
Chapter 24

I sat quietly between Michael and Nanna, letting them talk out what was going to happen and when with everyone else. I just wanted Danny back and since things were finally moving I kept my thoughts to myself to avoid arguments and delays. Listening wasn’t actually a bad thing to do. Despite telling Nanna, well, everything, she had left out a few details to her friends so once they sorted out where Danny was that’s where the focus went to.

“So why would he want Sarah and Danny? What’s got him interested in twins?” Will asked, looking my way in an attempt to bring me into the conversation.

“He has some idea’s, but he’ll be disappointed to learn there is no truth to it.” Nanna answered instead.

Looking at Michael, he took my hand under the table and squeezed it.

“What kind of idea’s?” Karen pushed.

“Psychic links and other nonsense. I think he’s been watching too many sci-fi movies.”

No one spoke and instead all eyes turned to me now.

“Why would he think that?” The scary, big guy snarled, leaning his elbows on the table.

“She fainted when Danny changed for the first time. My Dad got this crazy idea that she and Danny could connect to each other and he had pushed his pain onto her.” Michael told them. “He’s hoping it will get him back into the pack.”

“Why would they ever think that is even possible?” Will sounded more amazed than anything else, and thoughtful.

“Because it happened before. One of the boys didn’t survive the change and they both died. He knows he can use this to get back into the pack.”

“But for him to think that, surely he tested it a little more? It’s a big gamble.” Don added.

Everyone nodded and I glanced down to find Nanna’s hands in her lap, twisting the corner of her shirt over and over again.

“He did.” Michael nodded. “Danny's best mate, Jake, was turned last full moon. Dads plan was to also change Sarah then so he’d be able to offer Scott the pair of them as wolves to do with what he wanted. No one told either of us what had happened, and Danny was feeling guilty trying to talk Jake out of it. When we found out the pair of them had gone off with my brothers, we rushed home hoping to stop it. Danny heard our car and warned them we were coming.”

“Instead, he thought Danny had told me via this ‘psychic link’ and that’s why we came to stop them so quickly.” I finished, knowing where this story was going.

“That explains it then.” Noah joined in. “As soon as your Nan told you Danny had gone with Jake and the Blakes, you two were out of there!”

Nanna stopped fiddling with her shirt.

“Exactly.” Michael nodded.

“Your father must be a desperate man then to even attempt to try this.” Will concluded as he leant back into his chair and the heat was off our story as everyone seemed to drop their guard now.

“Yes and Scott will probably end up killing him because of it.” Now I squeezed Michael’s hand.

“That doesn’t bother you? He is your father?”

“He hasn’t been my father for a long time. I might not be able to do it, but he’s had it coming.” He answered coldly.

“What about that incident with Ben?” Karen suddenly piped up.

“What?” I answered dumbly.

“You clearly know Mrs Attwell and her granddaughter is just as much of a force to be reckoned with when she’s unhappy about something.” Michael played it off simply, even daring to smile. “Sarah is not one of us, but even humans can intimidate weak wolves.”

Will didn’t seem to like that, yet nodded his head. I had stood up to him, challenged him and knew what I was doing. The look in his eye told me that he knew what too and wasn’t sold on Michael’s story.

“You even said yourself Will, Sarah here reminds you of Darren!” Nanna laughed, ignoring the tension that was clearly growing around us. “Now, are we done? I would like to have Anna and Danny home soon.”

It was decided that Michael would return to the club house, and there was no doubt that his arrival wouldn’t fail to draw out Scott. While the location he had given them last night was connected to the pack, it was an old property that was used only as a safe house when police heat got too close for comfort. Details had been passed on to the local detectives for future reference and once Scott left home, then the others would go in for Danny and Annabelle.

Nanna and I would be waiting with Noah here, and Will had organised a doctor to join us shortly and be waiting at the veterinary clinic to check them both out. It was a solid plan except for the part about what would happen once Scott met up with Michael and his family.

“Don’t worry about me, just get your brother back. What ever you do, don’t let anyone find out about the connection between you two and if there is anything else I don’t want to know anyway!” He kept me tucked under his arm as we finally followed the others out in the carpark.

“Can werewolves actually smell lies?” I ask in barely a whisper.

He actually laughs at that. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“But in there-”

“I told the truth, I just, didn’t tell all of it how it should be told. I think these guys aren’t like the wolves I’ve grown up around so don’t worry too much. Think of it like this, you could ask me if the sky is blue. I could nod, but instead say, yeah it’s a nice colour. I didn’t say it wasn’t blue, but I didn’t say it was either.” He winks.

“Be careful,” I hug him tightly, scared to let go incase it’s for the last time. Just thinking that had the tears coming, and I hugged him even harder.

“You too, Bright Eyes.”

He gently wiped my tears away and let me go, only as he turned to walk away I couldn't let him go.

"I've changed my mind, we get a new plan."

"I'm starting to think you might care about me." The stupid look of satisfaction on his face didn't even bother me now and I grabbed hold of him again.

"You know I do."

And then I kissed him, and it wasn't anything like the first time, or even the second. I wanted him to stay, and we work out a new plan together. I did care, too much maybe, and I hated that the concept of there even being an us was over before it could even begin.

"Sarah, inside." Nanna called, her order clear and final as the van horned beeped.

"It's not goodbye Sarah. We'll get Danny back and work out the rest, alright?"

I can't answer him and Noah stands beside me as we watch Michael slip into the back of the van that the scary woman just drove around from out the back. As soon as they leave, we go back inside and wait to see if this would work.

Turns out, there was no need to wait for Scott to leave. His property was unguarded, well the few watch dogs that were around didn’t pose any problems. Noah received the call they were on their way an hour after Michael had left and the doctor arrived ten minutes later. She set herself up in one of the operating rooms, and I didn’t ask why.

When the SUV pulled up in the carpark and Annabelle was helped out from the back, relief took over at seeing her relatively unharmed. She was still crying, pale and looked like she’d been gone for weeks. The second she saw Nanna and I, she started to cry all over again, before pointing her finger at me.

“This is your fault! They thought I was you!” She screamed.

Nanna was quick to hush her and took her through to the waiting doctor, while I had no time or patience for her right now. I had to see Danny. Running over to the back, they lifted the rear door and Will, as well as a couple of guys I hadn’t met yet pulled the tarp out with the wolf stuck in the middle of it. My hands covered my mouth, shock keeping me frozen as they rushed past and another man I didn’t know stopped beside me to lead me in since my feet became glued to the spot.

“It’s not safe out here, come on Miss.” He coughed awkwardly, before gently pushing me forward. “We got him to shift to try and help some of his, injuries. The pup hadn’t been able to since they kept a collar on him.”

Hearing that snaps me out of my daze and I chase after them. Annabelle has shut up, and Nanna is feeding her water and sandwiches. Noah is sitting on a chair beside her, while the pair of them try to start explaining what is going on while assuring her it’s all over now.

Danny is no longer on the tarp and the doctor is already fussing all over him. From the table she is filling up syringes and injecting who knows what into him, but Danny hasn’t moved or flinched once.

He hates needles.

“Get her out!” She orders and looking William in the eye, he is delusional if he thinks that is happening.

“This is his twin, she should stay.”

Any trust I may have had for our helped vanished. The way he looked between us set me on edge and slipping past him, I grab Danny’s paw while I start to stroke his cheek.

“Is he okay? What are you giving him?”

“He’s a werewolf, and he will be fine. From this marks on his legs, looks like they were using silver on him.” She answers, stopping to listen to his heart.

Smoothing his fur, I notice another cut on his ribs and try not to vomit at how infected it’s already looking. It’s bubbly and raw, while his flesh is grey and black.

“This should help him fight the poisoning.” The doctor injects him again, right in the wound and this time his paw twitches in my hand. “He should stay in this form though, at least until it starts to kick in.”

“Danny, I’m here. You’re okay now. We got you.” I tell him over and over until we’re left alone.

Looking up at the door, Will is standing just outside so I keep talking until I hug his head and let myself cry. Some is for show, the rest is what I can’t stop.

‘Danny, no matter what happens, no one can know what we can do. No one!’ I tell him.

‘Are you okay?’ He asks, the thumping swish of his tail trying to wag getting my attention.

‘Yes. I’m fine now. We’ll work it out. Just, if you feel me in your mind, like now or with feeling stuff, push me out. Imagine a wall or actually pushing me away. It’s not safe for us.’

He whines, and licks my cheek, while I rub behind his ears. It’s not long until he falls asleep and I pull over a stool to sit on beside him too afraid to leave him again. In that moment, everything is okay. I have Danny back. Annabelle is safe. It doesn’t matter that we still have the issue of Scott to deal with. Then I think of Michael, and it matters a lot. He isn't here, not everything is okay.

I’m not sure how long I sit there guarding Danny, worrying about Michael and thinking of how I’m going to face our parents after this, but that all stops when Annabelle screams. Vicious snarling and a few popping sounds echo from the other room and rushing to the door I peek out the glass window in the middle.

I wish I hadn’t.

Two wolves stand by Nanna, Annabelle and Noah, while another is motionless to their right. Dark red blood pools around it’s chest, seeming out of place on the clinic white flooring. Some of the others huddle together, while another shakes their coat as they finish changing.

Will strides forward and I can’t see who he is looking at from here, but I can see the guns pointing at him. Worse than that, I’m still staring out the window when Michael is thrown towards him and the expensive looking, black leather shoe is slammed into his back to send him sprawling onto the floor.

“Over there with them or we’ll kill you all.” Someone threatens and reluctantly, Will steps towards Nanna. “Not there, over that way!”

He comes my way, looking beyond furious, but he’s right not to react. At least not yet.

The soft clack of footsteps echoes in the silent room, and I duck down behind the cupboard as I realise it’s coming this way. A shadow appears in the doorway, before the steps continue and Danny doesn’t move.

I have no doubt who is out there. If Mr Blake and Will have that uncanny way of filling the air with electricity, Scott can set it on fire.

“This whole time your father has been telling me that he has found me a perfect pair. I thought if I asked you, a trusted friend, a boy that I watched turn into a man and considered family, to keep an eye on the crazy old bastard, that if what he said was true - you would tell me.” Scott has his back to me when I dare to look again and he towers above Michael, before kicking him over onto his side. “So you change that kid. I can deal with that. I meet him, see potential for something there, and then I hear about his sister.”

He looks over at Annabelle, who has gone as still as a statue and I doubt even her tears would dare move in their journey down her cheeks right now.

“So you got the bitch pregnant?“ Scott laughs, and before anyone can stop him, he has Annabelle against him with a gun to her head. “Guess you really need to tell me what I want to know Michael. One.”

“I’m, I’m not her! I’m not Sarah!” Annabelle screams, and Michael struggles to look over at them. “I keep telling you I’m Annabelle! Please believe me!”

“Two.” Scott counts unphased by her begging.

No one moves to help her.

I don’t think they believe he will actually do it. Nanna isn’t willing to take that chance, taking a step closer and is about to protest, when instead Scott swings his arm out and knocks her to the ground.

She doesn’t get up.

“No!” I’m out of the room with Danny, limping and whining behind me. I didn’t even know he was awake. “She’s telling the truth. Let her go!”

I finally get to see Scott Fellan in person and it is a terrifying sight. No one moved to help Annabelle because it didn’t look like they could. Two idiots with guns held them in both groups, while all the werewolves had their heads dropped to their feet. The humans looked too scared to do much else, and I made the stupid mistake of catching his gaze.

Photographs didn’t do him justice.

Nothing could replicate the piercing green of his eyes or they way I literally felt him stabbing them through my mind and into my soul. It wasn’t normal, it wasn’t human. Scott Fellan was something else. He definitely wasn’t like Will, or Michael and Mr Blake.

Danny whined and nudged my leg, slumping to the ground I wasn’t sure if it was in submission or just him passing out from the way he had moved after me.

“Sarah, I presume?” He greeted with a wicked smile.

There was no where I could go, nothing I could do - except stand there like a deer in headlights and wait for the collision. I didn’t wake up thinking I was going to die today, but in that moment, I didn’t think I was going to be given any other choice.

I wanted to be strong, brave; to hide my fear as he ripped me apart without doing a damn thing. Slow, confident steps had him coming over to stand in front of me and extending his hand, I slipped mine into it.

“Excuse the theatrics, but I’ve been waiting to meet you.” There was a slight hint of an accent, Irish perhaps, but that didn’t make much sense since he was born and bred here. Either way, he was applying on the charm thick and heavy and it only fueled how scared I was.

“You could’ve just called.” I answered.

“Perhaps.” He nodded, clearly amused at my answer.

For someone in their early forties, Scott didn’t really look it. I would pick him for mid-thirties, since he was starting to show the signs of being around for a while, yet was still fit and strong enough to remove any doubt that he wasn’t still capable of being one of the most ruthless men in the country.

“Leave her, alone!” Michael growled, managing to stagger to his feet.

“I just want to talk to her, Michael.” Scott didn’t hide his patronizing tone and everything was going in his favour. He could do what he want and no one here could stop him. “So, Sarah. How about you tell me what is going on with you and your twin, before I start lowering your friend count.”

“Nothing.” I blurted out.

He looked over at the guy in the corner and nodded. Without another word he moved over to Noah and now he was the one at risk as the black tip of the gun was pushed against his temple.

“Do you not understand how this works? What is going on with you and Danny?” Scott asked curtly.

“He turned into a werewolf. I was at the party and went looking for him, so did Jake. He was arguing with Michael and then, then he started to change. It was horrible, and disgusting, and the sounds!” I cringed at the memory, but didn’t forget what Michael told me. “I wanted to help him, and Michael held me back. I don’t know what happened then, but suddenly Danny was a black wolf and they ran off.”

I didn’t know what happened. How could I even begin to understand the magic that made them turn into wolves or the fact, Danny changing woke up some kind of psychic link between us.

“Okay.” Scott nodded, looking thoughtful. “And how did that make you feel?”

His tone grated on my nerves, as he slowly sauntered over to me so we were barely an arm length apart.

“Terrified.” I admitted.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“Confused. Scared. Shocked.” I sounded like a thesaurus, coming up with variations of the same words over and over until Scott laughed again only this time it was fake and bitter.

“Well, this has been disappointing!” Turning to Michael, he clicked his fingers. “He comes with us. Kill the rest.”

He started to walk out while one of the guys with a gun went towards Michael and the other fired a shot that had the man I didn’t know beside Will dropping to the floor instantly.

“No! Sarah, run!” Michael ordered, but where would I run to exactly?

Michael was up at charged at the guy closest to him, knocking him down instantly. The pair wrestled as Will dropped beside his fallen friend and the others all tried to make a run for the back exit, just as another two gunman stormed in that way and cocked their guns ready to fire.

Nanna hadn’t moved, and Noah was trying to urge Annabelle to get up, all the while I just stood there in shock at the chaos around me. It was the sound of the gun firing between Michael and Scott’s man that made me jump into action and turning to Danny, he was panting heavily, his eyes locked into Scott.

If we take out Scott we might have a chance of surviving this.

Will’s people all changed as quick as they could into wolves, making the space seem even smaller. Michael had taking control of the gun and as Scott left to the waiting room, he took out the other man that had taken over guarding the exit. I don’t think I’d ever get used to the sound the gun made and as Michael turned to us, Danny ran towards the door.

“Danny!” As soon as I went to go after him, Michael was there stopping me.

“Stay down!” He snapped, knocking over a table and shoving me down behind it. He followed after Danny and as more shots were fired, I covered my ears and focused on Danny.

He was hurt, angry and suddenly not there anymore. Just like that. Gone.

“No!” I gasped and oblivious as to what was going on behind me, I ran through the doors too. “Dan-!”

My scream left me as I stumbled to a stop beside the reception counter. Danny was on the floor - breathing, but still as a woman held a rifle like the one Peta’s dad had to his head. Michael wasn’t much better as three restrained him and duct tape was put over his mouth. Scott simply stood there at attention with his hands behind his back.

“I like to think I’m a reasonable man. Fair, patient and so, this is your last chance Sarah,” he motioned to Michael. “Tell me what I want to know.”

Looking at Michael, he shook his head. “Danny and I, we-”

Scott glanced at him too, before nodding slightly. The dark-skinned woman that had put the tape over his mouth produced a dagger, and trailed the blade down his bare arm leaving a trail red behind. His breath started to come out in short, harsh bursts and the growl was undeniable as he kept struggling. Meeting my gaze, he managed to wink and still shook his head.

He said not to let Scott find out, but at the risk of losing his life and the others too?

“Why? Why do this! I told you everything!” I cried, trusting Michael. I just hoped he knew what he was doing and if anything went any further I’d be telling Scott everything. “We won’t tell anyone. I promise we won’t!”

“Begging already?” He taunted. I was in front of Michael in the blink of an eye, while one of Scotts arms was around my waist, and his free hand grabbed my chin. “What is it about her that has got everyone’s attention?”

Michael didn’t look at me, choosing to glare at Scott instead.

Danny stirred behind me and from the other room, I could hear Nanna yelling my name. If she came out here, well I didn’t want to think that far ahead. As his hand felt like it was starting to crush my jaw, Danny yelped.

“You’re fucking pathetic!”

“Oh, she speaks. What was that sweetheart?” He leered, and I knew I was simply becoming a game piece between what ever was going on between him and Michael.

“You heard me!” I managed to find some kind of calm confidence as he actually let me go, forcing me around to face him. “ We’re clearly no match for you, and yet you still you act like we’re a threat. What kind of monster takes advantage of the weak?”

His eyes narrowed in on me, making me feel like I was an inch tall and all I wanted to do was disappear. I had no idea what I was actually thinking, mouthing off at him like that.

I should be begging for my life.

“Where is she!” Nanna’s shrill scream broke my heart.

“Now that is interesting.” Scott pointed his finger at me, shaking it before rubbing his chin. “Go see what’s happening out there.”

The woman by Danny left us and instantly he got to his feet.

“For a second there, you weren’t scared of me. Where does that courage come from I wonder?” Scott went over to Danny; who only growled and tried to back away.

Scott lunged at him, grabbing the wolf by the scruff of the neck. Danny yelped as one of the wounds on his side met Scott’s foot and he slammed into the rack of brochures for dog daycare, groomers and worming information.

“Stop!” I screamed, running over and grabbing Scotts arm to try and pull him away.

Instead, I found myself falling on Danny and he barely grunted in disapproval. I got up and crouched over the black wolf, trying to tell him it was okay as his eyes rolled back into his skull.

“Clearly not from him. Perhaps there isn’t anything between you after all.” He mused, more to himself, yet his gaze never left us.

“Danny! Danny, wake up!” His head was limp as I lifted it and Michael finally got free, tearing the tape from his mouth, he shoved himself in between us and Scott.

“Enough. You made your point.” Michael growled, his hands curled into fists at his side.

Turning back to Danny, I don’t know what happened in that moment as I’m suddenly up and against the wall.

“I’m curious about you. Forget Danny. I heard what you can do, and if that one is stupid enough to put himself between me and you - I’ll give you one, final offer and if you agree, I’ll leave all of these miserable fucks alone.”

I look around to see Nanna and Annabelle being bought in at gun-point and Michael now has the dagger against his throat. I don’t think he knew that though. What ever happened to move him, had left him about as conscious as Danny.

“They’re my family and friends, you’re not giving me much choice.”

“That’s the spirit.” Scott smiled a very toothy grin. “Then I guess you’ll have no problem in becoming one of us?”

“What?” I don’t know how I didn’t see that coming.

Holding out his hand, the woman left Michael and walked over to us, passing him her weapon.

“Sarah!” Nanna cried, only to have the hand of the guy behind her put over her mouth.

Annabelle was silent. I don’t think she even knew what was happening.

Scott took off his suit jacket, and the woman rolled up the cuff of his sleeve. His eyes never left mine once and even as he took the blade to his skin and without even wincing, sliced a small piece of his flesh off. My stomach sunk, before everything wanted to go back the other way and I tried to swallow as my throat burned.

“Going once.” Scott smirked, as he lifted his forearm up to his mouth and licked the cut.

I gagged.

Then I saw the piece of him sitting in a puddle of blood on the blade and I quickly covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I fought the urge to throw up.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. If werewolf hearing was as good as they keep telling me, I had no doubt that he could hear it. His eyes were a perfect blend of human and wolf; the steady and unnerving gaze only making my fear worse. There wasn’t going to be a way out of this.

“Going twice.” He raised the dagger towards me, a silent move that was made to challenge and taunt.

Backing down wasn’t an option.

My hand was shaking as I reached forward, taking deep slow breaths, I tried to bring myself to touch the warm piece of flesh. Picking it up was one part of the battle - the next would actually being able to take it to my lips and swallowing. I dropped my hand, and Michael had been right when he told me I was out my depth. Looking at him now, there was no help there.

“Last chance.” Scott was clearly enjoying this and pulling it away from me, it was now or never and if it gave us all a little more time, so be it.

“I’ll do it. I’ll become one of you.” I told him, and I’d swallowed it before he could consider trying to stop me. Not that I thought he would.

“Smart choice.” He smirked.

The dagger went back to the woman and with a click of his fingers, the others left their posts to follow Scott out the door.

Was that it?

Was it really over?

“Bring the twins.” He ordered as he disappeared and as I went to do what I could to fight the woman coming towards me, the fire started in my belly.

The heat spread into my chest, down my torso and into my legs, and closing my eyes, I could in point each and every vein as my blood warmed up. My knees gave out first, though I never fell as I felt strong hands catch me. The woman smiled, her teeth so much whiter than her skin, and I realised she wasn’t the one holding me.

It didn’t matter, because after the burning sensation left me, I felt so light and free. I felt drunk. It became harder to focus as I was taken outside and instantly I covered my eyes as the sun was too bright above us. I found it harder and harder to care about what I just did, what I had seen. I couldn’t remember who was shot or if blood on the floor was a bad thing.

Someone started to laugh.

I could hear it was coming from me and I couldn’t stop it, not even when we pulled out of the car park or when I saw everyone coming out of the clinic and attempt to chase after us.

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