
Chapter 7

The constant ringing of my phone gets me out of bed. I don’t want to be awake. The last time I looked at the clock it had been three am and now it was nearly eight. I didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway.


“Sar, it’s me.” Danny sounded as tired as I felt. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m not the one who turned into a wolf and disappeared last night.”

“Good point.”

I went back to bed, pulling the blankets up high as Dad already turned the air conditioning on to beat the heat of the coming day. “I’m sorry about Michael.”

“Don’t be. You did the right thing. Look, I’m going to stay out here for a while. Can you cover for me with Mum and Dad?”

“Of course, but come home tonight? We have graduation tomorrow and -”

“Not tonight. I’ll be home in the morning.” He yawned.

I didn’t want to fight him right now, so gave in. “Fine. Can I talk to your pack leader?”

“Why?” There was no missing the cold edge to the question.

“Just do it!” I snapped.

After a bit of rustling around, Michael was soon on the other end of the line.

“Morning Bright Eyes.”

“How is he?”

“Good. Great. I told you-”

“You told me he’d be home in the morning.”

“Yes, I just didn’t say which morning.” He was enjoying this.

“The morning, means the following day and-” I was taking his hook. “Fine. I hate you.”

“Hate’s a strong word. What about-”

I hung up and buried my face into the pillow, hoping to stay there all day. instead there was a knock on my door and Mum came in as I looked up.

“Morning Sweetheart.”

“Morning.” I sighed, hitting the red reject button as Michael called back.

“You’re running a bit late. Rach just pulled up with the girls, I forgot you were all taking a drive up to the city.”

“I’m not going.”

“I don’t think you have a choice!” She laughed as Rachelle said hello to my Dad, loud enough that we could hear her from up in my room. “Did something happen last night? I know I always tell you to eat what’s in the fridge, but you two ate, well, all of it!”

“Danny had some friends over and then they went out after. He said he’d be home, tonight. Maybe, otherwise he’ll be at Jakes and come home before we have to go to graduation.” I mumbled, hoping she left it at that.

My parents stopped asking for more details when it came to Danny and his friends a couple of years ago and now it was just this. A nod, a fake, tight lipped smile, as Mum frowned and looked a good ten years older than she was suppose to. Michael was right; hate is a strong word, but sometimes I really, really didn’t like Danny for how he treated our parents. They would do anything for us, they do, do anything for us, but he just never seemed to see it that way.

I’ve never understood that part of him.

“Sarah, if he was involved with something, dangerous, you would tell us wouldn’t you?” She asked slowly, almost like she questioned my own part in all of this.

“Yes Mum, but he hasn’t even been talking to me lately either.” I lie.

“But you two have been getting on so well these last couple of weeks, it was like you’d gone back to how you used to be as kids! He’s been so, normal. What changed?” I hated how defeated she sounded.

“I don’t know.” Another lie.

These last couple of months our parents had been at their breaking point. A year of putting up with him skipping classes, drinking and doing whatever he pleased had taken it’s toll on our family and Danny had been oblivious to it. No matter what they did, or said or even what I told him, he just shrugged it off and still did what he wanted.

He had listened to me after I went off at him about missing the exam and nearly ruining all of mine for me too. I had yelled at him before, said most of the same stuff too, but never screamed at him like that. I’d never felt that kind of anger before either. Danny had listened to me then. He even apologised and his behaviour changed, for the better. The arrogance and selfishness had left him, he committed himself more - even if it was a little too late, to his schooling.

So what was different?

“Um, Mrs. Attwell? Sarah? Can I interrupt?” Rachelle knocked on the door, and I hadn’t even noticed she’d come up yet. Sure enough, the cricket was on the TV and that was the only noise from down there.

“Hi Rach! How are you?” Mum took the distraction and got up, leaving me to my best friends mercy as she walked out.

“Good thanks!” Rachelle smiled, and the second we were alone, she jumped onto the bed to sit beside me. “Danny’s gone again?”

“He’s with the Blakes.” I sighed.

“Good. You’re coming with us.” She declared.


“No. You need some time away from all of this, I decided this morning we’re not going without you.” Leaving me in bed, she went into my wardrobe. “Plus Peta doesn’t want to drive the whole way and you two are the only ones to have your licence already!”

“Ah, there’s the truth.” I laugh, getting up. “Give me ten minutes.”

“Fine. I’ll see you in the car!”

After a quick shower, I threw on the dress she put on the bed for me and ran downstairs. I said a quick goodbye to Dad and went out to the car, where Mum was talking with the others.

“I remember taking you girls shopping when you were younger. We’d see Santa in Myers, get bad take away food and watch the Christmas Pageant when it got dark. Now, off you go on your own. Be careful, people aren’t as friendly up there like they are here!” She started to lecture.

“We’re going to be fine Mum!” I promised, giving her a quick hug before I got in the front passenger seat.

“I know. I know. Just be careful driving at night and look out for those dogs causing problems at the moment. When your Dad went to get the paper, Roger told him that two of them were seen in town last night.”

Roger owned the deli on the corner two streets away and also gossiped worser than the women in town.

“And the Kangaroos! I know Mrs. Attwell, Mum told me the same!” Peta smiled, and Mum nodded.

“Of course she did. Have fun girls! Oh and Sarah, here, have a good time!” She passes me three hundred dollars.

“Mum! I can’t take this!” We’re not poor, but as far as I know, we’re also not well enough for her to just give me that much money.

“Yes you can. It’s an early graduation present. Relax Sarah, just go and have fun!” She leaves us before I can protest and Rachelle leans over from the back seat.

“So Sarah is buying lunch then?”

Peta groans and before long we’re out on the highway, windows down with a mix CD of new and old pop songs that Becky had made up just for the drive. When we reach the start of civilisation and leave the paddocks of grazing cattle behind, I take over as driver and get us into the city.

Considering the shops don’t even open until twelve o’clock on a Sunday, the malls are already packed and not just with shoppers. Street entertains spread out in front of the old post office building and people dressed as elves walk around with signs to advertise Santa’s visit at two one of the department stores. The heat is worse up here than back at home, and a little more humid.

We find the main food court first and after browsing for the first hour together for what we’re going to wear to graduation, we soon split up to get the more serious shopping done. As usual, it’s Rachelle and I who head off together while the others go to the more expensive stores on King Street, where the designer labels we’re never going to be able to afford are found.

I end up doing Christmas shopping for me and Danny, knowing he won’t think that far ahead and end up trying to get out of town on Christmas Eve to find something for our parents like he did the last two years. As I get something else for Dad, Rachelle picks up on this.

“You know your Mum wanted you to have fun today and not act as his personal shopper right?”

“I know, but I don’t want them to get flowers from the roadside stand and a stolen bottle of Bourbon again.” I argue.

“Fine,” she stops, looking at one of the smaller beauty salons tucked into between a lolly store and a shoe shop. “Come on, we’re getting pampered.”

I’m dragged inside and sat in an oversized massage chair while the pretty, young asian woman greets us in broken english. The whole salon is filled with their conversations as the foot spa’s attached to the chair are filled with lavender smelling blue powder and Rachelle is on her phone texting Peta where we are. We chose our colours and as our feet soak in a bowl of bubbly heaven and the chair seems to find all the tension filled spots on my back, two other women appear to give us manicures/

“Now this is what your Mum had in mind!” Rachelle sighs, sinking back into the chair.

“Yeah, I think it is!” I agree, daring to close my eyes.

From my bag on the floor beside us I can hear my phone ringing, and since it’s the alarm sound, I know it is either Danny or Michael. I ignore it.

“So, ah!” My best friend starts, stopping as another person appears to start massaging her feet. “That’s good! Sorry, so whats going on with your brother? Please tell me he didn’t do that to you!”

I glance down to see the bruise on my wrist and even the woman doing my hand frowns at it. “No. I fell over.”

Rachelle gives me a look, not believing me at all. “Sarah, have you told your parents? They should know what trouble he is.”

“I can’t. I shouldn’t have even told you!”

We argue over the telling them until we’re left to sit under a little UV light to dry the nail polish quicker and ever after we’ve left the shop.

“You really need to stop playing Mum. He isn’t your responsibility. It’s emotional blackmail, he does it all the time and you’re too nice to stop him from using you. Sarah, I need a lift. Sarah, I’m drunk and the cops are coming. Sarah, I’m too stupid how to know how to take responsibility of my actions - can you do it?” She whines, apparently impersonating Danny. “I like him and well, he’s hot, but the guy is an idiot and I’m sick of seeing you stress yourself out because of what ever he is doing!”

She’s right. I know she is, but this is bigger than any of the crap he has got himself into before. “I know, but Rach, he can actually turn into a wolf. What can I do?”

“Leave him with the Blakes. Tough love. Let him sort it out for himself!” She answers like it’s the most obvious thing of all. “You are a nurturing person and-”

“I wouldn’t say nurturing.”

“Sarah, hold that thought. I have a headache and my thongs are giving me a blister, do you know where there is a chemist?” She looks around.

“Don’t worry about it, here.” Carefully opening my bag, I pull out the clear pencil case that I always have on me.

“That was my point Sarah, I’m fine!”

“What?” I frown.

“What seventeen year old carries a mum pack around? Bandaids, a small sewing kit, painkillers, hair ties, disinfectant wipes, damn it’s all here Sarah! You are always prepared for anything, and always willing to help anyone. Stop it! Think of yourself for once!” She is yelling now and a few people look at us strangely while my face starts to burn.

“Well next time you do want a bandaid, don’t ask me!” I snap, turning to go back the way we just came.

“Sarah! No! You know I am right. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but when it comes to Danny, it is!” Rachelle comes after me and I’m sick of this argument. “Stop!”

She cuts in front of me and forces me to look at her. “You’re the best friend I could ever want. When my Dad is drunk and having one of his fits, you always just come and get me. I feel more at home in your family than mine because you make sure no one is ever left out. Look at when Becky started at school, you were like a one person welcome wagon for her. If anyone asks you to do anything, you never say no! You’re an amazing person, but what happens when you need help?”

“I have you?” I answer hopefully.

“Damn right you do and so I’m looking after you for once. Now, we’ve had our nails done, how about a hair cut?” She smiles, and before I can protest, I’m telling the hairdresser just a trim and don’t touch the length. It doesn’t end there. She takes me back to the first shoe store we went into and I’m buying the hot pink peeptoes before I can change my mind.

The back of the car is full by the time I drive us out of the city and we stop to grab fast food just before we get onto the highway to go home. With Peta driving, the long afternoon catches up to me and I end up in the back with Rachelle. She puts her head on my shoulder and falls asleep, despite the endless chatter around her and I finally dare to check my phone.

We need to talk. M.

Stop avoiding me. M

Fine. I’ll bring Danny home! M.

Ur not at home. Call me when u r! Danny.

Its 930! Where R U? Danny

Danny is at my place. See you tomorrow. M.

Fifteen missed calls.

I delete them all and decide to listen to Rachelle. What Danny did was not my problem; not my worry. It was time he learnt the world didn’t revolve around him. Peta dropped me off last and getting out my bags of shopping, I couldn’t believe how much I’d actually bought. I doubt there would be much left in my own bank account and I hadn’t actually spent much of what Mum gave me despite Rachelle’s attempts at making me do just that.

Mum was still up and checking the time it was just gone ten. I dumped the bags in my room and went down to see her.

“Fancy a cuppa?” She offered, leaving the crossword.

“Sure!” I yawned, taking her seat and instantly started to fill in some of the blanks.

“How was today? You had your hair cut?” I fill her in and end up going to get the dress I found to wear, a simple white lace skater style with a pink tie around the waist, as well as my new shoes. “Danny came home before. He left about half hour ago.”

“I got a text.” I sigh, the mood instantly darkening between us.

“Why does he do it Sarah? You’re not like him, you were raised the same way, same rules, and-” She stopped herself, closing her eyes to take a deep breath. “I should’ve listened to your Grandmother and sent him to live with her when he first started acting out. She would’ve never have let it get this far! He’s eighteen next month, he can go to jail and, and-”

“As far as I know, he isn’t doing anything, illegal, that will have him going to jail. Stealing gnomes to glue to the footpath isn’t the kind of prank you get jail time for.” I get up and give her a tissue. “He’s got that job with Baz next year, he likes cars and stuff. It might be what he needs?”

“I hope you’re right Sarah. I’m sorry, you’re my daughter, I shouldn’t be putting this on you!” She chokes back a sob and gives me a hug. “We should go to bed. Big day tomorrow love!”

I only smile at her. “Goodnight Mum.”

“I love you.” She kisses my forehead before heading upstairs and listening Rachelle didn’t seem so easy to do anymore. My family needed me, whether it was fair or not; someone had to try and keep it all together.

Getting my phone out, I called Michael. “What do you want?”

“Hello to you too Bright Eyes. Come outside.” He hung up and with a sigh, I go out the front.

“I’m pretty sure this counts as stalking. Keep it up and the police will be getting a call, werewolf or not!” I threaten and that only seems to amuse him. “What do you want Michael?”

“Where did you go today?”

“I ran off to the city to meet up with my secret lover.”

His eyes narrowed, before he shook his head. “Liar.”

“Fine. I went out with my friends. Problem?”

“No. Just curious.” He shrugged.

“Last time or I’m going back inside and I will call the cops, what do you want?”

“You should know some stuff, but now’s not a good time. What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“Um, well Mum and Dad have a family dinner planned for graduation and a few of us are going to the beach after.” I answer honestly, and I’m not sure why I told him that.

“After the beach?”

“Home I guess? What do I need to know?”

“Let me pick you up from the beach and-”


“Fine. Meet me at the look out after?” He offers.


“Is that a problem?” Michael smirks.

Yes. “No, but-”

“Good. See you then.” He turns and as he goes around the fence and onto the street, he has turned into the wolf leaving his singlet and board shorts behind. The animal stops at the end up the street under the light and turns back once to look before running off.


As I put on my black robe, Rachelle is already positioning her hat. Everyone is talking excitedly around us and Wendi passes me my own flat topped cap. Helena is complaining about how hers sits because of the curly updo she has hair set in and Mr. Douglas, one of the P.E teachers ushers away from the racks of robes that make up our graduating uniform.

We’ve all been through a lot together. Competitive sports carnivals, group projects and exams. We’ve had whacky dress days, nightmare teachers and so many good times I’m actually sad for school to end. So much of our time had been spent wishing we were older, free of the six and half hours of school time. Weekends went too quick and so did school breaks, but now it’s all over. School wasn’t just out for Summer, it was out for ever.

“Cute shoes!” Abby Carter smiled, pointing down at the flash of pink from below the nearly floor length robe.

“Thanks!” I smiled, wondering why I never talked to her more.

I’m lost, deep in thought as I follow the bustle of the crowd towards the stage area of the local community center. Faces I’ve known all my life smile back at me, and I’m almost terrified to take my seat because once this starts, it’s really over.

No more school.

“Sarah!” Danny whispers, coming up behind me, he pushes past people who don’t dare protest his arrogance. “Wait for me!”

“Oh, you made it!” I greet him coldly, smiling apologetically to Emma Anderson - the last person standing in Danny’s way. “You okay?”

I shove Danny towards the stage, where everyone has already moved out of his way since the school’s resident asshole has made his arrival known. Emma nods, not hiding her fear as she glances towards Danny. “I’m fine. Thanks Sarah!”

“Sorry. Didn’t see you.” He mumbles, working out why I was annoyed with him. “Sarah, where were you last night? You weren’t at Wendi’s or Rachelle’s either.”

“So it’s okay for you to disappear and go where ever you like, whenever you like, but I can’t?”

“Just, where were you?” He growls.

“I went shopping, remember, I had plans, with my friends, and I went out.” I snap.

“Christmas shopping?” Danny asks.

“Yeah and I got Mum and Dad presents from you too. You’re welcome!”

“Thank you.” He answers, clearly feeling guilty. “Just, don’t go anywhere alone.”

“I’m not five Danny!” I yell, cringing as I realised all the people who have an A surname were staring at us. And some who didn’t.

“You okay Sarah?” Jake asks, appearing with Justin.

His graduating cap is titled to the side and he hasn’t tied up the robe either. Jake looks better than he did on Saturday, so clearly he got some sleep on the weekend and maybe a bit of sun as his skin is starting to get that Summer glow.

“Yeah Jake.” I ignore Danny and adjust his hat so it sits straight.

“Danny?” Justin asks, glaring at me.

“Shouldn’t you be with the B’s over there?” I can’t help feel uneasy with him around. Must be the Blake effect.

“I’ll go where I want.” He argues.

“Come on man, we better go.” Jake nudges the middle brother and the pair slip away.

Looking back at Danny, he is following them and looks beyond angry.

“What?” I sigh, not feeling like putting up with his moods now.

“He doesn’t like the fact that you and Jake know and Michael isn’t going to change you guys too.” He tells me, pulling me to the side so the curtain hides us from the others. “I mean it Sarah. I trust Michael, but not the other two. Don’t go anywhere alone and just stay away from them.”

“I intend to, don’t worry.” And since when does he trust Michael?

“Places everyone!” Miss Young calls out, and we all start to filter onto the stage and take our seats.

Danny and I are on the end of the second row, with him on the very edge. I look him over out of the corner of my eye and he seems like Danny. His eyes are doing anything weird, he is relaxed enough and maybe what ever went on Saturday night was what he needed. He catches me staring at smiles, before his eyes wander up the row behind us and following his gaze, he and Justin enter some kind of staring match.

Instantly Danny’s hands ball into fists, and I feel my cheeks starting to flush with anger as again, I’m certain his emotions are somehow passing onto me. “Calm down. He can’t do anything here!”

“I know. I just- never mind.” He sighs, and instead looks at the chair in front of him. “What did I get Mum and Dad for Christmas?”

“Mum got a new bottle of her favourite perfume, in one of those sets with the body wash and moisturizer. You got lucky with Dad because that car show he likes had the box set of all the seasons on sale and it includes the special adventures they’ve done too.”

“Thanks Sarah, did I get you anything?” He asks sheepishly.

“Not yet, but I know when you do it’s going to be the best present ever.”

“Any clues what that might be?”

I stare at him for a moment and the serious way his face was set breaks as he smiles. “I know, I know, don’t worry!”

I look back behind us and find Rachelle who gives me the thumbs up sign, and I stop at Peta who smiles at me with a short wave. Worse than that, her cousin Dylan does the same thing and I quickly look away, unable to stop myself from blushing.

“Why is your face going red?” Danny whispers as Miss Young starts to tell us something about how the ceremony will happy.

“No reason.”

“Sarah?” He pushes.

“Nervous about getting up in front of everyone. I should have worn flat shoes.” I lie.

Clearly sniffing out lies was Michael’s talent as Danny accepts that and we start to pay attention to what is going on. I don’t call over when I have to get up, twice. Once for the standard name calling and certificate presentation, the second time for winning an over all achievement award and for getting in the top ten of highest marks for our year.

Rachelle, as head girl gets up with Dylan, our year’s head boy and the pair say a speech full of stuff I want to believe. Stuff I know she wants to believe, like the end of school is the the true beginning of our adult lives, and we’re all going to set out into the world to achieve greatness.

We clap and smile when appropriate, listen to our principal reminisce about all the time he got to spend with us and his own hopes and dreams for our future. At the end we stay in place and get our year photo taken, as well as the additional award winner. Before long, it’s all over and we can go out into the main hall for canapes and refreshments. More photographs are taken as families radiate the pride they feel for us students and Danny sticks close as we weave through the crowd.

Mum has been crying, and as she hugs us both, she beings to talk about her babies being grown up, while Dad shakes Danny’s hand and gives me a hug in a less dramatic display of affection. Our Nanna takes more photographs of Danny and I, before Rachelle and Wendi with her family joins us.

“Some old guy is staring at you!” Rachelle whispers as we’re left standing there to listen to embarrassing stories the adults are telling, from our first day at kindy to now. “Is that-”

“Yeah.” I answer, seeing Mr. Blake by the stairs.

Danny hears her and looks too, subtly moving to stand behind me and Rachelle. He may be blocking us from the old Blake’s view, but I can still feel his eyes on us.

Baz arrives with Jake and his Mum, distracting Danny as the draw him into the conversation by talking about his apprenticeship and I excuse myself to see Peta. Danny watches me as I go and I’m nearly smothered by her Aunty, who has come over from Sydney for the occasion.

Danny soon stops watching, and after making small talk there, I move towards the bathroom, and instead end up at the stairs where Mr. Blake is still standing alone.

“Congratulations. You’re quite the academic.” He greets.

“Thank you Mr. Blake.” I’m not sure why I went over to him, and looking through the crowd, Danny is still talking to Baz. “Is, um, is Michael here?”

This makes him smile. “He was. Left with Justin about five minutes ago. My boys don’t do well in big crowds like this, I’m just keeping an eye on your brother.”

“Oh.” I don’t know what to say to that.

“Enjoy your graduation party Sarah. You deserve it. Danny will be fine with you here, I’ll be off now too.” He winked before moving with more ease than I expected him to, considering the old man act he put on.

I don’t go straight back to my family, stopping by the refreshment stand to grab a cola and it’s then Dylan appears.

“Hey Sarah, I was ah, wondering if you were going to the beach later?” He stammers, clearly nervous.

“Yeah I am. We have a family dinner first though, so I might be late.”

“Oh, cool, yeah, great, I’ll see you there then?” Dylan asks hopefully.

“You will.” I smile.

It takes two seconds for Rachelle and Peta to pounce on me as he leaves.

“What was that? What did he say?” Peta asks excitedly.

“He asked me about the beach later?”

“Did he, ask you to the beach, or just ask if you were going?” Rachelle demands.

“If I was going? Why?”

She slaps her forehead and Peta laughs. “He doesn’t have the balls to ask you out!”

“Ask me out? Everyone is going to the beach!”

“Yeah, but he wanted you to go, with him, you know?” Peta looks at me as it sinks in. “You are so naive Sarah!”

I look at Rachelle. “Is that what that was?”


All I knew about Dylan was that he was in my history class, he was Peta’s cousin and he had been very chatty that night by the bonfire. Five years of school and he chooses now to what? Ask me out?

“He was so nervous, he was going to ask you before the ceremony but you were with Danny and he got scared.” Peta smiled. “Oh this is great. What if you two start dating? He’s going to some place up in the city next year, what if you’re at the same uni? We won’t have to worry about drifting apart if you date him, you’ll be like, my cousin in law!”

I never really worried about dating. None of us did, but now we had a chance to get out of town and away from the gossip of our small town, apparently it’s what everyone had been waiting for. “But I don’t even know him?”

“Slow down Peta, let him actually ask her out first!” Rachelle took over, calming down the situation.

“Who is asking who out?” Wendi joined as and as she was filled in, she didn’t seem as thrilled the other two about my predicament. “Dylan and Sarah? I dunno.”

“I thought she’d at least have a fling with Jake by now.” Helena appeared out of nowhere, throwing in her two cents.

“What about the hot Blake?” Becky added.

I wanted to die.

“How about you all focus on your own love life?” I suggested, only to be met with a circle of unimpressed faces.

“She’s right. What happened with you and the pizza delivery guy Helena?” Rachelle instantly got the attention off me and focused onto someone else.

“Sarah, you ready? We’re going now!” Mum called out and not needing to be asked twice, left them all with promises of seeing them tonight and went home with my family.

Once in the car, I tuned out of the conversation Danny and Dad were having about the cricket, choosing to think about Dylan and his offer. If he was asking me out, in a rather unofficial and cryptic way, what the hell had I agreed to with Michael then?

Glancing at Danny, he had told me Justin had an issue with Jake and I know about the werewolves, and not becoming one too. ‘Don’t go anywhere alone!’ Danny had said, and so would going anywhere with Michael - whom he now trusted, fall under that category?

Suddenly staying home tonight seemed like a much easier, and safer option.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.