Caleb's Journey

Chapter 10

A Chance at Redemption

As the previous group found their way out of court, Caleb Hart and his new friend, who refused to part ways in Morgado, had a private audience with the king and his favored counselor, Lord Lestrade. The king sat lazily on his throne, only half paying attention to Caleb. “Out of respect to your father and Lord Islooric I have granted this audience to you.”

Caleb dropped to a single knee and bowed his head, “Your majesty does me a great honor in bending an ear to one so low as myself.”

He does, indeed,” Lord Lestrade remarked.

Our time is very precious,” Victor IV said. “Make it quick.”

My liege, I have come home after years of slavery to proffer my services to your majesty in any way you deem fit so that I restore both the lands and the honor of my family.”

Here Lord Lestrade leaned from his standing position and whispered something into his king’s ear. A smile formed on that man’s face.

“As the Goddess would have it, there is a service you can do for me,” he said, knowing full well that he had already volunteered the duo for the duty.

Name it and consider it done,” Caleb said.

Ride on a quest, with Lord Lestrade and his retinue. When he returns safely with the item I have lost from within my realm, you shall have your wish granted.”

Caleb rose and remarked, “Your majesty is too kind.” Inwardly he leapt for joy.

Be here tomorrow when the sun rises, for we depart then,” Lord Lestrade ordered.

Caleb gave another bow and he and Seth left to prepare for their unknown journey. The duo feasted on roast fowl, spiced potatoes, and drank ale to toast their success. Then, they headed off to bed. For his part, Seth slept soundly, purring as tigans do when they dozed. Caleb found it nigh impossible to sleep as he felt too giddy at the prospect of not only regaining honor, but of going on a quest with those whom he admired, the Honor Guard. When sleep finally came to him and he drifted off to slumber, he dreamt of quests, having a maiden to whom he would serve as a champion, and of overseeing the restored lands of his family.

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