Broken Vows

Chapter 9: Escape

Regret, a lifetime of regret, is all we are left with in the end. I wish I had done so many things in my life differently. If I had just known, even with all the magic in the world. We don’t get to know everything, and so many times, I have repeated my mother’s words.

Unknown POV

As the small figure moved unseen through the shadows in the corridors and down into the dungeon. It pulled the cloak a little tighter around itself. It moved so silently down the steps it could have been nothing but wind. As it reached the cell of the sleeping dragon king, the door of the cell swung open like it had never been locked at all.

Cadmus began to stir from his enchanted sleep as the little figure moved closer. As Cadmus started to fully regain his Canciones. he growled and snapped his head at the approaching form.

“Oh, really, is that any way to treat the person tiring to save your stupid life?” the voice hissed just over a whisper. “How to be quiet before you ruin all my hard work. The guards will be coming soon, and I would like to be far away before finding you missing. ”

“How are you, and what are you doing?” Cadmus utters, trying to shake the last of the spell-induced grogginess away.

“For a king, I thought you would be smarter.” The cloaked figure lets out an irritated sigh and pushes the cloak back just a litter to glare with its large silver eyes at the dragon king, “If you don’t get up and follow me now, we are both as good as dead, and you won’t get to save the witch you love so much. Now get up and come on already.”

Cadmus takes in the little figure no bigger than a child. Her delicate face and porcelain-like skin look as pale as the moon itself. She could have been a doll. Cadmus stands and moves closer, only making her seem smaller. How can this child help us? Victor queries. She smells strange too. I don’t know what she is. I don’t trust her. I want my little witch.

“Argue with each other later.” the girl says in a demanding whisper. She turns and starts for the door.

“How do I know I can trust you. I want to see Willow.” Cadmus demands back at her, still keeping his voice low.

“Well, the way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice, and if you want to ever see Willow, we need to get out of here alive before my brother finds us.” The girl starts moving faster as Cadmus registers what she just said. He doesn’t hesitate to follow the girl as she rushes up the stair as silent as the night. Cadmus cringes as his boots scrape the stone steps and make far more noise than he would like.

“My spells are going to be warring off. You really might be more trouble than you are worth, the girl whispers over her shoulder as they reach the top of the stairs. The door is slightly open. The girl slips through it, never slowing down as Cadmus pushes the door open to fit his large frame through it.

The door makes a slight scuffing sound on the floor, and Cadmus cringes. The girl keeps moving swiftly down the corridor and through another door. They are in the kitchen, and the small girl wastes no time heading out the kitchen door and into the vegetable garden. She’s still staying close to the showdowns, but Cadmus is having trouble hiding as well.

The sudden shouts from the castle and the flicking on of lights get Cadmus’s heart pounding harder. As much as he wants to save Willow and make her see that she is meant to be with him, he can’t do that from inside a dungeon. And if this girl is Haedon’s sister, then she could help him solve the mystery of who or what Hadeon even is.

“Well, your highness, I think they know now, and we need to move. Can you shift and get us the hell out of here now!” The girl says over her shoulder. Cadmus shifts, still running from the castle as coven members and guards burst out of the door chasing after them. Victor takes over and pumps his wings as the girl stops running, leaping and grabbing his great front leg as he begins to leave the ground. The girl positions herself to where she can sit in his large front claws, still holding on to his leg. He glances back, seeing that the procurers have stopped.

Victor climbs higher and higher into the sky. I want to go back. Willow needs us. She needs us to protect her. Victor’s deep voice grumbles. I know, but I think we need a plan, and we need to find out what she knows. She’s the only one that knows Hadeon. Cadmus reminds the dragon.

Cadmus looks down in the claws to see the child slightly. Her long silver hair is tied back in a tight ponytail. Her hair looks so much like silver that it even shines like it. What is this child? What are she and Hadeon? I have never seen anything like her before, Viter and Cadmus are very confused by this strange creature, and while they don’t trust her, they wish to learn what she knows.

“Keep flying until we reach the mountains. There is a cave there; we will be safe in.” She says in her demanding little tone.

“Why don’t I just go back to my home instead?” Victor argues.

“Because you big lizard, that is the first place they will look, and you still stand accused of murder.” She states that it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

Victor growls at the child. “I’m no lizard. Little runt. I can gather my men and kill Hadeon.

“No, you can’t. He’s harder to kill than you think, and his reach is further than you think. He probably has spies in your castle. He has them everywhere; please just listen to me, and if you don’t want me calling you a lizard, have more sense than one.”

Victor growls again, but they clearly think over this strange girl’s words. Who can we trust, and that is Hadeon after?


Cadmus’s POV

The flight takes all night, and the sun just creeps over the horizon. I can feel every painful beat of my wings, and Victor’s potions are wearing thin quickly. He still thinks returning home would be for the best. He insists that we can just get information from her and then go back home to form a plan of attack. He still hasn’t given up that Willow would feel something for us. As much as I wish I could have taken Willow away with us, and as much as I wish I could have killed Hadeon, I know I need to think things through. I’m being framed for the murder of the supreme Rosland. She was like a mother to me as well, and the fact that anyone could believe that I would hurt her is crushing all in itself.

Things have gone from bad to worse in the short time that bastard Hadeon appeared. I have exhausted every rescores trying to discover anything about him, but I can’t find anything. It’s like he’s a ghost or smoke just appearing from nothing.

This girl says she’s his sister, and I’m desperate enough to believe her. I just hope this isn’t a mistake and a trap. I know the pain in my heart from this damaged bond is causing me to be a bit more careless. I just want it to stop hurting. I don’t know how much longer I can stand this aching before I really do start to lose my mind, and victor and I genuinely become monsters. I can’t let that happen, I may need to accept the rejection, but Victor growls in my mind, NO! I won’t let you! Something has interfered with our bond, and we will fix it and save our little witch. Dragons are known for being stubborn and passionate about things, and Victor is very persistent regarding Willow.

The girl shifts and stands, gripping my leg and pointing at the cliff side of the mountain. I can see the large cave in the high peek and wonder how she could even reach it without flying. When we get close to the opening, she shocks me and leaps from my claws, landing effortlessly in the mouth of the cave.

Victor and I scan the area for anyone else, but we can’t see or smell anyone around. I take the chance and land, barely fitting in the mouth of the dark cave. I’m forced to shift just to fit into the cave, and the girl covers her eyes with her hand. “Gross, you could have warned me.” She huffs, annoyed at me.

“Well, it was shift or fall, and honestly, I don’t think I can fly anymore for a while.” I shrug, still looking around for any sign this is a trap. The cave is small and empty except for the small bag by the wall. We seem to be the only two here, but I can’t relax.

“I know you can see the bag by the wall. Get it and get dressed, please.” The strange girl huffs again, clearly impatient.

“Who are you anyway, and what help can you even be? You were in a hurry to get out of there without seeing your brother Hadeon. Why? Why help me and go, agents, him?” I ask, grabbing the bag and pulling out a pair of trousers, pulling them on so the girl can uncover her face. I pull on the shirt when she finally peeks out through her fingers. She sighs in relief and takes off her cloak. She is a child no more than thirteen, maybe at the most fourteen. Now that I can see her better, the slight point to her ears is hard to miss. She’s Fea but not completely. She does resemble Hadeon, and I don’t drought she’s related to him.

“I have no love for my brother. He is selfish and cruel, and I can’t just watch as he destroys the world, can I?” She sounds sincere, and I want to believe her.

“Do you have a name? And why don’t you tell me what you know.” I can’t stand it anymore. I’m far too tired, and the longer I stand, the more I feel like collapsing. Victor has already retreated in my mind trying to regain some of his strength. I’m surprised we made it this far between the covens spells and potions. I sit and prop my back agents the wall but still close enough to the entrance that I could escape hopefully if I needed to.

“My name is Theia, and Hadeon is my older brother. No, I didn’t want to face him, and if you knew him as well as I do, you would be in less of a hurry to face him as well. I have seen what he can do, and I have seen what he will do.” Theia has a bit of fear in her tone now. She moves to the back of the cave and grabs another bag, and I watch her closely as she brings it to me. She hands it to me, and when I open it, I find some bread and fruit along with a jug. I pull the jug out a pop the cork sniffing it. It’s only water, but I’m still hesitant.

“If I wanted you dead, I would have left you there, you big dummy.” Theia quips, sounding more like her sharped-tonged self, and I roll my eyes taking a large drink.

“So, tell me, Theia, what do you mean by you have seen what Hadeon wants to do?” I ask, wiping my mouth. She hangs her head, and when she looks up, tears are rimming her eyes.

“He’s going to burn the world if we don’t do something.” She breathes out. The look on her face is one of pure fear like she can see the flames even now with her strange silver eyes.

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