Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 4

” I haven’t been around for ages , Aunty ” She smirked ” You girls do know , you and Kia . ” She stated ” But if you don’t want to
tell me right now ... That’s fine , but nothing stays hidden . Besides , I have my assumptions . Trust Aunty Red to say that . She
wasn’t dumb , I had to give her that . I really didn’t want to ask her what she assumed because I might give something away ... ”
Aww well ,
I hope you do get to figure it out . Aunty if you ever need this little gummy bear babysat , I will do it willingly . She is so adorable !
” I smiled at Azura who was playing with m y hair , and I won’t deny I liked it . She was so cute . ” Oh , I’ll definitely hold you to
that . ” Aunty said smiling . ” Good , ” I replied , thinking this place felt so much better to spend time at . Night had fallen and I
was in my room , m y stuff hadn’t really been touched since I had p gone and I was doing a clear out . I will bin what I don’t want
, and what I do , I’ll pack it up .
I needed to tell Mom and Dad about me moving too ... But the moody look on Dad’s face had put me off , I didn’t want more
drama . I put on some Disney classic songs , singling along to ‘ Colours Of The Wind ‘ as I began on my wardrobe . Some of this
stuff was way too childish . My phone rang and I hurried over to it , smiling when I saw Kia’s name pop up on the incoming video
call .
” Kiki ! ” I said , answering it ” Ahh and my babies ! ” Kiara laughed as she sat there feeding one of them . Goddess those two
were gorgeous , they were about three months now and were like two little dolls . ” I thought I’d video call whilst I’m feeding .
How are you ? ” She asked .
I plopped onto my bed and smiled . ” I’m great , I am going to start training from tomorrow . I saw Liam and Damon , both are
doing great , and I asked your mom about moving to the packhouse . ” I ended with a whisper . She smiled gently , but from the
knowing look in her eyes , I knew she saw past my façade . Over the years , Kiara had become s o much more observant . She
didn’t fall for my fake smiles .
” You are brave . ” She said softly . ” You got this . ” ” Thanks , hun . ” ” I whispered . ” I’m going to try to visit in a few weeks time
. ” She said . ” Really ? I can’t wait to meet these two munchkins . ” I had only seen them when I visited her pack with Aunt
Angela . ” I’m sure they want to see their aunty too . ” Kiara replied with a small laugh We sat there , chatting and talking like we
did often enough .
Although Kiara had an entire pack to run , and as queen it was more than just a pack , we still found time t o talk to each other
and it felt good . After a good half hour , we said goodbye and I returned to clearing out my wardrobe . I had just finished when a
panicked voice came through the link . ‘ Someone’s been killed down by the west side of the river ! ‘
The man sounded fearful , and my own heart was thudding a this words . An influx of voices came through the link a s I rushed
to my window . Opening it I jumped out , not even realising I was barefoot until the stones beneath my window poked into my
feet , but I was too worried to care as I rushed down towards the river . ‘ It’s covered , no one panic and stay in your homes . ‘

Liam’s cold voice came through the link sending a rush of warmth through me .
I missed it ... missed the mind link with them ... I ignored his command as I approached the spot , slowing down to see several
men standing around looking at something on the ground . My heart thumped as I stepped closer , Damon was there and when I
approached , he looked up , not missing the way he looked me over . It was then I realised I was only in my leggings and a crop
top .
My heart thudded but I tried not to focus on him as I stepped closer . ” Don’t come closer , Raven . ” His deep seductive voice
made me stop . ” It’s not pleasant . ” ” I can handle a lot more than you think . ” I said , quietly stepping forward . But maybe not .
The face of the body had been cut from ear to ear and the c eyes had been removed . My stomach churned and I clamped a
hand over my mouth feeling sick . ” The teeth have all been taken too .
” The Delta , Zack said quietly . I knew him as he was only slightly younger than I was . ” What the fuck happened ? ” Liam’s
voice came from behind us , I turned to see him shirtless and clearly , he had been in the middle of a shower .
He glanced at me , his frown deepening when he looked at Damon before he brushed past us both . Sparks flew through me at
his touch and my breath hitched .. Fuck .... ” Scour the area . Did anyone witness anything ? Who found the body ? ” He asked ,
his Alpha aura whirling around him . ” Ralf ... his brother . ” Zack said , motioning to the side with a jerk of his head .
I turned to see a boy around twelve or thirteen sitting under a tree , shaking , and rocking himself . An omega child . Shit , why
the hell was no one comforting him ?! I hurried over to him and sat down next to him , wrapping my arms around him . ” Hey , it’s
ok , I got you . ” I whispered , seeing his hands tangled tightly into his hair , ” It’s not true . It’s not true . ” He muttered repeatedly
. Liam approached , looking down at him ” When did you find him ?
” He asked . The boy continued to mutter , not even hearing Liam , who frowned . ” Can’t you see it has affected him greatly and
you’re asking questions ? ” I asked icily . His gaze snapped to me , and his eyes flashed . ” And didn’t I say to everyone to stay
inside .
” He growled . ” You did . ” But that doesn’t mean I would listen ! I looked away from him , feeling two pairs of eyes on me , but
they could look and get as mad as they wanted , because right now I was more concerned about this kid who had seen his
brother in that horrifying state . I knew his face would haunt my dreams too .
” Scour the area , track any scent that lingers here , and I want anyone whose scent is here to be brought in for questioning .
Maybe they saw something ... This doesn’t look like a normal killing .
” What was the cause of death ? ” ” No fucking idea ... ” ” ” Maybe poison . Request an autopsy . ” Liam muttered . ” There’s no
strange scent from him ... ” ” Wait , what is that ? ” Damon said suddenly making me look up sharply as h e bent down and took
a piece of paper from the man’s hand . The group of men fell silent , and I looked a t them curiously . ” What does it say ? ” I
asked .
No one spoke , and I frowned . ” ” Tell me . ” Damon turned , his eyes meeting mine , and he frowned , holding it up . ” Who’s
next ?

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