
Chapter 30

It didn’t matter what I said to my parents, their mind was made up and they were going through with their plan. Lying, something I was very comfortable doing these days, I let them believe I spoke to Michael on the phone for our newest bit of information. I told them and Danny about the ones in Scott’s pack who were on our side, but they only decided that was a good Plan B option. Rachelle was unusually quiet, and later in my room I asked her about it.

“You know what my Dad said when I told him I was going away for a while?” I shook my head, not sure if I wanted to know. “Said good riddance. Mum asked me if I was knocked up and going away to have a baby. She said to check in when I could, but then went to bed cause she just got in. Fuck. Them.”

I hugged her, using her misery as a distraction from my own.

“I cant wait to get out this stupid town. I’m never coming back!”

Anything could happen tonight, and the mood in the house was sickening as all I could sense was fear and frustration. This wasn’t how I wanted to leave home. Going into the living room, Danny had the TV on but his eyes were glazed over and he wasn’t actually watching it. I turned it off and pulled out Monopoly from the cabinet and I had nearly finished setting it up when he realised what I was doing.


“Right, everyone come here.” I called out and one by one, my family gathered around the board game on the coffee table. “Who wants first roll?”

“What?” Mum asked confused.

“Fine, I’ll go.” I handed out game pieces and brought the train station I landed on. “Rach, you’re next.”

It was like playing with aliens who had no idea or concept of the game. Each roll was slow and cautious and everyone had a second of delay before moving their little top-hat or iron. After the third circle of the board, Danny’s usual habit of stealing money from the bank reappeared, earning a telling off from Dad and unanimous vote for him to skip his turn and go to jail. That got everyone laughing, talking and as we carried on friendly competition had everyone declaring game on.

Dad managed to get the utilities, and Mum focused on getting houses up. Rachelle squealed every time she won a beauty contest and I owned the side of Mayfair. Danny’s trip to jail and our invented fine for him cheating left him struggling to pay up rent when landing on any of our squares and he was the first to quit the game, which only made Dad laugh; real laughing too.

Arguments soon broke out after that, mixing in with teasing and the sounds of a normal, happy family who got ridiculously dysfunctional over a board game. Mum kept us fed, Rachelle had us laughing and I ended up slipping Danny a few of my millions to keep him involved. The distraction worked and Monopoly filled the bulk of the day.

It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that things started to get serious again. Rachelle sat by the front window and Danny and I practiced ‘blocking’ each other. At least I think we were, he was either really good at it, or I wasn’t a hundred percent back to our new kind of normal.

In the kitchen, Mum and Dad sorted through what weapons Karen had given them. Each time the bullets were loaded and emptied I shuddered at the thought of the gun actually being fired. I lingered in the doorway and it was hard to miss the way Mum’s hands shook with the silver gun in her hand.

“I like that other one you had, the Glock wasn’t it?” She asked Dad and pointed to the black one.

“That? Um, it’s a twenty two.” He told her, completely unsure. “Oh yeah, it’s a Glock.”

The only pistols we had ever fired was one that shoot water, and there was that cap gun Danny found in the prop box in the drama room at school. After scaring the crap out of half the town, it had been confiscated pretty quickly and when we’d all gone Paint Balling, our aim wasn’t exactly great. Luckily that had been with paint, not bullets.

‘Danny, they can’t go. Look at them!’ I told him, and clearly he wasn’t blocking me now as I felt him come up behind me to peer around the corner.

Mum lifted a big knife; a machete and almost artfully waved it in front of her. “Maybe my knife skills will come in handy?”

“Maybe.” Dad agreed, though they looked like a pair of awkward teens raiding their parents liquor cabinet, knowing they could be caught with a bottle in their hand at any moment. “Don said it was silver, so if we cut them, it will hurt a lot more than just a normal stabbing would. They won’t be able to heal from it quickly either. You should keep that on you in you feel comfortable with it.”

She nodded, though I don’t think comfortable was the right word to use. Weapons were put back down on the bench and Dad pulled her to his side. “We’ll get through this, they’re good kids and I believe we can do this.”

My heart broke hearing her choke back a sob, burying her head into his shoulder, Danny tugged on my arm and we went upstairs.

“You’re right, but what can we do apart from locking them in their room and waiting for it to be over?” He asked, looking more worried than even I felt. “I’ve put them through so much shit, and here they are, still willing to do anything for me. Fuck. It’s all my fault!”

As he started pacing, he kept mumbling under his breath. I think he was trying to make a deal with a god, but I doubt any of the powers that be were going to be able to help now. Rachelle was outside my door, and I opened it to let her in. She looked at Danny and frowned, and I just shrugged.

“Noah is out front.”

“What?” I didn’t think they were going to be here until at least seven and it wasn’t even six yet.

“Your parents are getting their stuff ready now. They need to get into place.” She told me sadly.

Forgetting Danny and what ever crisis he was dealing with, I ran back down stairs and froze as I saw Noah. He didn’t look like the carefree guy engaged to my cousin anymore - the golden child lawyer they all brag about. He looked in worse shape than Michael had, with dark circles under his eyes and his face shadowed from where he hadn’t shaved. He even looked thinner.

“Hey Sarah.” He greeted casually.

“You can’t take them.”

“Too late now.” Noah sighed. “Mum has my cousins patrolling the Blakes place and we need to get into position before Scott arrives.”

“They’re only human, they’re not like them. Look at you. You need to stay out of it too.”

Noah shook his head. “Like I said, it’s too late now.”

He was here alone, and I had kind of influenced him into talking on Christmas. Maybe I could try and keep them all here too. Danny’s idea of locking my parents in their bedroom suddenly didn’t seem so stupid.

“Whatever you’re thinking, no.” He broke into my thoughts as Dad dropped an overnight bag by us, before disappearing down towards the laundry.

“You don’t know what I’m thinking.” I challenged.

“No, but I’ve been around werewolves a lot Sarah. You got that calculating look all over your face. I may not be one them yet, but my family has this curse in them for years and I can pick up a command over a question any day. You got me last time, it won’t work now.” He snapped. “Sorry. It’s just been a long day. They’re not going to be in the firing line okay? Mum has them set up not far from where I’ll be waiting with Rachelle, the last of the last resorts.”

That made me feel a little better, until I remembered about Rachelle being out there too.

There wasn’t going to be a way out of this, so I hugged him tightly. “Thank you. Just, if it comes down to it, get them the hell away from there. As long as Danny and I are together, I believe we can get out of it. I’ll tell Rach the same thing, hit them over the head for all I care, just put them first and keep them safe.”

“They won’t like that.” He whispered, as if they could hear.

“If I find out you didn’t, you won’t like it much either.” I let him go, and as he met my gaze, there was no hiding the shock on his face. “What?”

“Your eyes, never mind.” He quickly looked away and picked up Dads bag.

I felt a little better now that had been arranged, and I knew he would get the hint. Again I struggled to think human, rather than how this other side of me did when taking control.

“Why have you guys been avoiding us? Is it because of Scott?”

“No, when Aaron, my other cousin heard about you taking on Will, he thought it best the wolves stay away from you incase you tried to stop them or change their plan. They’re their own pack, family, how it should be and while we’re willing to help you now, we prefer to stick to ourselves.”

“Then why be around Will?”

“Our family has run with his for years. In-laws that never went away.” He smirked. “Werewolves are all different Sarah. Most of them you’d never even know that they were one of them. All it takes is one to change another and keeping in small family groups is preferable to a larger, pack like what Scott does. Some prefer to be part of something like that, then there are others are happy to have the curse to themselves and after being changed, and run alone.”

I forgot how much Noah loved to talk, but now wasn’t the time for it.

“So why are your family helping us?” I pushed, trying to work out how much we could really trust them.

“No one likes Scott. If we can take him out tonight, that will definitely give us some street cred as far as Will is concerned and we can get away from him once and for all. I’m getting married to your cousin so that makes you family and also on your way to becoming one of us. Hell Danny already is. You guys can join us, you’ll be safe, we can tell help you guys deal with being so young and werewolves Maybe even your parents will change eventually?”

Pack. He wanted us to join his family, and I couldn’t stop myself from rejecting the offer before it was even official. The idea of having more of my kind around wasn’t the part I was rejecting though. There was something appealing to expanding my pack, beyond Jake and Rachelle. Would my parents join us? Could I change someone, would they survive too?

“We’ll see.” I answered coldly, as my parents appeared.

Rachelle and Danny came down then too, my best friend already wiping her eyes as she tried to hide the fact she was on the verge of breaking down. Danny glared at Noah, and that had him heading for the door.

“I’ll give you guys a minute.” He left us to it and instantly I was being crushed by Mum.

“I love you so, so much.” She cried into my hair, extending her arm, Danny was suddenly beside me. “Just know how much I love you!”

Dad told us to wait for a signal, that Karen knew I had to go through the change before they could do anything, but if things weren’t looking good, they’d take whatever distraction they could to come to our aid. Mum told us to remember to lock up, and with guns badly hidden at their sides, they eventually went to join Noah. I tried to imagine it that they were simply going away for the weekend, and half expected Mum to remind us to put the rubbish bins out on Wednesday. I kind of wish she had to keep the illusion going.

“Rach, Noah knows this, but if things are going to shit, help him get my parents out of there.”

“But, what about-”

“We’ll be fine. Michael has his own things in place to keep us safe, so you don’t need to worry about us.” I promised her.

We all said goodbye then, and Danny and I just stood on the driveway for about ten minutes after they left.

“What have I done?” Danny sighed. “If our parents die tonight, it’s all my fault. Why did I let them go? Fuck, you’re not going to talk to me, I wouldn’t want to talk to me either and-”

I slapped him.

Harder than I intended, but he was really getting on my nerves.

“Enough Danny. It is what it is and they’re not going to die.”

“What made you change your mind?” He rubbed his cheek, and the red print of my hand bloomed over half of his face.

“Noah told me they were going to be kept away from most of the action stuff and if shit does happen, I trust him to get them and Rach out of there. Now, do I have to slap you again or you wanna go eat and get ready to go?”

For the third time that day, I was nearly crushed by a hug and he planted a quick peck of a kiss on my forehead. “Thanks Sar. I don’t tell you often enough, but I love you and I’m so glad you’re my sister.”

He ran off inside and I stood there for a moment, taking a few deep breaths as I tried to convince myself of a positive outcome. It didn’t work, but I went inside anyway. They needed me to be strong, so I would be. I didn’t really have any other choice.

I got out of the car and scanned the space around us. There was no movement or any telltale sign that we weren’t alone. Michael stood with his brothers by the front porch and Justin offered a small smile as I followed Danny towards them.

“Where is everyone?” Danny asked instantly.

“Scott isn’t here yet. The others are in the back paddock, near where we took you.” Michael answered. “Go.”

His siblings didn’t need to be told anything else, disappearing inside before Michael turned to go in as well. Danny and I just stood there, clueless as what to do. Did we go into the paddock, wait here for Scott, or follow the Blakes. The urge to be with Michael won out, and I slipped inside after them, despite Danny quickly moving to stop me.

“What do we do?” I asked him, freezing in the doorway of the kitchen as Keegan sat at the small dining table with Mr. Blake and a woman I didn’t know.

Michael didn’t answer, carrying on down the corridor to his room and Danny quickly pushed in front of me to stop me from following him.

“So, you’re what the fuss is all about?” The woman questioned, leaning back in the chair like she owned the place. “You really fucked up Pete!”

Mr. Blake growled at her, not really in the condition to do much else. He didn’t just look old now, he looked ancient. The left side of his face was nearly black with the purple bruising taking over all other features. There were weeping gashes by his neck and collarbone, and his left arm was in a sling. The first few buttons on his shirt were open, and I didn’t want to see much more of him than that as I could see more discolouring of his chest. His eyes were sunk back into his head, and if he wasn’t actually looking at me, I would have thought he was dead.

I couldn’t stop staring at him, unsure whether to be afraid or to go in there and finish him off now for all the trouble he had caused. Thinking back to waking up in the van, the second option was more likely and clenching my fists, I tried to calm down. Now wasn’t the time for that and luckily I soon had a distraction.

“Mike’s got something for you Sarah.” Keegan told me, and with a nod, I didn’t need to spend any more time than necessary around Mr. Blake. “Come on, lets go.”

I barely saw him and the woman stand, but I heard the grunt of pain as they dragged Mr. Blake away from the table and outside.

“I’ll wait here.” Danny told me, guarding the corridor.

Michael’s door was open and it felt like a lifetime ago since I was in here when Danny first changed.

“Here.” He passed over the pale blue package without even looking at me and then sunk down onto the edge of his bed.

I jumped as his siblings went past me in their wolf forms, and even Joe slunk past me like a dog who knew he’d done wrong. I held my breath, feeling the pressure of a growl in the base of my throat.

“What’s this?” Unfolding it, the piece of fabric had two little tabs to tie at either end, and I figured it must be some kind of cover up.

“Scotts a gentleman like that, giving you some kind of modesty.” Michael didn’t hide his sarcasm before he sighed, falling back on his bed as he rubbed his face.

“What?” I asked dumbly, not quite keeping up to speed as his mood was distracting me.

“Get changed. Or stay dressed and then try and tear your clothes off when you start to go through the shift. I don’t care.” He snapped.

“K” I turned to go into the bathroom, but before I could get to the door, Michael was there.

“Sorry!” He quickly apologised. “I thought I could deal with Dad, but since they dropped him off here, he’s just been getting under my skin.”

Michael sighed, running his hand through his hair roughly and the stress radiated from him.

“It’s okay.” Hesitantly, I reached out and gently ran my fingers down his jawline, positive something else was going on with him. “What is it? Talk to me.”

“I-” He leaned into my touch, as his hand slid up my arm to hold mine before kissing the top of it. “It’s so fucked up.”

“What is?”

“Dad’s sick. It’s why he gave up starting his own pack like before, and decided to try and get us back in with Scott so we wouldn’t be left alone.”

I wasn’t expecting that, and hated how I instantly felt sympathetic to the old man after what he did to us. “Sick how?”

“Cancer. It’s why he isn’t healing as quick as it should, even if they used silver on him.” Michael’s voice broke, and he dropped my hand as he breathed in sharply. “I can’t even tell if he’s lying. Told me he was going to die tonight, he’s okay with it, but wants me to do the right thing for my brothers since I’ll be all they have left. We can’t afford to be on Scott’s bad side.”

Selfishly, my stomach sunk. What ever his plan had been tonight had been to protect me. He seemed so sure he had control of the situation and now with this - had his plan changed? If I was in his position, I’d do whatever I could to keep Danny safe. Without our parents, we would be on our own. Sure we had Nanna and our family, but it wasn’t the same. All the Blakes had was pack.

“I get it Michael. You need to the right thing by your family.” And I’ll do what was right by mine.

Deciding to leave it at that, I went to step around him, only he stopped me again. This time he looked at me wide-eyed and completely terrified, before he shook his head. “This changes nothing.”

“It does. I don’t care what you tell Scott, but Danny and I aren’t going to let him find out about what we can do. Hell, you don’t even know what we’re capable of.” There was no hiding the threat to my words. “Do what you have to, and I’ll do the same.”

“What? No, listen to me, it doesn’t change anything. I promise you it doesn’t. Fuck, this was hard enough already!” He groaned.

I found that hard to believe, but there was only honesty all over his face. Worse than that, there was fear too and taking a step back from the situation, my hardened resolve wavered. He really needed me right now, and I was only pushing him away. We are all too young to be dealing with this; too much responsibility and it was becoming an unbearable weight to carry.

If it doesn’t kill you, it will only make you stronger. Right?

“I believe you, okay, sorry, I thought-” I started only to shut up as his lips slammed into mine.

Protesting was pointless, because I wasn’t exactly capable of saying no right now either, so just went with it. His hands slipped up, under my shirt making me shiver and I was barely aware of the door closing behind us. That was the least of my worries as I wasn’t standing anymore and instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Michael-” I had hoped to stop him, instead it came out as more of a moan, especially as he used this position to his advantage and unclipped my bra. “This can’t happen-”

“I know.” He answered, and in the same instant I was dropped on his bed, I lifted my arms to have my shirt removed along with my bra as the singlet he had on disappeared too. “You are so beautiful.”

Moving to hover above me, his scent was all around making it hard to think straight. I wanted this, I wanted him, and at the same time, I wanted to run out of here and never return. Skin pressed against skin, molding us together and the frantic beating of his heart vibrated against my chest as he leaned into me, despite the bulk of his weight being rested on his elbows either side of me.

The fact I was pinned down underneath him bothered me for a fraction of a second, before everything relaxed and I stayed their willingly; desperately, as my body responded of it’s own accord to his touch, just as he responded to mine. I eagerly rolled my hips against his, enjoying the lust filled groan that followed from him. Michael’s mouth slid down my throat, the burning trail of kisses ended as his hands cupped my breasts and suddenly he was gone.

Rejection hit me hard, as I sat up to find him looking furious in front of me. I felt way too exposed now, and seeing the bit of blue on the floor, moved to get it while he just sat there, not moving. I slipped it over my head, confused and eager to go and try to work it out, aching to continue, but as he looked at me, I understood.

“I shouldn’t have done that.” He answered, his voice deeper than usual. “But I want to do so much more.”

I swallowed forcefully, staring at him wide-eyed and with flushed cheeks as my mind dared to go there. Big mistake. Moving closer, I sat beside him and rested my head against his shoulder.

“You’re an amazing girl Sarah Attwell. Beautiful. Strong. Smart. Kind.” He turned his head to kiss my knuckles. “You’re my moon, Bright Eyes.”

The way he said it was like a lullaby, the sweetest poem I’d ever heard and if I wasn’t sure about how I felt for him before, there was no way I could doubt it now. Before I could work out what I could say back, he beat me to it.

“Nothing has changed, so stick with what I told you before.” He stood up and kissed the top of my head. “Get ready. He’ll be here soon.”

With that he walked out and shut the door. He had a point, Scott was going to be any minute. How could we, I, have been so stupid? I started at the door for what felt like hours trying to work out if that was goodbye. Deciding not to accept that, I stood up determined to get through tonight.

I took off my jeans and underwear, folding my clothes up in a neat bundle before leaving the room. I headed straight to the bathroom, and without thinking about it slipped off the robe and keeping my hair dry, ran the water over my skin, trying to remove any trace of him that might be there no matter much I wanted it to stay.

‘Is he here?’ I called out to Danny.

‘No. Keegan, I think it is, and some guy called Hugo are waiting for us in the kitchen. What did you say to Mike? He looked pissed off when he stormed out of here.’

I didn’t answer and finding a clean towel in the cupboard, dried off before slipping on the dress. Walking out to the kitchen, I still felt exposed despite the fact it fell below my knee. Having nothing on underneath it didn’t help at all.

These are the two working with Michael, they’re on our side.’ I told my brother.

“What now?” I ask them.

“We wait for Scott.” Keegan answered, and I stepped back against Danny as Hugo stood up.

“Come here.” He ordered.

Danny growled and trusting Michael’s faith in him, I stepped forward. He hugged me, practically stroking my hair in the process before Keegan sighed and did the same. If I felt awkward before, I was ready to die now.

“Mixing scents, relax.” Hugo told me.

Made sense I guess and so we all just sat around the table, waiting. I wondered why we were told eight, especially since he didn’t end up arriving until nine.

“Don’t look him in the eye. Don’t talk back. He made us all wait because he was put his orders in place and was probably hoping to surprise us and catch us doing something he didn’t want. For example, you and Mike getting to catch up.” Hugo whispered as the pair of them guided me and Danny out of the house.

“Where are they?” Scott demanded, looking around the front of the house.

Danny tensed, looping his arm in mine as Hugo and Keegan shadowed us.

“Who, Sir?” Keegan asked.

“The Blakes.” He snarled.

“Back paddock as requested. We’ve kept these two seperate from everyone.” Hugo lied.

Scott glared at him, and despite him not even looking at me, I was intimidated. My previous bravery had deserted me all over again.

“Good. Good!” He nodded, before turning his attention to me and Danny. “So, you two. Happened to drive by your house on the way here. I did say for your parents to be left at home did I not? I hope no one is planning anything, stupid.”

Did he know?

“We sent them out of town.” Danny answered, his hand tightening around mine. “Leave them out of, this.”

Scott laughed. “Trying to protect them, just like how you tried to protect this one? That didn’t work all out that well for you did it, Daniel.”

His gaze focused on me, and I was positive my heart stopped as Danny tensed. Scott was going to be pushing all of our buttons tonight, and he couldn’t get shitty of being called his full name. Movement from down the driveway had all of turning attention to the reddish brown wolf and it stopped beside the car before the painful looking change from wolf to woman took place.

“I’ve checked with all patrols. The land is clear.” The woman stood still, almost to attention like a soldier in front of a general. Only she was completely naked and I understood what Liz meant about getting over any issues with nudity.

Before any of us could blink, Scott had pulled out a gun and as the bang echoed around the yard, I screamed and hugged Danny who also jumped in surprise. The thud of her body hitting the ground made me feel sick.

“I hate liars.” Scott mused, turning to Hugo as the gun was passed to one of the woman who had arrived with Scott. What just happened didn’t seem to phase any of the werewolves here. “Let them hold their positions. They’re going to have a hard time getting to us anyway, but as soon as they do make their move. Kill them all.”

Keegan nodded, pulling out a mobile phone as he moved around to the side of the house and sure enough, he told who ever was on the other end Scott’s order.

“Good thing your parents are out of town isn’t it?” Scott smirked.

The pack leader looked up to the sky, where the moon was already rising. “We’ve got about about forty minutes until it’s going to be full. I’ve just got a couple of loose ends to wrap up before my attention is solely yours.”

He grabbed my chin forcefully, and made me look at him. His green eyes caught the light from the house, so much so they appeared to glow with his evil intentions. Had they turned red and horns sprouted from his forehead, I wouldn’t have been surprised. I don’t know why he hadn’t terrified me like this before, maybe because tonight was different and I could sense the darkness around him. Had I already been in wolf form, I was positive I’d be a snarling ball of fear and just want to get away. Not challenging him wasn’t going to be an issue.

“Ah, that’s better. Where did you go little wolf?” He leered, tossing my chin to the side as he let me go. It hurt as if he’d slapped me and rubbing my face, I glared his way as he turned his back.

Danny kept me close to his side as the dark skinned woman he had handed the gun to now held it in our direction. I couldn’t move as I stared down the barrel of it, already able to smell the silver in the bullets waiting to be fired.

“Enough Leah. We won’t have any trouble with these two. Will we?” Scott didn’t even look at us and Danny and I nodded in a silent agreement. With a huff, she lowered her weapon and it was then Keegan returned. “Come on, let’s go sort out this thorn in my side once and for all, so then I can enjoy the rest of my night.”

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