Burn for Burn

: Chapter 40

EVERYTHING’S SPINNING. IT’S LIKE I’M ON A TOO FAST merry-go-round. There are too many people; there’s too much noise. It’s all static. I’m walking, moving without purpose or direction, just following the surge of the crowd. I feel like I’m in a trance. I have to stop and steady myself against a building.

And then Kat’s in front of me, and suddenly everything stops moving.

I stare at the trickle of blood running down the side of her face. I’ve hurt her, too.

“Are you okay, Mary?”

I start to shake.

You can only chalk up things to coincidence so many times before you have to face the truth. It wasn’t wind that day that made the lockers slam shut. It wasn’t a misstep that made Rennie almost fall off the pyramid. And tonight, the lights popping, the surge of electricity.

It was me.

Urgently, Kat says, “Let’s get out of here.”

She reaches for my arm, but I back away. No. I am not leaving. I’m not going anywhere. Not before I know if Reeve is okay or not. Kat’s losing her patience with me, I can tell. “Mary. We have to go. NOW!”

“This is my fault, Kat. I did this.”

“Shut up, Mary. It was an accident. Reeve must have had an allergic reaction to something.”

I press my lips together and fight back the tears. “You’re bleeding. I hurt you.”

She shakes her head incredulously. “Are you serious? Mary, that was a power surge. Or something. Whatever. Please. I’m begging you. Let’s just get out of here, okay? We need to lay low and get in touch with Lillia.”

“I never wanted to hurt him.” As soon as the words come, so do my tears. I cry like my heart is breaking, because it is. “Is he dead?” I ask, my voice breaking. “Is he?” When Kat doesn’t answer, I fall to my knees, put my head in my hands.

Reeve might die tonight.

It makes me want to die too.

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