Caleb's Journey

Chapter 39

The Search Continues

While the defenders of Attalis valiantly fought the onslaught of the dark alliance the smaller group of heroes rode day after day to find a swamp in the hopes of locating the sarcophagus that appeared in Candellah’s dream. After much riding they spotted the swamp in the distance. The air had become much cooler and a breeze had blown in the direction of the heroes. Candellah attributed this as an answer to a prayer.

There it is,” remarked Caleb. His sharp vision had been the first to spot the change in the environment. He unsheathed one of his swords pointed it towards the swamp and confidently uttered, “We ride in that direction. Notice at that point how the mist is fainter? It’s our best indicator so far and I suggest that we take it.

Agreed,” assented Lord Lestrade.

Off they rode, spurring their mounts to ride as quickly as possible towards the swamp, towards the barren lands, the ancient ruins, and the secret entrance to the lair of Xerax. They took this path not knowing to a certainty of success, but time being of the most crucial essence and Candellah’s dream and Caleb’s eye for terrain filled them with a sense of confidence in their decision to take this direction.

Into the swamp they went, in

the water and the muck, that sometimes reached the height of a horse’s knee. Such unsteady terrain hindered their progress, but not their determination. That never faltered or wavered. Supremely convinced of the gravity of their mission they acted in unison, following the lead of the two who rode ahead of all others, Caleb and Lord Lestrade. Caleb marked their position and direction by the place of the sun in the sky, just like he had done during his days on the Cadre Island. When the sun began to set and the crimson and white moons first showed themselves in the sky the group looked for a place to camp, which isn’t easy when the ground is covered in water.

We’ll have to sleep in the trees,” said Caleb. “Just like back home when we hunted for food. Tie the horse to a tree and then find a sturdy, thick branch to rest. I hope nobody rolls in their sleep or you’re liable to get a wet surprise,” he said with a chuckle. “Tie your rope around in two places around your blanket and then knot it above the tree limb. This will support you. Those among us who wear armor are going to want to shed it now.” He continued with his pleasant prodding, “It may serve you well in combat, but I doubt it will help you climb a tree, your grappling hooks will do that. Sleep well my friends. Candellah, I’ll come and see to your sleeping area.”

You are too kind,” that maiden replied.

I’ll climb your tree and lower the rope to you and then pull you up.” He was off in a flash to help his heart’s desire, sloshing through the water and climbing the tree with the skill of a monkey. After he tied the rope and secured the bedding he pulled Candellah up to her destination. At this moment their hands touched and Caleb felt a sensation in his heart like being hit by a thunderbolt. However, he felt, he managed to control his emotions and simply smiled at her even though he ached to sit on the branch and wile away the hours of the night enjoying her company. Alas, he had to content himself with that brief contact of flesh and then return to make his own bed.

After an uneventful evening passed everyone awoke and prepared for the day’s ride, all knights, who slept in their mail shirts donned their armor. All took their same positions in the group as they had the day prior, showing more cohesion and focus as the hour of their trial by combat lie ahead. Lord Lestrade now displayed a talent of his few had ever seen. He began to sing a cadence and the other nights quickly joined in the chorus.

Although Caleb didn’t know the song his heart leapt with childhood joy at the experience. This environment mirroring the dreams he had as a lad of being a knight, from the splashing sound of the horses’ hooves in the water to riding on a quest in search of a foe, to the presence of a beautiful maiden whom he of course rescued, coupled with the knights all singing in unison. It was truly what his heart wanted and farther than he dared dream as he spent his years as a slave. At those times of servitude he felt certain that his lot in life was to die a slave.

Several days of riding cleared away the mist and the muck and the group now found themselves on barren land. The land was dry and devoid of any sign of life whatsoever; no dried weeds, not the hint of a tree, even a dead, withered one, no water, as if the swamp could not penetrate this land of dried dirt and dust, instead it seemed to have met a dry point which barred its passage. No creatures, neither animal nor insect crossed their path. The whole area seemed like the antithesis of life.

We’re close, I can feel it,” Candellah commented. Indeed, they were close for not far beyond the barren lands lied ancient ruins, marked by a few decrepit stone buildings that looked like if one pushed hard enough on them that the entire structure would crumble. On the outskirts of these ruins lied a cemetery, long since forgotten, the stone marker of the gravesites reduced by time to little more than nubs so that no writing on them, if ever there had been writing on them, was apparent. As they rode about observing the remains they saw a sarcophagus, more well-preserved than the other form of graves and Candellah confirmed that she sensed it was the one from her dreams.

Everyone dismounted and drew their weapons, approaching the crypt with care. As no entity emerged from within, the group felt safe enough to have six of them drop their weapons. Then, that same group of men grabbed the lid of the object and removed it as silently as possible and set it gently upon the ground. To their pleasant surprise, removing the lid revealed a set of stairs that led downward into an area concealed by darkness. Could this be the lair of Xerax?

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