Burning Vengeance

Chapter 19.

"Fay.... my powers...."

"Alarik, you don't need that power."

"I..... I know that."

"So confident, brother. I really believe you." Killian's voice drips with sarcasm.

She opens her mouth to fight him, but she's cut off with a horrible scream. Alarik's scream. "Raaahhh!" When she whips around to face him, her heart seizes in her chest. Killian's guards throw heavy chains over his body and stab spears into his limbs.

"Alarik!" She sprints for him, but Killian appears in front of her with breakneck speed.

"No need to spend time with your old mate, Fay. You're mine now."

"I will die before I let you touch me."

"No, no, no. We can't have you die. Not for a very long time." She tries to twist out of his grasp, but he pulls her into his body, wrapping his arms around her like a cage. "See, I need you around. I want you around. Without you, none of my plans are possible."

"Those plans can burn in hell with you."

"I'm sure you'd like that, considering what they involve for you." Killian sniffs her hair, his words leaking into her ear like poison. "I'll hang you naked while I slaughter the rest of your kind. One by one, until you're the last living human on this earth." He licks her neck. "I'll take my time killing them. So much time."

"You're sociopathic."

"Mmm, yes. The first of many things you'll call me before I'm through with you, my little plaything." His hand snakes up her throat, holding her even closer to him. She feels him grow hard at her back.

"Let go of her!" Alarik tries to move, tries to fight, but his blood seeps violently from his speared limbs.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of your little slave, Alarik. I'll lock her in a cell, deep underground.... when I'm not using her body, of course."

"You son of a-"

She sinks her teeth into his fingers, clear to the bone. Swearing, he yanks his hand back, shoving her into the ground with so much force her knees crack the floor. "You little cunt. Seems you're in need of a lesson from your new Master." He begins to morph, his half-dragon form a hulking, menacing sight. "Let's start with watching everyone you've ever known die."

Finally free, she tries to run for Alarik. His eyes burn into hers from across the room. "No. Run away, Fay." Her brain blurs as Killian's blood red dragon form roars over her. His eyes rage blue. His wings stretch so far now that they scrape the sides of the cavernous room. He slaps those wings and the blow knocks her to the ground before she can reach Alarik. Rising in the air, he imprisons her in his talon. "Fay!" As she's propelled up, up out of the room, Alarik tears himself apart, ripping free of the spears to save her.

"No! Alarik, don't!"

"I won't stop. I'll never stop, Fay. I-" his words are drowned out as she careens into the frigid night sky.

Wind lashes at her face as Killian tears through the darkness. When her hometown comes into view, her heart nearly stops. "Killian, don't you fucking dare." His growl seems almost mocking. She knows he has no intention of stopping. But a burst of orange flame blocks Killian's path. He rears back as Alarik comes into view. His eyes glow gold in the darkness, his wings and legs tattered from his hasty escape. But there's something in him that Killian lacks: resolve. With a ferocity only Alarik possesses, he snaps at Killian mid-air, weaving through the clouds in pursuit.

They near the town. Alarik roars with desperation, dodging a burst of blue flame and dives for her. The height and speed at which they fly are simply too great. She backs of her reckless plan. But almost as though reading her mind or sensing her fear, Killian opens his claw and drops her. "No!" The fall is harsh, churching her stomach as she plummets for an unspeakable amount of time. She braces herself for the impact, but it's not the ground that slams against her. It's Alarik's back. "Thank you. So much." She wraps her legs around Alarik's familiar, powerful body, strengthening her hold on his scales. "We're heading into battle. Let's do this together." Alarik roars in agreement and they slice into the dark storm clouds. Killian disappears into the thick fog as well and suddenly, everything is quiet. Too quiet. "Alarik, I think he's going to come out of nowhere. Watch your right side." He growls in agreement, his powerful head turning to the right at her command. Sure enough, out of nowhere, blue murderous eyes flash out of the darkness to the right, followed by bloodstained jaws. With her help, he barrels out of the way. They duck and soar up, flipping around to face Killian. Alarik spits a massive stream of dragonfire at Killian, but he flies through it like it's nothing. With a sickening grin, he jettisons straight for them, head-on. "Alarik, dive out of the way!" The dragon grunts in agreement, diving right before Killian breathes his fire. Killian growls in frustration and swoops after them. He dives down, down out of the clouds, heading straight for them, then turns. But when she sees what he's planning, the world goes utterly quiet and still. Killian soars low over her hometown, opens his deadly maw and sprays his horrific blue dragonflame over the town. The town explodes and the screams that follow shatter her heart. Hot, angry tears streak her cheeks as she sees small children running from burning buildings. The growl and immense beat of Alarik's wings are all he needs to tell her what he craves: vengeance. Killian flies high above, his draconic rumble like taunting laughter. Her blood boils with renewed rage. She wants nothing more than revenge, she can practically taste it on her tongue. But Alarik is too weak. Swearing under her breath, they turn away from Killian, his mocking roar loud in her ears. "Take me to the town. I need to help them." Alarik nods and dives for the town. When he swoops low to the ground, she jumps off in the town square, completely engulfed in blue flame. Men, women, children and animals all sprint past her, some on fire, others choking from the smoke. Her chest tightens. "Everyone, follow me!" She yells as loud as she can, getting the attention of many overwhelmed townspeople. They rush over to her. Her thought is cut off when the ground beneath her quakes. Killian lands right in front of her, blocking her path. Alarik dive-bombs Killian, but a burst of blue flame sends the black dragon careening backwards. "Alarik!" She tries to run for him, but Killian's massive claw flies through the air, heading straight for her. She slams into the ground, right before Killian's claw makes contact with her body. Then, she runs. . She dives through the town square, dodging his claws and blue, torching flame. But he doesn't relent. Ducking low, she runs with all her might, sprinting out into the fields beyond the town. A barrage of flame lights the field on fire, nearly licking her ankles. "Killian, you're so pathetic." His roar is earsplitting, it rattles her bones, but she knows she has to keep moving. He tries to crush her, to torch her. She dives out of the way as best she can, quickly losing stamina. With a blow that rivals that of a bomb, Killian hits her with his tail, slamming her into the ground. The growl that rumbles from his throat sounds like a mocking laugh. He opens his mouth, coming closer and closer. Prepared for the worst, she glares daggers at Killian, staring deep into his murderous blue eyes. "Do your worst." His countless rows of razor-sharp teeth, gripping with venom, bare down on her arm. But right before he makes contact with her, he is smashed out of the way. Alarik roars protectively, diving on top of Killian. They fight bitterly, a storm of teeth, talons, flames of blue and gold. Killian pins Alarik's thrashing body, but he won't relent. Alarik fights hard beneath Killian's massive talon, to no avail. Killian gathers a huge ball of blue flame in his jaws. She clutches her chest, desperate for any solution, any answer. Suddenly, the familiar weight of the golden, spelled dagger forms in her hand. She stares at the dagger, her heart pounding in her ears. She's the heart of all this power. She wraps her fingers tight around the hilt of the dagger, the answer so clear. She raises the knife high over her head and brings it down into her stomach. "Nngh!" A shockwave bursts forth from her mortally-wounded body, knocking the twin dragons off-balance. Killian's Dragon's Mark slowly disappears from her arm. She falls to her knees, locking eyes with Alarik across the field. The sound that leaves his mouth is no less than a scream. Shaking, weak, she still finds the strength to smile. "It's okay, Alarik. I'm-" she coughs and blood spatters in the dirt.

Alarik shifts, sprinting for her at a speed she's never seen him reach. "Fay!" He catches her as she falls, panic and fear churning in his eyes like a storm all their own, but a new sound cuts in.

An anguished cry.... from Killian.

He twists, bellows, the blue light in his eyes flickering to nothing. He shifts back into his human form, drained of his newfound power. "No.... no!"


Killian's demise awakens something in her. A small light soon to burn out, glows bright and hot one last time. With a surge of strength, she rises to her feet.

"Fay, don't-"

"It's okay, Alarik. I have to do this." Her body buzzes, blood coursing through her veins. It's as if an invisible field falls over her wounded stomach. She whispers the whisper of her power, beckoning her. Slowly, with intention, she whispers, beckoning her power into her. "Let me use you, before the end." The blue dragonflame that licks the field rushes in, wrapping itself around her, becoming one with her.

"What.... what are you...."

"I'm ending this." Her eyes flame, alight with the same blue power that Alarik and Killian once possessed. "The power of the Dragon King is mine."

"Bullshit. You're just a fucking human, a half-dead one at that. You can't possibly control the power of my forefathers."

"I can do more than that, Killian. I can tear you apart."

His eyes grow wide. She feels her feet lift off the ground and a swirling cyclone of blue fire churns around her, ready to do her bidding. With all the force of a Dragon King, she summons forth her whips of fire. The fiery ropes sling tight around Killian's limbs and throat, lifting him high into the air.

"This is..... impossible...."

"You only think it's impossible because you don't believe in humans." She strides toward Killian, stoic and whole. "You don't believe in anyone other than yourself."

"I see now that I made a mistake in keeping you alive. When I get this power back, I'll end no. No matter what it fucking takes."

"That won't happen."

He thrashes in his bonds, trying to tear the fiery bindings from his body. She tightens a fist mid-air, willing the tethers of flame to squeeze tight. They answer her call, closing in on Killian's throat. He struggles to breathe.


"Apologize, you bastard."

"For what?"

"For everything. For torturing your people, for imprisoning me, for trying to kill Alarik.... and for killing my twin brother. Apologize and I'll make this quick." She flicks her wrist and the flames squeeze him tighter. He winces.

"I'm..... sorry..... for not doing more." Her mouth falls open at his words. He flashes a bloody grin and laughs. "I'm sorry I didn't make your brother's death slower. I'm sorry you don't have a memory of that little prick screaming. I'm sorry I didn't show you true suffering. Back then.... and now." He spits in her face.

She wipes it away, a vicious heat rising in her soul. "No more words, Killian. You're done."

"I'm-" but she steals the words from his mouth when she commands her flames to stretch his limbs, further and further. He thinks she's going to stop, to show him mercy. She can see it in his eyes.

"The only mercy I'll show you is a quicker death than you deserve." She pulls her arm back. The flames tear his limbs from his body. He detonates in a haze of blood and gore. With that, she lets go. The cyclone of fire, the flames of her wrath, all of it ends in a sparkling, painless burst. Exhausted, she falls backwards into Alarik's waiting arms.

"My God....Fay...."

"Alarik, I'm sorry, I had to. I know he was your brother, I just couldn't-"

"No. You have nothing to apologize for." He holds her close, choking back some unspoken emotion.

She reaches up to touch him, but a wrenching pain, unlike anything she's ever felt, grips her body. She curls in on herself, clutching her wound. The last of her protective power melts away and blood pours through her fingers. "Fay, no."

"It was worth it."

"You're right, you did amazing. Now we just...." he pulls her closer to him, his body shaking as she bleeds out. "We can save you. We just have to-"


"No! You can't go, Fay." He shakes his head, gritting his teeth. "You can't leave me."

"I don't want to, either."

"I know. So, we'll find a way. We can." Something wet hits her face. She looks up. Tears fall from Alarik's eyes. He swears over her, wracked with grief and panic. "Please, please, please."

Her blood pools, black and thick, between her and Alarik. She trembles in his arms. Tears fall from her own eyes as she grows colder and colder. Her breath hitches. "Alarik, I.... I'm sorry...."

"No. Don't go, Fay. You can't, do you hear me?" He pulls her to him, his lips brushing against hers. "You can't go, because I.... I love you." Waves of emotion crash over her, stronger than the most fierce dragonfire. She can hardly believe her ears. "I love you so much, Fay. So much that it could kill me."

She stares up at Alaik, overwhelmed with the conviction of his words. "Alarik, I can't think straight." She can see her answer sting him. He winces, but quickly shakes it off.

"That's okay. You don't have to say anything, just hear me. Hear me and believe me. I love you and I won't let you go." Alarik's lips meet hers. Her blood-soaked hands slide up through his hair, pulling him tighter against her. Her tongue plunges into his mouth, tangling with his. She loses herself in the feeling of him on top of his, this dragon that loves her with pure, unadulterated passion. Then something happens. "What?" Alarik's eyes burn bright blue and a blanket of warmth overtakes the gripping cold that promised her death.

"Is this magic?"

"Yes. Maybe. I don't know, Fay, you're...." she feels her wound ebb, her body restitching itself back together as life rushes back into her. The blanket of warmth travels up not one arm, but both and down her back. "Fay, your Dragon's Mark. It's complete."

She looks down. Sure enough, Alarik's beautiful, familiar mark whorls down both of her arms and her spine. "Alarik, it's...... it's a miracle."

He pulls her close again, his eyes sparkling. "Yes, it is." But just as quickly as the light appears in his eyes, it falters. A churchbell tolls in the distance. He chokes and falls back.

"Alarik, what is it? What's wrong?"

"My powers are restored. And well.... it's my birthday." The very earth seems to shift beneath her at his words. He looks at her with a heartbreaking smile. "It's me who will be saying goodbye to you."

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