Caged (The Defiant Kings Book 1)

Caged: Chapter 17

After Hudson showers and changes, we slide into the backseat of a limo, and he pushes a button to lower the divide between us and the driver. “Hey, man. Do you think you could make it take a while to get to the bar?”

My face flames red, and I bury it into Hudson’s shoulder.

“Absolutely, sir.” The driver closes the divide, and Hudson is on me in a single heartbeat.

“Jesus Christ, Madison.” He pulls me onto his lap, and my legs fall open on either side of his thighs as my hands splay flat against the starched cotton dress shirt covering his muscled chest. The adrenaline of the night is bubbling just beneath my skin, excitement and anticipation twining together and rocketing through my veins like a drug.

Rough, calloused fingers trail over my collarbone, then down to trace the top of my plumped-up breasts. “You’re in my colors.” His hot tongue follows the same trail his fingers just forged, and I shift against the hardness pressing between my legs.

With shaking hands, I unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt and press my lips to the ink on his skin. “Do you like it?” I lick a line of his ink. “The girls made it for me.” My lips move up to his ear before I sink my teeth into the lobe and whisper, “Just wait until you see what’s underneath it.”

He flips me onto my back, and my breath leaves me in a woosh.

Hungry eyes devour me while his fingers dig into my hips. “It’s not nice to tease a man, Madison. Especially when that man has been fantasizing about this moment.”

I lift my head and capture his lips. “Who said I was teasing, King?”

“I’m not taking your virginity in the back of a limo. But there are other things we can do.” His voice holds whispers of a promise I can’t wait for him to keep.

“You’re right.” I kick my heels off and push against his chest until he leans back. “There are. And I want to do them all.” Slipping off the leather bench, I kneel on the carpeted floor between Hudson’s thighs and pop the button on his jeans.

Hudson bites his lip as one hand sinks into my hair.

The metallic sound of his zipper lowering mixes with our heavy breathing, and I relish the fact that I want to do this. That I’m not scared. That I’m not flinching away from touching or being touched. It’s empowering.

His hand doesn’t push. It doesn’t guide. It’s possessive and protective.

He’s giving me control.

I look up at him through fluttered lashes and inch down his dark denim and black boxer briefs until his dick juts free, long and thick with metal piercing the bottom. My thumb rubs over two rows of small silver balls, and a shiver runs down the length of him.

The moment I drag my thumb through the pearl of precome glistening at the tip, I suck in a quick breath. And without overthinking it, I press my thumb against my tongue and moan at the salty sweet taste of him.

Hudson groans long and low as his head falls back against the seat, creating such an erotic sight in front of me that I rub my legs together to relieve some of the pressure building in me.

“Hudson.” His eyes flash open when I take his other hand in mine and place it on my face. “I want your hands on me. I want you to tell me what you like. Show me,” I challenge.

I let go, hoping he won’t, and wrap my fingers around the base of his thick cock.

Awareness blazes in his eyes, and his hands tighten infinitesimally around my head before gently pushing down.

I smile around his dick as my tongue drags over the metal and down the soft skin until I gag, then repeat the motion.

Hudson immediately loosens his grip until I place one of my hands over his, keeping him there and swallowing.

His responding groan fills the confined space of the limo and clings to my skin as I squirm in front of him. Wanting to give him this. Needing to take it for myself. To know I can. That it’s mine to give.

Instinct takes over, and I whimper around him as I drag my lips up and down his shaft.

Every lift of his hips pulls me further under this intoxicating spell of pleasure.

Of desire and need.

Of giving something to this man I want so desperately to take for myself.

When I finally manage to work my lips all the way down to the base of his cock, a string of curses flies from his lips. “I’m gonna come, Madison.” He runs his hands through my hair and tugs my head back.

A warning I don’t heed as my eyes meet his.

“Fuck . . .” The word is drawn out as salty ropes of hot cum shoot down my throat.

My fist tightens and works in sync with my bobbing head, milking him as he utters words of praise I never knew would have me preening at his feet but have me delirious to do this again.

Once he’s spent, he tucks himself back in and pulls me up onto his lap. His mouth covers mine, and his teeth bite into my bottom lip and tug. “I want to take you home now,” he growls as a hand wraps around my throat, and his thumb rests on my wildly beating pulse.

I press a finger against his lips. “A lot of people are coming to this bar to celebrate with you tonight, King. You’re the man of the hour. You’ve got to make an appearance.”

He sucks my finger into his mouth, and a tingle shoots straight down to my core.

“Fine, but we’re not staying long.” His thumb presses down gently before his lips touch mine.

“Whatever you say, King.”

An hour later, Hudson is standing behind the main bar on the first floor of Kingdom, singing along to “American Pie” with a microphone in one hand and a drink in the other. His smile stretches wide across his face as he feeds off the wild energy in the bar.

“What the fuck, Sawyer? Don’t you have some ownery things to do or something?” Chloe glares at Hudson’s brother, who hasn’t left my side since Hudson was pulled away earlier. “Or have you turned into a stalker?”

“Ownery?” I ask, then turn to Sawyer, who’s ignoring Chloe completely.

He laughs at Hudson’s kinda awful singing voice, then flicks his eyes over Chloe. “Listen up, firecracker. . . My brother asked me to make sure his girl was taken care of tonight. It’s called loyalty. Not stalking.”

“Firecracker,” Chloe bristles. “What the hell—” Luckily, Carys interrupts Chloe’s tirade and walks over just then, grabbing her to go dance.

“Come on, Mads. Let’s dance.” I look between the girls, then at the man behind the bar and shake my head no.

“I’m good. You have fun.” I raise my bottle to my lips and take a long sip of the cold water, hoping to cool down as I watch the girls get lost on the dance floor. “Why do you antagonize her?” I ask Sawyer. The two of them have been snappy toward each other since we got to the fight earlier.

His grin evokes reminders of a devilish little boy who probably enjoyed torturing his sisters. “Because it’s fun.”

“Well, I’m a big girl, Sawyer. You don’t need to babysit me all night. But thank you for the offer.”

He laughs at me.

Legit—laughs in my face.

“It doesn’t work that way, Maddie. You came with Hud. He asked me to make sure you were good because he knew he’d be pulled in a million directions tonight. So that’s exactly what I’m doing. You’re one of us now, and we take care of our own.”

I’m sorry. What?

I shake my head, certain I hadn’t heard that right. “I’m not one of you, Sawyer. I’m not sure anyone can really be one of you.” The Kingstons are intimidating individually. But when you put them all together . . . They rise to an entirely different level.

“Tell yourself whatever you need to, Maddie, but I know my brother.” His patronizing smile is easy to read and not so shockingly confident.

My stomach does a weird flip before the song ends, and Hudson hops over the bar, landing in front of me. His big arm wraps around my bare shoulders, and my skin breaks out in goosebumps at the contact as I’m pulled against him, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “Don’t let Sawyer try to steal you away, Mads.” Then he stage-whispers, “He’s got a micropenis.”

“Fuck off, Hud,” Sawyer laughs before he brings his eyes back to mine. “Remember what I said, Maddie. See you guys at the game tomorrow.”

I ignore Sawyer and look up at the sinfully sexy fighter beside me. “The game?”

“Yeah . . .” he shrugs. “Scarlet asked me to bring you to the family’s box at Kings Stadium tomorrow to watch the game with us. I figured since you go every week, anyway, maybe you’d be okay watching with us this time.”

The overly confident, animated man who sang to a bar full of people a minute ago is gone and replaced by someone willing to show he’s nervous to ask me this. And that, by itself, is incredibly attractive. He’s a contradiction. Strong and fierce. Willing to beat someone unconscious in a cage, but he’s careful with me.

Soft. Gentle. Patient.

I love it.

That thought flashes across my brain in neon yellow lights, and I nearly choke on it.

I reach up and gently touch the bruise under his eye that’s been deepening for the past two hours. “You’re lucky I have my Dixon jersey in my bag.”

His brows shoot up. “You were planning on leaving me for your brother tomorrow?”

“Nope. I told Brandon I didn’t know if I’d make it to the game but I’d watch it on TV. It’s a shame you made plans because we could have had a lot of fun during the commercial breaks.” I lift up on my toes and softly press my lips to the bruise.

“And then there’s half-time.” I kiss the small cut on his cheek bone, then the tender spot under his ear before I drag my teeth along the shell and squeal as I’m lifted in the air and thrown over his shoulder.

“We’re leaving,” he announces to anyone near us as he carries me out of the club. “I’m done waiting, Madison.”

Heat builds within me at his declaration.

“Me too, Hudson. Me too.”


The drive from Kingdom to my house doesn’t take long, but Maddie and I spend every second of it making out like two teenagers who just figured out what feels good.

Newsflash—the answer is her. It might have always been her.

When the limo stops at the end of my driveway, and the driver opens our door, my girl smiles and adjusts the laces and silk she calls a shirt, so it covers all the important parts, before carefully sliding out of the back and thanking the driver.

I grab our bags, grateful someone thought to toss them in here earlier, and take her hand in mine.

Maddie shivers in the cold as the limo pulls away and smiles the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. “Look,” she holds her hand up as fat snowflakes hit her palm. “It’s starting to snow again. Do you think we’ll get a decent amount this time?”

I kiss the palm of her hand. “Doubt it.” She shivers again and wraps an arm around my waist. “Let’s get you inside before you get cold.”

“Pretty sure you could keep me warm, King.” She bats those damn lashes at me, and I’m sunk.

I hurry us into the house, drop our bags next to the door, then lift her, wrapping her toned legs around my waist. Her mouth is on mine without hesitation. This is the version of Maddie I’m not quite used to but need more of.

My adrenaline high from the night still courses through my veins as I lean her against the door, my hands going everywhere. Her ass. Her waist. Her ribs. I want to trace her tattoo with my tongue. Want to wrap her thighs around my face. Want to learn what makes her scream and shake with need.

Her hands are just as greedy as mine, grabbing and holding. Tracing and squeezing.

I need a goddamn bed to spread her out on, so I can do everything I want to her.

I carry her up the winding stairs and kick open my bedroom door.

Her fingers work to unbutton my shirt when we walk through my room. Soft lips skim along my neck before I drop her down on my bed. Her tits bounce, barely contained in the silk strapless contraption she’s wearing, and her words from earlier pique my interest.

What is she wearing under that?

The need builds as I pick up one leg and toss her heel before repeating the action with the other. “You teased me earlier, sunshine.”

Maddie’s eyes glaze over with a hunger that matches mine, and my cock aches for her against the zipper of my jeans. I regret not having the driver take us home earlier instead of to Kingdom.

Once both her shoes are gone, she shimmies her jeans down her legs, and my breath catches in my throat.

We each have our own colors.

All of Crucible’s fighters wear the name, but we do it differently.

Cade’s color was green.

Mine have always been royal blue with my name in gold.

It’s a play on king. It’s kitschy, but it’s worked.

And tonight, this beautiful woman lying in front of me is wearing my colors. Royal-blue silk is wrapped around her perfect body with thin, shimmering gold threading woven through it. My mouth waters at the possession pounding in my chest and wrapping around my heart.

I run a finger along the lace of her leg. “Jesus Christ, Madison. Are you trying to kill me?”

She sits up and shoves my shirt over my shoulders, then takes my face in her hands and lifts her mouth to mine. The kiss begins softly at first, until I take control and part her lips, licking deep inside her mouth. Then it’s possessive and consuming until she’s whimpering at the contact and clawing at my skin.

Desperate for more.

Something primal in me snaps. I drink her in, running my fingers through her soft golden locks. Wrapping them around my fist and angling her head for better access.

I need more. I want everything.

All of her.

Her body.

Her heart.

Her fucking soul.

I untangle my hand from her hair and shove down my jeans, then drop my knee on the mattress between her legs. With careful, shaking fingers I pull the neckline of the blue silk down under her magnificent tits. Running my tongue lightly around one pale-pink rigid nipple, I hear her breathing falter, then I do it again with more pressure. I suck it into my mouth while my hand cups the other perfect breast. A perfect handful. “How the hell do I get this thing off you, Madison?”

Her back bows off the bed when I tug on her nipple and twist.

“I need more skin,” I practically plead while I search for a zipper or a button or a goddamn pair of scissors. Something. Anything to get her out of this.

She kisses me slowly with trembling, needy lips, before she flips over onto her knees and tugs on the blue laces that tie in a bow at the small of her back, drawing my eyes down to her delectable ass. Her panties are cut incredibly high on the tight globes of her cheeks. More gold thread shimmers in the lace set off against her creamy skin.

So much creamy skin. “You’re killing me,” I groan, and she fucking laughs.

It’s the sweetest sound, and it grounds me in the moment.

With more patience than I knew I possessed, I take my time unlacing each silk string. Kissing the freckles that dot the soft skin on her shoulders. Exploring each pronounced vertebra of her spine with my tongue. Then with shaking hands, I finally free the last of the lace from her body, rip the corset off her, and suck the skin of the beautiful dimples that sit right above her ass.

A shiver skirts down her skin, and I reach around and palm her breasts before placing another kiss between her shoulder blades and pushing her chest against the bed.

Maddie’s delicate fingers fist the blanket.

“Hudson,” she keens when I grip her hips between my hands and drag my tongue over the long, lean muscles of her back. My cock grows harder with each inch I taste and every sound she makes.

With careful fingers, I shove the scrap of lace she’s calling panties aside and run my nose along her smooth, bare sex. She smells like honey and vanilla, like sex and candy. My mouth waters and goes dry at the same damn time. “So fucking wet for me.”

She bucks her hips against my face and moans in response, igniting a fire I never want to extinguish.

I bury my face in her cunt, dragging my tongue up to her clit and fucking feasting like a dying man worshipping at her alter. Licking. Kissing. Tongue-fucking this woman until she’s squirming and begging and bucking beneath me.

“Oh God.” She smothers her face in the pillows underneath her as the first ripples of her orgasm take control of her and her body starts to shake.

“Let me hear you, Madison.” I push a long, thick finger into her wet heat and stretch her.

“Hudson,” she pleads, and my name on her lips is an addiction I never want to recover from.

“Give me what I want. Come on my tongue, then I’ll let you come on my cock, baby.” The demanding words rip from my mouth as I slide a second finger inside her, knuckle-deep, and tongue her harder.

She rocks her hips against my face, and my need to fuck her wars with my need to wring every last shudder I can from her before she takes my cock.

Her body collapses beneath me.

“That’s my good girl.” I run my hand over the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen, then flip her over, desperate for more.

“Hudson,” she sighs breathlessly. “Please.”

I press my lips to hers. “You never have to beg me for anything.”

Her hands skim over my body until she can push down my boxers and tilt her hips up to rub against me.

A quake of electricity sends me soaring, and I have to pull away. “I’ve got to grab a condom, baby.”

“You don’t, Hud.” She rocks against my cock again. “I’m on the pill, and we both know I’m clean.” A pretty blush stains her cheeks. “I trust you.”

The weight of her words—of her trust—washes over me, and my chest expands. “Are you sure? I’ve never gone bare before.”

Just the thought of being inside her with nothing between us is enough to set me off.

“Neither have I.” A shy smile graces her pretty face and tugs at my heart.

I lean my head against hers and tease her pussy with the head of my cock—running it up and down her drenched sex—while I try to maintain the tiny semblance of control I’m barely grasping right now.

I lean down and kiss her forehead and the corners of her mouth. I dip my tongue between her lips, then graze her chin.

Maddie’s nails scrape down my shoulders, over my spine, and then dig into my ass. She wraps her legs around my waist and rocks against me. Silently begging.

Until I finally push the thick head of my dick inside her and hold still. I have to—because nothing has ever felt this good before, and I’ve barely moved.

She rocks again, and I inch back in warning. “Maddie.”

She’s so tight. So hot. I have to remind myself that she’s never done this before. That I don’t want to hurt her. That I have to make this good for her before I take what I want. Before I finally move.


So fucking slowly.

Inch by half inch, I work myself inside her body.

The beating in my chest builds as a heat that’s tighter than I’ve ever experienced before wraps around me like a vice.

She gasps and scores me with her nails.

I press my forehead to hers, ignoring the heavy pressure building at the base of my spine.

Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I push through the tiny bit of resistance and swallow her gasp with a searing kiss.

“Are you okay, sunshine?”

My lips brush over hers again before her soft hands frame my face. “I’m not going to break, Hudson.” She licks into my mouth, then whispers, “Fuck me.”

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