Broken Souls

Chapter 8: Maybe

Kay’s POV

There are three days ’til my birthday. I’m still feeling nervous. I still don’t feel like I have a wolf, and it makes me sad to think about it, but I keep trying to be patient. It’s 3 A.M., and I’m getting ready to go down to the kitchen. It took a bit of convincing, but I finally got Ms. Walker to let me make some pastries for breakfast this morning.

I’m beyond excited. I’m rushing out of my room quietly, pulling on my favorite green hoodie. I know it’s way too big, but I love it. I haven’t seen Alpha Aaron since the day in the kitchen when he introduced himself to me. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about him and the hurt in his eyes. I could see it even when he was joking with Oriel; he seems so sad.

I hurry up down the stairs, and I make it to the kitchen. I know I need to get done and out of the way before Ms. Walker comes in. I get to the kitchen and first turn on some music. Ms. Walked showed me how to work the little speaker in the kitchen, and I love it. I make sure it isn’t loud, so I don’t wake anyone. I then get to work singing and dancing. As quietly as I can, I work on the dough I made earlier for the fruit pastries I plan on making. I couldn’t be happier being here. I love Oriel and Ms. Walker, but I’m still afraid the Boss will come for me. The feeling I need to go to protect my new friends is terrible. I know I should go, but I’m happy, and I want that for even just a short time. I push the thoughts from my mind for now because right now, I’m making pastries, and I’m happy.

I’ve been working for a while, and the smell of fruit and puff pastries fills the kitchen. I can’t help but smile as I take the last tray out of the oven to cool. I clean up my mess, so Ms. Walker wouldn’t be annoyed at me, but I’m a mess. I have flour all over. I never can manage to stay clean when I bake.

A song I like comes on, and I’m dancing to it as I put the last of the cooled pastries on pretty serving platers. When someone coughs, I jump and almost drop the plate. I look to the door where the cough came from, and there is Alpha Aaron. I don’t know what to do ot how long has he been there. Am I in trouble?

“I…. I’m…. Umm… I’m sorry.” I really need to learn how to make a complete sentence.

“Why are you apologizing?” He asks, and I can see him smirking at me.

“I thought maybe I bothered you or something.” I manage to say as I finish plating pastries.

“No, I smelled those, and I heard music. I know Ms. Walker doesn’t come in this early, so I thought I would see what was going on,” he explains. His is face is a blank mask. Now that the smirk is gone, he’s so handsome. I know I’m a mess, and I blush thinking about it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, was the music too loud? I didn’t mean to bother anyone.” I go and turn off the music. I turn back around, and I see him walk over to the counter where I have arranged the pastries.

“I said you didn’t bother anyone.” He looks at the trays on the counter. “Did you make all of these by yourself?” He asks, looking me over. All I can do is nod and bush even more.

“May I have one?” Did he just ask me for permission? Again, I just nod at him, and my face feels like it must be bright red.

“Did you forget how to speak?” He asks me, smirking at me again. I shake my head then start internally kicking myself. Oh my god, what is wrong with me? I wish the floor would open up and swallow me. He’s still looking at me, and I want nothing more than to run out of the kitchen. I’m not sure what to do, so of course, I let my mouth run away with me before I can stop it: “Are you going to try one or just keep staring at me?”

Oh no, I just did that, didn’t I? I clamp both hands over my mouth, and my eyes go wide. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I say through my hands; I’m pretty sure this is how I die. To my shock, he just picks up a pasty and tries it. I’m waiting for him to say something or be angry with me for being so rude, but he doesn’t seem mad. He finishes eating looks at me.

“I think you should make those again.” He says, and he leaves the kitchen.

Alpha Aaron’s POV

I think I need to start avoiding the kitchen. That was probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten. I had just gotten back from patrol, and I smelled the wonderful smells from the kitchen. Then I heard music. I got to the kitchen to see what was going on, and there she was. Of course, I told Oriel to keep her out of the way, and I find her everywhere.

She was dancing around putting those delicious things on plates. She was even wearing my sweater again. She had flour all over her, even on her cheek. I found myself wanting to wipe the flour off just so I could have a reason to touch her cheek. I shake the unwanted thoughts from my head. I need to focus. I need to get the rogues responsible for killing Lily, and I don’t want anything to distract me from that. But seeing her in my sweater and knowing I can make her blush like that has me smiling.

Kay’s POV

I finish in the kitchen and almost run back to my room. What was that? I sit on my bed, putting my back on the headboard, and I bring my knees to my chest. I’m confused. I don’t seem to know what’s going on in my own head. I rest my head on my knees and wish Grandma was here. I could talk to her, and she would help me figure things out. I still don’t know if staying here is a safe idea. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me, and even though Oriel tells me the Boss and John are most likely dead, I can’t seem to believe it. Do monsters really die?

I finally get off the bed, get cleaned up, and dressed. I know Oriel will want me to go down to breakfast with her. As I come out of the bathroom after braiding my hair, I hear a knock at the door. I open the door, and Oriel grabs my hand, pulling me from the room, giggling.

“What’s the rush?” I ask her as she keeps pulling me.

“Well, I was thinking, do you want to join the pack?” She stops pulling me and looks at me with this almost hopeful look. I feel frozen, I don’t know what to say, and I don’t know what I should say.

“I…. I …. Really don’t know.” I finally tell her.

For just a moment, I see the hurt in her eyes, and I feel awful for hurting someone who has been so kind.

“I’m sorry,” I start to explain, but she cuts me off.

“Oh no, don’t worry about it, love. It was just a thought. Come on, let’s go to breakfast, or I know I won’t get any of the pastries you made.” She gives me her best smile, and we are back to hurrying down to the kitchen.

When we get there, I’m almost immediately pounced on by Ms. Walker, “There you are, child! You come with me right now,” she tells me. I can’t tell, am I in trouble?

“Did I do something wrong?” I ask.

Ms. Walker has my hand and pulls me to her, and I’m getting nervous. I look at Oriel, but she just shrugs at me.

“God, no child, you’re not in trouble. I want you to be paid, and I want to have you make more things like that. Everyone that works in the pack house gets paid, and you shall be no different. Do you think you can make pastries and things like that a few mornings a week?” Ms. Walker finishes talking and is looking at me, waiting for me to answer. She’s also smiling. It’s almost too much. How are they all so kind here?

It is then that I feel the tears slip from my eyes, “Do you really want me to?” I ask, not trusting my own ears.

“Yes, I really do,” she says with a kind smile. “Those wonderful little things you made this morning were a big hit. I had to fight warriors and pack members off just so I could send one up on Alpha’s breakfast tray, and Oriel ate three this morning.”

I look back at Oriel, and she grins and shrugs; she knew about this. I look back at Ms. Walker, and I nod. “Okay, I guess I can.”

“That’s great, dear. I’ll talk with Alpha Aaron and make sure you get paid for your work.” She smiles at me again and hurries off.

I wipe the tears away and walk back to Oriel, “You ate three, and you knew about this?” I can’t help but smile at her. She gives me a cheeky grin in return.

“I may have known something, and yes, I had three, and I had to fight several people to get them. They were amazingly delicious. Also, I saw my brother this morning, and he was smiling at a pastry. Why is that?” I can’t help the blush that rushes my face.

“I don’t know.” But she eyes me suspiciously.

“Well, I know you’re nervous about staying, but I really hope you do. Oh, and I almost forgot. We need to take you to see doc. So, let’s go, or he’ll be mad at me.” We leave the pack house and head to the hospital.

We get there, and Dr. Owens sees me right away. He is extremely happy with how I’m doing. He thinks my healing is speeding up even though I still can’t hear my wolf. He says that’s normal because of how sick from the wolfs bane and underweight I have been. It isn’t surprising at all. Knowing that makes me feel better. He says I can join training if I want but no sparing yet. I still need to take that a little slower. We leave the hospital, and Oriel takes me for coffee. Oh gosh, I have missed coffee.

She keeps looking at me like she’s putting a puzzle together, but when I ask, she says it’s nothing. We try some yummy apple muffins at the coffee shop. I know I can make these. My mind wonders to sad, dark, honey-colored eyes. I wonder if he likes apple muffins. I know he likes apples. I shake the thought from my head.

Once I get back to the pack house, I help Ms. Walker clean up from dinner. I eat with her and the other omegas because Beta Michael said he was stealing his mate away to go out on a date. They are very cute together. I told Ms. Walker about the muffins, and she said I could have the kitchen tonight. Muffins would be excellent in the morning. She did tell me not to stay up all night when she left. She doesn’t know that I hate sleeping. I told her I wouldn’t stay up too late, but I plan on having fun with this. Baking is better than nightmares.

Alpha Aaron’s POV

It’s past midnight when I step out of my office, and I feel so defeated. I still can’t find that monster. I have had my men check every lead I could find from searching his maps and ledgers, but nothing. Maybe he is dead. There are a lot of names listed in some of the ledgers. Does he have that many rogues?

Ms. Walker came to see me as well today. She wants to add Kay to her staff and said she needs to be paid. I may be Alpha, but I know better than to argue with Mr. Walker. I tell her I’ll take care of it. Does this mean Kay is going to stay? Oriel says she doesn’t know what Kay wants to do. She also tells me that Kay is afraid the Boss will find her. I don’t know if I want her to leave right now. Where would she go?

Then the smell of baked apples wafts towards me. Does she know I love apples? I know she must be in the kitchen. Before I can even think about it, my feet are heading to the kitchen. Maybe she’s in my sweater again? I stop walking and shake my head and run my hands in my hair. What am I doing? I should just go to my room and try and sleep, but I already know I won’t find sleep there, only nightmares. I let myself follow the delicious smell of baked apples to the kitchen.

Kay’s POV

I’m happily dancing in the kitchen and mixing more muffin batter. I have already made several dozen and have a couple dozen more in the ovens, but I want there to be plenty, and I don’t want to sleep.

Then I hear a gruff, almost angry voice. “Don’t you sleep?” I look up, and there leaning on the doorframe is Alpha Aaron.

“Not when I can help it.” I shrug back at him. Wait, why did I say that? I really need to control my mouth. I scold myself as I glance at him, but his face is a mask.

Then again, before I can stop my mouth, “Don’t you sleep?” Yep, I really need to get control of that. It’s going to get me in real trouble.

“Not when I can help it.” He smirks back at me, but I see that pain in his dark honey-colored eyes. Why is he so sad?

He’s still staring at me, and I don’t know what to say. So, I just keep working, trying to pretend I’m not uncomfortable. Then he asks, “Why don’t you like to sleep, Kay?”

Should I tell him, and why do I like it so much when he says my name? Should I tell him I have nightmares? I don’t tell anyone about them, “I…. I have…. nightmares.” I didn’t know why, but I want to tell him everything.

He seems scary, and I should probably be scared of him, but I’m not at the moment. I want to talk to him. It’s a strange feeling. He makes me nervous, but I want to talk to him. What is wrong with me? He’s the Alpha, and I’m no one. Why would he even care? He probably just came down here because I’m being too loud or something. He hasn’t said anything yet, “I’m sorry, I didn’t….”

He cuts me off, “I have nightmares too.” Now I’m staring at him. He hasn’t left the doorway. I put down the mixing bowl, pick up a muffin, and hold it out to him.

He walks over to me and takes the muffin, “Thank you, Kay,” He says. He takes a bite, and I can’t help but stare as butterflies in my stomach confuse me.

He sees me staring at him, “Now I see why Ms. Walker instead on having you added to the staff and paying you.” He says, and I blush. “That doesn’t mean you’re staying. I don’t like outsiders.” He sounds angry, and I freeze.

“I don’t think I should stay anyway.” He has a strange look on his face, and I don’t know exactly what it is.

“Why?” He asks me.

I don’t know. What do I tell him? I just shrug.

Then he asks, “What are your nightmares about?”

I look at the muffin batter. “Monsters,” I whisper, but I know he hears me. To distract myself, I start scooping muffin batter into the tin. Suddenly, he grabs my hand, and I freeze at the touch. There is a strange warm light tingling where his hand is touching mine. Just as suddenly, he lets go. The next thing I know, he turns and leaves the kitchen.

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