Burnout (The Holland Brothers Book 1)

Chapter 46

I’m in my truck driving when Avery calls.

“Hey, princess,” I say when I answer.

“Hey.” Her cheery voice replies, and it’s like a hit of dopamine directly into my veins. “How was your day?”

“Good. How was yours?”

“Pretty good. Practice was tough. I’m working on another vault combination and it’s similar to one I did last year, and my brain keeps trying to do that instead. It’s frustrating.”

“You’ll get it,” I assure her.

She hums a sound that’s not exactly agreement. “What about you? How’s everything there? I miss you. Oh, I got some fun news today!”

“Miss you too.” I take the first Valley exit off the freeway. “I met with the new trainer today. He’s agreed to let me put together some of my own off-track training.”

“Handstands galore?” she asks, mocking me.

“You know it. Shirtless handstands.”

“Oh no. Shirt on. I don’t want anyone ogling you when I’m not around to throw down.”

I laugh at the image of her fighting anyone. Not that she’d ever need to. I’m all hers.

“Are you back at your dorm for the night?” I ask her. “And what’s this fun news?”

“Actually, I just stopped by to see Flynn.” She must move the phone toward my baby brother because a second later he mutters a quick, “Hey, man.”

I freeze, wondering if he’s going to give me away. He knows I’m coming back this weekend, but Avery doesn’t. I wanted to surprise her, but I wasn’t expecting her to be at my house.

“Okay, so I got a call today from one of my USA teammates and she’s putting together a summer tour of some of the top gymnasts in the country, and she invited me to join.”

“Princess, that’s awesome.”

“I know! She’s only asking ten total gymnasts and I’m one of them. Can you believe it?”

“Of course, I can. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. I wish you were here to celebrate. Quinn is taking me out. Oh, and Colter says hi. I think he misses you. He keeps watching videos of your freestyle routines and talking about how much progress you made in such a short time.”

I shut the engine off and grab my bag from the back seat. “He might not need to miss me for long.”

“Are you coming back soon?” she asks, and I don’t miss the hopeful lilt in her tone.

I throw open the door, my steps faster. I’m eager to see her. The weeks are long. We’re managing on phone calls and lots of texts, but every time I leave Valley, I’m counting down until I can get back.

“Yep. Real soon.”

“When?” she asks, and I can hear her voice from the kitchen.

I toss my bag on the floor and she whips around, jaw dropping as she takes me in. She lets out an ear-piercing squeal and runs toward me and jumps. I catch her and hold her up so I can kiss her.

Damn. I missed her, and the way she’s kissing me, I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual.

Flynn clears his throat, and I chuckle as I break away from my girl. Avery flushes as I set her on the ground, but I don’t let her get far. I circle her waist with an arm and walk toward my brother.

I let her go only to hug him. I’ve missed him too. “I swear you grew another two inches this week.”

His lips curve and he puffs out his chest. “I’m taller than Hendrick now. He hates it.”

“Yeah, I bet he does.” I ruffle his hair. “Arch said you went to dinner with Dad last night. Everything good?”

I hate asking, but I know Flynn won’t talk to me about Dad after everything I’ve said about the man. And I want to know, for no other reason than I’ll never stop looking out for my baby brother.

He pauses like he isn’t sure how to respond. “Yeah. He took me out to celebrate.”

His elbow isn’t completely healed, but he’s making progress every week, and he accepted a scholarship to his top choice college in Houston, playing for his dream coach, Luka Champe. It doesn’t cover the full cost of tuition and room and board, but the way he lit up with excitement when he got the offer, I knew I’d do whatever it took to make it work. I’d do anything to see him achieve his dreams. It’s going to be tough when he goes, but I couldn’t be prouder.

“Good. I’m glad.”

He chuckles. “You are?”

I consider my words carefully. “You should have lots of people who want to celebrate your wins.”

Do I think Dad will stick around and start acting like the father Flynn deserves? No. But I’m not even sure Flynn expects that at this point. And at the end of the day, I guess all I can do is be there for him. I’ll just keep showing up in all the ways I wish someone had for me.

Flynn grabs his phone off the counter. “They’re expecting you at the bar. Can you give me a ride to the school on your way? There’s a school dance tonight.”

“Wait. They knew you were coming?” Avery asks, looking from me to Flynn and back.

“I wanted to surprise you. Quinn told me you had big news. There was no way I was going to miss your celebration.”

She lunges at me, hugging me again. I glance over her shoulder to Flynn, really seeing him. He’s wearing a button-down shirt and his jeans aren’t at all wrinkled. “Wait, did you say you wanted to go to a dance?”

After we drop off Flynn and swing by Avery’s dorm so she can change, we head to The Tipsy Rose. Archer and Brogan greet me from behind the bar. Arch doesn’t bartend, but he likes to hang back there sometimes when Brogan is working.

“Good to see you, bro,” Arch says.

Brogan sets a shot glass in front of me with pink liquid.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I’m calling it Neon Punch.” He winks.

I toss it back, grimacing at the sugary sweet taste that has a bit of a kick to it. Accurate name. I sit down and pull Avery onto my lap. I can’t stop touching her.

Colter and Quinn show up not much later. Avery stands to hug her friend, and Colter walks toward me. He holds his hands out as he looks me over and then steps forward to hug me and slap me on the back.

“How is the new team?” he asks when he pulls back.

“Good. Really good. I think it’s going to be a hell of a season.”

“I’m so stoked for you,” he says. “Miss you around here though. Everyone at the track does. Even Brooklyn has been less sunshiny, if you can believe it.”

I bark a laugh. “Yeah, I can believe it. And I miss you guys too.”

I have. Of all the teams I’ve been a part of, that one was effortless, like family. “You think you might still have room for me during the off-season months?”

He dips his head, eyes widening. “You want to come back?”

I nod. “I’ve been thinking about it. I already kick your ass in one sport. I should probably see this one through so I can show you up in freestyle too.”

He laughs loud and long. “Dream on, Holland.”

Avery and I are the first to leave the bar. As glad as I am to see everyone, I need some time alone with my girl.

Outside of the bar, we walk hand in hand toward my motorcycle. I hand her the helmet without a word, and she slides it on over her blonde head.

“Where to now?” she asks as I help her onto the bike.

“Anywhere you want, princess.”

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