them run. We didn’t have the energy, or time, to get them here. Well more accurately time. When that Banishee showed up the horses ran off.”

“One problem with your plan Callia!” Penny yells down from below me.

“Which would be?” I ask as I sit at the edge of the hole so I can hear her better.

“Gstalt will still be able to sense your energy, so he’ll know you won’t have left. You’re too powerful for your plan to work.”

I huff as I sigh. I need to expend a lot of energy for this to work. An idea pops into my mind. I picture Macy, trying to search for her life source, as if I were going to teleport to her. Instead, I pick up on the six horses running, including her. I picture her just outside of Mayia.

“Catch me!” I yell down to Penny as I feel my magic start to drain, closing my eyes. My body goes limp as I fall over the edge, its limit finally met. People gasp as my body plummets through the air. Don’t open your eyes, I chant to myself. I have a slight fear of falling, and do not want to see me dropping to a hard landing.

I huff as Penny grunts, supporting me as I land in her hard arms. “A little more warning time next time,” Penny gasps as she staggers under my weight. She falls to the ground, unable to hold my weight any longer, while I open my eyes.

I smile up at her weakly. It’s work just to breathe. “I’ll try to remember that.”

“Everyone okay down there?” Allie and Mary yell down.

“Come on in!” Penny yells up. “The ground is great! Nice and dry.”

Allie laughs a bell toned laugh as she jumps down to join us. She helps Penny and I onto our feet, both of them supporting my weight. My legs are not willing to cooperate right now. There is a strong gush of air as Mary sends the boys down here, along with herself.

“I wish we’d have more time to pack.” Mary grumbles as Ambra lands on the ground next to her. Mary is wearing a silver nightgown identical to Penny’s. Both Allie and I raise our eyebrows up at her. Mary blushes deeply.

“Good luck everyone.” Penny yells up at them quickly, sealing the ground above our heads. We soak in the darkness as everyone tries to get their bearings. A few moments later we feel the ground shake as the Water God City crumbles above us. At least they got out of there safely.

“Now what?” Alaric asks, annoyed by the darkness.

“We start walking.” I answer in shallow breaths. I’m exhausted and it’s a fight to keep my eyes open. I cannot rest or my energy will start to regenerate.

“I’m not moving when there is a great possibility of walking into a wall.” Allie sighs. I know she feels awkward being separated from her clan. Allie’s never left the city before. Her power is strong for someone of her age, and the Elders are very protective of her.

“You’re all such babies.” I sigh as I close my eyes. It’s a fair trade. I get to close my eyes, while my magic gets to help. I think of a candle, hearing and feeling them flinch and gasp at the sudden light.

“Callia,” Allie warns.

“As long as I keep my eyes closed, I’ll be fine. This isn’t a big spell.” Besides, using my magic will force me to stay awake.

“Come on,” Garth grunts as he lifts me, cradling me into his chest. “We better get moving, before they decide to investigate.”

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