Burning Vengeance

Chapter 3.

"I didn't approve this hunt, Xander."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Your Highness. I must've been distracted by the wine that was thrown on me. But as you know, once the black bell is rung, it cannot be un-rung."

Fay's heart is in her throat. As the guards drag her past Alarik, he grabs her arm and growls under his breath. "Just stay alive. I'll find you."

"Stay alive? What do you mean?"

Before Alarik can answer, she's pulled away.

Her and the other slaves are herded into a large room. Panic and confusion hang thick in the air.

"Fay, what's going on?" Leah limps over to her, weak and shaking from Xander's torturous bite.

"I don't know, but everything will be alright. We'll get through this."


"By being smart. We just have to be careful and calculated. We'll outwit them."

"Do you really think that'll work?"

"Yes. We'll be fine as long as we stick together."

Suddenly, a guard grabs her, pulling her away from Leah. "Fay!"

She struggles, but it's no use. The guard throws her into a small room. She's shocked when she sees who's waiting for her there. "You really do have a naughty streak, little slave." Celeste glides over to Fay, her blood red lips curling into a sadistic smile. "It wasn't smart pissing off Xander. I doubt you'll survive the night."

"What do you mean? What is this hunt?"

"It's a game we like to play with the new slaves. You're all rounded up, dressed in our favorite color, which is gold and you're set free."

"Set free? There has to be a catch."

"The catch? You are, of course. We'll be hunting you. If one of us catches you before dawn, we get to do whatever we want to you, for a whole night." Fay's blood runs cold. Celeste drags her long, bony finger under her chin, her voice sickeningly sweet. "You know... a night can feel like awfully long time, especially with someone like me. But I'm nothing compared to Xander." Fay tries not to shake as Celeste shoves her toward a pile of gold clothes. "Good luck tonight. When someone catches Xander's eyes, they never last long. And you have certainly caught his eye." She slams the door behind her, leaving Fay alone.

Trying not to panic, she turns to the clothes. She sifts through the pile of fabric. Most of what she finds are skimpy, barely-there dresses. But then she finds something at the very bottom, an outfit made of thick, sturdy material. Inside its pocket is a piece of paper. It reads, 'Remember. Stay alive. I'll find you.'

She pulls on a ruffled top and matching shorts.

She wants to make a plan, have time to think, but the second she's clothed, a guard bursts in and hauls her out.

"Let go of me!" She's lead into the cold night air, where dozens of frightened humans are being chained.

Someone comes up behind her, purring in her ear. "Run fast, little girl. I love a good chase."

"Xander, come for me. I dare you."

"Mmm, brave. That's cute. But a few hours alone with me and you'll forget what courage even means." An ice cold shiver runs down her spine. She turns to face him, but he slips a blindfold over her eyes. "I look forward to our time together, after I catch you."

"Go to hell, you sick-" with an alarming amount of strength, he shoves her into a dragon's talon, before she launches into the air.


After a day-long flight, the dragon lands and her blindfold is ripped off to reveal a vast expanse of twisted metal and concrete.

"Welcome to our hunting ground, little pets." With his telltale grin, Xander saunters over to them. "By now you all know what'll happen if we catch you before dawn. There's just one rule to this little game. Run as fast as you can." With that, Xander twists and morphs into a massive green dragon. His roar shakes the earth beneath her feet.

Fay and the other slaves break into a dead run, scattering throughout the fallen city. Several humans scream around her as they are immediately scooped up by waiting dragons. But miraculously, she's a bit faster. She swings down off a high bridge and sprints. "Leah!" She splashes through thick puddles of sludge, screaming her best friend's name. The roar of a dragon almost pierces her eardrums. She dives out of the way just as it swoops down to catch her. She spots the large puddles on the ground, an idea forming in her head. On her knees, she scoops up oil from the cars and slathers it all over her clothes and skin.

Suddenly, a huge cascade of fire, like a tidal wave, comes rolling toward her. She sprints for the car, flinging herself through a cracked windshield just in time. The scalding flames blow past her and she curls up beneath the torn seat as the car gets hotter and hotter. After what feels like forever, the flames and the dragon who made them, pass. She sits up.

"Please, don't!" A young man's desperate cries cut through the darkness. She kicks out the door of the car and bolts in the direction of the screams. She skids to a halt before a mountain of abandoned junkyard cars, staring up at it in wonder. Without warning, a slim young man is tossed over the cars. His body crunches against the metal as he crashes to the ground. "S-stop...."

Two dragons pounce from above, shifting down into their human forms. Forms she recognizes. "Stop? Don't be a weak little shit."

"Yeah, our fun is just beginning."

Her heart breaks as the bigger dragon shoves his foot into the young slave's back, crushing him. "Stop.... I'll do anything...."

"The only thing we want you to do is scream."

As he struggles beneath the dragon's foot, the boy spots her. He reaches for her with a shaking, bloody hand. "H-help me.... please..."

With a heavy heart, she turns away.

"There you are, Fay." She freezes when she hears Xander's foul words in her ear. He's right behind her. She dodges left. Thankfully, he swipes right. She takes off running as fast as her legs can carry her. She makes it to the edge of what looks like a torn up festival. She thinks it's called an 'amusement park'. She's about to hide when something massive hits her from behind, knocking the wind out of her. "Found you." Xander pins her to the ground. She struggles, but he catches both of her wrists above his head.

"No! Get off of me!"

"You're quite the spicy little treat. Let me have a taste." She fights with all her might, kicking and clawing, but it's no use. He's too strong. He drags his long, stale tongue up her neck and she screams. "Mmm. Delicious."

"Stop it, or I'll bite your cock off."

"Oh, thinking about my cock already. You're one naughty little girl." Xander shoves her deeper into the ground, his body hot and heavy above hers. "Now, let's have some real fun." He leans down, his mouth open but is thrown off her with the force of a bomb.

"Don't you dare touch her." Alarik stands over her, his immense, formidable body seething with rage.

Xander glares, circling her with rage. "I caught her. That's the rule of the game, is it not?"

"My power is greater than the rules of this game. Back off." Fangs bared, Xander growls, dropping into a fighting stance. But Alarik's eyes flash blue and smoke hisses from his mouth. Fay can hear his knuckles crack. "Try it. I dare you."

Xander considers it, looking from her to Alarik. But he drops his fists. "Okay, she's yours. I'll catch that girl, Leah, instead. After all, I can smell her a mile away. She's covered in my scent anyway."

Fay's stomach lurches. Xander shifts into his great dragon form and soars off toward the ferris wheel. "Are you all right?" Alarik takes her face in his hands. She can feel his pulse racing as his eyes bore into hers.

"I'm perfectly alright. But I won't be if something happens to Leah."

A scream rips through the night. Leah. "We have to save her! Please!"

"That's not how this is done. Every dragon can only catch one slave."

"But you're the Dragon King! Make up your own rules."

"And break centuries of tradition?"

"You said it yourself: your power is greater than the rules of this game. Was that a lie?"

Her words hit him hard. Alarik looks up at the ferris wheel in the darkness, where the scream comes from. He thinks hard, before grabbing her hand and breaks into a windswept sprint. She can barely keep up with him. When they come to the rusted ferris wheel, she looks up in horror. There, at the very top, Xander dangles Leah over the edge by her throat. "Fay!"

"What do you want to do, Fay?"

Even from the ground, she can see Leah's panicked tears sparkle in her eyes. "We have to save Leah. No matter what."

Alarik nods, then grabs her and leaps. They land on the top of the ferris wheel. "Hold it, Xander. Your new slave caught my eye at dinner. I'd like a taste of her before you toss her away. After all, we did skip dessert."

"You already have a sweet treat at your feet. I'm not giving you mine as well. But I'd be happy to trade." Her heart pounds in her throat.

"That's not happening, Xander. You'll give me both of them."

"And why's that?"

"Because I am your king. Don't forget your place." Alarik's words shake the ferries wheel. It sways dangerously as the two dragons face off. Fury blazes in Xander's eyes.

After a moment that feels like eternity, he hands Leah over. "You owe me one, Alarik." With one final glare, they both leap into the air, shifting into their dragon forms.

As Xander flies away, the great black dragon that is Alarik scoops them up and they soar back to the castle. Back in Alarik's chambers, he carries Leah to his bed and lays her down. Fay hugs her bitten, bruised body. "Th-thank you, Fay. You've always kept me safe."

"I should have found you sooner."

"No. You did everything you could. I'm grateful."

Alarik orders the infirmary to pick Leah up and tend to her wounds. She's carried away. When Alarik shuts the door, his muscles tense. He looks like he might break the handle. "Now that we're alone, tell me the truth. Are you really alright?"

"I am. Thanks to you saving me. If you hadn't come when you did, I'm sure Xander would've-" her words are stolen from her mouth when Alarik crosses the room. He grips her shoulders with quaking fury.

"I really thought.... for a second Xander had....." a low, tremulous growl rumbles from his broad chest and his eyes flash blue. Grabbing her wrist, he pulls her across the room. A sudden, sharp fear grips her heart. He pulls her into a large, luxurious bathroom, turning the water on in the tub. When the hot, soapy water swirls high in the basin, he grabs a cloth, dipping it and wringing it out. "You're covered in dirt and blood and that bastard's fucking scent. I can't stand it. I need it off of you." She stands in the doorway, staring at the man, the dragon, before her.... at the steam curling around his powerful body. Sensing her hesitation, Alarik softens. "I won't hurt you. I'm nothing like him." He holds his hand out to her, warm water dripping from his skin. "Trust me. Please."

Covering herself with her arms, she steps away from Alarik. "Thanks, but I'm okay. I'm not that dirty."

"Would you rather I leave? You can bathe alone if you'd like." She considers Alarik's offer, when she opens her mouth to answer, she's cut off.

"Alarik?" Celeste's syrupy-thick voice brings the pain of her wounds back in full force. The dragon saunters into the bathroom, sliding her hand up the doorway as though she's going to fuck it. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you."

"What do you want, Celeste?"

"Is that any way to talk to your future queen?"

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