Burning Star

Chapter 1 – Overjoyed

Amelia had always thought the garden to be the Star Temple’s most breathtaking place. She enjoyed the serenity of walking through the magical flora. Yet, it was with a heavy heart that she stepped from the staircase and walked deeper into the natural art.

Lost in thought, she walked aimlessly. Today’s studies were already over, and all she could do now was wait for the morrow to come around. It was all she could ever do—wait.

“Is something wrong, Amelia?” Garnet asked.

Amelia halted. He was standing with his back towards her amongst the flora in the temple garden. How had he known she was there? She stopped in the middle of the flowers and looked down to the ground. “No, Elder Garnet.”

“I recognize a troubled mind when I see one,” he said, followed by a small chuckle. “I’ve seen a few of them in my later years—believe it or not.” She could hear him coming closer, and soon after, his hand guided her head upwards. “What’s troubling you, dear?”

Amelia didn’t know how to explain it. Time had passed so quickly, and her year-day was here again. Of course, this wasn’t her actual day of birth, but it was the closest thing she had. Exhaling deeply, she gathered up the courage to speak, “You know that my year day is in two sunsets.”

He nodded. “Yes, I am aware of that.”

Amelia hesitated. Garnet didn’t like to think of this day more than necessary. She knew that he played overjoyed for her, but inside her was hurting. It had something to do with the lost Star who helped her out. Eric had told the story so many times, yet she couldn’t remember everything. There were simply too much information inside her head.

“Amelia?” he asked. She turned her head to see the older man with a cocked eyebrow.

“Do you think they’ll come back for that?” she blurted. Realizing the bold way she’d spoken, she bit her bottom lip in shame.

Think, Amelia. Think before you speak, she scolded herself.

Garnet chuckled heartily and placed a hand on her shoulder. “They’ve never missed your year day before, dear.”

“But what if they do?” Her hands started to become moist with sweat—she was nervous.

He was silent for a while before he smiled at her. “Walk with me, Amelia.”

She obliged and followed him as he started to walk through the garden. They passed her favorite place: the bench with surrounding begonias and she sighed in contempt at the sight of the little flowerbed with Star catchers.

The yellow flower, which had the night sky in its petals, shone bright even in the daylight. She stopped and bent down to caress the soft petals. Something as simple as being near this flower helped in making all of her worries disappear.

“You are aware what they’re doing, aren’t you?” Garnet asked.

She didn’t look at him, just moved her head up and down in a small nod.

“And you understand the importance of their task?”

Amelia gulped. “Yes, Elder Garnet.” She exhaled. “Their work is to unite the old country with the rest of Astron, along with making the people of Astron aware of the Black Holes existence.”

“Very well.” Garnet sat down on the bench. “And yet, every time your year day arrives, they turn back home, simply for you.”

“I know.” Amelia bowed her head in shame. It was selfish of her to wish they’d come home to her when the country needed them more than she did. “I apologize.”

“Don’t be silly, dear.” Garnet scoffed. “We all wish for them to return—even me.”

Amelia turned around and smiled at the Elder. She couldn’t complain about her life. She’d been placed in safety here at the temple while her body grew to her true age, and Garnet had been more than helpful throughout everything. She couldn’t think of anything he wouldn’t do for her.

“I just miss them,” she muttered. After her escape, five years had passed, and in the time, she’d spent less than two full moons time with Eric and Joshua. It broke her heart, but she knew it was for the better—she shouldn’t complain.

“Me too, Amelia.” Garnet rose from the bench. “But they’ll be here, I got word from a guard that they’re already heading our way now.”

Amelia was speechless; she didn’t know how to respond to that. The corners of her mouth dragged up to a big grin.

They’re coming home!

She couldn’t move for what seemed like an eternity before she started to run to her room—she needed to prepare. She ran through the halls, passing servants of the temple with every turn. There was nothing stopping her now. They’d gotten word about his return, which was terrific.

Finally, Amelia burst through the door to her room, her heart pounding and a goofy smile on her lips. She halted in the middle of the room and looked around. There was no way to count the times she’d already been inside this room, yet somehow she felt alienated to everything around her. The large bed with the embroidered linen sheets, the small vanity table and even her own art that decorated the wall seemed foreign.

Nothing seemed the same, and she knew why. A giggle escaped her lips, and she ran over to grab her brush. She didn’t need to look at her reflection—this had already become a routine. She would comb through her locks fifty times, to keep it soft and pretty.

Of course, Elder Garnet didn’t understand why she insisted on keeping her hair long, and there was no way that Amelia would explain it to him. She’d already faced too many embarrassments with that man. Going through all of puberty in five years was hard enough when her only role model was an old man—there wasn’t any need to tell him about her secrets.

Joshua and Eric will be home tomorrow, she thought.

Smiling at her reflection briefly, she finally admitted that she’d missed them. It’s been over twelve moons since they were home the last time, and before that, it had been twelve moons, as well.

This cycle had been ongoing for five years now, but Garnet said there was progress in their work. That meant they might stay for longer this time—something that Amelia didn’t mind at all. Even though it was selfish, she wished they could stay forever with her here.

She stripped out of her dress and looked at her naked body in the mirror. It was a grown-up body. Her skin was pale because Garnet insisted she’d only be in the shadows. She wasn’t weighty, and only a small bulge was visible on her stomach—she blamed the temple cakes.

Could this be what enticed Eric? She didn’t know much about love, Garnet had flushed beetroot red when she’d asked him for advice. The only information she had gathered was from books she’d read. Apparently, men liked naked women—it made them excited.

Just like Eric does, she thought.

One time, she’d been snooping around in Eric’s room and found some pictures of a naked woman. Amelia hadn’t recognized her, and they weren’t especially quality pictures; the woman didn’t smile, or even open her eyes. The focus was obviously on the body—although Amelia didn’t understand why.

The different poses on the picture had been ridiculous. Her bosom had been pushed forward in a way that seemed almost offensive. Amelia didn’t think she could look like that even if she tried. There was only one thing that she could imitate—the hair.

After realizing that this woman on the pictures meant something to Eric, Amelia had wondered how she could attract that attention, as well. Granted, she didn’t want to expose herself, but maybe if she made herself resemble the woman.

She combed through her long hair with her fingers and studied her own appearance in the mirror. The little box with pictures had been underneath Eric’s bed. That meant it was dear to him—just like Amelia’s diary was dear to her. A person only hid their dearest possessions beneath their bed, she’d read that somewhere before.

Amelia stopped playing with her hair, and walked over to her bed. Bending down, she grabbed her diary. It was a massive secret, but Amelia had taken one of Eric’s picture. Stealing was bad—she knew that. But she couldn’t help herself—she needed to learn.

Taking out the picture, she studied it carefully. Solem, that’s a hefty chest. Her eyes widened, and she jerked her head up to stare at her reflection in the mirror. Her own torso didn’t live up to that in the slightest.

The woman also had her neck arched back. Her dark brown hair cascaded beautifully behind her shoulders. Amelia had been thrilled to discover that their hair color was similar. That meant there was a higher chance for her experiment to work.

She packed away her diary, and then moved to kneel beside her bed.

“Merciful Solem,” she prayed with her eyes closed. “I seek guidance from you, hoping you’ll bless the world with you wisdom.”

The prayers never worked, and when she explained it to Garnet, he said that the Goddess didn’t grant personal wishes—the world was too big for one person. So Amelia had done the right thing and started praying for the world instead. Maybe Solem would listen then.

And maybe—just maybe—Eric would notice her along the way, she thought.

Then she rose from the floor and sat down on the bed. Her guardians would be here tomorrow, and she was bursting with excitement already. She needed rest so she wouldn’t be tired when they told the tales of the country. There was no chance she’d miss even a second of their time here. They were finally coming home to her. With that thought in her head, she leaned back and closed her eyes.

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