Bulletproof Baby: An Age Gap, Surprise Pregnancy Mafia Romance (Mafia Mysteries)

Chapter 11

Don’t talk about me like I’m not standing here in front of you, Valentino,’ I warn him. ‘I’m still here because I have no idea who the hell this guy is or why he’s following me to my car.’

I shoot the handsome stranger a scathing glare that Valentino stands up to address. ‘Lia, this is Armande, my second in command. I trust him with my life⁠—’

I cut him off. ‘It doesn’t matter. What are you doing here? Are you following me again?’

Armande chuckles to himself, interjecting, ‘He’s here for me. I’ve been trying to get him to refocus on work since he’s been distracted lately.’

The way he stares at me from head to toe lets me know I’m the subject of that distraction. In a matter of seconds, I have an entirely new set of problems and questions. My life is spinning out of control in the hands of made men, La Familia.

The same man who auctioned me off over the weekend appears at our table with an expression I can’t quite read. He’s flamboyant, but not like my cousin, Frankie. No, this guy is like a character from one of those ’80s cop shows Pop likes to watch with his silk shirt that leaves the top three buttons undone. His curly hair is slicked back, and gold jewelry dangles around his neck. There’s an indescribable flair about him and it’s clear he’s a man of power and intrigue.

‘Your room is ready Mr. Laurentis. Would you like a room as well, Mr. Barrone?’ He asks with a smile as he shifts his gaze toward me. It feels like everyone in the dining area is waiting for me to answer for Valentino.

Valentino’s reply is abrupt. ‘No, Dimitri. Armande is free to enjoy himself on my tab.’

Armande tips his head toward Valentino. ‘Why thank you, oh Malevolent One.’

‘Don’t be a dick,’ Valentino tells Armande.

Dimitri asks Valentino the question again, his eyes still shifting between us. ‘Are you sure I can’t get you and the lovely Lia a stage for a scene? It’s been so long, since you’ve, um, participated. She looks perfect for your particular tastes.’

Valentino’s voice is stern this time. ‘No, Dimitri. We’re leaving.’

Valentino’s out of his seat as Armande and Dimitri venture off toward the velvet curtain, disappearing deeper into the club. Curiosity tugs at me, but with Valentino’s firm hand pressing against the small of my back, he leads me outside.

There’s a breeze blowing through the night. People walk up and down the street as if my life’s not flipping upside down at every turn.

‘What was he talking about? A stage? A scene? What’s behind that curtain?’ I ask Valentino once we’re outside and heading toward my car. We stop just as we reach the passenger side door, his eyes traveling up and down the sidewalk at the scarce amount of people walking by.

‘That’s not a conversation I want to have out here. Are you safe to drive?’ he asks.

‘I’m fine. I didn’t get to eat or drink anything before you showed up. What was that all about, Valentino? Just tell me what’s going on. Why are you making deals with a man you clearly hate?’

Valentino sighs. ‘Saul made an interesting point. He doesn’t interfere with my business and it’s not right that I interfere with his. The only reason I stepped in, helping your family, is because of what’s going on between us.’

‘Between us? We just met. You did me a favor by taking my virginity. Now that I know it’s only made me a better fit for Saul’s plans, I hate that this is happening. I just want to disappear. I want this all to go away.’ I try to fight back tears, but the strength of Valentino’s arms when he pulls me into his embrace encourages me to let go.

I stand strong, gently pushing back to get inside my car. Valentino’s light blue eyes hold me in a trance, but I turn away, reminding him, ‘You still haven’t answered my question. Why are you making deals with Saul?’

‘To keep you safe and to stop a war from igniting,’ he says, shoving his hands into his pockets. ‘We need Saul compliant for now until I can make sure you and your family are safe. Saul revealed it was one of his guys your parents, um, disposed of.’

I tell him, ‘Yeah, he said as much the other night. He wants the business because my parents secured some small business lottery? They get city contracts. I knew we landed the Saint Bartholomew’s job fairly easily. If they would have known it was an invitation for the mob, I’m sure they would have stuck to their normal clients and referrals. It just feels like we’re never going to get out from under this. I’m sorry I dragged you into this, Valentino.’

He laughs softly. ‘You didn’t do anything. My ego got me into this, and you? You’re what’s keeping me here. I already have an idea of what we can do. I just need to put a few things in place.’

Valentino circles around to the driver’s side of my car, opening my door for me to get in. A part of me wants him to do more, a kiss, a gesture of desire, something to erase Saul from my palate. Instead, he closes the door, wishing me a safe trip home.

The drive home has my mind reeling, but not so much that I can’t see the car behind me. I wonder if it’s Valentino, but I can’t see the face behind the wheel, only the blur of an image behind the bright headlights.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise as the car behind me follows me one turn after another. Even when another car maneuvers between us, I can see the glint of their silver sedan, a scratch above the headlight, keeping pace with me. Nerves and anxiety consume me, stopping me from heading directly to my apartment.

Who is that?

I can’t help myself as I shout to my phone assistant to call Valentino.

He answers immediately. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Are you following me?’

‘What?’ The anxiety in his voice sounds like it’s rising to match my own. ‘Where are you?’

‘I’m not far from my apartment, but I could be imagining it. I think dinner with Saul has me shaken up.’

‘Can you get to your parents’ place safely?’ he asks.

‘I can,’ I tell him, and immediately change directions to head toward the house within walking distance of my apartment.

‘I’ll stay on the phone until you get there. I’m making my way toward you now.’

‘Are you still in Manhattan? Is it going to take you long to get here?’ I ask him, driving down the street where my parents’ house sits sandwiched between two others. The lights are dark. I don’t see their car parked in the tiny driveway. ‘Valentino, I don’t think they’re home. I don’t want to go in there by myself. I don’t want to get out of the car right now.’

‘Don’t. I’ll be at your apartment in ten minutes. Head to a nearby gas station and wait for me.’ Valentino ends the call, and I head toward the closest gas station.

The lights shine bright enough to stop anyone from coming out of the shadows. Every gas station in the city has cameras. The likelihood of someone attacking me with so many cameras and lights is improbable, right?

I see the sedan with the deep scratch above the headlight drive by. The windows are tinted so dark, I can’t look into the car to see who’s behind the wheel. I wonder if they’re going to stop and wait for me to peel out of the gas station. I don’t see brake lights in the distance. Perhaps they’ve given up, or it was a figment of my imagination.

The night air is cooler as I open the door, the breeze hardening my nipples against the soft fabric of my dress. However, even as I stand by my car, every set of brake lights looks identical to the silver sedan. I take a few steps away from the car, stretching my neck to see where that car went. I just know they were following me.

‘Damn shortie, you aight?’ A voice snags my attention from the store attached to the gas station. A brief glance over my shoulder shows a guy in baggy cargo shorts and a tank top. Spikes and grommets glisten across his audacious belt that seems pointless to wear since they don’t hold up his sagging shorts. He steps toward me.

‘I’m fine, thanks,’ I shout at him, moving back toward my car.

‘That you are. Come here, let me talk to you for a sec.’ He takes a step closer to me, as if his request is something I’m obliged to grant.

‘I’m good,’ I tell him more assertively this time. ‘Not interested.’

‘You need to be with an ass like that. Come here and stop playin—’ The man’s words are cut short.

It forces me to turn around where I see Valentino’s roaring sports car pull up to the pump. Relief washes over me as I make my way toward Valentino’s car.

The catcaller kisses his teeth, waving his hand at me, and shouting angrily. ‘Man, don’t play that game. That dude is lost, and you don’t need to pretend you’re better than me. I see that car you’re driving, shortie.’

Before I can reply, Valentino steps out of his car, approaching me with a sternness in his step that makes the obnoxious stranger roll his eyes and shake his head.

‘There a problem?’ Valentino asks him.

‘Nah, man. I mean, really? I seen her first, but I guess you got it. You look like you can pay for the appetite on shortie, anyway. Good luck my man.’ The catcaller turns to head back into the store, where I see a group of guys waiting for him to return a failure.

They’re laughing and clowning him, but Valentino’s anger is simmering under the surface. Valentino leads me to his car where I stand beside it, a gesture of his possession of me.

‘Wait here.’ Valentino commands as he walks toward the group of men that are now walking out of the store.

Valentino commands respect and attention as he addresses the group. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but when he points toward me, the men laugh with the main one who spoke to me mouthing off to Valentino. At least, that’s what it looks like.

The majority of the group walks away with Valentino speaking and then walking toward me with the catcaller beside him.

The stranger’s tone is timid. ‘Listen, I’m sorry about earlier. No disrespect, miss. Mr. Barrone, you and the missus have my apologies.’

Valentino stands there, authority and power effortlessly oozing from his posture as the stranger trots away from us. With the stranger gone, he walks me back toward my car, opening the door as his eyes scan our surroundings.

‘I can follow you home and have a team outside in a few minutes,’ he says.

‘A team?’ I ask him. My emotions are all over the place. Valentino, owner of my virginity, is essentially still a stranger. Yet, he’s going out of his way to protect me more than my own parents. I can’t help but wonder what the goal is for him. What does he get out of this?

He nods. ‘Yes. I can have a security team watching your place.’

‘I just want to go home. I just want this shit with Caputo to be done so we can go back to our lives, the way shit used to be.’

Valentino pulls me into his embrace, kissing me on the temple before ushering me into my car. He follows me home, but to my surprise, parks his car in front of a fire hydrant and pulls out a duffel bag from the back seat. Valentino’s at the door as I unlock it and step inside the tiny entrance.

The wooden floors creak under our feet as I lead Valentino to my apartment at the back of the house. My heart races and I immediately spew disclaimers. ‘It’s not that big. Nothing like your beach house. Did I say thank you for tonight? You don’t have to come in.’

‘I do,’ Valentino insists as I unlock my door and we step inside. He seems massive inside the space. His height is only two feet away from scraping the ceiling. I watch him walk around, surveying everything. It only takes a few dozen paces for him to look around.

‘Stay here,’ he commands, walking around, checking the windows and doors.

I turn on the lights as he moves, poking his head into doorways, from my closet to my bathroom and my bedroom. I’m thankful I threw every outfit I tried on before squeezing into this dress into my bedroom closet, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep my mess a secret for long.

It doesn’t take long, but when he sits down on my sofa, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag, I have to ask him, ‘What do you think you’re doing?’

‘You’re mine to protect, Lia. You told me someone was following you. I promised that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. This is me keeping that promise.’

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