caged and broken (first draft)

Chapter 20

The disconnect signal sounded I’m my ear my stomach lurched. And with out a second thought I went straight to Jessicas team office. In my hast I opened the door with more force than I intended and all eye’s turned to me.

“Abigail is on her way with Jessica I need a medical team at the front entrance now she’s in bad shape” before I could even finish what I was saying the entire team had sprung in to action. I was soon left with know one in the room and people running in different direction’s screaming orders at each other as they went. Leaving them to their obviously prearranged protocol I then went straight to the medical wing, and organised for dr and healers to head straight for the front of the building that arranged I made two very brief call’s one to druk the other to enlil both of who didn’t say a word after I told them of the situation. Having done everything could I headed straight for where they should be arriving.

The minutes rolled by each second feeling like an eternity then we heard the sequel of tires and the roar of an engine as a car screeched to a stop infron’t of me with out a second to lose the medical team threw open the car’s door’s my heart stoped what I saw was enough to freeze the blood in my veins the medic’s pulled a body on to a stretcher the scene was a hive of activity with med tech’s cheering vitals and shouting instructions to each other. Abigail and Paul got out of the car both looked to be in a state of shock, what the hell had happened.


I managed to get everyone settled in the conference room “I need one of youth explain what happened” the story we heard was horrendous guilt crawled at me, knew this case was going to be hard but what I had forced this child to endure how could I live with myself.

The scratch of a chair grinding across the floor drew my attention Abigail rose slowly from where she sat and in the blink of an eye Paul was off the floor and gasping for breath, “tell me everything you know Paul or I swear I will make you beg for death, Abigails fangs where beard and I could see she was nearly holding on to her control”

I went to interview but felt gudbumders vice like grip on my shoulder. “Do not interfere, this might be what we need”

“Abigail ive told you everything I swear. I was at the arena with you, ive been with you both through this hole thing, I promise this isn’t my fault.”

Paul was desperate. I could see in his aura that he knew more than he was letting on. And it appeared that Abigail could sense the same. “Last chance Paul, tell me what I want to know I will start breaking bones, and you won’t enjoy it”

Paul looked around the conference room looking for support but I knew he wouldn’t find any, everyone here was loyal to jess and if Abigail thought there was cause to think Paul had put jess in this situation know one would be able to protect him from their fury.

“Okay I’ll tell you just let me go” Abigail drew him it to the wall then stalked back to her chair her eye’s never leaving Paul, what ever he did and his reason’s for doing them didn’t matter he was a dead man walking Abigail had decided his fate.

Kane came to me he knew that she was from the agency I don’t know how but he did. I told him she was the only one he didn’t know you where with her. I was just told to keep tab’s on her I swear that’s all.” He took a breath and thought about what to say next he sent me a message earlier today, he said he needed her alone in the prep room. So I did as I was told and met Kane at an assigned time and he told me what he had planed. It wasn’t supposed to end the way it did, she shouldn’t have been able to beat that many, and they where all hardened mercenaries and fighters” I began to fidget clearly uncomfortable with all eye’s on him I could feel all the killing intent aimed his way. If this guy managed to evade Abigail he wouldn’t evade the rest.

“What happened during the match how did you get out and where is Kane now” I asked trying to distract him from the other’s in the room.

“He was overjoyed at first he started to gloat that they finally got the drug perfect the as she started to rip the other fighters apart he became angry it’s was at this point that some sort of dr came in to the room and said he tripeled the does to see how much someone could survive before the body gave out he didn’t even wait for the fight to finish before he grabbed the doctor and rushed from the office that’s when I went done to the exact of the arena and waited for the match to finish so I could get Jessica out ”

I picked up my phone and called the medical wing “what ever they gave her is a dirivatev of the compound you’ve been studying but it’s at leat 3 time more potent I advices keeping her heveliy sedated and do anything you can to get a sample and then flush it from her system”

I turned to Paul “do you know where they’ve been making this shit.?”

“I think it’s down by the dock’s but that’s all I know.”

“Gudmundur I want you to find this facility and raid it you have authority to use Osaki and Danielle’s team’s, I want as many taken alive for questioning as possible and the top priority is retrieving Kane and this doctor. Do I make myself clear.”

“We will head out now. “ came gumunders quiet reply

“Kieth” I called

“Yes sir” he answered as he was about to leave in gudmundurs wake

“I have a different assignment for you” I want you to get the names addresses and any other information you can get from Paul of all those involved in the cage fight’s that includes all fighters and guest, then I want them all brought in for questioning, I also want you to organise a forensic team to go to Kane’s business and tear them apart”

“Yes sir” he grabbed Paul and took him to interrogation,

Abigail rose from her chair eye’s glued to Pauls retreating figure ”you can’t have him yet, you know that right” I said drawing her attention to my self she was close to the edge just a hairs breath from snapping.

She took a breath “ yeah I know, but he won’t live much longer do you understand”

She made to walk past me “ where are you going?”

“I’m going to sit with jess she shouldn’t be alone, and I need to be their. Don’t try to order me away from her not now. Because I won’t leave.”

As she spoke I could see the shimmer of unshed tear’s before she left me in the conference room alone.

I sat back down sourly, defeated by everything that had been happening, how was this going to end,

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