Burning Vengeance

Chapter 9.

In utter shock, Fay buries her face in Alarik's chest and Celeste scoffs. "Don't bother hiding your guilty face."

"Celeste, this isn't what it looks like."

"No? So, you have a good explanation for our slaughtered comrade? You can explain why you're feeling each other up over his remains?"

"Celeste, Xander attacked first. It was self-defense." Fay tries to step in.

"Ah, so you're an honest murderer."

"I told you. It wasn't murder, it was self-defense-"

"Slaves have no right to self-defense!"

Scowling, Alarik steps in front of Fay protectively. "You can't breathe a word of this, Celeste. That's an order."

"I don't take orders from traitorous killers." She turns to leave.

"Name your price for your silence." Alarik's words resound throughout the chamber, stopping Celeste in her tracks.

"You know what I want. Your hand in marriage." Celeste turns around in one serpentine movement.

Fay's chest tightens. She feels Alarik's whole body tense. For a long moment, nobody says a word. "Consider it done."

"What? Alarik, don't let her win!"

"I already have, Fay." Celeste slinks over to Alarik, kissing his ear and whispering. "We do it tomorrow, or I blame this whole mess on your little pet."

Gently, he nods. With that, he takes Fay's hand and leads her silently back to his chambers. When he shuts the door, she rounds on him.

"You have to marry her tomorrow? You can't. We'll make a plan and-"

"It's done, Fay."

"But, why? There were other options, we can still-"

"We can't!!" Alarik bellows, his words shaking the rafters. But it isn't anger she hears in his voice, it's pain. "I can't risk your life, not for my mistake." His whole body shakes, his fists clenched. "She would've had you tortured, Fay. To the brink of death, again and again. Your fate would've been just as gruesome as if they found your mark." He steps toward her. His hand slides up her neck, drawing her to him. "This is the only way I can keep you safe. Can't you understand?" His eyes burn into hers with all the heat she felt when he kissed her. "Please, Fay." His mouth is so close to hers again, his lips brushing against hers with carnal heat. "Tell me you understand."

"Alarik, you just want to marry her, don't you?"

"Of course not." He recoils at her words. "I hate her with every fiber of my being. You must know that by now."

"I don't know what to believe. I barely have time to think when I'm trying not to die all the-" BOOM. A series of bomb-like blasts echo from the window. "Is that an attack?"

"No." Alarik walks to the window, his face illuminated by bursts of orange light. "It's an announcement." She looks out. Dragons fill the sky, sending huge blasts of flame into the air. "They're telling everyone that I've chosen my bride." Applause and bells ring out far below.

"So that's it. It's done."

Alarik nods grimly. He pulls a leather-clad outfit from his dresser and hands it to her. "Here. Put these on."

"For the wedding?"

"For a long flight. The wedding will be three days long and will be held at the Old Place."

She takes the clothes and pulls them on with his back turned. "What is the Old Place?"

"The place where dragons first appeared, out of a rip in the sky. It's all ruins now, but still considered our most sacred land." Alarik threads her thin, golden collar through his fingers. She knows it has to go back on.

"Alarik, you can put that on me, if you want."

His eyes meet hers. She pulls her hair up to expose her neck and he comes close. "You know I don't want to, but I have to." The first light of dawn peeks over the mountains as he pulls the collar back on. His fingers linger at her neck. "You need to be very careful when we leave. Far more careful than when you've been here."


"Because the dragons that live at the Old Place treat humans..... differently. Compared to them, Xander was kind."

"That sounds ominous."

"I mean for it to sound ominous. These dragons treat humans like actual beasts. You cannot be discovered by them under any circumstance."

His words make her tremble. She nods, but that's all she is able to do.

"Ready to go, my love?" Alarik's eyes darken when Celeste bursts into the room. He walks to her and Fay's dragged out by swift and ruthless guards.


The flight is as long as Alarik said it would be. After what feels like days, they land on a wild, volcanic terrain.

A guard pushes her to Alarik's side. Celeste sneers at her, wrapped around his arm. "Of course, you brought the pet."

"I am honored to attend your wedding." She bows low for Celeste, enjoying the rage she feels wafting off the dragon.

"Thanks, I guess."

"My lord. Welcome." A mysterious, cloaked dragon seems to glide as he approaches. Everyone straightens and Fay's Dragon's Mark thrums. "We were so pleased to hear that you had made your bridal selection."

"Thank you, High Priest."

To her shock, Alarik kneels before the priest and kisses the ring on his finger. Celeste bows and kisses the ring as well, then the priest turns to face Fay. "This must be your new slave." The man crosses to her slowly, looking her over. When his eyes meet hers, her mark pounds like a racing heartbeat. "Welcome, Fay." He extends his black jeweled ring for her to kiss. A mysterious aur around it pulls her in.... like a siren's song.

Alarik catches her eye behind the priest. He's tense and his words ring loudly in her memory.

Fear and anxiety grip her and her body acts without thought as she turns her back on the priest.

"Fay-" Alarik's voice is thick with shock and dismay.

"That's quite all right, my king. I can sense the girl does not know of our customs." He places a kind hand on her shoulder and a surge of power rushes through her at his touch.

When the priest walks away, Celeste rises and turns to Alarik. "This is goodbye for now, my dear. I'll miss you."


Celeste gives Alarik a painfully long kiss on the cheek before walking off into the distance.

"Is she not staying with you?" Fay asks.

"No. The bride sleeps separately until the final ceremony is complete."

"That's convenient."

"Very. But let's not discuss that here." She suddenly feels dozens of dragons staring at them. Alarik takes her arm and leads her down the path. They come to a forested campground where the whole kingdom has gathered for the festivities. "In here." Alarik's tent is the largest. It is laden with furs and draperies, warm and rugged all at once. "Get comfortable. You'll be staying in here with me."

"Not in a cage? I thought I was going to be treated like a beast here." She chuckles to herself.

"What did I tell you about joking here?"

"Sorry, I'm just nervous in this place."

"I can understand that. It must be....unsettling."

"The most unsettling thing was that priest. Who is he?"

"The High Dragon Priest. He holds more power than even I do, though he doesn't wield it often."

"What do you mean?" She raises her brows.

"No one knows how old he is, what his name is, or where his loyalty lies. He's a mystery."

"It was almost as if... he sensed my Dragon's Mark."


"He didn't do anything. I just felt this massive surge of energy. Maybe he doesn't have a problem with me."

"That would be ideal, but we can't rely on that. We'll do everything we can to cover our tracks, starting with tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"The first ceremony, a feast under the stars to honor the union. As my slave, tradition holds that you wear something that.... shows you off."

"What do you mean?"

As he speaks, he pulls on his own clothes. Her heart leaps at the sight of him. "You'll be expected to wear clothes that.... compliment your assets." The sheer lace covering his chest only accentuates his muscles. Her eyes linger there as he picks up an array of dresses for her. "Normally, I'd say fuck tradition. But I am not the leader here as you've clearly seen." He threads his fingers through the glittering straps of a silver dress. "It would be wise for you to play the part and-" he stops before he finishes his sentence.

"What? Say it."

"It's nothing. I was just going to say," undeniable color rises in his face as he hands her the gown, eyes downcast. "You'll probably look stunning, if it's any consolation."

She tugs the glistening blue dress over her body, letting the sheer tassels fall over her legs. "Wow. This is...."

Alarik turns when she speaks. When he sees her, he inhales sharply. "Fay..." his eyes dance over the thin, sparkling fabric barely covering her legs.

"Is this traditional enough, Your Grace?"

"Yes. I'd say you blend right in, but I think you'll have a hard time not standing out in this."

A new, delicious power washes over her as Alarik drinks her in. She takes a step toward him. "I don't want to distract you from your bride, my lord."

"Too late." He slips his hands over the curve of her hips, his fingers brushing against her bare skin beneath the tassels, forcing a gasp from her lips.

A sound like a cannon interrupts them. This time, she knows what it is.

"Dragonfire. Another announcement?"

"Yes. The feast is starting. We should go." He opens the tent and gestures for him to follow him out. She is careful to walk right behind Alarik as they make their way to the feast. He mutters under his breath. "Very good. Stay close."

Dozens of dragons dine by the warmth of a nearby bonfire, overlooking an ancient, ruined castle.

"You're late, my king. Is it because you had to dress this slave?" Celeste cuts through the feast in yet another gaudy gown. She looks Fay up and down. "She certainly looks.... the part."

"I agree."

Fay can feel the jealousy pour off of her in waves and bites back a victorious grin as she bows.

"Why don't you take a seat, Fay, beneath our table."

"That would be an honor, Mistress."

"We'll see if it's an honor when my foot digs into your back all night." She sinks down beneath their table. Out of sight, she's able to get a better look around. The dragons in attendance tear meat from the bone, their eyes bright and listless, far more wild than Alarik's have ever been. A shiver runs up her spine as she wonders if the slaves were ever taught language, or anything at all. Suddenly, food slops from the table above, right onto her shoulder. "I'm sorry. It seems I've made a mess."


Ignoring Alarik's warning, Celeste leans under the table and tilts her head in a mocking way at Fay. "It's for the best. The poor thing hasn't been able to eat. Lick it up, pet. Enjoy your dinner." Fay stares in horror at the foul goo that dribbles down her body. The smell alone makes her want to gag.

"You don't have to do that, Fay."

"What are you talking about? She's clearly hungry."

Rage boils up inside her and her Dragon's Mark burns. She can feel Alarik's anger too. Sensing Celeste's threat, she turns her head, closes her eyes and licks the food from her shoulder. It is cold, rancid and chokes her the second it touches her tongue. She falls to her knees and gags as Celeste laughs.

"Fay..." Alarik sighs.

Flashing a victorious grin, Celeste rises to her feet and opens her arms to the crowd. "To thank you all for celebrating our upcoming union, I've arranged some entertainment. Please, follow me."

Even Alarik looks confused by this news.

They all rise and follow Celeste. She leads the crowds to the confines of the ruined castle. Once within its crumbling walls, Fay sees something that makes her blood run cold. A large fighting pit. "It is said that there's an ancient human tradition, where two people face off in battle and fight to the death."

"Mistress, that tradition is ancient for a reason."

"I think we can bring it back with a little style." Celeste snaps her fingers and a hulking, grunting, wild man is brought forward in chains, drooling and snarling like a rabid dog. "Doesn't he look fun to play with, Fay?" Suddenly, she grabs Fay and shoves her in front of the large man. His gnashing teeth and massive fists are just inches from her.

As the man lunges for her, she steps toward him, staring him down as he screams. "Rahh!" At the very last second, he is pulled back. Her hair blows back with the force of his would-be attack.

"Not scared? We can give his leash a bit more slack."

"That's enough!"

"Oh, don't worry, my lord. I would never dream of having your precious slave damaged by such a creature." With one fluid movement, Celeste shoves the wild man into the pit, then beckons to more guards. "Bring out the opponent."

When the guards drag the opponent forward, Fay's whole body goes cold. "Please! Please, no!" Sheer dread overwhelms her as Leah struggles in her chains, completely terrified and powerless.

"The ancient humans liked to make two unlikely opponents fight, to test brawn over brains. They really were creative, weren't they?"

"Mistress, please. Leah won't give you a long, exciting fight."

"Aw, no faith in your little friend? How cruel."

"Celeste, you've gone too far."

"Why, Your Grace? You don't have any ties to this uncollared slave, do you? And you certainly wouldn't happen to know what befell her previous Master, would you?" Her threat is clear. Alarik backs down and Fay's last remaining hope disintegrates.

"Please! I'll do anything." Leah begs.

"The only thing we ask of you, my dear.... is that you give us a great show!" Celeste shoves Leah into the pit.

"Ahh!" The barbaric dragons laugh as Leah plummets 10 feet into the pit, cut up by the rocks and roots.

"Leah, no!"

The girl claws desperately at the side of the pit as the monstrous man advances on her. He raises his huge fists. "Graahhh!"

Without thinking, Fay grabs a spear from a bystanding guard and leaps into the pit.


"Fay, you shouldn't-"

"Out! Now!" She gives Leah a leg up and launches her out of the pit.

Celeste sneers down at her. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm giving you the show you wanted."

The dragon grits her teeth at those words, but Fay barely has time to register it. A tremendous fist flies toward her face. "Rahh!" She dodges just in time and the force of the man's blow sends a crack all the way up the pit. She grips the spear in her hand. It looks like it's carved from bone. With a courageous roar, she lifts the spear and runs at full speed toward the wild man. The bone blade sinks DEEP into his leg and he bellows. "Raaahhh!" Before she can get away, he grabs her by the neck and slams her into the ground, flat on her back. The wind leaves her body and she chokes.

"Fay!" Her mark burns with Alarik's panic.

The murderous monster of a man looms over her, pulling the spear from his leg. "Rahhhh!"

"You really are giving me the show I wanted. Thank you, Fay." Celeste grins triumphantly as the man raises the bloody spear over her.

"Fight, Fay! Now!" Alarik's words reach her. His message is clear, either win or die.

With an ear-splitting howl, the man brings the spear plunging down. She squeezes her eyes shut, bracing herself for the explosion of deadly pain she's about to feel. But the pain doesn't come.

Instead, there's a blinding flash of blue flame.

Alarik melts his deadly blade down to the nub so that all the monstrous man holds is a stick. He plunges the blunt rod into her stomach and she gasps, contorted in pain. "Rahhh!" The man raises the stick again, but now that Alarik is human, grabs it and knocks the man out with one swift blow.

"THIS ENDS NOW." His command shakes the ruins of the castle and everyone freezes. Everyone but Celeste.

"Why should we, Your Grace? Everyone is having a great time and the slave volunteered."

"She is no slave."

"What did you say?"

With the force of a storm, Alarik pulls her into his arms in front of everyone. "By royal decree, I claim this woman as my royal courtesan."

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